Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 17, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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This past week Dr. David Nixon, Engineer Matt Taylor and Shimon Yanowitz have gone into overdrive and produced video updates every day. They produced embarrassing findings for the “Cholesterol, salt and sugar” proponents.
David is in Australia, and due to speaking out against the shots and providing Vaccine exemptions, has lost his ability to practice medicine. Being a diligent researcher, he devotes innumerable hours to exploring this phenomenon, which is needed to find the answers to this complex question. He is joined by the perfect colleagues who have the qualifications to comment - Matt and Shimon both are Engineers - with backgrounds in Telecommunication and Semiconductor Nanotechnology. This weeks many hours of work continued to be around the development of optical communications highways between crystalline microchips. My greatest concern in these findings is the rate of speed of development of the ribbons, which I am convinced is the same thing we are finding in the Live blood Analysis. David showed that the ribbons develop within 2 days from invisible to huge size. If the same thing happens in peoples bodies, this is very concerning regarding the risk of blood clots. In this article, I posted some of the images I see in Live blood of unvaccinated people, a phenomenon I continue to observe.
I am pleased to see in my practice that EDTA Chelation consistently clears the blood. I was interviewed for a webinar on treatments for Long Covid and Vax Injury by Gary Null, PhD which will be broadcast on January 8th. We discussed many treatment aspects including nutritional optimization, EDTA Chelation, anti aging Peptides. Hopefully this discussion will answer many questions and give hope to people.
The 5 video updates by Dr. David Nixon and colleagues can be found here:
And this is what a modern day hero looks like - I thank God for people like him:
Dr. David Nixon and his Darkfield Microscope looking at Pfizer Vial Contents
Today Jessica Rose posted about Graphene Oxide conjugated to PEG.
We have been talking about this for a long time. Jessica can definitely be considered “ mainstream” resistance and she carefully chooses her words on this controversial subject. I am so grateful, that after such a long silence there seems to at least be slight breakthroughs in the conversation, because humanities immediate survival is at stake. It is my conviction, that this technology is the most dangerous component to the human species. This is because of the implications not just physically, but the known weapons system that can attack the mental, emotional and spiritual function of human beings with these materials. People still are not asking enough questions about the 6 foot blood clots and the findings of Mike Adams chemical analysis which showed them to be carbon based self assembly polymer (Hydrogel) with metals, a combustible concoction. May God help us break through with this knowledge to the world at large, and further the research, so that the billions of people who received these injections can get the RIGHT treatment - that includes addressing Graphene, Metals and Hydrogel - namely EDTA. In that spirit, a huge thank you to Jessica Rose for posting about this. Here is the link about EDTA usefulness for all of those components and the important video interview I did with Dr. Michael Roth:
To find the EDTA Detox Cream:
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Sandy K - Dec 18, 2022
Sandy K
We love you!!!
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ann watson - Dec 18, 2022 - Edited
wow - thanks Ana - yes I and my friend - who I always send your newsletters to - ( actually I send them to about 100 people every time you post ) my friend was saying today how interesting you are and he mentioned Ram Dass - ( sp? ) And also - the only other person I subscribe to on Substack is Karen - and she cross - posted your newsletter today - so all my readers are getting a double whammy of your brilliant new newsletter. thank you Dear. For all you're doing. Bless you.
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