The Technocratic Agenda Of Digitizing All Genetic Sequences On Earth For Profit And The AI Existential Threat

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Apr 21, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Link to Nature article:

Multilateral benefit-sharing from digital sequence information will support both science and biodiversity conservation

Part of the Technocratic Globalist Transhumanist Agenda is to digitize all life on earth. This genetic sequencing project is part of the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 abomination by the United Nations, World Economic Forum that serves the corporate biotechnology and Big Pharma interests - of course promoted by the academic sector that is funded by the corporations who then profit by the science.

This is the website:

Digital sequence information on genetic resources

The point of such an open digital gene sequence library is the easy access of biotechnology technocrats and synthetic biology sectors to monitor and control all resources on earth and modify them. Its free because it cannot be patented, but as soon as they modify it, they can patent the sequence and profit mightily.

These demented transhumanist technocrats believe through the use of Artificial Intelligence that natural creation can be dominated, fused with technology and augmented in a much better way than billions of years of evolution. I call them demented because pure intellect without wisdom and innate spiritually evolved virtue and morality is by definition self destructive to an unfathomable degree. In their immense arrogance, they wish to do away with divine intelligence and replace it with scientism, dataism, and worship of artificial intelligence, the One World Order under the One World Religion that even the Vatican supports.

They want to also do away with humans of course, for the initial plan is to modify humanity according to the transhumanist dream, then phase out the human - this is called the posthuman era. The whole hoax of climate change and sustainable agenda is to lower the illusionary defended carbon footprint to prevent the global warming that the military industrial complex is inducing via geoengineering weather warfare. All of their demented ideas are based on technocratic delusional lies that are being implemented via social engineering programs like liberalism to mind control the masses.

Humanity and life itself is seen by technocrats as algorithms and data, mechanical biotechnological processes that can be monitored in its minutest ways and completely controlled. If this is the height of intellectual achievement, the sheer stupidity of such arrogant and ignorant humans is mind boggeling. They figure out how to hack the code of life, merge everything with technology, create AI that will outperform humanity and will then exterminate them. See the few puppet master globalists certainly want humanity to be exterminated, this is their eugenic depopulation program. But look at the amounts of scientists that are happily in service of this agenda, that will create the extinction of their own families because they participated in this delusion without considering the ramifications for all of life and the future of our species.

Intellectual and technological advancement without spiritual evolution is the most dangerous scenario possible.

Musk, a technocratic transhumanist and founder of Neuralink, with the mission of merging human brains with computers - predicts that by 2026 AI will be smarter than all humans combined.

Elon Musk says AI will be smarter than humans in 2 years

Let that sink in. No human will be able to monitor or even understand the vast data amounts that AI is processing. Hence, AI will be in charge of decision making - in the technocratic viewpoint AI will be smarter than you and hence will be able to make the best decision for you - personally downloaded into your WBAN. Nations militaries will be completely run by autonomous AI systems, as will all aspect of manufacturing, economics, surveillance and life. The current dog and pony show of politics, aka as governments, will no longer be necessary, for the technocrats will rule the world… from their penthouse suites in the cloud, to where they uploaded their consciousness and have fused with AI.

Musk estimates that the chance that AI will destroy humanity is only 20%. Since currently humanity is fusing with AI and creating the interim species Human 2.0 - the emergence of Cyborgs - humanity as we know it has a much larger chance of being destroyed via many different AI controlled pathways.

Some AI safety researchers, do admit that Musks estimates are too conservative, and that such unchecked control of society by AI would be much more destructive.

Elon Musk says there could be a 20% chance AI destroys humanity — but we should do it anyway

Roman Yampolskiy, an AI safety researcher and director of the Cyber Security Laboratory at the University of Louisville, told Business Insider that Musk is right in saying that AI could be an existential risk for humanity , but "if anything, he is a bit too conservative" in his assessment.

"Actual p(doom) is much higher in my opinion," Yamploskiy said, referring to the "probability of doom" or the likelihood that AI takes control of humankind or causes a humanity-ending event, such as creating a novel biological weapon or causing the collapse of society due to a large-scale cyber attack or nuclear war.

Please note that I had already discussed the research of PUBLIC AI programs’s ability to create the worst kind of biological weapons that would exterminate humanity:

Should We Be Concerned? "Dual Use Of Artificial-Intelligence-Powered Drug Discovery" - Shocking AI Ability To Create Bioweapons Inventory Proven - 40.000 Lethal Molecules Discovered In 6 Hours

I have written numerous articles about how self assembly nanotechnology, synthetic biology and AI can adversely affect humanity - from mind control, the hacking of the soul to complete remote control via AI of nano and micro robots:

Artificial Intelligence Hacking Of Human Brains - Nanotechnology, Artificial Intelligence Merging With Quantum Computing And The Warnings Of Extinction

Nanotechnology, Cybernetic Hive Minds, Artificial Intelligence and Mind Control - DARPA and CIA Insider Dr. Robert Duncan's Interviews Confirms Hijacking Of Human Soul Possible

Review Article: Artificial Intelligence Enhanced Biomedical Micro/Nanorobots In Microfluidics

Synthetic Biology and Artificial Intelligence - What Do We Know And What Are The Spiritual Implications?

The Rise Of The BioCyborg: Synthetic Biology, Artificial Chimerism And Human Enhancement

Plasmons and Demons in Graphene - Using Artificial Intelligence, Graphene, Metals and Plasmonic Demonic Fields for Spiritual Warfare

The digital sequences of all life will be managed by AI. Everything that applies to post human era will also apply to nature, that can be hacked in every way synbio scientists can imagine in their twisted mind.

Multilateral benefit-sharing from digital sequence information will support both science and biodiversity conservation

They do not want to conserve biodiversity. First their agenda of geoengineering warfare is destroying and exterminating species, currently at a rate of 24 species per day or 8700 per year. All of their interventions under the green climate change delusion is ACCELERATING that process. If nature’s species die, so do we. But they have the genetic code so the biotech companies can make profits by patenting engineered or genetically modified species:

The ability to decode and digitally archive DNA has revolutionized the life sciences and related fields. Sequence data, referred to as digital sequence information (DSI) in policy circles, are key to scientific advancement and technological innovation in fields as diverse as medicine, food security, green energy production, and biodiversity conservation.

You can see that they only purpose for this is PROFIT.

Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD, have recognized that countries have a sovereign right to regulate access to their genetic resources by requiring users to obtain prior informed consent and accept mutually agreed terms that ensure benefit sharing, i.e. , that a portion of the advantages or profits derived from use are shared with the providing country.

It states that this initiative is in line with the Agenda 2030:

According to a recent high-level report 3 , scientists must have open access to DSI to fulfill the aims of the Global Biodiversity Framework ( ) and the UN Sustainable Development Goals ( ).


Most people on planet earth are clueless regarding the technocratic transhumanist agenda. It is imperative to educate yourself to understand the end goal. Allowing the creation of AI that will be smarter than all humans combined within the next 2 years is self destructive, if not suicidal. You have a few demented technocrats that want to control all resources of the earth, modify all of life including humans and eventually create a post human society, where humans no longer exist, only robots.

These delusional globalists are the secret shadow governments, satanically inspired, that rule this world. There is no free country in this world. All have signed off on the Agenda 2030. All governments are puppets to this broader agenda - that is the blueprint in deceptive words for the militarized warfare waged against humanity and our planet. The transhumanist fusion of humanity with technology and AI is going on in the blood now - it is not someday. It was exponentially accelerated with the rollout of the C19 self assembly nanotechnology bioweapons and it is visible worldwide that the injected individuals are changing into Cyborg automatons.

I highly recommend this book by Patrick Wood, in my mind the foremost expert on technocracy in the world. I will have him on my show soon and I highly recommend my subscribers read this, so you can understand the complex global network that includes the Trilateral Commission, corporate sector, academia, biotechnology, media that is ushering in the 4th Industrial Revolution regardless of the politicians in the world. They are just bought off puppets to the agenda, who never mention self assembly nanotechnology, synthetic biology and the dangers of AI.

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Claudia - Apr 21


Maybe someone better figure out how to pull the plug on all AI before AI takes over.

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Dena Churchill - Apr 21 - Edited

Dena Churchill

Thank you Dr. Ana Maria for your tireless efforts in writing and research. I love and appreciate you. The problems and predictions are clear, what are some potential solutions? What are some practical actions steps to change the trajectory?

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