Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Sep 23, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Image: Self assembled liposomes in Pfizer BioNTech Solution 2 weeks at room temperature
I have reported my experiments on September 9th, 2024 with the Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 bioweapon and the antidote Calcium EDTA plus Vitamin C.
Image: Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 injection that I have been analyzing.
I then reported Darkfield Microscopy 6 days later with its significant self assembly.
Here, I want to show pictures of the self assembled Liposomes 13 days after leaving the Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 at room temperature in a syringe. After applying the solution to the microscopy slide, liposomes were clearly visible in their unique 3 D architecture. This was before I applied the slide cover. Here you can see the initial views at 100x magnification.
Here you can see a 200x magnfication
If you look very closely you can see blinking nanobots within the micelles and you can see the same nano and microbots in the solution
Here you can see a 400x magnification photo
This is what it looks like when a slide cover is placed on top of the solution - now the spheres have a 2 D appearance Magnification 400x
Here you can see what a video of the 2 D micellar sphere looks like - it is loaded with nanorobots:
These spheres is what I have called construction sites. You can see them here self replicating in embalmed blood of a deceased COVID19 injected individual who died with the rubbery clots 2 years prior:
Here is a video of the micellar structures in embalmed COVID19 vaccinated blood:
These construction micellar structures are also seen in COVID19 unvaccinated blood from shedding and you can see how toxic they are to the blood that is in severe oxidative distress - Magnification 4000x:
I have reported on these same structures before here:
Further explanation here:
This is further documentation from June 2023:
and November 2023:
These spherical micellar structures are building mesogens and filaments as you can see here in COVID19 unvaccinated blood affected by shedding:
The self assembly of liposomal micellar structures is ongoing in the solution of Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 vials. Here I captured the three dimensional micellar construction sites that I have been showing in COVID19 vaccinated embalmed blood and in COVID19 unvaccinated blood affected by shedding. I showed how these contain nanorobots. Here is visual evidence of the correlation of the COVID19 vial contents and the self assembly nanotechnology in COVID19 unvaccinated blood proving again that shedding occurs and what is shedding is the nanotechnology.
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Jeffrey - Sep 23
Dear Dr. Ana Mihalcea,
Congratulations on your experiments demonstrating the antidote effects of EDTA/VitaminC on the self assembling nano-technology BIOWEAPON using darkfield optical microscopy. I have followed your work for some time now.
There are some practical considerations with the use of EDTA. IV use is expensive and may not be easily accessible to the average person. The EDTA molecule is large and as a chelator would be hard on the kidneys with repeated use. This is also true if it was used in an enteric coated oral form or topical cream. Also, Vitamin C has a BTD which is probably different for every individual.
I have used Food Grade Potassium Iodide (KI) as an oral chelator periodically for many years with no apparent harm to my kidneys or otherwise. KI is a much smaller molecule than EDTA and it is a source of Bipolar Ions which makes it a powerful chelator of both negatively charged and positively charged foreign matter in the blood. It is also less expensive than EDTA. There is a similar requirement to periodically rest and demineralize and also a daily selenium supplementation requirement to support healthy thyroid and thyroid hormone production.
I suspect that oral KI may be an effective ANTIDOTE! It is not just because it is an effective chelator, there is some published science to support this:
It is for these reasons that I humbly request you test KI as an antidote using darkfield optical microscopy. If the reasons stated above are not sufficient motivation, I will pay you to do these experiments
Mahalo, Akamai
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Ryan Tanner - Sep 23
God Will Wipe Away Ever Tear
“Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.”
Matthew 10:26 KJV
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