Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 30, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Please see this link for the interview:
MAC Address Phenomenon and Ribbons in C19 vials
In this video we discuss recent findings by Dr. David Nixon of MAC addresses emitted from Pfizer vial chips and the correlation to other researchers around the world who have detected MAC addresses in C19 injected people or un-injected who got PCR tests. In this war, the collaboration of different specialties is extremely important. In sharing information between doctors and engineers, we also want to model and emphasize as a team how important it is to share information across diverse scientific specialties. Only in this kind of a broad collaborative effort can be succeed in finding solutions. We do not have to agree. A good example in this video is that Shimon Yanowitz does not think the blood clots we are referring to are made from Hydrogel. I think differently, based on my research findings, Mike Adams findings of self assembly carbon structures, and Karen Kingston’s patent reveal. In this post she extensively explains why the clots are made from Artificial Intelligence Hydrogel that are assembled from the ingredients in the C19 vials.
In our discussion we refer to this Comusav video that shows the excellent research on the topic by a medical team Dr Chavez, Dr Andreas Kalcker and others:
Dr. David Nixon, Dr. Shimon Yanowitz, Electrical Engineer Matt Taylor and myself are part of an international collaborative team effort to shed light on the self-assembly nanotechnology in the C19 injectables.
Dr. David Nixon is a physician from Melbourne Australia, who has been evaluating the Pfizer vial contents. For more info visit: Dr David Nixon
Dr. Shimon Yanowitz is an independent researcher from Israel with a background in computer science and electrical engineering and has evaluated C19 injectables right after thawing and showed self-assembly at room temperature and then even more elaborate while incubated at body temperature. He proved the self-assembly structures originate from Liposomes. Matt Taylor is an electrical engineer from Ecuador, who has evaluated C19 injectables under the microscope and proven self-assembly.
For all who seek help with detox please see this interview about EDTA:
To find the EDTA Detox Cream:
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Brad P - Dec 2, 2022
If You Are Vaccinated You Have Been Tagged You Are Now ‘Marked’
People are unaware the Covid-19 vaccine IS NOT a vaccine but rather a nanotech-electronic device which was implanted through injection into people’s bodies to track their every movement through sophisticated electronic measures. These innocent victims will be forever tagged just like a fish for the rest of their lives; victims to the most heinous crime ever perpetrated against humankind. Are you familiar with the biblical Mark of the Beast? According to the Bible anyone who refuses to accept the Mark of the Beast will be “unable to buy or sell” in society. Have you been “marked” without your consent or your awareness? How about your children?
If you don’t believe you are ‘marked’ or ‘chipped’ test yourself to see if this claim is true?
All vaccinated individuals now emit an “unidentified” Bluetooth MAC address whether they realize it or not. Their newly acquired human MAC address can never be turned off from public visibility like a typical Bluetooth device can – vaccinated individuals have become living human antennas. Vaccinated humans’ MAC addresses will forever be turned on and visible for the whole world to see – unable to hide their whereabouts ever again from prying eyes using electronic detection. MAC addresses are 16 bit 12-digit hexadecimal numbers. MAC addresses utilize numerals 0 thru 9 and alphabet letters A thru F via any combination creating upwards of 281 Trillion possible 12-digit number combinations; which is calculated by taking the number 16 and carrying it to the 12th power which = 281,474,977,000,000. A typical MAC address looks like this 43:EF:8C:2F:BC:94. The first 6 digits of any MAC address should identify the Bluetooth device’s manufacturer (e.g. Samsung, LG, Mitsubishi, Apple, Ford, etc.). However, if you conduct a routine internet search for any vaccinated person’s MAC address the manufacturer will always return from these searches as “unknown”. Why is that??
The best way to test this shocking claim for a vaccinated individual would be to remove all electronic Bluetooth devices from your body, including ear buds, electronic watches, Fitbit bracelets, speakers, etc. After removing those electronic devices take a walk into the woods roughly 100 to 200 feet which should be far enough away from any equipment which could otherwise cause electronic interference while conducting your test. Then perform a simple Bluetooth search with your cell phone for available devices at your location. If a 12-digit “unidentified” hexadecimal number appears on your telephone’s screen while you are in the woods by yourself then YOU are the Bluetooth device that your phone has detected! Also, you will be unable to connect to yourself as this “unidentified” device if you attempt to do so from your cell phone. Another very noteworthy item worth mentioning, this 12-digit hexadecimal number is not simply a static number which is assigned to you – rather this number will regularly change over time. Which means, if you conduct this very same test upon yourself tomorrow or any day thereafter the 12-digit number which will appear on your phone screen will be a different number depending upon the time interval between each of those Bluetooth tests. It was cleverly programmed to disguise itself by automatically changing your assigned MAC address number to avoid arousing unwanted suspicion. Thus, the nano-biotechnology which has been implanted into peoples’ body through these Covid-19 vaccine(s) are programmed to change your MAC address routinely through some proprietary unpublished algorithm. It is not very different than when an employee with an LED security card accesses their company’s mainframe computer while working remotely utilizing RSA technology where the LED security number displayed periodically changes in complete synchronization with the employer’s mainframe computer.
Lastly, if you own an iPhone or recently updated your Android phone’s software you will be unable to conduct this experiment successfully. If this is your case, find someone who owns an older Android phone who has not updated their software for several years (preferably pre-Covid). On April 10, 2020 Apple and Google announced a partnership on Covid-19 contact tracing technology, updating their iOS and Android platforms. Google has since through its software updates removed users’ ability to see a list of the ‘unidentified available’ Bluetooth devices at a user’s location. Now instead, users are limited to viewing only ‘identified available’ devices visible in their area. Why would Apple and Google remove a user’s capability to view ‘unidentified available’ devices from their smart phones? Answer: To hide visibility of the vaccinated population from smart phone detection.
Legislation passed both the PA State (Act 50) and Federal levels mandating the installation of SMALL WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES in every municipality. Local governments cannot place any restrictions upon such facilities within their communities other than aesthetic modifications. Once those 5G & 6G wireless facilities are fully installed and operational, which is currently underway, no one who emits a vaccine-injected Bluetooth MAC address as a ‘human antenna’ will ever be capable of shielding their identity nor their global location. Keep in mind, global satellites - including Elon Musk’s 40,000 satellite Starlink system- can easily locate a vaccinated ‘marked’ individual in Antarctica if they wish – which is their forthcoming plan!
This manmade Hegelian Dialectic weaponized Covid-19 virus was lab created so innocent people would inject this harmful tracking Vaccine into their bodies. This Vaccine was not created to fight this Virus! This Virus was deliberately created for acceptance of this nefarious Trojan horse Vaccine. Given these facts, why not take this simple Bluetooth test with your cell phone to remove any doubts about this astonishing claim? What is your newly acquired MAC address number?
REPLY | 8 replies by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD and others
Danyèle - Nov 16, 2023
Dr. Anna,
I’ve just watched your interview with David, Shimon and Matéo.
Are there numeral geolocation of the emitters contained within the M.A.C. addresses digits?
Might there be any correlation between the digits and other personal data assigned to gender, how many shots they have received, etc. and C-19 batch numbers?
Thank you for your dedication to try to find answers to that plague.
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