Is The Answer To The C19 Deceptions In Live Blood?

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 16, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Image: Case1: Long Covid Symptoms with chronic fatigue -70’s

Ribbon in Pfizer C19 vial. Courtesy Dr. David Nixon

We have been told a lot of lies in the last 2 years. Many experts have given us their opinions and reiterations of journal publications. No one knows if those are truthful, for as we know, fake studies are being published all the time. I spoke about the issue that some researchers found no mRNA at all in the C19 vials and questioned how can there be a spike protein that is produced by ribosomes after reverse transcription. And I have been wondering about the generalized aging I see in patients, those who had “Covid” (the word spelled backwards is divoc, the Hebrew term Divoc means "the possession of the pernicious soul or possession of an evil spirit"), those who never had it, those who have been exposed to shedding and those who just wanted me to look at their blood.

Interestingly, the findings are the same. Ribbons, that are huge, we presume it is Graphene and/or Hydrogel combination. These are so large, they can cause serious clotting. They are associated with Rouleaux formation, stacking of the red blood cells that impair oxygen delivery. I find these in almost everyone, irrelevant of age. Anyone who says this is just fibrin, I do not take serious. All these samples are different patients, all unvaccinated. I am believing those who say there is no C19 virus, because I found these structures in such massive amounts in patients who just had “Covid”. There is however, DECEPTION. Humanity is being poisoned, from everywhere - shedding, environment, chemtrails. Unvaccinated blood looks just like vaccinated. The self assembly ribbons look exactly like what is developing in the vials and we showed in yesterdays video.

Dr. Ana’s Newsletter
Nanobots, Construction process of Microchips in C19 injectables, New Insights on Shedding
In this video Dr. David Nixon presents new images evaluating the Nanorobots that are constructing the microchips. We discuss the light transmission of certain circuitry and possible explanations of optical communication with input from the two engineers Shimon and Matt. We discuss the hydrogel construction base that appears to carry the software imprint…
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Here are some images, and you see for yourself.

Case 2: Chronic fatigue, cognitive decline. 70’s

Case 3. 3 weeks post Covid, brainfog, fatigue - 40’s

Case 4. Fatigue, Blood pressure abnormalities, never had Covid, exposed to shedding - 60’s, elevated D-Dimer

Case 5: Chronic fatigue, pain all over, exposed to shedding - 80’s, elevated D-Dimer

Case 6: feeling fine, had Covid a year ago - 60’s

Case 7: Never had Covid, feeling fine - 50’s

Case 8: had mild Covid, feeling fine, elevated D-Dimer

I now consider Live Blood Analysis one of the most important tests of our time. You cannot find what you are not looking for. What if all of these symptoms, or all of this silent accelerated aging is related to one thing: self assembly structures that develop from the C19 injections, can be shed from person to person, can be inhaled, is in masks, nasal swabs, food, rainwater, chemtrails. This is total unrestricted warfare.

In my mind, this is the most important threat to humanity that nobody talks about.

The answers are in the blood.

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AnaD - Nov 16, 2022


That's why, at the beginning of the vaccination campaign, officials all around the world repeated like a mantra, that they needed to "vax 70% of the population".
Always the ominous 70 %. Why not everybody ? How did they know that 70% would stop the pandemic, and not 50% ?
The answer I found was this remark by a Pfizer official that 70% would be sufficient, so the vaccinated would infect the unvaccinated via shedding. The knew, because they had conducted their tests before, as these vaccines were in the making for decades.
In this respect, the question whether someone is vaccinated or unvaccinated, is irrelevant, because both can end up equally sick. It is merely a sign of disobedience, which is why they persecute the unvaccinated.
The question remainin is: how do I get that stuff out of my body? How do I prevent being poisened by shedding and still be able to function, to work, to go shopping ? Or do I have to retreat into the wilderness and live isolated like Ted Kaczynski, because there is no other way to keep my blood pure ?

REPLY | 34 replies by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD and others

Merlin - Nov 16, 2022

Not seeing any health issues in unvaccinated friends/family, tonnes in the vaxxed.

REPLY | 21 replies by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD and others

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