Twenty-five or thirty years ago, some psychic person made a prediction that humans would be evolving into silicon based life. As a biologist, I thought she was nuts...a carbon-based life form does not "evolve" into a silicone-based 'life' retrospect, she may have been tuning in to the current insanity! But this sure ain't evolution, people. It is a psychopathic nightmare. Thank you for your work, Dr Ana. (Love your book, being a right-brained scientist myself!)
Thanks, Soul Liberation! I've been practicing yoga and meditation since early 1970's and reiki since 1992...excellent work and I hope a lot of people tune tin to your substack!! Namaste :-)
Just curious Sandy if you have tried Shanka Prakshalana to detox I did it back in the 80s and thought it was amazing for detoxing the body. I remember seeing the worms in the crystal clear water at the end.
Finally ... finally ... FINALLY ... a practitioner in the "pushback" movement made the connection to Carnicom's work AND highlighted it for ALL to see!! It has AMAZED me ... & DISGUSTED me ... that key figures have been on video w/Carnicom AFTER the plandemic began BUT did not show the CLEAR connections btw. his decades long work nor make it clear that ALL have been impacted -- not just the injected. This should have been obvious from the start. How can this be? Why wasn't this VERY HUMBLE man's SELFLESS work shouted from the rooftops?! I myself studied his work from the start of the scam & although I'd been aware of Morgellon's, I'd no idea until I read through paper after paper from Carnicom's work that we were seeing similar tech with so called "Covid."
Back in Jan. 2021, I did a pretty crude experiment on my own saliva. I'd been needing to spit like a truck driver for years due to increasing PND that I knew was not normal. One day I noticed that my sputum that I'd spit out while out doing yard work was still on the ground the next day. I found that very odd. Why hadn't it broken down naturally? So to test my suspicions I spit on a few things, i.e, a leaf, dirt clod, a rock & came back the next day & sure enough the sputum was still there. So I took the objects inside to observe the sputum over time. A month later, the sputum -- albeit dried -- was still present. It hadn't broken down. It remained in that form & never broke down. I'd done enough research on hydrogel by that point that I knew that was what I was looking at. I wasn't jabbed nor have I had any vaccines in decades -- I eat very healthy & exercise. However, I had HUGE family stress going on for several years, so my immune system was weakened. It's been hell to get the hydrogel out!! I'm still not completely free of it but have come a long way. But I'm grateful that my body was rejecting it. What's it doing in bodies that aren't?
One last note re. the hydrogel I experienced -- it consisted of a "foam" -- always -- along with the gel-like substance (which seemed to be self-replicating) -- every time I coughed it up. VERY foamy. Months ago, I caught that Clifford made note of that characteristic in one of his papers. It may be that this is a characteristic feature as I noticed Matt/David mentioning the "foam" at the edges of one of the slides they were viewing.
Thank you Dr. Ana for boldly stepping in & giving Carnicom's work the attention it deserves & needs. It'll be interesting to watch how others in the "pushback" movement respond. Should be telling.
Very interesting J Sand. I'm happy to hear you have had some success getting this foreign matter out of you. I am so grateful too that Dr Ana and Clifford connected. Also, she mentioned that she will host Harald Kautz as a guest. I had no idea of Mr. Carnicom's work but have praying at whirling dervish speed to see Harald Kautz and Dr Ana put heads and hearts together to tackle these bizarre issues and find solutions. I am no scientist or doctor but as a 60 year young woman who loves God, I believe in prayer and that our bodies are wonderfully made. We obviously MUST be proactive just as you have been. I thank you for sharing your story and progress here with the hydrogen. WE must all who have ears to hear, hold each other up in Light and find solutions together. We are One and we are Legion. Blessings to you & Peace. Love , Michelle
Great info, thank you. On the subject of controlled opposition, one thing is crystal clear; there is an enemy who is deliberately trying to destroy humanity, and that enemy is responsible for the conjob1984 execution, narrative, and "treatments". At the end of the day, that's really all that matters. That's the big picture. That's what all of humanity must unite to focus on and to take down. There are experts and there are egos.....and there have been experiments that have been levied against the human population by "government" agencies and military partners for decades using all kinds of diabolical techniques, chemicals, radiation, drugs, and mind control programming. It stands to reason that these same sociopathic scum who have been masquerading as "governments" have simultaneously deployed dirty EMF weapons, graphene, mRNA, hydrogels, parasites (real or synthetic), gain-of-function-"illnesses" and whatever other horror shows the anti-life sociopathic minds of these examples of inbred filth can imagine.....and deployed them all across the world with the same speed and coordinated effort that over 45 million different mainstream global news outlets have parrotted "safe and effective! Safe and effective!" At the end of the day.....everything that all of these different people are finding are probably true. If some of them are false...also at the end of the day, what remains true is that there is a deliberate and coordinated effort to destroy humanity that is ongoing, and the architects of THAT are the real enemy. The individuals involved in exposing this monstrous evil, well-intentioned or not, are just messengers.
Holy ice-cream-emoji Batman.
"In fact, the spike protein has a sequence that produces at pH 7.0 Hydrogel, not the commonly quoted “Amyloid”. " Thanks for the update Ana. I have been taking serrapeptase at night and it seems to keep an old wound area from worsening more, but it is worse. *Passive exposure, no jabs.
If serrapeptase can dissolve non-living tissues in human veins and arteries, couldn't it be effective at dissolving these non-organic structures that we find in people's blood ? Gotta start that silkworm farm ..
Love this song, but "pure blooded" is now a rare thing on this planet:
I thought serrapeptase might help with a lot of research having been done on silkworm fiber in bionanotech.
Nice voice and song. Yes, passive exposure counts more than realized yet I think.
Dr Ana, as always, many thanks. This is not good news but vital that we know it. I ordered some Calcium Disodium EDTA in a bulk quantity. In is very inexpensive to get. I am thinking of following this enema protocol. I'll attach link
Since you are a chelation practioner PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE respond if this would be a viable option. MANY PEOPLE can afford doing this in the comfort of their own home, as opposed to having the time or funds for IV chelation. You mentioned transdermal, however it seems that a responsibly done Calcium Disodium EDTA enema protocol would enhance absorption??? It seems that time is of the essence for us to detox. I look forward to some direction as well as you expounding on the other solutions, peptides and such that you briefly touched on. God Bless you always dear woman. Much Love & Light! Michelle
.....'calcium disodium' - am I to infer from that description then Michelle, that EDTA optimizes a very specific form[ulation] of what can be legitimately characterized as at least SIMILAR to, 'BAKING SODA'? Sure SOUNDS like it - and AS such, would thus produce among other things an alkalizing effect?
Baking soda yes,I have a pinch in morning coffee just about everyday.Also mule team borax kills nano,there's people that take mule team borax everyday that know nothing about the nano.Also food grade D-earth,Turpentine with molasses or honey.Would recommend watching Tonys Video on herbs and beadworks YT channel before doing that
Dr Ana and Dr Carnicom, I thank you for your work, it is excellent. Your clarity of mind is a God given blessing to what remains in us in terms of unpolluted humanity.
The profundity of what you summarize in this post, can not be overstated. There may be only a handful of doctors/scientists/researchers who have synthesized the understanding and hypotheses you present. I think we all need to take some moments, and contemplate the implications of the scenario you describe.
Could a simple explanation of EDTA Chelation be made? I've looked into it a little, but it seems to be difficult to find a good (and easy) understanding of the process, and it seemed like it was only available through a doctor's prescription. I'm in the Kaiser system, and it's like pulling teeth to get anything, and their fairly liberal support might not even get me (if I needed it) any treatment that might undermine the narrative about how "safe and effective" these "vaccines" are.
I have other self-care info or links in a post in which I shared some of Dr. Ana's slides and encouraged people to watch the interview and read about EDTA chelation in her linked post.
Pomegranate peel and artemisinin may help chelate nanoparticles and heavy metals, vitamin C, glutathione and NAC were mentioned in the interview as inhibiting the self-assembly.
I think EDTA chelation needs medical support because too much would be dangerous, so there are labs before and after treatments to monitor levels, but I am not sure. The short story - we need minerals to survive, chelating too many minerals would be dangerous.
Thank you Jennifer! I'll take a look at it. From your comments, "inhibiting the self-assembly" could be seen as temporary. If these metallic or ionic components (or the output of the "spke factories") continue to stay in our blood, then we need something that will encapsulate or remove these components from not only our blood, but our body - given it got to our bloodstream via lipid encapsulation deliveries. (or was it external and separate from the lipid nanoparticles? In other words, a bunch of "trash" spare part components that the spike factories needed to build and build and... )
Another comment later on this page mentioned an EDTA by enema treatment and asked Ana about it. Otherwise the doctor assisted is intravenous, which explains why medical help is needed.
In my post I also mention pomegranate peel and artemisinin as metal chelators/nanoparticle chelator. I use both of those. Pom peel daily and artemisinin with flair ups. This is bad. I may seek out the EDTA treatment too. I have old fibrotic areas getting worse even with my self-care habits.
Hi Jennifer. This is Michelle who posted about EDTA enema as an option. I also linked a page toeartheracademy.comwhich lists A LOT of info in addition to the link on different forms of EDTA chelation. As you stated, this is indeed very bad. I am really hoping Dr Ana will address the EDTA enema option as there would be a lot more absorption seemingly that route. Someone mentioned the importance of minerals in our bodies. Yes! Of course you would most likely need to supplement with the good, need ones through the process. I believe the info I read suggests 3 days on ( enema chelation) 3 days off. But I am quite certain when that was originally authored, the person writing had no clue we have been dibolically assaulted for decades with this bulls$#t! I also am anxiously anticipating a follow up on the peptides she listed. My big concern is that many people don't have the money to purchase a lot of solutions/remedies. We may have to come up with a funding process to save people. All I know is that that I am NOT going to give in to FEAR. I intend on praying like crazy for these brilliant doctors and scientists to come up with some cure. Thank God for Dr Ana and Karen Kingston and this sweet super sharp man who has discovered this decades ago!! What a miracle that they were all brought together. I am glad that we have each other in these forums also. It makes me feel not so alone as most people in my life do not want to hear about these findings. 😪 Peace to you!!
Over the last few weeks both my Dad and a good friend have been diagnosed with lymphoma. They are both in their early to mid seventies, very fit and eating very healthily. One has kimchi daily, the other hikes in a large variety of ecosystems in various European countries- therefore good microbiomes. Their level of exercise would be medium in comparison to an athlete. Do these fibrous structures end up via capillaries in the interstitial fluid and are then taken up by lymph vessels and then grow in lymph nodes?My friend has been told by two naturopaths who are also medically very intuitive that it was not cancer and would eventually go away. The biopsy at the hospital said there were changes to the cells but it did not look like cancer. The size of the lymph nodes below their right jaw bones and other lumps in the deep lying abdominal lymph nodes makes doctors conclude it must be cancer. What is known about fibrous structures in the lymphatic system? Can they be dissolved?
Lymphoma is apparently the most common cancer after the injections. Do these people actually have cancer or do these structures grow in their lymph nodes? Can this be reversed? Also if these structures are a life form, could essential oils be helpful eg. Neem or Oregano oils maybe?
Anyone got any info or opinions on this?
Have a blessed year everyone. is HARD for me to effectively articulate just HOW profoundly I was AFFECTED by this exchange, Ana - Clifford's tone and explanation throughout, could EASILY be seen as echoing my OWN, independent endeavors of at least a half-decade; actually started weeping near its conclusion.....would VERY much welcome the chance to participate in a Zoom session with you both, others similarly interested to share VITALLY-important bioimpacting considerations as relate to what's a comparatively-IMMINENT, likely-DEVASTATING geomagnetic polar reversal within an estimated 7-25 years; its INCREASINGLY-deleterious effects on, and mortal threats to, MOST life (Ben Davidson of 'Suspicious Observers' has reported extensively about them, MORE than ANYone else and Professor Gerald Pollack, provided immensely-valuable contextualization - as well as 'Geoengineering Watch's Dane Wigington but, done a FAIR bit of it myself - with an extremely-SMALL, but highly-ATTENTIVE audience). If such a dialogue IS feasible, PLEASE let me know when might work BEST for you both.....
Thank you, Dr. Ana, for all of your research & efforts to keep ppl informed.
I wonder if DMSO would be another healing agent that might help some of the harmful side effects of Covid, the jab, & environmental toxins?
My neighbor, who is a brilliant dr., introduced me to his OG supplement & anti-aging site There are 2 products I use that can address the need for DNA repair.
1.) AC-11 (supports cell DNA repair)
2.) Telomere Length (telomerase activators, nitric oxide boosters & cell repair nutrients).
These products are organic & affordable.
Healthycell.comalso offers excellent vitamin supplements & sleep aids.
08/2021, my husband & I had a severe case of Covid. He was coerced into getting the Regeneron, monoclonal antibody intravenously. Since he’s recovered from Covid, my husband has been afflicted with severe joint pain practically from head to toe. He has always been agile & never struggled with arthritis. Sometimes I think his 100 yr old mother could beat him in a foot race. (little exaggeration here). Do you know anything about the monoclonal antibodies--its contents, & how to treat the possible side effects? I’m trying to get him to be disciplined in a thorough detox program. He’s using the EDTA cream, drinking Ultimate Minerals in distilled water, takes a vitamin regimen (vit A-K), 1/2 tsp Ascorbic acid, 1/2 tsp glycine, in water, NAC, OG Activated Charcoal, epsom salt/baking soda baths, & infrared sauna, howbeit, my husband lacks consistency b/c I think he feels defeated.
Hi Ana - thanks for all your amazing work - so much you produce. I'm reading your book now - much of it goes above my head if its scientific and physics - but I loved the autobiographical beginning 80 pages and I'm enjoying reading about JZ - I want to look into it more. Thank you.
I believe this has been going on much longer than we can imagine. I was Vax injured in the 90’s with the HepB series. Working as a dental hygienist it was required because if the AIDS epidemic. I had problems with my periods similar to what you hear now. So much bleeding I eventually had a hysterectomy. They labeled me as FMS and treated me like a nut case. I never felt like it was FMS but more like Chronic Fatigue. Now diagnosed as RA. With FMS. I am feeling better than I have in 30 years since I’m NOT vaxxed and follow the protocols. Take ZDTOX. My MD prescribes hydroxichloriquine daily. Cardio Miracle etc. I had COVID very mildly in 3/20 but since have strange and very high BP at times with no family history of BP. Is that common? 178/110
Dr Ana I'm trying to understand the differences between jabbed and unjabbed blood; you say there are some similarities under the microscope such as the ribbons and rouleaux effect, is it the case that only jabbed blood contains the nano/micro-circuitry? If not, what are the differences, if any? If there are no differences what is the purpose of the jabs?? Many thanks.
By only looking at the blood we can't do a proper comparison because this nanotechnology, the lipid nanoparticles go everywhere in the body and the hydrogel self-assembles in tissues .. The rouleaux effect seems common to jabbed, unjabbed and people who had "covid" because the spike attacks the endothelium (linings of blood vessels), so you'll see the rouleaux thing in a lot of people sadly. The self-assembling microcircuitry seems mainly visible in the jabbed. The detection of a bluetooth device in an EMF-free environment seems like an easier diagnosis tool to know if someone is compromised, because that's what these microchips emit.
Sandy K - Dec 28, 2022
Sandy K
Twenty-five or thirty years ago, some psychic person made a prediction that humans would be evolving into silicon based life. As a biologist, I thought she was nuts...a carbon-based life form does not "evolve" into a silicone-based 'life' retrospect, she may have been tuning in to the current insanity! But this sure ain't evolution, people. It is a psychopathic nightmare. Thank you for your work, Dr Ana. (Love your book, being a right-brained scientist myself!)
John Vargo - Apr 6, 2023
John Vargo
Yes and crystalline does not evolve into carbon and DNA is not junk,
Soul Liberation - Dec 28, 2022
Soulliberation's Newsletter
Hi, If you're interested in Reiki, Yoga, etc, maybe this will also interest you:,
Sandy K - Dec 28, 2022
Sandy K
Thanks, Soul Liberation! I've been practicing yoga and meditation since early 1970's and reiki since 1992...excellent work and I hope a lot of people tune tin to your substack!! Namaste :-)
Allan - Jan 6, 2024
Just Checkin??
Just curious Sandy if you have tried Shanka Prakshalana to detox I did it back in the 80s and thought it was amazing for detoxing the body. I remember seeing the worms in the crystal clear water at the end.
Sandy K - Jan 6, 2024
Sandy K
Thank you! I trust Ayurveda; I'll look for it. Blessings to you!!🙏
Allan - Jan 6, 2024
Just Checkin??
Have you tried Shanka Prakshalana to detox just curious if it would work.
Maggie V - Dec 28, 2022
Maggie’s Newsletter
Thank you for your courage in getting the truth out. Prayers to all doctors who put patients before money.
jsand - Dec 29, 2022
News Paradigm
Finally ... finally ... FINALLY ... a practitioner in the "pushback" movement made the connection to Carnicom's work AND highlighted it for ALL to see!! It has AMAZED me ... & DISGUSTED me ... that key figures have been on video w/Carnicom AFTER the plandemic began BUT did not show the CLEAR connections btw. his decades long work nor make it clear that ALL have been impacted -- not just the injected. This should have been obvious from the start. How can this be? Why wasn't this VERY HUMBLE man's SELFLESS work shouted from the rooftops?! I myself studied his work from the start of the scam & although I'd been aware of Morgellon's, I'd no idea until I read through paper after paper from Carnicom's work that we were seeing similar tech with so called "Covid."
Back in Jan. 2021, I did a pretty crude experiment on my own saliva. I'd been needing to spit like a truck driver for years due to increasing PND that I knew was not normal. One day I noticed that my sputum that I'd spit out while out doing yard work was still on the ground the next day. I found that very odd. Why hadn't it broken down naturally? So to test my suspicions I spit on a few things, i.e, a leaf, dirt clod, a rock & came back the next day & sure enough the sputum was still there. So I took the objects inside to observe the sputum over time. A month later, the sputum -- albeit dried -- was still present. It hadn't broken down. It remained in that form & never broke down. I'd done enough research on hydrogel by that point that I knew that was what I was looking at. I wasn't jabbed nor have I had any vaccines in decades -- I eat very healthy & exercise. However, I had HUGE family stress going on for several years, so my immune system was weakened. It's been hell to get the hydrogel out!! I'm still not completely free of it but have come a long way. But I'm grateful that my body was rejecting it. What's it doing in bodies that aren't?
One last note re. the hydrogel I experienced -- it consisted of a "foam" -- always -- along with the gel-like substance (which seemed to be self-replicating) -- every time I coughed it up. VERY foamy. Months ago, I caught that Clifford made note of that characteristic in one of his papers. It may be that this is a characteristic feature as I noticed Matt/David mentioning the "foam" at the edges of one of the slides they were viewing.
Thank you Dr. Ana for boldly stepping in & giving Carnicom's work the attention it deserves & needs. It'll be interesting to watch how others in the "pushback" movement respond. Should be telling.
Michelle - Dec 29, 2022
J Sand. Sorry for typos, meant to say hydrogel, not hydrogen.
Michelle - Dec 29, 2022
Very interesting J Sand. I'm happy to hear you have had some success getting this foreign matter out of you. I am so grateful too that Dr Ana and Clifford connected. Also, she mentioned that she will host Harald Kautz as a guest. I had no idea of Mr. Carnicom's work but have praying at whirling dervish speed to see Harald Kautz and Dr Ana put heads and hearts together to tackle these bizarre issues and find solutions. I am no scientist or doctor but as a 60 year young woman who loves God, I believe in prayer and that our bodies are wonderfully made. We obviously MUST be proactive just as you have been. I thank you for sharing your story and progress here with the hydrogen. WE must all who have ears to hear, hold each other up in Light and find solutions together. We are One and we are Legion. Blessings to you & Peace. Love , Michelle
Harold Saive - Dec 29, 2022
News Paradigm
Yes... Great interview. We need more from Ana and Clifff
Dominique Guillet - Jan 4, 2023
Xochi’s Substack
I am French and I have been writing about the fake pandemics and the vaccine genocide since February 2020.
Presentation of my English publications about the fake pandemics and the vaccine genocide
The Necro-Corona of “Molecular Spikes of Graphene Oxide”, and not the invisible coronavirus, induces a SMOG in the human organism
Summary of the irrefutable evidence - in photographs and videos - of the presence of graphene and nano/micro-technologies in the Covid injection
Mik Andersen’s 39 articles in English: Graphene injections and intra-corporeal nano-communications network
Self-Assembly of DNA Crystals. Mik Andersen
I accuse Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Richard Fleming and Dr. Peter McCullough of lamentable lies, and complicity, with respect to the content of the Covid/19 injections
My Message to the Covidian Dissidents of the Controlled Opposition
Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Richard Fleming and Dr. Peter McCullough! I have a personal Message for you: What the Fake is going on?
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jan 4, 2023
Thank you for all the info!
Dr Kay - Mar 27, 2023
Dr. Kay’s Newsletter
Great info, thank you. On the subject of controlled opposition, one thing is crystal clear; there is an enemy who is deliberately trying to destroy humanity, and that enemy is responsible for the conjob1984 execution, narrative, and "treatments". At the end of the day, that's really all that matters. That's the big picture. That's what all of humanity must unite to focus on and to take down. There are experts and there are egos.....and there have been experiments that have been levied against the human population by "government" agencies and military partners for decades using all kinds of diabolical techniques, chemicals, radiation, drugs, and mind control programming. It stands to reason that these same sociopathic scum who have been masquerading as "governments" have simultaneously deployed dirty EMF weapons, graphene, mRNA, hydrogels, parasites (real or synthetic), gain-of-function-"illnesses" and whatever other horror shows the anti-life sociopathic minds of these examples of inbred filth can imagine.....and deployed them all across the world with the same speed and coordinated effort that over 45 million different mainstream global news outlets have parrotted "safe and effective! Safe and effective!" At the end of the day.....everything that all of these different people are finding are probably true. If some of them are false...also at the end of the day, what remains true is that there is a deliberate and coordinated effort to destroy humanity that is ongoing, and the architects of THAT are the real enemy. The individuals involved in exposing this monstrous evil, well-intentioned or not, are just messengers.
The Watchman - Dec 28, 2022
The Watchman's Substack
I thought that the slides that Dr, Carrie Madej had pictures of looked a lot like morgellons in October of 2021. See my image for the day @
Linking your research and interview today @
Jennifer Depew, R.D. - Dec 27, 2022 - Edited
deNutrients - News to Use
Holy ice-cream-emoji Batman.
"In fact, the spike protein has a sequence that produces at pH 7.0 Hydrogel, not the commonly quoted “Amyloid”. " Thanks for the update Ana. I have been taking serrapeptase at night and it seems to keep an old wound area from worsening more, but it is worse. *Passive exposure, no jabs.
Marty - Dec 28, 2022 - Edited
Nano Ordo Mundi
If serrapeptase can dissolve non-living tissues in human veins and arteries, couldn't it be effective at dissolving these non-organic structures that we find in people's blood ? Gotta start that silkworm farm ..
Love this song, but "pure blooded" is now a rare thing on this planet:
Jennifer Depew, R.D. - Dec 29, 2022 - Edited
deNutrients - News to Use
I thought serrapeptase might help with a lot of research having been done on silkworm fiber in bionanotech.
Nice voice and song. Yes, passive exposure counts more than realized yet I think.
Michelle - Dec 28, 2022 - Edited
Hamish625’s Substack
Dr Ana, as always, many thanks. This is not good news but vital that we know it. I ordered some Calcium Disodium EDTA in a bulk quantity. In is very inexpensive to get. I am thinking of following this enema protocol. I'll attach link
Since you are a chelation practioner PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE respond if this would be a viable option. MANY PEOPLE can afford doing this in the comfort of their own home, as opposed to having the time or funds for IV chelation. You mentioned transdermal, however it seems that a responsibly done Calcium Disodium EDTA enema protocol would enhance absorption??? It seems that time is of the essence for us to detox. I look forward to some direction as well as you expounding on the other solutions, peptides and such that you briefly touched on. God Bless you always dear woman. Much Love & Light! Michelle
LONG In The TRUTH - Dec 29, 2022 - Edited
Hamish625’s Substack
.....'calcium disodium' - am I to infer from that description then Michelle, that EDTA optimizes a very specific form[ulation] of what can be legitimately characterized as at least SIMILAR to, 'BAKING SODA'? Sure SOUNDS like it - and AS such, would thus produce among other things an alkalizing effect?
John Vargo - Apr 5, 2023
John Vargo
Baking soda yes,I have a pinch in morning coffee just about everyday.Also mule team borax kills nano,there's people that take mule team borax everyday that know nothing about the nano.Also food grade D-earth,Turpentine with molasses or honey.Would recommend watching Tonys Video on herbs and beadworks YT channel before doing that
LONG In The TRUTH - Dec 29, 2022 - Edited
Hamish625’s Substack
.....or would the recommended accompanying liposomal Vitamin C somehow OFFSET, temper same?
Rachel - Dec 28, 2022
Dr Ana and Dr Carnicom, I thank you for your work, it is excellent. Your clarity of mind is a God given blessing to what remains in us in terms of unpolluted humanity.
Citizen Seer - Dec 28, 2022
Citizen’s Substack
The profundity of what you summarize in this post, can not be overstated. There may be only a handful of doctors/scientists/researchers who have synthesized the understanding and hypotheses you present. I think we all need to take some moments, and contemplate the implications of the scenario you describe.
Justin - Dec 28, 2022 - Edited
Could a simple explanation of EDTA Chelation be made? I've looked into it a little, but it seems to be difficult to find a good (and easy) understanding of the process, and it seemed like it was only available through a doctor's prescription. I'm in the Kaiser system, and it's like pulling teeth to get anything, and their fairly liberal support might not even get me (if I needed it) any treatment that might undermine the narrative about how "safe and effective" these "vaccines" are.
Jennifer Depew, R.D. - Dec 28, 2022
deNutrients - News to Use
I have other self-care info or links in a post in which I shared some of Dr. Ana's slides and encouraged people to watch the interview and read about EDTA chelation in her linked post.
Pomegranate peel and artemisinin may help chelate nanoparticles and heavy metals, vitamin C, glutathione and NAC were mentioned in the interview as inhibiting the self-assembly.
I think EDTA chelation needs medical support because too much would be dangerous, so there are labs before and after treatments to monitor levels, but I am not sure. The short story - we need minerals to survive, chelating too many minerals would be dangerous.
Justin - Dec 28, 2022
Thank you Jennifer! I'll take a look at it. From your comments, "inhibiting the self-assembly" could be seen as temporary. If these metallic or ionic components (or the output of the "spke factories") continue to stay in our blood, then we need something that will encapsulate or remove these components from not only our blood, but our body - given it got to our bloodstream via lipid encapsulation deliveries. (or was it external and separate from the lipid nanoparticles? In other words, a bunch of "trash" spare part components that the spike factories needed to build and build and... )
Jennifer Depew, R.D. - Dec 28, 2022
deNutrients - News to Use
Another comment later on this page mentioned an EDTA by enema treatment and asked Ana about it. Otherwise the doctor assisted is intravenous, which explains why medical help is needed.
In my post I also mention pomegranate peel and artemisinin as metal chelators/nanoparticle chelator. I use both of those. Pom peel daily and artemisinin with flair ups. This is bad. I may seek out the EDTA treatment too. I have old fibrotic areas getting worse even with my self-care habits.
Michelle - Dec 28, 2022
John Vargo
Hi Jennifer. This is Michelle who posted about EDTA enema as an option. I also linked a page toeartheracademy.comwhich lists A LOT of info in addition to the link on different forms of EDTA chelation. As you stated, this is indeed very bad. I am really hoping Dr Ana will address the EDTA enema option as there would be a lot more absorption seemingly that route. Someone mentioned the importance of minerals in our bodies. Yes! Of course you would most likely need to supplement with the good, need ones through the process. I believe the info I read suggests 3 days on ( enema chelation) 3 days off. But I am quite certain when that was originally authored, the person writing had no clue we have been dibolically assaulted for decades with this bulls$#t! I also am anxiously anticipating a follow up on the peptides she listed. My big concern is that many people don't have the money to purchase a lot of solutions/remedies. We may have to come up with a funding process to save people. All I know is that that I am NOT going to give in to FEAR. I intend on praying like crazy for these brilliant doctors and scientists to come up with some cure. Thank God for Dr Ana and Karen Kingston and this sweet super sharp man who has discovered this decades ago!! What a miracle that they were all brought together. I am glad that we have each other in these forums also. It makes me feel not so alone as most people in my life do not want to hear about these findings. 😪 Peace to you!!
John Vargo - Apr 6, 2023
John Vargo
I think the cure is a whole body EMP,everything else treating the symptoms.
Theda Haehl - Jan 2, 2023
Over the last few weeks both my Dad and a good friend have been diagnosed with lymphoma. They are both in their early to mid seventies, very fit and eating very healthily. One has kimchi daily, the other hikes in a large variety of ecosystems in various European countries- therefore good microbiomes. Their level of exercise would be medium in comparison to an athlete. Do these fibrous structures end up via capillaries in the interstitial fluid and are then taken up by lymph vessels and then grow in lymph nodes?My friend has been told by two naturopaths who are also medically very intuitive that it was not cancer and would eventually go away. The biopsy at the hospital said there were changes to the cells but it did not look like cancer. The size of the lymph nodes below their right jaw bones and other lumps in the deep lying abdominal lymph nodes makes doctors conclude it must be cancer. What is known about fibrous structures in the lymphatic system? Can they be dissolved?
Lymphoma is apparently the most common cancer after the injections. Do these people actually have cancer or do these structures grow in their lymph nodes? Can this be reversed? Also if these structures are a life form, could essential oils be helpful eg. Neem or Oregano oils maybe?
Anyone got any info or opinions on this?
Have a blessed year everyone.
LONG In The TRUTH - Dec 29, 2022 - Edited
Hamish625’s Substack is HARD for me to effectively articulate just HOW profoundly I was AFFECTED by this exchange, Ana - Clifford's tone and explanation throughout, could EASILY be seen as echoing my OWN, independent endeavors of at least a half-decade; actually started weeping near its conclusion.....would VERY much welcome the chance to participate in a Zoom session with you both, others similarly interested to share VITALLY-important bioimpacting considerations as relate to what's a comparatively-IMMINENT, likely-DEVASTATING geomagnetic polar reversal within an estimated 7-25 years; its INCREASINGLY-deleterious effects on, and mortal threats to, MOST life (Ben Davidson of 'Suspicious Observers' has reported extensively about them, MORE than ANYone else and Professor Gerald Pollack, provided immensely-valuable contextualization - as well as 'Geoengineering Watch's Dane Wigington but, done a FAIR bit of it myself - with an extremely-SMALL, but highly-ATTENTIVE audience). If such a dialogue IS feasible, PLEASE let me know when might work BEST for you both.....
Lorrie Crismon - Dec 29, 2022
Lorrie Crismon
Thank you, Dr. Ana, for all of your research & efforts to keep ppl informed.
I wonder if DMSO would be another healing agent that might help some of the harmful side effects of Covid, the jab, & environmental toxins?
My neighbor, who is a brilliant dr., introduced me to his OG supplement & anti-aging site There are 2 products I use that can address the need for DNA repair.
1.) AC-11 (supports cell DNA repair)
2.) Telomere Length (telomerase activators, nitric oxide boosters & cell repair nutrients).
These products are organic & affordable.
Healthycell.comalso offers excellent vitamin supplements & sleep aids.
08/2021, my husband & I had a severe case of Covid. He was coerced into getting the Regeneron, monoclonal antibody intravenously. Since he’s recovered from Covid, my husband has been afflicted with severe joint pain practically from head to toe. He has always been agile & never struggled with arthritis. Sometimes I think his 100 yr old mother could beat him in a foot race. (little exaggeration here). Do you know anything about the monoclonal antibodies--its contents, & how to treat the possible side effects? I’m trying to get him to be disciplined in a thorough detox program. He’s using the EDTA cream, drinking Ultimate Minerals in distilled water, takes a vitamin regimen (vit A-K), 1/2 tsp Ascorbic acid, 1/2 tsp glycine, in water, NAC, OG Activated Charcoal, epsom salt/baking soda baths, & infrared sauna, howbeit, my husband lacks consistency b/c I think he feels defeated.
ann watson - Dec 28, 2022
Hi Ana - thanks for all your amazing work - so much you produce. I'm reading your book now - much of it goes above my head if its scientific and physics - but I loved the autobiographical beginning 80 pages and I'm enjoying reading about JZ - I want to look into it more. Thank you.
Connie Raley - Jan 2, 2023
John Vargo
I believe this has been going on much longer than we can imagine. I was Vax injured in the 90’s with the HepB series. Working as a dental hygienist it was required because if the AIDS epidemic. I had problems with my periods similar to what you hear now. So much bleeding I eventually had a hysterectomy. They labeled me as FMS and treated me like a nut case. I never felt like it was FMS but more like Chronic Fatigue. Now diagnosed as RA. With FMS. I am feeling better than I have in 30 years since I’m NOT vaxxed and follow the protocols. Take ZDTOX. My MD prescribes hydroxichloriquine daily. Cardio Miracle etc. I had COVID very mildly in 3/20 but since have strange and very high BP at times with no family history of BP. Is that common? 178/110
John Vargo - Apr 6, 2023
John Vargo
Cardio miracle endorsed by Edward G Griffin,he's somewhere around 90.
JaneR - Dec 28, 2022
Nano Ordo Mundi
Dr Ana I'm trying to understand the differences between jabbed and unjabbed blood; you say there are some similarities under the microscope such as the ribbons and rouleaux effect, is it the case that only jabbed blood contains the nano/micro-circuitry? If not, what are the differences, if any? If there are no differences what is the purpose of the jabs?? Many thanks.
Marty - Dec 29, 2022
Nano Ordo Mundi
By only looking at the blood we can't do a proper comparison because this nanotechnology, the lipid nanoparticles go everywhere in the body and the hydrogel self-assembles in tissues .. The rouleaux effect seems common to jabbed, unjabbed and people who had "covid" because the spike attacks the endothelium (linings of blood vessels), so you'll see the rouleaux thing in a lot of people sadly. The self-assembling microcircuitry seems mainly visible in the jabbed. The detection of a bluetooth device in an EMF-free environment seems like an easier diagnosis tool to know if someone is compromised, because that's what these microchips emit.
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