Review of Worldwide Evidence of Nanotechnology in C19 shots

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jan 21, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Yesterday I had a phone call with my friend Dr. David Nixon. We were talking about the denial of the Nanotechnology platforms in the C19 vials by so many of our medical colleagues. I wanted to post a compilation of the amount of interviews we have done, the amount of research there has been, publications and findings - this is by far not all but as much as fits on one substack post. The beauty and magic of humanity lies in their free will. Nobody can force people to wake up or see things in a certain way, and if we tried, we would be no better then the tyrannical enslavers who work to create automatons without free will. All that can be done, is to give information. What people do with it, is their choice. The learning over the last 2 years for most of us has been to allow people their choices. Allow loved ones to take a shot that may harm them. Allow people to deny what is self evident, and let them attack you for wanting to help humanity survive. I was asked this week by a patient, how do I know what I know and believe what I believe. I answered, that I trust the evidence I have personally seen and experienced. Many people have brought forward information during this plandemic, but the verification of the theories was missing. I have looked at C19 vials with Dr. David Nixon and what I saw changed me. I have looked daily at peoples live blood, and what I saw there, changed me too. It changed how I thought about things and what solutions I applied. Seeing the treatments I proposed with EDTA Chelation and my other protocols reverse blood abnormalities and symptoms, made me convinced of their effectiveness, even though most physicians in the world have no idea what I am talking about and certainly deny its validity. In the face of so much information, there is only one thing that matters. What do you know to be true? What do you believe in? What foundation of truth do you choose to make decisions for your health? That is all that matters. It is your life, your choice, and you are the bearer of the consequences of your choices. All I and my colleagues can do, is be a voice in wilderness, that you may consider.

Here is a small overview of what I know, and what I have found to be true:

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D.K. Fynn - Jan 21, 2023

D.K. Fynn: Sharing Thoughts

Thanks for what you do.
WRT what you said, that "Nobody can force people to wake up or see things in a certain way..." I sentimentally agree with you. Pre-covid, I felt that way.
For me personally, what is hard is seeing people push their ignorance on others, such as the elderly, the disabled, children, and others who may not be able to do their own research.
It's tragic enough to have intelligence and choose ignorance; it's a crime to push one's ignorance on others.

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Art - Jan 21, 2023


Visual microscopic evidence of self assembly of device like circuitry is a fundamental step in scientific discovery for sure. Measuring and recording the EMF signaling properties that follow special Bluetooth LE protocols (data communications coding) is a level of evidence above the visual light recordings. This is where the research needs to be going deeper into. It is irrefutable physical EMF data signaling properties if measured that can be used as scientific evidence as to what these objects are actually doing.

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