Self Assembly Nanotechnology Microplastic Polymers Contributing To Turbo Cancers, Accelerated Aging And All Diseases

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 07, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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I have been warning people about accelerated turbo cancers now seen in the C19 unvaccinated for many months. I had seen a sudden uptick with young people dying from cancers within a few months from diagnosis to death who have been exposed to shedding. Everyone is talking about Turbo cancers now, but not about the fact that many teams did not find elements of life in the shots, which means there was no mRNA or other DNA in them. Of course, many are touting the SV40 sequences as the discovery of the century, but vaccines have always been designed to cause cancer. Even polio vaccine contained SV40 in 1955. It is known that SV40 was given in vaccinations for over 35 years - and that is just the covered up tip of the iceberg: Vaccine scandal revives cancer fear

Of course it is amusing hat the “medical freedom movement” is jumping on SV40 contamination as the big story of the day, while ignoring rubbery clots with polyethylene and polyamide signatures, in addition to the revelation about WBAN, brain computer interface, missing mRNA in the shots while toxic heavy metals that are part of semiconducting nanotechnology biosensors are found. They ignore Graphene in Pfizer documents and in scientific investigations of the C19 vials around the world. Additionally, despite extensive talk about Turbo cancers, nobody cares to consider that polymer microplastics are highly inflammatory and carcinogenic.

Legal strategists are claiming that in parliamentary sessions nobody wants to hear about nanotechnology ( well of course not they are part of the deployment of these weapons) and that even judges in courts are not ready to broach the subject. Wait, so the world is not ready to address the number one threat to humanity that is verifiably killing people and modifying the possible survivors into transhuman cyborgs? Who has the authoritiy to make that decision for humanity? When will “they” be ready to discuss it, when the job is done?

Seriously, people would rather have the masses die then address the issues at hand truthfully. That does not project a favorable outcome. People cite the statistics, - NOW we have proof of depopulation! And? Are you just going to watch it happen and keep calculating the numbers while ignoring the real cause?

Microplastics - aka Nanotechnological Self Assembly Polymers - Are Everywhere - Poisoning Our Biosphere, Food Supply And Humans

Here are some review articles about the very polymer plastics I have been writing about and their adverse health effects:

Insights into the potential carcinogenicity of micro- and nano-plastics

The ever-increasing usage of polymer plastics in day-to-day life is a major cause of concern due to their potential implications for human health. The ongoing research efforts suggest that exposure of humans to MNPLs via inhalation and ingestion is inevitable. There is a growing concern in different walks of life regarding the potential of MNPLs as agents increasing the carcinogenic risk in humans. Due to the lack of studies directly evaluating carcinogenic effects, the only way to get some indicative data is the use of surrogate biomarkers. Thus, several in vitro and in vivo studies demonstrated the potential of MNPLs to cause DNA damage, generation of ROS, and inflammatory response suggesting their human health risk.

Could Microplastics Be a Driver for Early Onset Colorectal Cancer?

The epidemiology of increase in early onset colorectal cancer (EOCRC) suggests an environmental driver. This increase in EOCRC matches the time sequence in which we could expect to see an effect of rapid increase of MPs in the environment and, as such, we have explored possible mechanisms for this effect. We suggest that it is possible that the MPs damage the barrier integrity of the colonic mucus layer, thus reducing its protective effect.

The below review article published in 2021 admits that microplastics are in most food, most bottled water and nanoparticles also have been found. This does not take into consideration that these nano and micro plastics also have been utilized in the making of self assembly nanotechnology that continues to indefinitely self replicate for the purpose of total global surveillance. This is called smart dust.

Of course, it is not just the polymers that cause ill health effects like cancer, but also the metal nanoparticles, the smaller the size, the greater the toxicity. Is Nano Domestic Quell Government Project Still Going On? How Long Have Our Bodies Been Loaded With Nano Particles In Food, Drinks And Water Supply? Are We Now Part Of The World Wide Sensor Network?

Impact of Microplastics and Nanoplastics on Human Health

While, there are several earlier studies reported the effects of micro and nano-plastics have on the environment, there is scant research into their impact on the human body at subcellular or molecular levels. In particular, the potential of how nano-plastics move through the gut, lungs and skin epithelia in causing systemic exposure has not been examined thoroughly.

Once disposed of, plastic waste is exposed to biological, chemical and environmental elements, and will break down into huge amounts of microplastics (measuring < 5 mm) and nanoplastics (<0.1 µm)

Several studies have shown that micro- and nanoplastics enter into the human food chain in various ways: Animals consuming them in their natural environment [ 34 ]; contamination during the food production processes [ 35 ]; and/or through leaching from plastic packaging of the food and drinks [ 36 ]. To date, micro- and nanoplastic fragments have been detected in honey, beer, salt, sugar, fish, shrimps and bivalves

Experimental sampling using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) performed on tap, bottled and spring waters showed that microplastics are present in all these water sources. Tap water from 159 global sources was tested and 81% were found to contain microplastic particles measuring less than 5 mm [ 43 ]. Tests were conducted on 259 individual bottles of water from 11 different brands and 27 different batches, and the results demonstrated that 93% contained microplastic particles.

Statistics show the following average levels of microplastic pollution in food: seafood = 1.48 particles/g, sugar = 0.44 particles/g, honey = 0.10 particles/g, salt = 0.11 particles/g, alcohol = 32.27 particles/L, bottled water = 94.37 particles/L, tap water = 4.23 particles/L, and air = 9.80 particles/m 3 .

From these figures, it is possible to extrapolate that the average human is consuming around 39,000 to 52,000 microplastic particles per year, with age and gender impacting the total amount. If inhalation of plastic particles is included in the figures, then the amounts rise to between 74,000 and 121,000 particles per year. Further, an individual who only ingest bottled water is potentially consuming an extra 90,000 particles in comparison to people who only drink tap water, who will ingest only 4000 extra particles [ 44 ]. These results indicate that the human food chain is, indeed, a major source of microplastic consumption by humans.

Sources of microplastics aka polymers. Note polystyrene was found to be a building block of Morgellons, the first deployment of advanced surveillance nanotechnology upon humanity, now evolved to under the skin surveillance and fusion with synthetic biology called C19 bioweapons.

The potential of nanoplastics to permeate the gut epithelium, leading to systemic exposure in humans, is a significant issue. Historically, studies have used polystyrene nanoparticles for in vivo and in vitro tests on a variety of animals. The probable oral bioavailability level of 50 nm polystyrene nanoparticles is ten to one hundred times greater than the level of microplastics (2–7%) [62,63]. Similar to the results seen with microplastics, there is no straightforward correlation between the absorption, size and structure of nanoplastics [62]. Previous research has shown that the absorption rates of nanoparticles (50–500 nm) vary greatly across different in vitro intestinal models, with figures of 1.5–10% according to the size and chemical structure of the nanoparticles as well as the type of in vitro model used.

It is worth noting that most of the reported studies were based on experiments using polystyrene nanoparticle models, and excluded samples gathered from marine and terrestrial environments. Other plastics such as polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE), and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) are, however, the main polymeric materials present in these environments.

The authors do not mention geoengineering, but the text clearly explains that polymers inhaled from the air are a major exposure. These are sprayed worldwide via weather modification geo- and bioengineering operations. Synthetic fibres containing petrochemicals means Morgellons advanced Nanotechnology for human modification.

Recent studies into the human inhalation of plastic particles have indicated that atmospheric fallout in urban areas is a significant cause of the particles. The major constituent atmospheric fallout of microplastics from both urban and suburban areas of Paris was found to be synthetic fibre particles, where 29% of those fibres contained petrochemicals. By considering the average atmospheric flux of total fibres, the fibre dimensions and fibre densities, an estimated 3–10 tons of microplastics are deposited annually as a result from atmospheric fallout. Urban areas recorded double the average atmospheric flux, compared with suburban areas, with rainfall having a demonstrable impact on the observed depositions.

Note that all known toxic effect of polymer particles cause accelerated aging, inflammation, and malignancy development.

Note breakdown products of plastic polymers are carcinogenic.

Here is a study showing polyethylene polymers causing induction of HER2 breast cancer causing pathways and independent cell toxicity:

Insights into the effect of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) microplastics on HER2 signaling pathways

To explore the potential impacts of MP exposure, we produced and characterized polyethylene terephthalate (PET) micro-fragments, then administered them to living cells. PET is widely employed in the production of plastic bottles, and thus represents a potential source of environmental MPs. However, its potential effects on public health are hardly investigated, as the current bio-medical research on MPs mainly utilizes different models, such as polystyrene particles . This study employed cell viability assays and Western blot analysis to demonstrate cell-dependent and dose-dependent cytotoxic effects of PET MPs, as well as a significant impact on HER-2-driven signaling pathways.

This paper completely ignores the geoengineering causation of the atmospheric fallout of the polymer filaments, but correctly chemically identifies Morgellons filaments made from plastics and polyamides ( Nylon). Same thing that constitutes the rubbery clots and is in the C19 vaccinated and unvaccinated blood.

. Synthetic fibers in atmospheric fallout: A source of microplastics in the environment?

Fourier Transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy showed that half of the analyzed fibers are natural fibers (50%) being mainly cotton or wool. The remaining fibers are man-made. For 21% of the total fibers, they are manufactured by transformation of natural polymers (rayon or acetate from cellulose). In an other hand, 17% of the fibers corresponds to purely synthetic fibers, mainly polyethylene-terephthalate and only one fiber of polyamide. The other 12% fibers are made with a mixture of different materials including purely synthetic materials fibers (mixture of polyethylene-terephthalate and polyurethane) and fibers being a mixture of natural and synthetic materials (cotton and polyamide). Therefore, petrochemicals are found in 29% of the analyzed fibers in atmospheric fallout.

This chemical analysis is of course consistent with what I have previously reported - that the chemicals found in advanced Nanotechnology filaments and the chemical compositions of lipid nano-particle technology of C19 shots is similar. And this is just what we know from reports, but the actual Gas chromatography to assess all possible plastics in the shots has not been done “officially”.

Chemical Analysis Comparison of Hydrogel Filaments from C19 Shots and Environmental Geoengineering Sources - Project What Happened to Humanities Blood?

However, we have shown that chemical near infrared signatures are the same from environmental exposure, the blood, and the chemical composition of the rubber clots.

Chemical Composition Analysis Of Synthetic Biology Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB) aka Hydrogel/Graphene Filaments In Unvaccinated Blood- Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD In Conjunction With Clifford Carnicom

2007 Chemical Analysis of Morgellons Fibers Showed Polyethylene Nanotechnology. Pfizer C19 Bioweapon Polyethylene Glycol LNP's Create Filaments And Micro Chips. Are They Related And Part Of WBAN?

Blood Clot Analysis From Living And Deceased Individuals Near Infrared Spectroscopy Shows Multiple Hydrogel Polymer Components - Part 2 of 3 - Dr. Ana Mihalcea With Clifford Carnicom

Advanced Nanotechnology polymers, now called microplastics, are everywhere. These self assembly biosensor polymers are there for the purpose of the total digital surveillance grid. You can find the HP Packard article that discusses the deployment of Billions of nanosensors into the environment here.

Just like the climate change liars are telling us we have a climate emergency instead of a man made geoengineering caused poisoning of our atmosphere for weather warfare purposes, they tell us we have microplastics from garbage decomposition and incidental polymers flying around in our air, while ignoring the toxic intentional chemtrails above.

Having toxic polymers in your body replacing your organ system will most certainly give you accelerated cancers too.

And it will make the cancers grow faster, note cancerogenic effects are seen in 24 hours:

Polypropylene microplastics promote metastatic features in human breast cancer

However, PPMP incubation for 24 hours in the MDA-MB-231 cells significantly altered the level of cell cycle-related transcripts in an RNA-seq analysis. When confirmed by qRT-PCR, the gene expression of TMBIM6, AP2M1, and PTP4A2 was increased, while the transcript level of FTH1 was decreased. Further, secretion of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-6 from cancer cells was elevated with the incubation of PPMP for 12 hours. These results suggest that PPMP enhances metastasis-related gene expression and cytokines in breast cancer cells, exacerbating breast cancer metastasis.

Here is further literature:

Plastic exposure and urological malignancies — an emerging field

A rapid review and meta-regression analyses of the toxicological impacts of microplastic exposure in human cells

Micro- and nanoplastic induced cellular toxicity in mammals: A review

These are the same polymers that I and others have found in the blood and other tissues:

Discovery and quantification of plastic particle pollution in human blood

Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and apply it to measure plastic particles ≥700 nm in human whole blood from 22 healthy volunteers. Four high production volume polymers applied in plastic were identified and quantified for the first time in blood. Polyethylene terephthalate , polyethylene and polymers of styrene (a sum parameter of polystyrene , expanded polystyrene, acetonitrile butadiene styrene etc.) were the most widely encountered, followed by poly(methyl methacrylate). Polypropylene was analysed but values were under the limits of quantification. In this study of a small set of donors, the mean of the sum quantifiable concentration of plastic particles in blood was 1.6 µg/ml, showing a first measurement of the mass concentration of the polymeric component of plastic in human blood.

Human feces were previously analysed with Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), providing evidence that micro-sized plastic particles can be excreted via the gastrointestinal tract . Plastic particles were also detected inhuman colectomy specimens with FTIR. Raman microspectroscopy has been recently applied to image and identify threepolypropylene particles between 5 and 10 μm in human placental tissue.


It is tragic when young and middle aged people are suddenly eaten alive by cancers. I have seen far to many already. Denial kills. But people choose by their own free will to deny these findings.

If you think about the New Zealand data that many people around the world have in different ways corroborated, we are in fight for our lives while most choose to ignore the war. I believe that the first test of humanity was if they were going to take the C19 bioweapons or not. The second test in survival was could the unvaccinated comprehend that they were affected by shedding self replicating nanotechnology and would they act to protect themselves to the greatest ability possible. Many choose not to and the consequences of that choice will unfortunately become more and more evident to all people of this world.

The research documented in this substack is entirely consistent with everything that is going on with the accelerated aging, increased cancer and death rates of humanity - while at the same time explaining the lack of mRNA in the C19 bioweapons.

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Amber Jenkins - Dec 7, 2023

Dr. Ana, do you believe this is why so many people are suffering from depression now? I have it, and have had it for years, but this year my 14 year old (then 13 year old) daughter was diagnosed, and just tonight my 9 year old daughter was asking me if it's normal to think about killing yourself? What are we doing to stop this toxic waste getting into our bodies? How do we combat something like this that is operating on such an enormous scale? Thank you for what you are doing, Dr. Ana and for sharing your findings. Please pray for me & my kids whoever is reading this.

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ValkrieScotDottir - Dec 7, 2023

ValkrieScotDottir’s Substack

I've spoken to people about this for the past couple of years. I get called crazy, insane. I grew sure, and remain so, that the injected (and often, now, the "infected") are literally programmed to *not* see what is happening, to have an aversion to hearing about it and to react accordingly. In many cases, that's been aggressively. And I now have zero friends left. None. People are either now completely programmed walking routers and drones, or so afraid to face the facts they internally shrink away from them. I have no idea what to do to get people to wake up and do anything. I'm old and now, dying from COPD and a heart arrhythmia (and I'm uninjected but almost certainly infected) so won't be around forever.
And tbh, I'm glad. My daughters and grandchildren took the killshots without my approval. They now have nothing to do with me, with "crazy old granny" and one daughter informed my grandbairns I am now dead.
I fight to remain here only because I have a husband I love and an autistic adult daughter, both unshot, who need me. Even though they too, don't believe me.
I've forwarded Dr Ana's research along with David Nixon's and Karen Kingston's et al to as many as I can. I get silence back. Nothing. Even when I push for responses..."Oh, I haven't time to read it" or "it's too scientific for me to follow" (despite the fact that, over the last three plus years I taught myself to understand as much as humanly possible). But if I mention the weather I get joyful or miserable responses immediately.
I continue to believe that they have culled Humanity, that those of us who might survive will not last overlong because they made a transmissable bioweapon that is busy implanting and growing "alien" technology inside us, to our detriment, in order to track, harvest data and fully control in every possible way those of us left.
That, I will fight on a personal level to the rest of my days, however short they may be. Because I intend to take my soul with me when I do. And I'll be damned if they *ever* get to destroy it. Never.

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