Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - May 15, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Image: Cumulative NIR spectra Red: CDB Electrochemical Isolate Fingerprint. Black: Average NIR C19 Vaccinated Blood. Blue: C19 Unvaccinated Blood
In this report, we continue to describe our research findings. Several important sequential scientific steps have fallen into place. In previous articles we have described the means of transforming blood via exposure to electrical current. That transformation results in the ability to rapidly and efficiently isolate the synthetic organism CDB, which we showed is the origin of the filaments seen in the blood of humanity.
In our most recent groundbreaking paper we answered the question - what is chemically in the CDB layer.
We continue to draw the connections to the historical framework provided by Clifford’s twenty five year research - which showed that the synthetic organism CBD, formerly called Morgellons, caused similar symptoms and blood manifestations as we see now in the post C19 era. In the Covid era in addition to the 25 year history of geoengineering/ bioengineering we have seen the compounded effects of alterations of the physical nature of the planet, all biology and humanity. The question is this: Is there any similarity in chemical functional groups as we know to exist in CDB and in current blood samples? In other words, can we find the NIR spectral fingerprint of CDB in the blood?
To answer this question we look at the data of the CBD NIR chemical and biological spectrum and the two groups of human blood samples, which contain 5 C19 vaccinated and 14 C19 unvaccinated people.
For those unfamiliar with NIR Spectroscopy, it is important to note that the magnitude of the graph is often less important than the shape of the graph. Variations in shape of the graph mean response to energy, which is most important here. While the graphs look very different visually, when studying them in detailed analysis we found 1:1 correlations. People might ask what is the reference to normal blood. We do not have proper reference, since both vaccinated and unvaccinated blood are abnormal at this time - however we are able to compare them against each other.
Alkenes and Polyenes:
Alkenes can act as monomers in a polymerization reaction. Polyenes refer to the presence of several alkenes. They are used to make polymer plastics and hydrogels. The simplest alkenes are ethylene, propylene, and butene. Ethylene glycol is an alkene. Polyethylene Glycol is a component of the Pfizer C19 Lipid Nanoparticles. Polyene antimycotics, sometimes referred to as polyene antibiotics, are a class of antimicrobial polyene compounds that target fungi. Polyenes can bind to many protein membranes and other proteins specifically by binding to SH groups.
Butanal is an alkene. Butanal was a component of the environmental filaments analysis we reported here:
Polymeric Alcohols:
Polymeric Alcohols like Polyvinyl Alcohols make plastics and hydrogels.
NH Amides and Polyamides:
Polyamides are polymers that contain repeating amide. Proteins are examples of naturally occurring polyamides. Polyamides are prominent polymers that combine the stiffness and excellent thermal and mechanical properties of polyamides with the biocompatibility and biodegradability of polyesters. They are used for medical applications in drug delivery systems, hydrogels, non-viral gene carriers, smart materials, composites, adhesives, and especially as scaffolds for tissue engineering .
Polymers are essential building blocks of SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY and TRANSHUMANISM.
Synthetic biology accounts for heterogeneous approaches towards minimal and even artificial life, the engineering of biochemical pathways on the organismic level, the modelling of molecular processes and finally, the combination of synthetic with nature-derived materials and architectural concepts, such as a cellular membrane. Still, synthetic biology is a discipline, which embraces interdisciplinary attempts in order to have a profound, scientific base to enable the re-design of nature and to compose architectures and processes with man-made matter. We like to give an overview about the developments in the field of synthetic biology, regarding polymer-based analogs of cellular membranes and what questions can be answered by applying synthetic polymer science towards the smallest unit in life, namely a cell.
Synthetic biology, inspired by synthetic chemistry
Additionally polymers have been used to create artificial robots and Cyborgs:
Cyborg rose has electric circuits running through polymer veins
Magnus Berggren, a professor of organic electronics at Linköping University, led a team that built a working electronic circuit from an ordinary garden rose by filling its veins with conductive polymer. Finally, they found one that worked. PEDOT , or poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene), is a classical conducting polymer used in traditional electronics. The researchers soaked a garden rose, with its roots and leaves removed, in a solution of PEDOT. Over the course of a couple of days, the polymer was taken up by the plant’s network of xylem and then solidified inside it as a gel. When they peeled away the outer bark and tissue at the bottom of the stem, the researchers could see slender dark wires winding through the rose.
Methyl groups :
Methyl groups are extremely important to the body and vital for normal cell replication. They “turn on” or “turn off” genes. Stage II liver detoxification, protein methylation, homocysteine metabolism (increasing methyl groups reduces inflammation), neurotransmitter synthesis, and nucleic acid synthesis all need methyl groups. This poses the question if the CDB microbe is stealing methyl groups from the body, hence causing accelerated aging, DNA damage and disease.
Halogens ( Methyl Iodine, Methyl Bromine, Methyl Chlorine):
Exposure to halogens, such as chlorine or bromine, results in environmental and occupational hazard to the lung and other organs.
We have shown 1:1 correlation between existence of functional chemical groups in CDB and in human blood. The spectral signature of functional groups indicating polymer hydrogels are repetitively identified. These functional groups can be found in C19 injection lipid nanoparticles and have been historically found in the environmental filament chemical analysis. N O SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE BETWEEN C19 VACCINATED AND UNVACCINATED BLOOD IS IDENTIFIED AT THIS TIME. This is in line with live blood analysis that currently shows filaments in both vaccinated and unvaccinated blood without any identifiable difference. We again call attention to the urgency of these results and express our concern about a potential human extinction level event.
If you would like to support our research Project “ What happened to Humanities Blood? “, please donate to Carnicom Institute . We are a team of scientists dedicated to saving the human species and our planet. Thank you.
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Babel - May 15, 2023
It can be so overwhelming for those of us not familiar with all the scientific lingo. I get the jest of it, but overall, I am left believing it’s so ingrained in every single aspect of our lives, that it will be nearly impossible to avoid or stay separate from all this madness from these power hungry egotistical madmen. I come across so many supplements that people suggest, that I’m not even sure what is the best ‘regimen’ to follow. How long are those products available to purchase anyway? Not to mention the personal loan to afford them all on a yearly basis. As i appreciate all the hard, tedious work of these doctors and those who risk everything to announce their findings to the public, as a simple person just living their life, helping raise grandchildren and working at strengthening their faith, I am left angry, sad for our future, and unsure how to maneuver this boat now without a compass, knowing there is a storm approaching that we have never experienced before, and knowing life as we knew it, is forever changed going forward. My heart breaks for my fellow humankind.
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OrWe'll - May 15, 2023
I have been "led" for a few weeks now, and its starting to get weird.
First I come upon Dr Ana and this substack, despite never looking or searching for anything vax related, as I am a "pure blood" (Apparently not anymore).
Tuesday May 9th, I take afternoon off for a 4 hour root canal and crown appointment at my dentist for a broken tooth...I come home its after 5pm so I click on Dr Ana's substack bookmark and home page article published day before is about "Nanotech in vaxx also in dental drugs".
Tonight, I am simply moving my bookshelf...I come to a book by Cara St Louis called "The Imagination Chronicles: Dangerous Imagination, Silent Assimilation" a strange book I remembered. I open the table of contents and see a chapter titled "Chemtrails Redux". In lieu of what I have been reading here the past 2 weeks I decided to check it out and remember what Ms. St. Louis had to say on the topic. I flip to the back of the book, and it opens right to page 281 where I have written in pen at the top "Clifford Carnicom" "New Mexico". I had no recollection of that name when I read it here, only after I saw it in the book I had read a year ago.
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