Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 16, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Image: Deceased blood with self replicating nanotechnology
I have shown my microscopy of embalmed blood of an individual who had died 8 months earlier with the long rubbery clots everyone that should be familiar with by now. They were featured in the documentary “Died Suddenly”.
The spheres that I filmed continue to replicate - and in the above image you can see how the spheres continue to develop. In the below video, I looked at the spheres at 4000x magnification. Clearly light emitting micro robots are seen. Considering the size of the surrounding red blood cells they are estimated to be several hundred nano meters in size.
Image: Oil Objective 4000x magnification Deceased blood with self replicating nanotechnology
I had shown how the spheres contain nano and micro robots that are emitting light in different frequencies and colors, as Quantum Dot polymer coated bidirectional biosensors would do - and have previously photographed them in C19 unvaccinated blood. I have also shown how these spheres construct the filaments we see in the blood.
Image: C19 unvaccinated blood sphere filled with Nano technology
Image: C19 unvaccinated blood sphere filled with Nano technology building hydrogel filaments
I have a lot of conversations with people. Still many are in denial. Doctors do not believe in nanotechnology and deny its existence. Supposedly people are still not ready to hear about nanotechnology that has self disseminated via shedding worldwide and is now causing the rubbery clots. We have proven that. They are made of rubber like material, a polymer that has self assembled.
Image: Rubbery Clot Development In C19 Unvaccinated Individual With Previous Deep Vein Thrombosis and Massive Pulmonary Emboli - While On Eliquis, Nattokinase, Lumbrokinase and Serreptase
My question is when will the denying doctors, scientists, politicians, attorneys and media decide people will be ready to know about this and start discussing it? When they are dead?
This is a live blood analysis of an individual who after air travel started having upper respiratory tract symptoms suggestive of “Covid”. I have in previous posts shown that acute Covid symptoms correlated with significant replication of the hydrogel filaments and excessive rouleaux formation. Therapeutic dose Ivermectin quickly resolved the symptoms. In live blood analysis one can see that Ivermectin helps resolve the rouleaux, but does not diminish micro bots or hydrogel production. The individual now had a follow up live blood analysis a week later.
I filmed how the blood was being transformed by the same spheres filled with nanotechnology. The blood was loaded with these spheres. You can see the movement and the optical light emission. Red blood cells surrounding this are in severe oxidative stress - they are dying. This is the same magnification as the deceased C19 vaccinated blood above - Oil Objective 4000x. While the nano robots are tiny, you can see them emitting light and moving.
Here is another view:
Here is the same blood with many of these small spheres that are between 5-10 micron in size but can become much larger. The blood is transformed into a polymer mesh network.
Image: C19 unvaccinated blood 200x magnification
These spheres in the blood are not air bubbles. They are hydrogel nanotechnology construction sites. You can see in the video below many spheres that are perfectly round interconnecting and extracting the life out of the red blood cells.
The blood cells that clearly show oxidative stress, are being transformed under the coordinated effort of micro robots. These can be recognized by its blinking lights coordinating smaller nano robots. If you think that one red blood cell is about 5-7 micrometers, some of the very small swarming nano bots are estimated around 500 nanometers. Watch the blinking lights, those are robots.
I talk to people, give interviews, work on legal strategies as much as I can, and give of my time freely in the hopes the world will become aware of this threat. The response after all of these many months of writing hundreds of substacks is still remarkably apathetic. I seriously am asking the below question to those who do not want to bring this knowledge to the forefront.
Addressed are all the colleagues, organizations and legal representatives that are presumably fighting on the same side of history as I am in the “freedom movement” - and whose antidotes I look at under the microscope and find no effect on the nanotechnology:
With all consideration for the future of humanity in mind, when do you think people are ready to hear about this?
The answer - when they are dead - is a bit late in my opinion.
I invite all to take another look at the evidence, and consider the ramification of these findings.
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AncientLoveLover - Nov 16, 2023
AncientLoveLover’s Substack
Many of the people who refuse to acknowledge this have got to be mind controlled. Idk how many individuals I have spoken and shown evidence to whose eyes just glaze over and have the same apathetic zombie reaction. It makes me angry. I try not to be angry with them, as I know it is probably beyond their control. Honestly though I want to slap them awake. It does seem to be a program though like the information is wiped before they process it.
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Me Mcc - Nov 16, 2023
Me Mcc
They better STOP spraying our environment!!! I totally believe that they are polluting our air, water and food. It HAS to stop.
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