Dr. Ana, do you believe this is why so many people are suffering from depression now? I have it, and have had it for years, but this year my 14 year old (then 13 year old) daughter was diagnosed, and just tonight my 9 year old daughter was asking me if it's normal to think about killing yourself? What are we doing to stop this toxic waste getting into our bodies? How do we combat something like this that is operating on such an enormous scale? Thank you for what you are doing, Dr. Ana and for sharing your findings. Please pray for me & my kids whoever is reading this.
Please home school, don't let them have cell phones at all or allow television at home or computers in their rooms. Do fun things together, take them to weekly music and sports lessons and make sure they become skilled in some area. They will thrive.
How can u do all these things knowing the food and air u breath is killing u unless u detox regularly which can cost up to 500$ per week and with inflation it’s impossible to stay positive but trying is trying I guess
We must enjoy our lives, even if we are being slowly poisoned. I do what I can by using as little plastic as I can and choosing natural foods and fibers. But spending $500 on detox? That money would be much better spent on our emotional and cognitive support.
Switch them and yourself to a high raw food diet. Use adaptogens like product, “Tao in a Bottle”, can find it on Amazon. Eliminate the nanotech with vitamin C and zeolite for heavy metals. Clean your water with a gravity fed Berkey. Look at the substack channel 2nd smartest person in the world, he links to an easy way to get ivermectin. Fenben you can get on Amazon.
Strongly disagree with you on the Wheat Bread vs so-called white bread. And, although some persons are allergic to Gluten, it is no problem for the majority.
Read some of the articles onYoungAgain.org
Even Roger is way off on some stuff, but he's a city boy!
To all their own I say..our bodies are deferent and wheat for some of us is bad..the bread used today are not the same grained used 60 years ago which means the health benefits aren’t that great..beef liver however has so much vitamins
A lot of the grains are saturated with glyphosate. Many take great pains to locate organic, heirloom sources, but if the fields are located anywhere near that of the poisoned crops, it’s likely contaminated as well.
Victoria asked how to get rid of depression. greens are the food that makes you happy. That’s been my experience! Vitamin C is great but it moves your shit through your system faster. I try for one to two capsules of 1200 mg a day.
When I had COVID I used vitamins C and D3. On first day I took 16 grams of C, only then my bowel ''said'' it's enough. With every next day dose went down by 2 grams until I stayed with 2 grams a day for few months after illness was gone. This was first time I tried this vitamin C protocol and it's worked, my bowel let me know how much it is needed. And vitamin D I took 40 000 IU a day until I was ok.
Thank the Lord that you are doing well now! I never had Covid, nor the Jab, but having been a regular Red Cross Blood Donor (over 25 gallons), they began telling me with their Testing, that I had the Covid Anti-bodies in my Blood, in January 2021. Praise the Lord for always looking after us!
Due to the BP meds my V.A. APRN had me on, and my own desire of Supplements for my health, my Kidneys were messing up. So, to a Nephrologist, who took me off that too much BP meds to his own script.
Then, he determined that I was taking way too much Vitamin D as well. So he had me quit the straight D I was taking, and I get more than enough from the daily "All the Vitamins you Need", then more in the "Better Prostate" I take in the evenings.
In May, two years ago, he decided he really didn't need to see me anymore than just Annually in May. The V.A. keeps him up to par with my Bi-Annual Blood work.
Praise the Lord!!!
I tried a raw food diet for a year and I became emaciated and looked sickly because my body was cannibalizing itself for protein. Sure some raw food is good, but I don't think it's the answer. Cut out white starchy junk foods, sugary foods, and foods high in omega 6 fatty acids is the way to go. And eat real, whole foods (organic if you can afford it) instead. IMO, Berkey is a scam. They make a lot of claims, but their products aren't NSF certified.
Sorry, you read like a ‘bot. Protein is a complex chain of amino acids, it takes a lot to break down proteins to their usable form of amino acids. Fruits and veggies don’t have much protein but they are loaded with amino acids. I didn’t do an all raw food diet. Too difficult, I did an 80% raw food diet. I lost weight, got healthy, no bad symptoms, recovered energy and felt happy. And I will do it again when I get off the road trucking.
So you can't comment without making insults? Such a big man. Well, goodie for you with the raw diet. BTW, amino acids are the building blocks of protein, so you make no sense regarding fruits and veggies being "loaded with amino acids". Foods with the most amino acids are meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, beans, nuts, and seeds. Fruits and veggies are at the bottom of the list.https://www.medicinenet.com/10_foods_high_in_essential_amino_acids/article.htm
Also greens are considered the happy food because it makes you happy. Get into green smoothies. You can read Green for Life by Victoria Boutanko or watch her son Sergui Boutanko on YT. Before becoming a trucker, I would have two quarts of green smoothies a day and walk around all day being happy for no reason. It may take a few months of green smoothies to correct nutritional deficiencies before you get the happy effect. It took me 8 months with 2 quarts of green smoothies a day. I overcame severe shyness and poor health problems before the happy effect. Sorry, there is no easy answer, but you can go to the doctor and play a game of make-believe!
Choices of food can affect emotions, and also life events can, even in retrospect. However past is - well in the past, and we are still here! Good to remember? Choices are mostly in our control, and deciding the cup is half FULL is important - that is also a choice. Having a label of a diagnosis can have a down side, not only is the label to be surmounted, but there is a profit making industry surrounding it. No, it is certainly NOT normal to think of killing ones self. Maybe THAT is what a toxic environment is intending? Joy is all around to be appreciated. A rainy day has a beauty just as a sunny day, only it is different. A cup can be half FULL of JOY? Wishing you well, with love
Camu camu is a fruit from the Amazon high in vitamin C that has positive impacts for some with depression, you can buy it powdered at health food stores..
Ditto oral, spray vitamin D, which most people, and kids are now deficient in, and in some young people I've seen big turn around with that as well.
Then there is the absolutely demonic "crap" our kids are exposed to via screen & entertainment, that must go!
Genuine life affirming art, music, dance, time in nature, etc., and real human connection needs to fill the space left behind.
Finally, herbs like "Tao in a Bottle" are wonderful, imho, but the nutritional defiencies and quality of life issues must be addressed or they will be pretty powerless, I'm afraid.
Don't underestimate the darkness surrounding media & things they are exposed to in school. I've recently seen posts where they are teaching impressionable, puberty age kids how to kill themselves at school in Oregon & Idaho, of all places. I hope it was inaccurate, but today, nothing would surprise me.
"Hell is empty because all the demons are here."
Shakespeare said it then, in a play, but it looks like this to me now, just a bit.
Keep your loved ones close & look for ways to live healthfully, & happily, in this world today. ❤
I've spoken to people about this for the past couple of years. I get called crazy, insane. I grew sure, and remain so, that the injected (and often, now, the "infected") are literally programmed to *not* see what is happening, to have an aversion to hearing about it and to react accordingly. In many cases, that's been aggressively. And I now have zero friends left. None. People are either now completely programmed walking routers and drones, or so afraid to face the facts they internally shrink away from them. I have no idea what to do to get people to wake up and do anything. I'm old and now, dying from COPD and a heart arrhythmia (and I'm uninjected but almost certainly infected) so won't be around forever.
And tbh, I'm glad. My daughters and grandchildren took the killshots without my approval. They now have nothing to do with me, with "crazy old granny" and one daughter informed my grandbairns I am now dead.
I fight to remain here only because I have a husband I love and an autistic adult daughter, both unshot, who need me. Even though they too, don't believe me.
I've forwarded Dr Ana's research along with David Nixon's and Karen Kingston's et al to as many as I can. I get silence back. Nothing. Even when I push for responses..."Oh, I haven't time to read it" or "it's too scientific for me to follow" (despite the fact that, over the last three plus years I taught myself to understand as much as humanly possible). But if I mention the weather I get joyful or miserable responses immediately.
I continue to believe that they have culled Humanity, that those of us who might survive will not last overlong because they made a transmissable bioweapon that is busy implanting and growing "alien" technology inside us, to our detriment, in order to track, harvest data and fully control in every possible way those of us left.
That, I will fight on a personal level to the rest of my days, however short they may be. Because I intend to take my soul with me when I do. And I'll be damned if they *ever* get to destroy it. Never.
I have lost my friends and family members as well for the same reasons you stated. If we have to talk or interact there’s an unwritten rule, only happy talk is allowed.
There are many of us out there with similar stories. We may not be what one would call, traditional friends, but we are not alone.
Thanks for sharing your story and thoughts. It reminds me once again I am not alone. I do have friends like you, even though we have never met.
Thank you...when we are so isolated, it's hard to feel completely alone. I won't say I'm "glad" I'm not because I'd rather this wasn't happening of course. But it's comforting to know others are out there that know how I feel, and they are hanging in there regardless. Many thanks to all who responded, I didn't expect anything and it's heartening.
I’m with you 100%! Isn’t it funny that people won’t read anything about the shots — with a variety of excuses— and these are the same people that mocked us for doing our “own research.”
My remaining people will sit and watch the weather channel, bemoaning to me the fate of far away victims of storms and floods, but decline to look at, or listen to, research which points to the likely cause of their recurrent ill health.
I'm kinda over trying to awaken or argue with any of those people at this point.
"The definition of insanity."
It's been a long haul. Nearly 4 years since Trudeau's "Go Home and Stay Home" edict. I am free to fly again.
Biden lifted the entry ban against the unvaxxed too, so I'm heading south again shortly.
The ostriches will need to pull their heads out of the sand and research their own curatives.
Turn me over I'm done.
Better to wear a tinfoil hat than go along with the globalist agenda. I imagine that you have more friends in those that have also done the research and declined the shots than you realize. Be at peace knowing that we are right there with you and you are not alone, or crazy, in the least.
You are not alone, many of us have lost family members to this GREAT CON of man. And you are correct, this is ALIEN technology no matter how hard people keep avoiding the word. Keep it pushing. We will survive......#Agentmidnightrider
You said you had zero friends and were all alone, and I thought I had finally found someone else in my situation. I agree with everything you have postulated, but you do have a husband and a daughter who loves you! You have no idea what human contact means, even if it isn't perfect and joyful at all times. I'm sure they love you and treat you with a little dignity, otherwise why would you care about them at all. I literally have no one, just my dog and they have tried to kill him. There is nothing quite like being home for Christmas and not a single sole gives a Damm if you are alive or dead, and they pretty much say it with their actions. Merry Christmas from a very lonely forty so.ething single and dying man!
I have to respectfully disagree, John. When it comes to my husband and daughter, it is lonely enough to be with those I love and have them actively call me crazy and insane, to be on the end of ridicule and anger. I may not be physically "alone" in that sense but I assure you I'm as lonely as if I were.
My daughter used to be happy, well adjusted and loving child. Then she got the MMR. Within days she became autistic and developed certain health issues. When I approached the doctor about the link between the injection and autism I was laughed at and sent away. There's been no medical help for my girl. Her health issues eventually settled down though some persist all these years later. But the autism "stuck" and I've lived with an angry stranger all these years since.
I won't discuss my husband online. But whether I care about them or not has nothing to do with how they treat me. I can't switch love on and off. I just love them.
I wish I could say something that'd comfort you but I know how futile words are from strangers. Just, rest assured being alone doesn't always equate to having people around you.
I *am* sorry you are dying..and I do know exactly how that feels. Tonight (It's half past one am) is particularly bad but there are many such nights. Knowing my time will come and there'll be no comforting doctor or nurse beside me to ease pain or distress, nobody there to hold my hand until I breathe a last breath, well, that scares me, won't lie.
I made both husband and daughter swear to walk out when my time comes and return when they think it's over. They are both concerned that my not allowing any medical intervention is illegal here in Sweden. So far as I'm aware, it isn't,, and Sweden allows for non intervention on people who are dying, just not assisted suicide. I can only hope that when your time comes, it's as easy as it can be for you. I don't know your circumstances so can't and wouldn't offer advice but I do hope for that, for the ease, if possible, of passing.
It's what I hope for my own self too. (((((((((((((((hope you don't object to virtual hugs))))))))))
I feel like I am living in the twilight zone. As I have been literally watching that show all night long. I knew things were going too well, when no one knew about this new phone number. Now, that someone or so.ething has found out I have two numbers, up is down and everything seems too be disappearing, just as if it never existed. You write English very well to be in Sweden! I have never actually met a targeted person who advocated for my suicide, real or otherwise. So, take that for what you may....Oh, and the other thing is I had read your reply earlier, before the knowledge of this other number and it said something about you being around family members who do not believe you, and who humiliate you. The first response I read made me want to apologize for not knowing more about your situation,, and it most definitely did not mention anything about assisted suicide. So, this is just getting crazier and crazier. The only thing I can do at this point is laugh!
I in no way advocated for your suicide, sorry if I gave that impression. I'm dying due to long term illness, exacerbated by PCR tests which turn out to not be tests at all but a "soft" vaxx. My lungs are heart are packing up on me, I'm on daily oxygen and not doing so well at all. And I removed myself from the esablished healthcare system because in my opinion it is now useless and dangerous. And thats a long story based on experience.
Your last sentence said you were dying too. I assumed you meant through ill health, sorry if I got that wrong.
I'd never actively encourage anyone to go for suicide!
My own circumstances are that when my time comes...and it's most likely to be heart attack given my health issues, I've already had heart events...that my husband and daughter simply do not call in the medical establishment. That is my "living will" if you like. I have, now, a horror of ending in a hospital hooked up to a vent on drugs to keep me quiet as they inject me with whatever they wish, starve and dehydrate me and generally employ the existing covid protocols. I've known too many go out that way.
There isn't much medically that can be done for me healthwise at this point anyway. Even if I'd remained, all that could be done is helping me limp along, event after event, and quality of life wouldn't come into it.
That isn't something I choose.
And it's my own personal circumstances.
Please believe I am not, and never would, push it in any way on others. And I'm sorry if you thought so. That's the thing about having to communicate online...we miss out on so much of the nuances of human dialogue and interraction...no facial expressions, voice tones, etc. No laughter, grief or emphasis.
My accent is good because although we live here, I'm not Swedish. I'm Scottish. We lived in northern Scotland, my homeland, until Brexit. Because I wed an EU citizen and he didn't make enough income to satisfy the UKgov, they gave me a choice...lose my husband or lose my country, can't keep both.
I spent the two years transition phase fighting very publicly and privately, literally hounding politicians, other authority figures and giving media interviews etc in order to protest this ridiculous rule on behalf of many Scots in the same boat.
I lost.
So I left Scotland behind along with two grown, married daughters and grandchildren whom I haven't seen in five years. I left behind my native land and know now I'll never see Home again. That is how much I love my husband.
Because, politics. Because, globalism had even that, Brexit, planned as part and parcel of their incoming One World Government. And they don't give a damn who gets caught in the headlights of it, who gets discarded like pieces of rubbish.
Our lives were torn apart by one political decision in the space of two years. My family torn apart. And for anyone who has *had* to leave their Homeland without consent, the grief of that never leaves you.
That is why my english is good. My Swedish needs a great deal more work but I am getting there.
If anyone's wondering if it's better here in Sweden, I can only say based on my experience that there isn't a single safe space on this planet now. They're called Globalists for a good reason.
Again, I'm sorry if you misunderstood me. I should perhaps have made my views clearer. Mea Culpa. :)
Wishing you the best.
Yeah, that is horrible. I can relate. They are killing me as I type this. They are either putting me to sleep or giving me extreme anxiety with heart palpitations that feel like they are trying to kill me. I now know they are killing my parents as well. It is pure evil what they are doing. I lived in Hawaii for a few years, taught school until I began getting Morgellons lesions on my face. I was told it was reoccurring MRSA infections. So, I thought I was doing the responsible thing and not exposing kids to a deadly infectious disease. I had learned not to ever tell anyone you have MRSA infections. One thing led to another, and they are basically trying to get rid of me. So I naively filed a complaint of discrimination against the school system. I then find out the entire system is corrupt and will kill you and your family to protect the corrupt system. So, that's how I ended up in this targeted situation, but I somehow have two different accounts with two different pictures, and I swear to God there were two very different responses. Who knows anymore? The more I learn about what they have done to humanity. It's literally Nazi shit and they need everyone on these cellphones for it to work. Everyone is so clueless as ro what is going on, and honestly sometimes I wish I didn't know. Maybe, they would stop. I know they literally torched and killed those Hawaiians on the island of Maui. Recently, two huge trees that had been there for hundreds of years were uprooted in my parents back yard. They think it was some freak weather event, but I have sat there and watched to F18 fighter jets dip down and almost touch the roof of their house. So,, I am sure the two huge trees being uprooted was just some sort of warning of what is to come. I just wish they would leave my parents out of this and just kill me as that seems inevitable at this point. You hang in there, and hope for better days!
Dr. Ana, thank you for your analysis.
Some studies have found mRNA (actually modRNA) in vials and postvax humans.
Other studies, as you’ve reported, have found no mRNA.
This underscores a big problem reported by Sasha Latypova: different vials contain different things; good manufacturing practice (GMP) standards are not followed.
Also consistent with a bioweapon, no serial numbers are permitted on vials or cartons; only batch (lot) numbers are present.
Your frustration is palpable, but the inability of others to see must not dishearten you, your strength is needed. Yours is a voice that will be heard, when He chooses someone to speak through, that person will have the strength and those who need to, will hear. Your work is amazing, your voice clear and brave. You will be heard.
You haven't mentioned the synthetic venoms as explained in detail by Dr Bryan Ardis, yet another factor, not only in the stabs but also in the water especially but more than likely in substances being sprayed. No doubt about radio active substances such as cesium, barium, strontium in the chemtrails plus aluminium
Indeed. I t is doing my head in how there are these different factions in the 'opposition' and it is confusing and therefore hard to get a full and cogent picture of our situation. Dr Ardis is also at fault as finding a definitive version of his venoms antidote regime is also difficult.
Yes, good video but his 'antidote' detail is quite sketchy. He has expanded on this since, a number of times. That was my point, it's confusing and difficult to find the latest info.
If there are no MRNA or DNA and No elements of Life In the vaccine??? How are their EGGS HATCHING inside of peoples HINEY HOLES??? You tell me?
Watch Stew Peters and Dr. Jane Ruby show eggs hatching Millions of tiny WHAT???....#Agentmidnightrider
#GotChestbusters ?
I hate it when I'm right... I told you the Graphene Oxide is the FOOD for the critters...
The Clathrin shuttle leaves code anywhere it finds Graphene Oxide (GO). The Clathrin feeds off GO leaving genetic code in it’s wake in order to further synthesize and consume your body. Imagine a spider web lattice of neural lace forming throughout your body as this foreign synthetic neural network is formed. 8 A parallel life form to your bodies natural neurons.
In time four things will happen:
This neuralace when connected to IoT allows for your body to be hacked.
The neuralace slowly replaces your bodies neurons.
The neuralace is the conduit for mind uploading for the Singularity.
When the mind is fully harvested, will act as the electric circuit for to remote operation of your corpse as a graphene zombie.
Are they synthetic GENETIC polymers? aka XNA? Are they ENGINEERED DNA polymerases? Then it is XENOBIOLOGY creating a lien {not of this world } life. Was this done with the pcr testswabs-chemistry-europe.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cbic.202200521reverse transcriptases- from discovery and applications to xenobiology. read that article about pcr test engineered dna polymers accepting modified nucleotide. reverse transcriptases and pcr. TO READ out XNA[synthetic genetic polymers/ dna}reverse transcriptases are needed that can handle these synthetic polymers to reverse transcribe into DNA, so.....meaning a synthetic genome. self replicating? and a transcribing process between xna[synthetic dna} and human dna? to develop into xna any dna desired. ?? the papers say last step is shutting off human dna. can someone explain this? ask what sort of dna can be developed in this process.
Most revealing Ana and thank you for all this compilation work, not the least. I will save this for also later reviewing, the unknown chemistry for me is a bit too much, but it certainly helps to have taken part of your slides...to understand better. All in all it is a dark future, people do not want to be informed of rather withdraw in themselves to survive, I guess. Most are zombies not willing to understand, may be as Tucker on Epoch Times says, because of still a PTS syndrome. Something must be cognitively wrong, when they refuse to understand the smallest thing. Or for the pleasure of plain refusing? In Sweden we have the problem of total censorship, not one bit of what I learn from my American sources is available in mainstream media over here. Hardly in the alternative press either. So I am so thankful for what you are doing and trying to spread it...
I have been experiencing the same thing you describe re zombies or cognitive disfunction. I cannot understand it but have come to realize it's not only the norm but people like me (and you, I suspect) are outliers.
Ann old friend, a very smart woman, accomplished in her field, asked me why she is recently feeling not just depressed, but almost zombiefied. She has previously rejected all of my efforts to inform her of what I know of "what's going on", but I tried again to explain what I believe is behind this sea change in people.
I sent a large amount of data to her, mainly from these substacks, along with many examples of the nanotech found in the microscopy posted on substacks here and the most recent research and analysis of the vax ...she promised she would read it.
I got a reply back: "I want to be happy so I will watch cooking videos, animal videos, history videos ....and.I will watch happy movies and tend to my dogs and my life as it is."
I don't even know what to say to that. It's much the same with everyone else in my close circle of friends, they simply do not wish to know the truth of what is happening.
It is a tragic dilemma for sure.
I have been repeatedly told that since there is absolutely nothing that can be done to stop it, there is no point in spending the time left remaining, on negativity. Those who say this are not so much denying the truth of what is happening, rather, they are choosing to intentionally not think about it. They fill their lives with things/activities that they have enjoyed in the past. They approach this much as one might if they knew an extinction level event such as a large asteroid was scheduled to strike the earth in a few months. What they say is roughly; suppose you're right, it's my choice to spend the time remaining in whatever way I desire since nothing can be done about it anyway.
My response has been that as long as you admit the truth and have made a serious attempt to ascertain what if anything you should do about it (including a thorough evaluation/examination of moral conscience), I can't really criticize you. I think this is very similar to an astrophysical ELE in that we lack the power to stop it (think of all the totally unsuccessful tactics employed over the past almost 4 years). I would love to be wrong about that but the ptb that control this planet have it locked down and have thought of every possible response, it appears. They own every node of control and have infiltrated every power center. They also have advanced technology that we have no defense against. Each person it seems to me must decide how they wish to spend the time remaining.
For those who remain unreachable, we can pray for them but there is no point in persisting in trying to convince them of the truthful reality of our plight.
I really hate to say all this, but it seems necessary.
I appreciate your worldview, John. Yes, a tragic dilemma. It does seem that tptb do have all the bases covered and that we are powerless to do anything to counter the inevitable. Maybe, maybe not. I'm definitely a 'never say die' person, though, and seek information and truth (or as close as I can get to it), and will fight off the (possibly) inevitable as long as I can. That being said, I enjoy my life immensely despite the horrifying knowledge floating around in my brain, and believe I would probably be miserable with my head buried in the sand. Better to know, I believe ....forewarned is forearmed and all of that. We shall see.
I understand. I was only trying to provide some context for people here. Not everyone who refuses to discuss this or accept it, is ignorant of the facts. At this late stage, almost no one except the intellectually challenged, is invincibly ignorant.
I have been quite unsuccessful at changing the mind of anyone. I have alienated people by persisting in telling the truth and have been permanently banned from social media for truth telling. A few people who were reachable have refused to become involved with spreading the word (for the reasons I stated above). The cognitive dissonance is probably too much for them. One person said to me: "why do you bother with this constant negativity when there is nothing you can do about it? Do you not want/need to derive any joy from life?" It's a tough question to answer. While I don't want to make anyone miserable, I am duty bound to be truthful, even if it makes people unhappy. I believe and accept that truth is not just a metaphysical principle but a Person, so I am obligated to speak it. What transpires afterward, is not in my control.
Understood. However Is the truth you see the ultimate one? I try to make a point that if a truth causes pain and then no relief onwards, is it a good application of that truth? I do not criticise, I have the very same dilemma.
Weapons are created - along with antidotes. There are things that can be done, although we may not yet know everything. If you try, you may be successful. If you accept to NOT try, you will NOT be successful. What is life about I wonder?
"I want to be happy so I will watch cooking videos, animal videos, history videos ....and.I will watch happy movies and tend to my dogs and my life as it is."
That's it. In a nutshell.
Ostrich People.
this is the problemodysee.com/@ARGONAUT:d/YPOFn.caa:c
how do we fight this?
this is also how they tried to kill you Ana
you say I did it ... is not so
that God intervened shows that they took you over
but that goes against free will so you are still alive ...is my 5 cents.
but the real question is how do we protect our bio-fields from this?
tell me I would like to know
There is no independent and serious study that has found any biological material, only the official version of the criminals and the false dissidence that insist on it, to cover up the true toxic component of non-vaccines with all types of highly toxic, carcinogenic nanotechnology guilty of the hypercoagulation of the blood thrombosis myocarditis etc.
Thanks to all the good people who do not give in to barbarism and spread the truth and life above all, God bless you
Great Article; a lot going on! ■ Not going out in the public (I was and am aware that when the abomination of desolation is seen, to retreat) and staying home has helped with less exposure; even less food from convenience stores to dining away from home. I realized I have not used a drinking straw since September 2020; that I can remember. I had grandparents with skin diseases that were shedding and contagious on both parent sides. Therefore, I have had an awareness and practice of caution being close or contact with others since birth. My home sources are in glass jars as much as I can fill the refrigerator and cabinets; makes the family frustrated. About the metals, I see them as a "shotgun bullet/buck/buckshot," coated in a plastic shell with small metal to disperse in the "intent to capture and harm." As much as I want to be a Remainer at the return of Jesus, Revelation 19, I am cautious on my decisions that help that choice be more secure. M
Revelation 19, KJV, blueletterbible
The Fourfold Hallelujah
■And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God:
2For true and righteous are his judgments: for he hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand.
3And again they said, Alleluia. And her smoke rose up for ever and ever.
4And the four and twenty elders and the four beasts fell down and worshipped God that sat on the throne, saying, Amen; Alleluia.
5And a voice came out of the throne, saying, Praise our God, all ye his servants, and ye that fear him, both small and great.
6¶And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.
Marriage of the Lamb
7Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.
8And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.
9¶And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.
10And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
The Coming of Christ
11¶And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
12His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.
13And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
14And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
15And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
16And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.
17¶And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God;
18That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great.
19¶And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.
Doom of the Beast and False Prophet
20And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
21And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.
Thank you and all! I am mystified that I do not see mention of CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution) (Andreas Kalcker has videos which may not appear in some searches)
I sent that, and a lot of other research data, to TOP. (The Ostrich People.)
Father & Father in Law suffering from PD.
TOP don't open links from me though...
I'm sorry about your father and father-in-law. I hope they are weathering it ok. I may need a little more explanation about The Ostrich People. Sorry, I'm unfamiliar.
Amber Jenkins - Dec 7, 2023 - Edited
Joe’s Substack
Dr. Ana, do you believe this is why so many people are suffering from depression now? I have it, and have had it for years, but this year my 14 year old (then 13 year old) daughter was diagnosed, and just tonight my 9 year old daughter was asking me if it's normal to think about killing yourself? What are we doing to stop this toxic waste getting into our bodies? How do we combat something like this that is operating on such an enormous scale? Thank you for what you are doing, Dr. Ana and for sharing your findings. Please pray for me & my kids whoever is reading this.
Victoria - Dec 7, 2023
Joe’s Substack
Please home school, don't let them have cell phones at all or allow television at home or computers in their rooms. Do fun things together, take them to weekly music and sports lessons and make sure they become skilled in some area. They will thrive.
Joe - Dec 7, 2023
Joe’s Substack
How can u do all these things knowing the food and air u breath is killing u unless u detox regularly which can cost up to 500$ per week and with inflation it’s impossible to stay positive but trying is trying I guess
Victoria - Dec 7, 2023
We must enjoy our lives, even if we are being slowly poisoned. I do what I can by using as little plastic as I can and choosing natural foods and fibers. But spending $500 on detox? That money would be much better spent on our emotional and cognitive support.
chris fike - Dec 7, 2023 - Edited
chris fike
Switch them and yourself to a high raw food diet. Use adaptogens like product, “Tao in a Bottle”, can find it on Amazon. Eliminate the nanotech with vitamin C and zeolite for heavy metals. Clean your water with a gravity fed Berkey. Look at the substack channel 2nd smartest person in the world, he links to an easy way to get ivermectin. Fenben you can get on Amazon.
Sherry-Elizabeth - Dec 7, 2023
yeas Dr. Ben Kim has the best vitamin C I know of. I been using it for 9 years its
made out of 100% cherries and is not sourced from China.
Joe - Dec 7, 2023 - Edited
Joe’s Substack
How much vitamin C u take and u don’t have to eat raw food u can eat meat just stay away from wheat and gluten,sugar and high glucose food..and fast
Bruce Hartnett - Dec 7, 2023 - Edited
Bruce Hartnett
Strongly disagree with you on the Wheat Bread vs so-called white bread. And, although some persons are allergic to Gluten, it is no problem for the majority.
Read some of the articles onYoungAgain.org
Even Roger is way off on some stuff, but he's a city boy!
Joe - Dec 8, 2023
Joe’s Substack
To all their own I say..our bodies are deferent and wheat for some of us is bad..the bread used today are not the same grained used 60 years ago which means the health benefits aren’t that great..beef liver however has so much vitamins
Webe1 - Dec 10, 2023
A lot of the grains are saturated with glyphosate. Many take great pains to locate organic, heirloom sources, but if the fields are located anywhere near that of the poisoned crops, it’s likely contaminated as well.
chris fike - Dec 7, 2023
chris fike
Victoria asked how to get rid of depression. greens are the food that makes you happy. That’s been my experience! Vitamin C is great but it moves your shit through your system faster. I try for one to two capsules of 1200 mg a day.
Bruce Hartnett - Dec 7, 2023
Bruce Hartnett
Too much C is proven to be bad for your system and immunities.
I only take 1000 mg once a day.
Inino16 - Dec 12, 2023
When I had COVID I used vitamins C and D3. On first day I took 16 grams of C, only then my bowel ''said'' it's enough. With every next day dose went down by 2 grams until I stayed with 2 grams a day for few months after illness was gone. This was first time I tried this vitamin C protocol and it's worked, my bowel let me know how much it is needed. And vitamin D I took 40 000 IU a day until I was ok.
Bruce Hartnett - Dec 12, 2023
Bruce Hartnett
Thank the Lord that you are doing well now! I never had Covid, nor the Jab, but having been a regular Red Cross Blood Donor (over 25 gallons), they began telling me with their Testing, that I had the Covid Anti-bodies in my Blood, in January 2021. Praise the Lord for always looking after us!
Due to the BP meds my V.A. APRN had me on, and my own desire of Supplements for my health, my Kidneys were messing up. So, to a Nephrologist, who took me off that too much BP meds to his own script.
Then, he determined that I was taking way too much Vitamin D as well. So he had me quit the straight D I was taking, and I get more than enough from the daily "All the Vitamins you Need", then more in the "Better Prostate" I take in the evenings.
In May, two years ago, he decided he really didn't need to see me anymore than just Annually in May. The V.A. keeps him up to par with my Bi-Annual Blood work.
Praise the Lord!!!
Caroline Rose - Dec 8, 2023 - Edited
chris fike
I tried a raw food diet for a year and I became emaciated and looked sickly because my body was cannibalizing itself for protein. Sure some raw food is good, but I don't think it's the answer. Cut out white starchy junk foods, sugary foods, and foods high in omega 6 fatty acids is the way to go. And eat real, whole foods (organic if you can afford it) instead. IMO, Berkey is a scam. They make a lot of claims, but their products aren't NSF certified.
chris fike - Dec 10, 2023 - Edited
chris fike
Sorry, you read like a ‘bot. Protein is a complex chain of amino acids, it takes a lot to break down proteins to their usable form of amino acids. Fruits and veggies don’t have much protein but they are loaded with amino acids. I didn’t do an all raw food diet. Too difficult, I did an 80% raw food diet. I lost weight, got healthy, no bad symptoms, recovered energy and felt happy. And I will do it again when I get off the road trucking.
Caroline Rose - Dec 20, 2023 - Edited
So you can't comment without making insults? Such a big man. Well, goodie for you with the raw diet. BTW, amino acids are the building blocks of protein, so you make no sense regarding fruits and veggies being "loaded with amino acids". Foods with the most amino acids are meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, beans, nuts, and seeds. Fruits and veggies are at the bottom of the list.https://www.medicinenet.com/10_foods_high_in_essential_amino_acids/article.htm
chris fike - Dec 7, 2023
chris fike
Also greens are considered the happy food because it makes you happy. Get into green smoothies. You can read Green for Life by Victoria Boutanko or watch her son Sergui Boutanko on YT. Before becoming a trucker, I would have two quarts of green smoothies a day and walk around all day being happy for no reason. It may take a few months of green smoothies to correct nutritional deficiencies before you get the happy effect. It took me 8 months with 2 quarts of green smoothies a day. I overcame severe shyness and poor health problems before the happy effect. Sorry, there is no easy answer, but you can go to the doctor and play a game of make-believe!
Un-silent - Dec 7, 2023
I will pray for you and your children. We must trust in Jesus in these terrible times, He is in full control.
candtalan - Dec 7, 2023
Choices of food can affect emotions, and also life events can, even in retrospect. However past is - well in the past, and we are still here! Good to remember? Choices are mostly in our control, and deciding the cup is half FULL is important - that is also a choice. Having a label of a diagnosis can have a down side, not only is the label to be surmounted, but there is a profit making industry surrounding it. No, it is certainly NOT normal to think of killing ones self. Maybe THAT is what a toxic environment is intending? Joy is all around to be appreciated. A rainy day has a beauty just as a sunny day, only it is different. A cup can be half FULL of JOY? Wishing you well, with love
Katherine - Dec 8, 2023 - Edited
Camu camu is a fruit from the Amazon high in vitamin C that has positive impacts for some with depression, you can buy it powdered at health food stores..
Ditto oral, spray vitamin D, which most people, and kids are now deficient in, and in some young people I've seen big turn around with that as well.
Then there is the absolutely demonic "crap" our kids are exposed to via screen & entertainment, that must go!
Genuine life affirming art, music, dance, time in nature, etc., and real human connection needs to fill the space left behind.
Finally, herbs like "Tao in a Bottle" are wonderful, imho, but the nutritional defiencies and quality of life issues must be addressed or they will be pretty powerless, I'm afraid.
Don't underestimate the darkness surrounding media & things they are exposed to in school. I've recently seen posts where they are teaching impressionable, puberty age kids how to kill themselves at school in Oregon & Idaho, of all places. I hope it was inaccurate, but today, nothing would surprise me.
"Hell is empty because all the demons are here."
Shakespeare said it then, in a play, but it looks like this to me now, just a bit.
Keep your loved ones close & look for ways to live healthfully, & happily, in this world today. ❤
Reply (1) - Dec 7, 2023
Comment removed.
Amber Jenkins - Dec 12, 2023
Thank you. How do you know dosages to give children of B12 and D3? Is it based on weight?
ValkrieScotDottir - Dec 7, 2023
ValkrieScotDottir’s Substack
I've spoken to people about this for the past couple of years. I get called crazy, insane. I grew sure, and remain so, that the injected (and often, now, the "infected") are literally programmed to *not* see what is happening, to have an aversion to hearing about it and to react accordingly. In many cases, that's been aggressively. And I now have zero friends left. None. People are either now completely programmed walking routers and drones, or so afraid to face the facts they internally shrink away from them. I have no idea what to do to get people to wake up and do anything. I'm old and now, dying from COPD and a heart arrhythmia (and I'm uninjected but almost certainly infected) so won't be around forever.
And tbh, I'm glad. My daughters and grandchildren took the killshots without my approval. They now have nothing to do with me, with "crazy old granny" and one daughter informed my grandbairns I am now dead.
I fight to remain here only because I have a husband I love and an autistic adult daughter, both unshot, who need me. Even though they too, don't believe me.
I've forwarded Dr Ana's research along with David Nixon's and Karen Kingston's et al to as many as I can. I get silence back. Nothing. Even when I push for responses..."Oh, I haven't time to read it" or "it's too scientific for me to follow" (despite the fact that, over the last three plus years I taught myself to understand as much as humanly possible). But if I mention the weather I get joyful or miserable responses immediately.
I continue to believe that they have culled Humanity, that those of us who might survive will not last overlong because they made a transmissable bioweapon that is busy implanting and growing "alien" technology inside us, to our detriment, in order to track, harvest data and fully control in every possible way those of us left.
That, I will fight on a personal level to the rest of my days, however short they may be. Because I intend to take my soul with me when I do. And I'll be damned if they *ever* get to destroy it. Never.
John Roberts - Dec 7, 2023
John Roberts
I have lost my friends and family members as well for the same reasons you stated. If we have to talk or interact there’s an unwritten rule, only happy talk is allowed.
There are many of us out there with similar stories. We may not be what one would call, traditional friends, but we are not alone.
Thanks for sharing your story and thoughts. It reminds me once again I am not alone. I do have friends like you, even though we have never met.
ValkrieScotDottir - Dec 8, 2023
ValkrieScotDottir’s Substack
Thank you...when we are so isolated, it's hard to feel completely alone. I won't say I'm "glad" I'm not because I'd rather this wasn't happening of course. But it's comforting to know others are out there that know how I feel, and they are hanging in there regardless. Many thanks to all who responded, I didn't expect anything and it's heartening.
Dawn K - Dec 7, 2023
Dawn K
I’m with you 100%! Isn’t it funny that people won’t read anything about the shots — with a variety of excuses— and these are the same people that mocked us for doing our “own research.”
Unapologetically Me - Dec 7, 2023
Just Another Canadian Dissident.
My remaining people will sit and watch the weather channel, bemoaning to me the fate of far away victims of storms and floods, but decline to look at, or listen to, research which points to the likely cause of their recurrent ill health.
I'm kinda over trying to awaken or argue with any of those people at this point.
"The definition of insanity."
It's been a long haul. Nearly 4 years since Trudeau's "Go Home and Stay Home" edict. I am free to fly again.
Biden lifted the entry ban against the unvaxxed too, so I'm heading south again shortly.
The ostriches will need to pull their heads out of the sand and research their own curatives.
Turn me over I'm done.
IvyRose - Dec 10, 2023
Just Another Canadian Dissident.
Until the ‘next’ thing. Take care as we all must.
Unapologetically Me - Dec 10, 2023
Just Another Canadian Dissident.
You take care too.
Stay awake.
ASK - Dec 7, 2023
Better to wear a tinfoil hat than go along with the globalist agenda. I imagine that you have more friends in those that have also done the research and declined the shots than you realize. Be at peace knowing that we are right there with you and you are not alone, or crazy, in the least.
Agent Midnight Rider - Dec 7, 2023
Agent’s Substack
You are not alone, many of us have lost family members to this GREAT CON of man. And you are correct, this is ALIEN technology no matter how hard people keep avoiding the word. Keep it pushing. We will survive......#Agentmidnightrider
John Godwin - Dec 25, 2023
John’s Substack
You said you had zero friends and were all alone, and I thought I had finally found someone else in my situation. I agree with everything you have postulated, but you do have a husband and a daughter who loves you! You have no idea what human contact means, even if it isn't perfect and joyful at all times. I'm sure they love you and treat you with a little dignity, otherwise why would you care about them at all. I literally have no one, just my dog and they have tried to kill him. There is nothing quite like being home for Christmas and not a single sole gives a Damm if you are alive or dead, and they pretty much say it with their actions. Merry Christmas from a very lonely forty so.ething single and dying man!
ValkrieScotDottir - Dec 26, 2023
ValkrieScotDottir’s Substack
I have to respectfully disagree, John. When it comes to my husband and daughter, it is lonely enough to be with those I love and have them actively call me crazy and insane, to be on the end of ridicule and anger. I may not be physically "alone" in that sense but I assure you I'm as lonely as if I were.
My daughter used to be happy, well adjusted and loving child. Then she got the MMR. Within days she became autistic and developed certain health issues. When I approached the doctor about the link between the injection and autism I was laughed at and sent away. There's been no medical help for my girl. Her health issues eventually settled down though some persist all these years later. But the autism "stuck" and I've lived with an angry stranger all these years since.
I won't discuss my husband online. But whether I care about them or not has nothing to do with how they treat me. I can't switch love on and off. I just love them.
I wish I could say something that'd comfort you but I know how futile words are from strangers. Just, rest assured being alone doesn't always equate to having people around you.
I *am* sorry you are dying..and I do know exactly how that feels. Tonight (It's half past one am) is particularly bad but there are many such nights. Knowing my time will come and there'll be no comforting doctor or nurse beside me to ease pain or distress, nobody there to hold my hand until I breathe a last breath, well, that scares me, won't lie.
I made both husband and daughter swear to walk out when my time comes and return when they think it's over. They are both concerned that my not allowing any medical intervention is illegal here in Sweden. So far as I'm aware, it isn't,, and Sweden allows for non intervention on people who are dying, just not assisted suicide. I can only hope that when your time comes, it's as easy as it can be for you. I don't know your circumstances so can't and wouldn't offer advice but I do hope for that, for the ease, if possible, of passing.
It's what I hope for my own self too. (((((((((((((((hope you don't object to virtual hugs))))))))))
John Godwin - Jan 1, 2024
John’s Substack
I feel like I am living in the twilight zone. As I have been literally watching that show all night long. I knew things were going too well, when no one knew about this new phone number. Now, that someone or so.ething has found out I have two numbers, up is down and everything seems too be disappearing, just as if it never existed. You write English very well to be in Sweden! I have never actually met a targeted person who advocated for my suicide, real or otherwise. So, take that for what you may....Oh, and the other thing is I had read your reply earlier, before the knowledge of this other number and it said something about you being around family members who do not believe you, and who humiliate you. The first response I read made me want to apologize for not knowing more about your situation,, and it most definitely did not mention anything about assisted suicide. So, this is just getting crazier and crazier. The only thing I can do at this point is laugh!
ValkrieScotDottir - Jan 2, 2024
ValkrieScotDottir’s Substack
I in no way advocated for your suicide, sorry if I gave that impression. I'm dying due to long term illness, exacerbated by PCR tests which turn out to not be tests at all but a "soft" vaxx. My lungs are heart are packing up on me, I'm on daily oxygen and not doing so well at all. And I removed myself from the esablished healthcare system because in my opinion it is now useless and dangerous. And thats a long story based on experience.
Your last sentence said you were dying too. I assumed you meant through ill health, sorry if I got that wrong.
I'd never actively encourage anyone to go for suicide!
My own circumstances are that when my time comes...and it's most likely to be heart attack given my health issues, I've already had heart events...that my husband and daughter simply do not call in the medical establishment. That is my "living will" if you like. I have, now, a horror of ending in a hospital hooked up to a vent on drugs to keep me quiet as they inject me with whatever they wish, starve and dehydrate me and generally employ the existing covid protocols. I've known too many go out that way.
There isn't much medically that can be done for me healthwise at this point anyway. Even if I'd remained, all that could be done is helping me limp along, event after event, and quality of life wouldn't come into it.
That isn't something I choose.
And it's my own personal circumstances.
Please believe I am not, and never would, push it in any way on others. And I'm sorry if you thought so. That's the thing about having to communicate online...we miss out on so much of the nuances of human dialogue and interraction...no facial expressions, voice tones, etc. No laughter, grief or emphasis.
My accent is good because although we live here, I'm not Swedish. I'm Scottish. We lived in northern Scotland, my homeland, until Brexit. Because I wed an EU citizen and he didn't make enough income to satisfy the UKgov, they gave me a choice...lose my husband or lose my country, can't keep both.
I spent the two years transition phase fighting very publicly and privately, literally hounding politicians, other authority figures and giving media interviews etc in order to protest this ridiculous rule on behalf of many Scots in the same boat.
I lost.
So I left Scotland behind along with two grown, married daughters and grandchildren whom I haven't seen in five years. I left behind my native land and know now I'll never see Home again. That is how much I love my husband.
Because, politics. Because, globalism had even that, Brexit, planned as part and parcel of their incoming One World Government. And they don't give a damn who gets caught in the headlights of it, who gets discarded like pieces of rubbish.
Our lives were torn apart by one political decision in the space of two years. My family torn apart. And for anyone who has *had* to leave their Homeland without consent, the grief of that never leaves you.
That is why my english is good. My Swedish needs a great deal more work but I am getting there.
If anyone's wondering if it's better here in Sweden, I can only say based on my experience that there isn't a single safe space on this planet now. They're called Globalists for a good reason.
Again, I'm sorry if you misunderstood me. I should perhaps have made my views clearer. Mea Culpa. :)
Wishing you the best.
John Godwin - Jan 2, 2024
John’s Substack
Yeah, that is horrible. I can relate. They are killing me as I type this. They are either putting me to sleep or giving me extreme anxiety with heart palpitations that feel like they are trying to kill me. I now know they are killing my parents as well. It is pure evil what they are doing. I lived in Hawaii for a few years, taught school until I began getting Morgellons lesions on my face. I was told it was reoccurring MRSA infections. So, I thought I was doing the responsible thing and not exposing kids to a deadly infectious disease. I had learned not to ever tell anyone you have MRSA infections. One thing led to another, and they are basically trying to get rid of me. So I naively filed a complaint of discrimination against the school system. I then find out the entire system is corrupt and will kill you and your family to protect the corrupt system. So, that's how I ended up in this targeted situation, but I somehow have two different accounts with two different pictures, and I swear to God there were two very different responses. Who knows anymore? The more I learn about what they have done to humanity. It's literally Nazi shit and they need everyone on these cellphones for it to work. Everyone is so clueless as ro what is going on, and honestly sometimes I wish I didn't know. Maybe, they would stop. I know they literally torched and killed those Hawaiians on the island of Maui. Recently, two huge trees that had been there for hundreds of years were uprooted in my parents back yard. They think it was some freak weather event, but I have sat there and watched to F18 fighter jets dip down and almost touch the roof of their house. So,, I am sure the two huge trees being uprooted was just some sort of warning of what is to come. I just wish they would leave my parents out of this and just kill me as that seems inevitable at this point. You hang in there, and hope for better days!
James Hill, MD - Dec 7, 2023 - Edited
James Hill MD’s Newsletter
Dr. Ana, thank you for your analysis.
Some studies have found mRNA (actually modRNA) in vials and postvax humans.
Other studies, as you’ve reported, have found no mRNA.
This underscores a big problem reported by Sasha Latypova: different vials contain different things; good manufacturing practice (GMP) standards are not followed.
Also consistent with a bioweapon, no serial numbers are permitted on vials or cartons; only batch (lot) numbers are present.
Linda - Dec 7, 2023
If they can lie so blatantly about the main cause of autism and claim that chlorine dioxide is "toxic bleach" what won't they lie about!
Neil Sherry - Dec 7, 2023
Your frustration is palpable, but the inability of others to see must not dishearten you, your strength is needed. Yours is a voice that will be heard, when He chooses someone to speak through, that person will have the strength and those who need to, will hear. Your work is amazing, your voice clear and brave. You will be heard.
Victoria Ferguson - Dec 7, 2023
Victoria Ferguson's Newsletter
You haven't mentioned the synthetic venoms as explained in detail by Dr Bryan Ardis, yet another factor, not only in the stabs but also in the water especially but more than likely in substances being sprayed. No doubt about radio active substances such as cesium, barium, strontium in the chemtrails plus aluminium
John Lawton - Dec 7, 2023
John Lawton
Indeed. I t is doing my head in how there are these different factions in the 'opposition' and it is confusing and therefore hard to get a full and cogent picture of our situation. Dr Ardis is also at fault as finding a definitive version of his venoms antidote regime is also difficult.
candtalan - Dec 7, 2023
Try this - The Antidote
John Lawton - Dec 7, 2023
John Lawton
Yes, good video but his 'antidote' detail is quite sketchy. He has expanded on this since, a number of times. That was my point, it's confusing and difficult to find the latest info.
Shelly - Dec 7, 2023
John Lawton
Check his website for the back up info on his venom research
John Lawton - Dec 7, 2023
John Lawton
Ah, but which one? I have these listed in my notes:
https://www.unifydhealing.com/antidote<-- click on downloads for various files but possibly dated advice?
https://intercom.help/the-dr-ardis-show/en/collections/3711180-covid-19-documents-reports<-- select 'Venom Detox Protocol'
The last one seems most relevant.
Agent Midnight Rider - Dec 7, 2023 - Edited
Agent’s Substack
If there are no MRNA or DNA and No elements of Life In the vaccine??? How are their EGGS HATCHING inside of peoples HINEY HOLES??? You tell me?
Watch Stew Peters and Dr. Jane Ruby show eggs hatching Millions of tiny WHAT???....#Agentmidnightrider
#GotChestbusters ?
I hate it when I'm right... I told you the Graphene Oxide is the FOOD for the critters...
The Clathrin shuttle leaves code anywhere it finds Graphene Oxide (GO). The Clathrin feeds off GO leaving genetic code in it’s wake in order to further synthesize and consume your body. Imagine a spider web lattice of neural lace forming throughout your body as this foreign synthetic neural network is formed. 8 A parallel life form to your bodies natural neurons.
In time four things will happen:
This neuralace when connected to IoT allows for your body to be hacked.
The neuralace slowly replaces your bodies neurons.
The neuralace is the conduit for mind uploading for the Singularity.
When the mind is fully harvested, will act as the electric circuit for to remote operation of your corpse as a graphene zombie.
Joy Lucette Garner - Dec 7, 2023
Joy’s Newsletter
These are new chimeric "lifeforms" which are polymer based. Who knows.
kaal - Dec 7, 2023
Are they synthetic GENETIC polymers? aka XNA? Are they ENGINEERED DNA polymerases? Then it is XENOBIOLOGY creating a lien {not of this world } life. Was this done with the pcr testswabs-chemistry-europe.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cbic.202200521reverse transcriptases- from discovery and applications to xenobiology. read that article about pcr test engineered dna polymers accepting modified nucleotide. reverse transcriptases and pcr. TO READ out XNA[synthetic genetic polymers/ dna}reverse transcriptases are needed that can handle these synthetic polymers to reverse transcribe into DNA, so.....meaning a synthetic genome. self replicating? and a transcribing process between xna[synthetic dna} and human dna? to develop into xna any dna desired. ?? the papers say last step is shutting off human dna. can someone explain this? ask what sort of dna can be developed in this process.
kaal - Dec 7, 2023
The science is explained in this article/ paper. Science ppl should read it.
kaal - Dec 7, 2023
ppl asking about dna- re listen to Karen Kingston on how this was made. she told you. someone else can say it. not me.
NineBallOnBreak - Dec 7, 2023
Great work Dr. Ana! Where can I find more treatment info about your EDTA and Vit C protocol?
Anita Söderman - Dec 7, 2023
Anita’s Substack
Most revealing Ana and thank you for all this compilation work, not the least. I will save this for also later reviewing, the unknown chemistry for me is a bit too much, but it certainly helps to have taken part of your slides...to understand better. All in all it is a dark future, people do not want to be informed of rather withdraw in themselves to survive, I guess. Most are zombies not willing to understand, may be as Tucker on Epoch Times says, because of still a PTS syndrome. Something must be cognitively wrong, when they refuse to understand the smallest thing. Or for the pleasure of plain refusing? In Sweden we have the problem of total censorship, not one bit of what I learn from my American sources is available in mainstream media over here. Hardly in the alternative press either. So I am so thankful for what you are doing and trying to spread it...
Rust - Dec 7, 2023
John H.
I have been experiencing the same thing you describe re zombies or cognitive disfunction. I cannot understand it but have come to realize it's not only the norm but people like me (and you, I suspect) are outliers.
Ann old friend, a very smart woman, accomplished in her field, asked me why she is recently feeling not just depressed, but almost zombiefied. She has previously rejected all of my efforts to inform her of what I know of "what's going on", but I tried again to explain what I believe is behind this sea change in people.
I sent a large amount of data to her, mainly from these substacks, along with many examples of the nanotech found in the microscopy posted on substacks here and the most recent research and analysis of the vax ...she promised she would read it.
I got a reply back: "I want to be happy so I will watch cooking videos, animal videos, history videos ....and.I will watch happy movies and tend to my dogs and my life as it is."
I don't even know what to say to that. It's much the same with everyone else in my close circle of friends, they simply do not wish to know the truth of what is happening.
John H. - Dec 7, 2023
John H.
It is a tragic dilemma for sure.
I have been repeatedly told that since there is absolutely nothing that can be done to stop it, there is no point in spending the time left remaining, on negativity. Those who say this are not so much denying the truth of what is happening, rather, they are choosing to intentionally not think about it. They fill their lives with things/activities that they have enjoyed in the past. They approach this much as one might if they knew an extinction level event such as a large asteroid was scheduled to strike the earth in a few months. What they say is roughly; suppose you're right, it's my choice to spend the time remaining in whatever way I desire since nothing can be done about it anyway.
My response has been that as long as you admit the truth and have made a serious attempt to ascertain what if anything you should do about it (including a thorough evaluation/examination of moral conscience), I can't really criticize you. I think this is very similar to an astrophysical ELE in that we lack the power to stop it (think of all the totally unsuccessful tactics employed over the past almost 4 years). I would love to be wrong about that but the ptb that control this planet have it locked down and have thought of every possible response, it appears. They own every node of control and have infiltrated every power center. They also have advanced technology that we have no defense against. Each person it seems to me must decide how they wish to spend the time remaining.
For those who remain unreachable, we can pray for them but there is no point in persisting in trying to convince them of the truthful reality of our plight.
I really hate to say all this, but it seems necessary.
Rust - Dec 7, 2023
John H.
I appreciate your worldview, John. Yes, a tragic dilemma. It does seem that tptb do have all the bases covered and that we are powerless to do anything to counter the inevitable. Maybe, maybe not. I'm definitely a 'never say die' person, though, and seek information and truth (or as close as I can get to it), and will fight off the (possibly) inevitable as long as I can. That being said, I enjoy my life immensely despite the horrifying knowledge floating around in my brain, and believe I would probably be miserable with my head buried in the sand. Better to know, I believe ....forewarned is forearmed and all of that. We shall see.
John H. - Dec 7, 2023
John H.
I understand. I was only trying to provide some context for people here. Not everyone who refuses to discuss this or accept it, is ignorant of the facts. At this late stage, almost no one except the intellectually challenged, is invincibly ignorant.
I have been quite unsuccessful at changing the mind of anyone. I have alienated people by persisting in telling the truth and have been permanently banned from social media for truth telling. A few people who were reachable have refused to become involved with spreading the word (for the reasons I stated above). The cognitive dissonance is probably too much for them. One person said to me: "why do you bother with this constant negativity when there is nothing you can do about it? Do you not want/need to derive any joy from life?" It's a tough question to answer. While I don't want to make anyone miserable, I am duty bound to be truthful, even if it makes people unhappy. I believe and accept that truth is not just a metaphysical principle but a Person, so I am obligated to speak it. What transpires afterward, is not in my control.
candtalan - Dec 7, 2023
Understood. However Is the truth you see the ultimate one? I try to make a point that if a truth causes pain and then no relief onwards, is it a good application of that truth? I do not criticise, I have the very same dilemma.
candtalan - Dec 7, 2023
Weapons are created - along with antidotes. There are things that can be done, although we may not yet know everything. If you try, you may be successful. If you accept to NOT try, you will NOT be successful. What is life about I wonder?
Unapologetically Me - Dec 7, 2023
Just Another Canadian Dissident.
"I want to be happy so I will watch cooking videos, animal videos, history videos ....and.I will watch happy movies and tend to my dogs and my life as it is."
That's it. In a nutshell.
Ostrich People.
candtalan - Dec 7, 2023
Yes. I have concluded that others have their own journey, or destiny, whatever. Mine seems to be to include developing a patience I am not used to
Rust - Dec 7, 2023
Comment removed.
Rust - Dec 7, 2023
I concur with your BUT. Thanks for your response.
jan802154 - Dec 7, 2023
jan’s Substack
this is the problemodysee.com/@ARGONAUT:d/YPOFn.caa:c
how do we fight this?
this is also how they tried to kill you Ana
you say I did it ... is not so
that God intervened shows that they took you over
but that goes against free will so you are still alive ...is my 5 cents.
but the real question is how do we protect our bio-fields from this?
tell me I would like to know
Margie Chism - Dec 7, 2023
Margie Chism
Natural Medicine Secrets - Episode 10, available today
JesuSalva - Dec 7, 2023
JesuSalva’s Substack
There is no independent and serious study that has found any biological material, only the official version of the criminals and the false dissidence that insist on it, to cover up the true toxic component of non-vaccines with all types of highly toxic, carcinogenic nanotechnology guilty of the hypercoagulation of the blood thrombosis myocarditis etc.
Thanks to all the good people who do not give in to barbarism and spread the truth and life above all, God bless you
Margie Chism - Dec 7, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Great Article; a lot going on! ■ Not going out in the public (I was and am aware that when the abomination of desolation is seen, to retreat) and staying home has helped with less exposure; even less food from convenience stores to dining away from home. I realized I have not used a drinking straw since September 2020; that I can remember. I had grandparents with skin diseases that were shedding and contagious on both parent sides. Therefore, I have had an awareness and practice of caution being close or contact with others since birth. My home sources are in glass jars as much as I can fill the refrigerator and cabinets; makes the family frustrated. About the metals, I see them as a "shotgun bullet/buck/buckshot," coated in a plastic shell with small metal to disperse in the "intent to capture and harm." As much as I want to be a Remainer at the return of Jesus, Revelation 19, I am cautious on my decisions that help that choice be more secure. M
Revelation 19, KJV, blueletterbible
The Fourfold Hallelujah
■And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God:
2For true and righteous are his judgments: for he hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand.
3And again they said, Alleluia. And her smoke rose up for ever and ever.
4And the four and twenty elders and the four beasts fell down and worshipped God that sat on the throne, saying, Amen; Alleluia.
5And a voice came out of the throne, saying, Praise our God, all ye his servants, and ye that fear him, both small and great.
6¶And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.
Marriage of the Lamb
7Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.
8And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.
9¶And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.
10And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
The Coming of Christ
11¶And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
12His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.
13And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
14And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
15And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
16And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.
17¶And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God;
18That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great.
19¶And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.
Doom of the Beast and False Prophet
20And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
21And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.
Stegiel - Dec 7, 2023
The Journal of Lingering Sanity
Adriana - Dec 7, 2023
Interesting reading. Thank you.
candtalan - Dec 7, 2023
Thank you and all! I am mystified that I do not see mention of CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution) (Andreas Kalcker has videos which may not appear in some searches)
Lisa - Dec 7, 2023
And the Parkinson's study, linking plastic directly to Parkinson's:
Unapologetically Me - Dec 7, 2023
Just Another Canadian Dissident.
I sent that, and a lot of other research data, to TOP. (The Ostrich People.)
Father & Father in Law suffering from PD.
TOP don't open links from me though...
Lisa - Dec 7, 2023
I'm sorry about your father and father-in-law. I hope they are weathering it ok. I may need a little more explanation about The Ostrich People. Sorry, I'm unfamiliar.
Unapologetically Me - Dec 7, 2023
Just Another Canadian Dissident.
That's my own terminology, for those whose heads are buried in sand.
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