Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Sep 20, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Please see our video link here:
Self Assembly Nanostructures Dr Ana Mihalcea and Dr. Shimon Yanowitz
Dr Shimon Yanowitz is an independent scientist and researcher with background in electrical engineering and computer science from Israel. Shimon analyzed Pfizer BioNTech, Moderna, J&J and Astra Zeneca vials and incubated them at body temperature finding extensive self-assembly nanostructures.
Further work of Dr. Shimon Yanowitz:
Dr Shimon Yanowitz and Dr Reiner Fuellmich
Dr Shimon Yanowitz and Sasha Latypova
Dr Shimon Yanowitz and Dr. Ana Mihalcea
Nanotechnology, Vaccine Shedding and Long-Haul Symptoms - Blood Analysis of an Un-injected
The Truth About the Spanish Flu with Dr Shimon Yanowitz
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Grasshopper Kaplan - Sep 20, 2022
Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…
I just want to say that ultimately we can already declare this nano tech a failure at building anything good...but it did bring us the nanothermite that took down at least two of the three world trade center 7 two and one...
I don't like the shit being shoved under the skin of my foolish friends who had no idea what they got, thanks a lot...
The use of Womanity for depopulation and transhumanism is vile filthy crime
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Eris - Sep 21, 2022
So very disturbing....yet the anayzing of the vaxxes didn't become a priority, we just talk in circles, speculating, about how bad they are, ignoring to officialy explore the main subject: what's in the shots. That would be the answer for all the problems which would stop all this crazyness, killing and their bs reset.
I bet you knew about this, but i still let you the link, is interesting.
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