Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 22, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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In the lecture above Anthony J. Ferrante, Global Head of Cybersecurity and Senior Managing Director of FTI Consulting explains how AI can hack human minds, influence behaviors and even presidential elections. Of course I do not agree with his take that the Russian’s influenced the 2016 elections, but then Mr. Ferrante is part of the WEF, so this is certainly an understandable viewpoint. He worked for the FBI known to be involved in civilian targeting programs . I just want you to hear from an expert what most people are still in denial of.
Mr. Ferrante has more than 25 years of top‐level cybersecurity experience, providing incident response and readiness planning to more than 1,000 private sector and government organizations, including more than 350 Fortune 500 companies and 90 Fortune 100 companies . He advises companies within the most regulated industries in the world, including large companies in finance and technology on their toughest cybersecurity challenges, from regulation and legislation enforcement (including DFARS, HIPAA, ITAR, GDPR, CCPA, NYDFS, and PCI DSS) to expert witness litigation.
Prior to joining FTI Consulting, Mr. Ferrante served as Director for Cyber Incident Response at the U.S. National Security Council at the White House where he coordinated U.S. response to unfolding domestic and international cybersecurity crises and issues. Building on his extensive cybersecurity and incident response experience, he led the development and implementation of Presidential Policy Directive 41 – United States Cyber Incident Coordination, the federal government’s national policy guiding cyber incident response efforts.
Before joining the National Security Council, Mr. Ferrante was Chief of Staff of the FBI’s Cyber Division. He joined the FBI as a special agent in 2005, assigned to the FBI’s New York Field Office. In 2006, Mr. Ferrante was selected as a member of the FBI’s Cyber Action Team, a fly-team of experts who deploy globally to respond to the most critical cyber incidents on behalf of the U.S. Government.
He is a member of the Ethics & Integrity Committee at Cellebrite, and a member of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Centre for Cybersecurity where he works to strengthen digital trust and promote the responsible development of technology.
In the below video from UC Berkeley, they discuss a neural dust sensor for body implantation.
In this video it is described how nanotechnology given to humans in the biomedical field via drugs and vaccines can be hacked - because they are controlled by a computer device - and are therefore hackable. It then can be used to alter and even kill people according to the intent of the hacker. Nano robotic swarms can be programmed to take over the biological human and attack them from the inside. This is why Cybersecurity and Nanotechnology need broad collaboration. But wait, most people don’t think they have nanotechnology inside of them….Note he says one way to get it into your body is through vaccines. Also please note that the company Alpine Security leads to Ciso global.Inc , an expert in global biomedical cybersecurity. What do they know you do not know? Watch for yourself:
AI news discusses how plasmonic nanoparticles via optogenetic properties in conjunction with Quantum Dots can modify neuron activity ( aka Mind Control people). This technology is what we have found in the blood of everyone.
In the presentation below biohybrid nano bots that go through the circulatory system in human blood can be used for tissue engineering. Of course this is all portrayed as if it was happening in the future by 2030. No, it is happening now. Please refer to my many substack articles that show you the darkfield microscopy of human blood. This is in everyone.
Here is a brief video on WBAN, biological sensors inside the body that send your information to some external computer system, supposedly a doctor. We know that WBAN has been used to monitor and manipulate humans for decades.
In the below video Physicist Michio Kaku warns of merging Quantum Computers with Artificial Intelligence which can crack any encryption codes and pose a new threat of cybersecurity. Quantum computers can be used to revolutionize surveillance and data mining. The idea that humans could regulate Quantum Computers and Artificial intelligence mergers is bordering on the ridiculous. Since Quantum computers operate at the Quantum level, a no time state of all potentials existing simultaneously, human being who have a linear functioning consciousness have no concept about the operational capacity of such fusion - hence they are unprepared to regulate something they do not understand. Chat bots do not know what is correct and incorrect. In the video it is discussed the assumption that high level civilizations have destroyed themselves and that is the reason we have not had contact to advanced civilizations. Of course we know that is a lie, and that our government has had contact with extraterrestrial advanced species for many decades. Where do you think all this technology came from? If you do not know about this, listen to the many Government whistleblowers that have pushed for Disclosure: Dr. Steven Greer Disclosure Project
Michio Kaku Breaks in Tears "Quantum Computer Just Shut Down After It Revealed This"
Here is a video from AI news discussing Ray Kurzweils vision of the Singularity where AI has superseded human capacity. He believes human immortality is achieved in the next 8 years while he discussed the merging of artificial general intelligence with human brains.
Many scientists “ Future of Life” have asked for suspension of training of Artificial Intelligence. The rapid continuous developments of nanotechnology and artificial intelligence fusion and production of enormous amounts of data on each individual can be weaponized by AI against the human population. If even WEF spokesperson Juval Harari is calling for a 6 months halt on AI development due to concerns about extermination of the human species, it seems like we should listen.
It is imperative as a collective humanity we make a quantum leap in knowledge so that we can understand the exponential explosion of technologies we are now interfacing with and giving control to over our bodies and minds.
Technocracy works because the general public is kept ignorant about the potential warfare applications of advanced technologies. It is our duty to become informed citizens and understand the threats we face. In this post I have not given you my opinion, but that of experts who have worked in high level government positions and esteemed scientists.
Maybe it is time that humanity listens?
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Strawberry Fields Forever - Oct 22, 2023
To be GOVERNED is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by creatures who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so. To be GOVERNED is to be at every operation, at every transaction noted, registered, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It is, under pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general interest, to be placed under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, vilified, harassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonored. That is government.
I have been wearing this Orwell 1984 tshirt:
Loved the reaction from some sheeps!
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Bruce Cain - Oct 22, 2023
Bruce’s Newsletter
In my version of the Garden of Eden one should always be encouraged to eat from the tree of knowledge but should never meddle with the tree of life as that is above the pay grade of ANY human: past, present or future. Think of the sorcerers apprentice and all the unanticipated problems his meddling created. Those of us that understand the complexity of the global ecosystem tend to abide by the precautionary principle. The globalists have the audacity to think they can meddle with the Tree of Life with no consequence. They they seem to abide by the "Let's just do shit and see what happens" principle. I can't seem to find an antonym for the Precautionary Principle.
Our globalist corporations have obviously ignored this warning as GMO farming began/expanded in the early 1990's. Using CRISPR and other cutting edge technologies they have meddled with the tree of life: terminator seeds, plants that produce insecticides (which we eat), spraying plants with Glyphosate etc. Already it is clear these technologies are causing harm to human health. Then we have fluoride in the water supply, endocrine disruptors, PFAS chemicals etc., in or food and water. None of this makes sense and represents a willful refusal to consider what our collective knowledge (e.g., the tree of knowledge) should be telling us about the harm these substances unleash on the human population. But is goes on unabated because global corporations can profit in the short run.
Then came the Plandemic and the mRNA vaccines the did not prevent infection/transmission but did cause considerable harm and death. Worse yet there is growing evidence that these mRNA injections may actually be modifying our DNA and the consequences are just beginning to be understood. Of course this has all been ignored by globalist corporate media. And over the past year I have read numerous papers about self assembly nanobots within the vaccines and much more. I've yet to write about this subject as, at first, I was a skeptic. But perhaps it is time to cover the subject because there is plenty of evidence/papers etc. which suggest the globalists want to use mRNA concoctions in conjunction with 5G EMF radiation to control our moods and literally allow the government to get inside our heads. And thanks to the author for detailing the programs that are already underway.
It is now obvious that the WEF, UN, WHO etc. want full control of humanity. They aren't even shy about their plans: a Great Reset where you will own nothing (and really won't be happy at all). And it is all spelled out in Agenda21, Agenda2030, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's). They have very complex plans to exert control of every human on planet Earth. Their goal is a fully controlled global population -- which will relegate every human to the status of a slave on a globalist plantation.
WE THE PEOPLE, of planet Earth, need to immediately unite behind our own complex agenda in order to stop this globalist coup. To that end I've put together what I call the "Put People First" agenda, which has developed over the past 5 years. I'm encouraging everyone to endorse this agenda and cite your support at City Council, School Board meetings as well as during protests. As Benjamin Franklin once said at the signing of the Declaration of Independence: "We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." Here is the PPF agenda as it currently exists:
* No Lockdowns EVER again
* No forced masking ANYWHERE
* No forced vaccinations under ANY circumstance
* Absolutely no vaccine passports or digital currency
* Reinstate all of those that lost jobs for refusing to get the mRNA injection, including all of our Healthcare workers
* Universal non-coercive choice: Wearing a mask or getting a mRNA injection will be up to each individual and there will be ABSOLUTELY no penalty for not complying in or out of the workplace.
* No more censorship of ANYONE whether that be on social media, corporate media or at the workplace. No one should ever be censored or punished for exercising their First Amendment Right to Free Speech.
* Impeach Biden/Harris and reinstate Trump as our president.
* Stop the LGBTQ and CRT indoctrination in our schools and corporations
* Stop the Climate Agenda and make Energy Independence Priority Number One.
* Send every Illegal Alien, that Biden has brought in through Open Borders, back home.
* Legalize the personal cultivation of Cannabis, Psilocybin.
* Legalize the right to take Ivermectin, Hydrochloriquine and other anti-viral herbs and drugs
* Legalize the right to choose when it comes to vaccines, abortion, drugs etc.
* Eliminate Genetically modified vaccines, plants, animals (fish, cattle etc.) and the use of Glyphosate.
* Eliminate the use of Geoengineering: Chemtrails, HAARP etc.* Eliminate the fluoridation of our water supply.
* Stop allowing Blackrock, and other financial institutions from buying up residential properties which will make it impossible for future families to own a home and build up equity.
* Demand your government defund and exit the UN, WHO and WEF
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