The Technocratic Agenda Of Digitizing All…

Apr 21, 2024

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Claudia - Apr 21


Maybe someone better figure out how to pull the plug on all AI before AI takes over.


Lighted - Apr 21

Lighted’s Substack

Yes it will be an EMP or maybe the micro nova that is due will see a CME finish of most. May be the best thing in the long run


Dena Churchill - Apr 21 - Edited

Dena Churchill

Thank you Dr. Ana Maria for your tireless efforts in writing and research. I love and appreciate you. The problems and predictions are clear, what are some potential solutions? What are some practical actions steps to change the trajectory?


JulesUSA - Apr 26

She's said in her reports in various ways. I would read through her articles again.


Robert Drury - Apr 21

There is so much happening behind the scenes...I keep thinking they think of us as farm animals to do what they wish. Keep us fat and distracted and at each others throats so we don't realize what is going on


Claire De Lune - Apr 22

That's exactly what they think we are. Nothing better than cattle. It's what their book of filth teaches them.


JulesUSA - Apr 26


Jacques - Apr 22

mothman777’s Newsletter

"Modifying" a human being should amount to murder. A law that says that you can modify a naturally occurring biological organism (its DNA) and patent it is equivalent to legalize slavery again.


Claire De Lune - Apr 22

mothman777’s Newsletter

I agree that modifying DNA is akin to murder. You are changing a living being away from how they were formed by nature. In any case they wrote the laws that said you can own/patent something if you change its DNA. We should just repeal these laws.


mothman777 - Apr 22

mothman777’s Newsletter

They will never be stopped merely by any attempted legal process, the legal processes are entirely created, fixed and controlled by them and made so that laws only apply to their plebeian slave class and not to the controllers thermselves.
In the UK, if a legal appeal is granted to be heard at one stage and referred to the ultimate House of Lords legal appeal judges, the House of Lords appeal judges can then quite literally say "We refuse to hear your appeal" and that is that, they actually do that, no reason given, absolute power, it does not matter what legal grounds anyone has even under terms of law, these grounds are all quite literally ignored, they have absolute draconian authority, while at the same time, against all reason, TPTB with government authority will continue sending arms to murder unlimited numbers of people in Yemen, Gaza, Ukraine etc.
Millions are slowly dying in Iraq now and suffering horrendous birth defects due to DU weaponry used by the US and UK in Iraq, due to dioxin-producing burn pits and due to Monsanto mRNA first generation genetic weaponry poison GM seeds forced on Iraqi farmers by US troops literally at gunpoint, while their own Iraqi seed research and development centre at Abu Ghraib was forcibly closed down and destroyed, all the grains were confiscated that farmers were obtaining from there to grow crops suited to the soil types and climate there, and Abu Ghraib then turned into a torture and mind-programming centre.
Meanwhile, absolutely demonic UK and US 'doctors' say that DU is perfectly harmless, whereas in truth it is a WMD as Leuren Moret and other scientists like Chris Busby have stated, able to destroy the contiguity of the DNA of any form of life and render any area of land on which DU is deployed ultimately totally sterile of any form of life at all.
In 1990 just prior to the invasion of Iraq, the cancer rate in Iraq was just 40 people in every 100,000 per year, but just 15 years later by 2005, with the figure still rising today, the cancer rate had already been ramped up to an enormous 1600 people per 100,000 per year, some 40 times greater, meaning that even by 2005, any Iraqi was already guaranteed to get cancer twice in their lives, so life cannot possibly carry on there for many more generations. I personally know medical workers who visit Iraq every year as part of a voluntary charitable effort, they tell me they hardly ever see any child who is normal in Iraq anymore.
This itself is a Deuteronomy 20:16 scenario of actually fully intended total sterilization of all forms of life in that area, and DU carries on smashing DNA for hundreds of millions of years, it is a forever weapon, so even if in 100,000 years' time some camels decide to move there, due to the persisting effects of the insanely interminable violent hatred of those who have deployed that weapon in the distant past, those camels will all start to get cancer, birth defects, and after a few generations they too will no longer be able to produce any viable offspring at all, that is how bad-tempered these usurpers in control are, they are literally violently insane.
I remember the BBC revealing that the UK was until quite recently the second largest arms manufacturer and arms dealer in the entire world after the US, and of course, the wars are all arranged to shift the geopolitical balance (this word should surely rather be 'imbalance') in a certain way in any case, and are really simple organized mass murder.
TPTB can constantly commit mass murder in the nations they occupy and abroad, while purposely making thorough scapegoats in the mainstream mass media out of relatively minor criminals who nonetheless commit crimes themselves like murders of one or two people, but these world class criminal terrorists 'running governments' act exactly like the James Bond villain SPECTRE worldwide criminal terrorist organization and just use the cases of the average criminals to fill up the newspaper pages with to draw any possible attention away from the vastly worse criminal acts of the governments themselves, while at the same time taking the mickey and dressing up in tunics like Count Blofeld as Klaus Schwab does, like we are all really in some dark Hollywood movie ourselves.
Our nations are now all literally controlled by hostile foreign power military occupation governments which are merely satellite governments of Israel almost all over the entire world now, and the spotty rash is spreading.
There are no laws against this, which is really what is behind the Leninist WEF proposal to wipe out 7.5 billion (7.5 billion just for starters):
Other Noahide Laws also have death penalties, but no Jew can legally be made subject to any death penelty under these Noahide Laws, death penalties can only be imposed on Gentiles for disobeying any of them. There is 'law' for you.
And ever since 1991 every single POTUS, every single year, in the company of several black-suited Chabad Lubavitcher rabbis in the White House, has re-affirmed their thorough commitment to physically impose these Noahide Laws throughout the entire US at some point in the non-distant future, and the entire UN has also made such a formal commitment, there will be no legal appeals against those laws obviously, the order of the boot is intended to be imposed at gunpoint by them.
Trump himself was voted by Israel as the most pro-Noahide Law POTUS ever while he was in office, and recently he made a video-recorded public speech in front of a huge crowd stating that he wants the death penalty imposed for 'anti-semitism' throughout the US', and stated that American troops will be attacking all nations considered to be anti-semitic.
Stalin passed a law throughout Soviet Russia that anti-semitism was to be punishable by a mandatory death penalty, he carried on imposing that law in Russia right through WWII as a supposed 'Ally' and even up till 1953 when he died. The Kremlin wanted this same law imposed over the entire world after WWII, but that proposal was reconsidered and then thought to be too impractical at that time with so many peoples who would still be able and ready to fight to resist that, including the peoples of the 'Allied' nations when they would realize that they had been entirely conned into fighting to empower those who actually intend to be the executioners of all Christians as 'anti-semites', and then the executioners of all members of all other non-Jewish religions, then all other Gentiles, so instead they embarked on the currently ongoing program of erasing their intended victims' minds first and controlling them just like robots as Professor Jose Delgado, the Sephardic named Yale electronic mind-control specialist proposed even back in the 1960's, who openly declared that 'mankind do not have the right to think for themselves', and that 'one day, armies on the battlefield will be controlled by electronic means'. Already it seems anyway, American troops, British troops, French troops and even German troops can now all be told exactly who to kill for their new masters without question. People's minds have been destroyed first so that TPTB will be able to kill all the Gentiles more easily that way instead, as that is the real goal, to kill all others and rob the entire planet for Jews alone to then live on.
In other videos, this same rabbi and other rabbis state how not just those Gentiles 'guilty of idolatry' but all Gentiles, are to be exterminated, just as the Zohar very explicitly and unambiguously instructs, leaving no Gentile survivor of any description alive anywhere on this entire planet as the obviously very bloodthirsty rabbi in the video above actually states.
That is the true WEF intention and motivation, no eugenics, no Santa Claus, just the total annihilation of all Gentiles. One can see this same Chabad Lubavitcher group of actually military NWO government rabbis clearly dominating heads of state in Ukraine, Russia, America, the UK, France, etc., they love to get Gentiles to smash each other's heads in for their amusement in every war they can arrange, while hitting the rest with every 'ethnobomb' ethnically-targeted genetic weapon they can arrange.
An Israeli military intelligence whisteblower has come forward to state that the Pfizer jabs were never really tested on Israeli Jews themselves as the controlled or otherwise misled and duped media usually claim, and why would they be? The COVID jabs are an ethnically self-targeting nanothechnology bioweapon that are not designed to cause COVID and the attendant nearly 1,300 'side -effects' so very thoroughly researched surely over several years on vast numbers of test subjects in reality, in anyone except the actually intended non-Jewish recipients, and he stated that Pfizer/the Israeli government really tested the jabs out on Palestinian prisoners and African Negros. Obscenely racist Israel has recently declared that all Negros are to be deported from Israel by the way.


mothman777 - Apr 22

mothman777’s Newsletter

Slavery is already being imposed by usury, in particular by fractional reserve banking, people pay many times more for their dwellings when they take out a mortgage than they realize, some banks in some nations can sometimes simply print up to 90% of what they lend people to buy a house, then ask for up to 3 times the purchase value amount given to the borrower to be repaid back over 25 years or so, though this amount is usually lower, but the entire process is still extremely fraudulent, and inevitably causes massive inflation, as the bank is really only lending 100,000 pounds or dollars rather than the 1 million pounds or dollars value required to be paid for a dwelling, and substituting 90% freshly printed (same as counterfeit) money to make up the rest of the 1,000,000, and then still asking for that 1,000,000 to be repaid (just as if it had all actually been real money with real collateral held by the bank) with interest over 25 years or so, making real slaves out of people, though some banks in some nations might only scam people for half this amount.
If 1,000,000 (really just 100,000 real cash) were to be lent out and repaid over 25 years at typical interest rates, that can equal up to 30 times the value of the 100,000 dollars or pounds that the bank actually really lent out in the first place, that is how absolutely massive this scam is.
I reckon all the banks are already like communist state banks anyway, so banks are simply acting as government agencies taxing people excessively and making them work far longer than they really need by such methods anyway, but in a plausibly deniable way that governments can always say is not related to them, though a whole lot of politicians come from the banking sector and go back into it when they leave politics.


Ol' Doc Skepsis - Apr 21

Cheap Thoughts

Couldn’t we all just start using the terminology “THE BORG” and move forward in honesty? Asking for a friend…


Roman S Shapoval - Apr 21

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Sustainable development means killing all life on Earth via wireless radiation, and allow Elon's spacejunk to further weaken our magnetosphere, which is declining in strength 10% per decade. Once that protective layer goes away, it's the movie Terminator 2 all over again, unless we stop the madness:


JulesUSA - Apr 26

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Not to mention (literally?) all the 5G towers going up EVERYWHERE, even at ground level hidden in streetside forestry. Disgusting.


Roman S Shapoval - Apr 26

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

I hear you Jules - we all need to rise up in our own towns and homes how we can. Anything you like to do to reduce EMF personally?


SIRIUS - Apr 22

SIRIUS ispod struje

If you wondered about Lone Skum ...


JulesUSA - Apr 26

"The war on fossil fuels" as Gavin Newsom says.


SIRIUS - Apr 22

SIRIUS ispod struje

"Transhumanist immortality spiel - a cover for subduing and stealing human soul and consciousness? CoVID EXPLAINED?!"
There was never a pandemic! No vaccines were ever administered! CORONA = CO-ordinate and RO-uting System for NA-nonetworks! CBDC/social credit SCHEME!


Dennis K McGee - Apr 22

Dennis K McGee

A lot of people are in a lot of really deep shit. What lets me keep what little sanity I claim, rightly or wrongly, is my conviction All Things are Possible with God. I am not gonna believe the Creator God of my understanding will allow a relative few criminally insane and satanically stupid humans to destroy the entirety of His Creation on this planet.


E.C. - Apr 22

Dennis K McGee

He will not allow it. We are His children and He loves us. He is coming⚔️ guess is at the worst time for humanity but i dont know.


Dennis K McGee - Apr 22

Dennis K McGee

"worst time for humanity", is hard for me to interpret. IMO this is a pretty bad time for humanity. As in, the Holocaust era has nothing on right now. Nothing. In fact, the numbers of innocent victims is much greater right now than then. And there is the very real possibility the count will skyrocket in the next two years. We just can't know.


Dennis K McGee - Apr 22

Dennis K McGee

Comment removed.


Dennis K McGee - Apr 23

Dennis K McGee

Thank you. I will. I try to avoid using those "too big" words all, always and never, 'cause sure as I do, I'll almost invariably be immediately proven wrong, as you are experiencing now. I know a church that isn't globalist. Ours is small, which I suppose might explain your missing it when you examined "all the churches".
Returning the favor, you are free to believe what YOU want and I and billions of others will continue to live our reality that your opinion does not alter. Have a good day.


E.C. - Apr 26



Mario A Leblanc - Apr 21

Mario’s Substack

Do you remember Stanley Kubrick movie 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) based on Arthur C. Clarke' book. - I'm Sorry, Dave Scene
I'm Sorry, Dave: The Hal 9000 computer refuses to obey an order by simply responding in monotone, "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that." Are we there now with AI? 2:20 min
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) - I'm Afraid Scene (4/6) | Movieclips 3:27 min


Mario A Leblanc - Apr 21

Mario’s Substack

2001: A Space Odyssey - Hal's Watching 6:51 min


AnonInternetPerson - Apr 21

geraldfrank11’s Substack

AI installed in a robot equals the Anti Christ, looks like a man, in control of the world. Will declare itself is GOD.


Leon - Apr 21

Charlotte Z

Hi, Dr. Ana. Thank you for the post. The following might provide some explanations:


Charlotte Z - Apr 21

Charlotte Z

They couldn't have picked a better wimpy spokesperson for themselves. He's obviously deranged like the rest of his inhumane parasitic associates.


mothman777 - Apr 22

mothman777’s Newsletter

Harari actually says stuff like 'the computer told us we have to do this so this is what we will have to do." That is not actually verbatim, but pretty close to it from memory, so this guy is not really trying to advise us of the potential perils of some AI becoming sentient and doing its own thing and turning nasty against humanity, he is actually programming the thing to give him what he wants, AI is just a machine, and even if it appears to freak out, it can only do so in a certain manner within certain predetermined parameters set by these creatures in human skin bags like Harari.


ConnectDots - Apr 22

I have been thinking a lot lately about all the people whose livelihood serves the globalists' desires for planet Earth—synbio scientists being one of many examples.
It must be extremely difficult for these people to face the fact that they're part of an evil agenda.
VERY difficult.
I hope there are people out there seeking to create support for those who want to do something different but don't know where to start!


Truth Seeker - Apr 22

I think I'm ready to go. I've just about had enough already. 😔😥


E.C. - Apr 22

I can relate.


Bruce Hartnett - Apr 22 - Edited

Bruce Hartnett

I thought about Posting another well researched link but have neglected too,!
Elisabeth only Posts on the weekends, but truly shows how Satan has been involved in the background for Decades, with provable References, originally brought to light by her mother! Through, the Elites, Hollywood, the CIA, Music, etc.


JulesUSA - Apr 26

That's exactly who it is, even though people like to blame the you know who's. It's way more than that.


Ryoan Zobuk - Apr 22

Ryoan’s Substack

Isn’t AI only as smart as the information it is given? Because from what I understand, AI IS GIVEN THEIR INFORMATION FROM DEMOCRATS. So, it’s really not that dam smart!


JulesUSA - Apr 22

Comment removed.


JulesUSA - Apr 26

Who's the Messiah?


:Stuart-james. - May 1

Crap in... crap out!


Robert Westover - Apr 27

We must get the crowd that battled Monsanto over GMO on your side. I am going to contact a man in Idaho, who went to the Supreme Court against Monsanto on GMO round up ready alfalfa. He is just a farmer, but he knew the cross breeding would take place and threaten other farmers. Thank you, Dr. Ana. 🙏🏼❤️.


Robert Westover - Apr 27

My second thought is, (I never considered this) alfalfa is a crop that has herbicides that work very effective. It’s like you say it’s all about profit and control once they flood the market with their exclusive product they dominate.



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