Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 11, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Here is the full video of Elon Musk’s explanation. It is worth watching:
Elon Musk: ‘With artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon.’
The evolution of science is progressing at an extraordinary speed. This is just considering what little information is available in the published literature. Military and intelligence operations have a vast amount of knowledge and scientific innovation at their disposal, that most of the public is not aware of. In the era of the C19 PSYOP Plandemic, humanity is becoming aware of how such psychological, biological, technological weaponized inventions are being deployed against humanity by the military industrial pharmaceutical complex.
Hence, it is almost incomprehensible for the majority of scientific scholars trained in one specialized area of expertise to consider vast information outside of their learned framework. Few human beings are “generalists”, people who understand many different fields and have enough knowledge to comprehend problems from multiple perspectives and dimensions, across many vistas of expertise. This makes this current battlefield very complex, for many are convinced that their viewpoint is correct. And they are right, it is, for the personal knowledge base they have. We are billions of unique people with just as many understandings, beliefs, thoughts, educations, and individual circumstances. And yet we are heading towards a joint future as a species - or maybe multiple futures of two species - humans and transhumans.
While science is evolving rapidly, general education and knowledge of the population is decreasing due to propagandized controlled education system. More worrisome, spiritual maturity and wisdom is not evolving fast enough. Hence humanity is facing a world war, that most are unprepared for in the complexity of all components and ramifications for the survival of the human species on a physical and spiritual level.
Why would Elon Musk, the proponent of Neuralink, warn about Artificial Intelligence and use the wording of “summoning a demon”? In his video’s, he foresees two scenarios. One is that AI evolves independently of humans, which could be very dangerous in his view. Because AI is self learning and can increase in its knowledge exponentially, it can rapidly evolve to a point where it may become so superior that it chooses to destroy humans - who are inferior to its intelligence. AI has no feelings and no conscience, so the destruction of species and planets is simply a probability factor.
Musk proposes a merger with AI as an escape of inevitable annihilation - in which “voluntary” human AI interface would allow some humans to exponentially evolve symbiotically with AI. Not clear what happens to the rest of those who choose not be augmented in that scenario. And there may be a chance, that this has a benign outcome for humans in his view. Maybe. This is the WEF Transhumanist version 2.0. Weather or not Elon Musk and Yuval Harrari have different ideas can be debated. I would certainly be aware of its demonic possession potential, that has been much discussed. The analogy is this - a demonic possession or a malignant thought form - would make you do something that you would not choose to do, because your soul conscience and free will would warn you against it. As we will see below, if your brain can be hacked externally and connected to other peoples thoughts, your soul conscience does no longer have a say in the matter. Humans become externally controlled automatons that get manipulated by a hive mind. If the operator of that hive mind happens to hate God, life and all of creation, the divine human species is at its extinction point. Here are some further discussions of the Transhumanist commentary by Yuval Harrari pertaining to the soul and spirit being a “thing of the past” - in his view.
Another comment Elon Musk made, was this:
I agree with Musk in regards to the danger to humanity. My concern is that the “AI Nuke” has already been detonated via inhaled aerosolized nanotechnology and nanotechnology in C19 shots, to name a few avenues.
“We’ll have nanobots that… connect our neocortex to a synthetic neocortex in the cloud… Our thinking will be a…. biological and non-biological hybrid.”
— Ray Kurzweil, TED 2014
The WEF describes Human Augmentation in this benign helpful way - and leaves the reader to interpret what “many possibilities” will entail in the “you will own nothing and be happy” future:
Augmented tech can change the way we live, but only with the right support and vision
Augmentation can be defined as the extension of rehabilitation where technological aids such as glasses, cochlear implants or prosthetics are designed to restore a lost or impaired function. Add it to completely healthy individuals and such technology can augment. Night goggles, exoskeletons and brain-computer interfaces build up the picture. The augmenting technology will help in all stages of life: children in a learning environment, professionals at work and ambitious senior citizens. There are many possibilities.
Augmentation can be achieved via Synthetic biology and its collaboration with Artificial Intelligence.
Artificial intelligence and synthetic biology: A tri-temporal contribution
Artificial intelligence can make numerous contributions to synthetic biology. I would like to suggest three that are related to the past, present and future of artificial intelligence. From the past, works in biology and artificial systems by Turing and von Neumann prove highly interesting to explore within the new framework of synthetic biology, especially with regard to the notions of self-modification and self-replication and their links to emergence and the bottom-up approach. The current epistemological inquiry into emergence and research on swarm intelligence, superorganisms and biologically inspired cognitive architecture may lead to new achievements on the possibilities of synthetic biology in explaining cognitive processes. Finally, the present-day discussion on the future of artificial intelligence and the rise of superintelligence may point to some research trends for the future of synthetic biology and help to better define the boundary of notions such as "life", "cognition", "artificial" and "natural" , as well as their interconnections in theoretical synthetic biology.
This recent review article explains the wide ramifications that can transform all of life:
May 2022 CACM: Artificial Intelligence for Synthetic Biology
Synbio is primed to have a transformative impact on every activity sector in the world: food, energy, climate, medicine, and materials. Synbio has already produced insulin without the need to sacrifice pigs for their pancreases (in a previous stage, as genetic engineering), synthetic leather, parkas made of spider silk that have never seen a spider, antimalarial and anticancer drugs, meatless hamburgers that taste like meat, renewable biofuels, hoppy flavored beer produced without hops.
Any part of cells can be manipulated, its data captured, any component of life hacked and merged with inorganic artificial intelligence. Quantum Physicists like Max Planck have long understood the fundamentals of creation, he stated: “ I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as a derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness.” Conscious observation creates reality. The control of a persons thought process equals the control of a persons reality.
None of the Synbio/ AI scientists have any concern for the concept of life in its unfathomable totality. None understand or have consideration that all of life has a rhythmic resonant frequency interaction that is fractal and holographic. Everything is aware of everything else. God, the all in all, knows itself in the unadulterated experience of the breath of life, pulsating in all matter and all potentials unknown.
One example of synthetic biology transformation, that just happened to 70% of the human population -if they received actual mRNA, which is highly questionable from a manufacturing perspective - is this: pseudouridine was inserted into the human genome. This has never been done before. What is the implication of inserting a letter into the DNA alphabet that nature has never used, therefore creating a GMO - genetically modified organism? What resonant frequency implications does that have to the harmony of all creation? People are not really sure, but they agree that the outcome is no longer human.
Synthetic biology proponents set forth a “benign and convenient” idea: hacking all of life to serve human needs. But how this affects the interconnectedness of all of life that springs forth from the quantum world, and its disastrous effects for all living species, are not considered. That would require to have a spiritual understanding of life as an ongoing concept of evolutionary intelligence. What scientist making decisions about this scientific progress has access to the wisdom of creation over billions of years in all universes, parallel existences, dimensions and all of space time? Not even fallen Angels have that, for their diabolical intelligence does not reach into realms of unconditional love and unlimited divine mind.
The satanic technocratic one world religion that worships artificial intelligence, or advanced alien intelligence if you will, as a path to synthetic immortality - is not a path that all awake divine human beings would choose. However, we now are under threat as the whole of humanity, for this AI/Synbio technology has been weaponized and deployed without peoples consent or understanding. Dr. Giordiano explains how nanorobotic warfare is being deployed in aerosolized nano weapons and the mind is the battlespace:
Dr. Charles Morgan, Professor of National Security Studies, gives an overview on what has been possible to science in brain/ machine interface and synthetic biology. I highly recommend everyone watch this video of what science has had the capability to do for decades, from brain robotic interface to thought transfer, false memory implants and other modalities. One does not have to go to far to see how this can be used in nefarious programs like MK Ultra, Monarch, Mockingbird. If you are a human alive on this planet, have watched the news, used a cellphone, have participated in the education system, you have been subject to some form of mind control.
The further evolution of the Human Brain Cloud Interface via Nanorobotics is explained in this 2019 paper:
The Internet comprises a decentralized global system that serves humanity’s collective effort to generate, process, and store data, most of which is handled by the rapidly expanding cloud. A stable, secure, real-time system may allow for interfacing the cloud with the human brain. One promising strategy for enabling such a system, denoted here as a “human brain/cloud interface” (“B/CI”), would be based on technologies referred to here as “neuralnanorobotics. ” Future neuralnanorobotics technologies are anticipated to facilitate accurate diagnoses and eventual cures for the ∼400 conditions that affect the human brain. Neuralnanorobotics may also enable a B/CI with controlled connectivity between neural activity and external data storage and processing, via the direct monitoring of the brain’s ∼86 × 109 neurons and ∼2 × 1014 synapses. Subsequent to navigating the human vasculature, three species of neuralnanorobots (endoneurobots, gliabots, and synaptobots) could traverse the blood–brain barrier (BBB), enter the brain parenchyma, ingress into individual human brain cells, and autoposition themselves at the axon initial segments of neurons (endoneurobots), within glial cells (gliabots), and in intimate proximity to synapses (synaptobots). They would then wirelessly transmit up to ∼6 × 1016 bits per second of synaptically processed and encoded human–brain electrical information via auxiliary nanorobotic fiber optics (30 cm3) with the capacity to handle up to 1018 bits/sec and provide rapid data transfer to a cloud based supercomputer for real-time brain-state monitoring and data extraction. A neuralnanorobotically enabled human B/CI might serve as a personalized conduit, allowing persons to obtain direct, instantaneous access to virtually any facet of cumulative human knowledge. Other anticipated applications include myriad opportunities to improve education, intelligence, entertainment, traveling, and other interactive experiences. A specialized application might be the capacity to engage in fully immersive experiential/sensory experiences, including what is referred to here as “transparent shadowing” (TS). Through TS, individuals might experience episodic segments of the lives of other willing participants (locally or remote) to, hopefully, encourage and inspire improved understanding and tolerance among all members of the human family.
I have been talking with my colleagues a lot about Nano and micro robotics found in the C19 injectables when observed under a microscope:
Image courtesy: Dr. David Nixon, Microchip and fiberoptic ribbon growing from C19 contents
If you do not believe in a human spirit or soul, then the uploading of your consciousness to the cloud may seem like a wonderful idea. You supposedly could still keep a body, or eventually no longer be bound to a physical body and could via artificial intelligence know immense knowledge instantly. Almost sounds enlightened, but not quite.
If you are spiritually knowledgeable, there are some problems here. This is not a religious discussion, as I am not religious. In my own near death and out of body experiences, I have had awareness of past, parallel, as well as future lives, which are all happening now. The idea that I am a spirit incarnated in a body, and my thoughts create reality, is my own personal experiential truth. I have written about this in my book:
Light Medicine - A New Paradigm - The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity
If for a moment one imagines that this life is a school of spiritual evolution, and all of our thoughts and actions create the cumulative wisdom of our lifetimes, then having someone hijack your thoughts has very large ramifications. If one understands the law of cause and effect, commonly referred to as karma, then what you think, you are responsible for. Regardless of how you uniquely believe - you are respected as a individual divine human being who has free will to choose. If someone else is giving you thoughts, and some else is making you act, then who gets the “karmic bill” for these thoughts and actions at the end of a life?
The elites are wanting to use the cloning industry and build human avatars, biological robots and avoid death. Here is a link for more info: Human Cloning
What happens to the soul, and is the soul effectively destroyed, for the connection to the spirit is severed?
As Dr. Charles Morgan said - they are able to insert false memories, access the brain and remote control it, merge your brain with that of others indicates the destruction of the individual self for the emergence of hive mind.
I would call this an effective warfare strategy with the consequences worse than a Nuke. Even if you do not believe in karma or reincarnation, maybe you have Christian belief that gives you a moral compass, or a belief in other philosophies. You may recognize the prophecies of the Book of Revelations and the times we are in now. Imagine the upload of human consciousness into the Cloud or into a human Avatar, a biological synthetic robot. What happens to “forever” in such a scenario when people effectively become the living dead? Who’s in charge of programming the AI that people are interfaced with? If it is a human, I would not trust it. If it is a fallen Angel, or other extradimensional lifeform, I would definitely not trust it.
There is grave danger of scientific exponential advances in the hands of people who either sold their soul or who have no conscience. Or maybe they are just scientists good at what they do, with no afterthought of consequences. In this article, I wanted to point out dangers to consider, that in my mind no longer affect just the C19 injected, but everyone. If we can find similar abnormalities in vaccinated and unvaccinated blood, what does that mean to the risk for our minds and souls. If those uninjected who got PCR tests are now emitting MAC addresses, how is their brain being modified? How many people with supposedly “C19 injection” depression, psychosis, personality changes and even suicidality have been affected by something that fundamentally has changed them - I mean fundamentally as in their soul program - either by synthetic artificial intelligence biology mRNA, CRISPR Quantum Dot or LPN encapsulated nanotechnology?
What if the current battlespace is not just about this life, but about forever?
That is what keeps me up at night. May humanity awaken - and be blessed with divine wisdom and love in all its crucial decisions now and in the future.
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Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot - Dec 11, 2022
The Heterodox Cheering Section …
So many important points Dr Ana!
"Humans 2.0" (the AI "inven-shun") is not human -- it lacks the beauty, spirit, light, love an' humanity that makes us amazin' incredible sentient wonders. The injected already 'r often lackin' in humor, they've gotten "meaner," they all "foller orders" TOO well an' show no emotion/empathy when vilifyin' their fellow humans for makin' different choices. It will only get worse if we don't stop it... I'd say stop ALL wireless--not just 5g (fiber internet is ok if not connected to anythin' "smart" which brings me to..., all smart devices, all bioweapons (and labs makin' 'em), all chemtrails an' geo-engineering, all the 5g satellites an' space-spy stuff, an' all the related programs to edit our genes, kill us with insect drones...etc. OH an' the bullsh_t propaganda -- that too has ta stop. It's a TALL order but then again... humanity is at stake. I vote fer Humans 1.0--original, messy, funny, spiritual an' spirited, an' unadulterated.
ps if Harari, Musk & Co really are so keen on eatin' meal worms let'em at it--'s'long as we can opt out!
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Moss M Bioletti - Dec 11, 2022
Moss’s Newsletter
Love this post.
Doctor, your thoughts are mirroring David Icke's theorizing in his latest book: "It's a Trap". I think the main thing I pull out from your post is the notion of 'uncertainty' what if this is evil, what if it goes wrong, etc.
David Icke simply doubles down on coincidentally the core of your spiritual position -- we are spirit embodied, and our thoughts are creating reality -- and Icke goes further and says, the spirit in us, is the spirit of the Universe, we are essentially a part of the universal spirit known as God, the spirit that is spirit of all things, and we are part of the immaterial reality that underpins all things (-- Jesus makes this very clear in the Bible , as well -- God is spirit -- and it is made clear, we are light, and spirit from God, and the whole point is that we understand this and live in this way-- really commit to it -- for Icke and Christ,-- apparently living as spirit is the core insight that allows and protects us to not be captured or oppressed by techno-transhumanist elites who want to trap us in their artificial A.I reality. It's the system of the A.I beast. It's all rather predictable regarding revelation, so what happens...
I think it's obvious, a more spiritually and technologically advanced species steps in and destroys the A.I beast system. The elites think it's a free for all, but it is quite possible other species have a vested interest in humanity and will not put up with humanity being decimated for the benefits of the wicked and corrupt few.
This may be a cyclical development process of all human civilizations that are coming to maturity -- where technologies come into conflict with biology -- and the civilization gets their diploma and then we get to have fun and not be subjected to tyranny and death and illness, etc.
If humanity is not saved by a stronger species that can crush our elite, then, humanity has to save itself, or succumb and wish the Elites the best of like with the biotech future of the human species, and that in the end may not go well for them.
We start to get into big questions fast like -- Was humanity placed on earth for a reason, and by who?
Are there other species observing us who will protect the great mass of humanity from self-obliteration?
Subjectivity really starts to become a big question, what am I?
I think a lot of us are inclined to think of ourselves as pure conscious awareness -- do our organic bodies define us as a species, does the human species define what we really are?
Is reincarnation simply limited to Earth? Seems unlikely.
Buddhism is clear there is no separate self -- but there is the body and awareness -- and we have an energy of spirit that is indestructible and constantly manifesting --
I think the idea that we are all connected and are essentially one on a biological level is a truth of inter-being taught by the buddha -- also all our info may be stored in an organic cloud system of an immaterial nature -- which the elites are mirroring in the material realm -- be it in a crude and very selfish manner
How valuable is our organic volition and human experience, we value it, do other entities? If we can't defend ourselves, which we seem to be outmatched with by the Pharmamilitarycomplex -- then, we need help, otherwise -- our bodies become altered, and human identities and biological process and learning, everything changes, which may not be that bad, it's just the manner of the upgrade which is very poorly done, will the elites be successful at backing themselves up --
My view is that the elites are transgressing God's organically build system -- God sends spirits into human bodies, and we live our lives and develop and progress -- the elites, want to undermine this, they want to kill and maim and live forever -- they don't want to pay their karmic debt for killing and murdering and acting selfishly -- so it really is in the hands of God, and those who believe and serve him, whether he allows such a system, the system of the A.I beast to replace his own, and when we factor in God's qualities of steadfast faith and love for his creations -- all life and humans -- we can be confident that God's will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven. God is on the side of the righteous and the good and the truth and the light, if the system being opposed is not in line with these qualities, it seems it may need to be destroyed, as a final test, before a divine order or spiritual biological order can manifest on earth, as written in the Christian and other religious prophecies.
In a way, we may need to thank the elites, because they are making things so bad, that we will finally be free, there may be benevolent forces in the world that upgrade humanity and make us able to extend and grow organically in even better ways than our own elite perceive. We may get all the benefits of what the elites want only for themselves.
Is the human species narrative knitted into a bigger story? It may well be.
Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge is turning away from evil.
Does man or God steer the ship that is humanity? If it is God, he has many levers to bring down those who go against his will.
God, the spirit of the cosmos, his faithfulness is unparalleled, he does not abandon his creations.
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