Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 22, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Video: Pfizer C19 bioweapon
An Anonymous doctor shared with me these interesting videos. The first one was an analysis of Pfizer C19 shot under the microscope. You can see the circular structure that we have seen so often in live blood and that I have shown is the construction site for the hydrogel filaments. The sphere above only has a few self assembly nanoparticles within it. I have seen that in live blood too, but it still develops the hydrogel filaments. In the video above you can also see this long symmetric structure that looks like a technical device - it does not look like the classic filaments we see.
Within the sphere you can see they point out a hydrogel filament forming.
Below you can see the spheres I have been seeing in C19 unvaccinated blood from shedding.
The second part that is interesting is that the background has the same Quantum dot structures that Dr. David Nixon and I saw the first time we looked at the Pfizer vial. If you look at the doctors video, while the microscopy is phase contrast, there are still blinking lights in the background and clearly motion of very small particles. The doctor is pointing above to the blue Quantum dot.
In the following video unvaccinated blood is shown before doing an experiment and adding Pfizer shot contents to the live blood. You can see the blood looks pretty normal in this person:
This is what happens immediately after adding the C19 vial contents to the blood - the blood starts aggregating. The doctor notes that this is not classical rouleaux or stacking of the red blood cells but an irregular clumping and aggregation. It develops an immediate clot. They also point out a bluish nanotechnology device that appears to attack the red blood cells.
This is a photo of what developed in the blood mixed with the C19 Pfizer shot contents.
They left it overnight and it was still very pronounced. You can see that the red blood cells have oxidative stress, meaning they have spikes on their surface. The structure is clearly seen:
Here is further evidence of what we already know - nanotechnology in the shots is visible and it causes immediate aggregation and clotting of the blood. The nanotechnological devices are clearly seen even in this poor quality footage.
I am grateful to this brave doctor who allowed me to share these findings.
Just remember, those who continue to deny the presence of the nanotechnology in the C19 bioweapons and the human blood are complicit in covering up the crimes against humanity. They are - through misinformation - denying millions of people the right treatments to detoxify the nanotechnology and synthetic biology.
This is why we need a new freedom movement. Deception and ignoring the most crucial threat to humanity will not help us survive this. The truth and collaboration in finding solutions, will.
Our new website to bring together our new community and solutions for humanity is launching September 1st, 2023 - stay tuned.
I continue to recommend EDTA for detoxification of the metals and hydrogel. Medfive is a patented enteric coated system that allows absorption of EDTA without degradation by the gastric acid. This must be taken with adequate mineral supplementation.
Please click this link for the website: Medfive system
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Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Aug 22, 2023
Brandon’s Substack
Thank you for your relentless work on this. The self replicating nano technology material from my experience spreads and is able to traverse distances within a wireless cloud of energy. When removing one's body from all EMF sources into a Faraday cage, it is easy to detect the material going dormant.
The conundrum we have is that to function in the world today we have to be around people in environments with toxic EMF. If we unplug off-grid and go into a remote region and area, then self-sufficiency is required and per militaries the estimated reported life expectancy is going to be 30 years of age or so.
Therefore, co-existing with this material requires, from my personal experience, ensuring you are not around people that give you headaches (e.g. literally nano tech trained on negative thoughts and destructive behaviors), people eating unclean foods (I'm avoiding these as well), and ensuring full hydration with clean water and antioxidants eating plant and plant based proteins with fruits. I'm not eating any sugars at all, in my electrochemical engineer opinion the sugar energy is catalyzing turbo cancers. I'm also eating less and earlier in the day (try to).
Time will tell what works for all of us, I'm doing all that I can to communicate what works for me so that others can learn from what to do and what not to do (do not spend a lot of time in a faraday cage, read my prior blog post on that, which almost killed me).
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Pasheen Stonebrooke - Aug 22, 2023 - Edited
Diva Drops
I don't trust any supplements, any fluids, anymore, especially anything we are using to detox from this horror show - until they are all tested/scoped. Almost all have been shown to be contaminated. They've captured everything, so of course any and all detoxes would have been the first on their list to be poisoned. They finally got to ivermectin, so of course they are approving it now.
matt j.a.o.b has tested vitamin c - the crystal packet - and he found it had the Dots- and everyone is taking 10,000 a day...? ...might be a good idea to avoid massive doses of nanotech/bioweapons...and get our own scopes?
Thank you, Ana, for all that you do, but it might be time to recommend a microscope that we all might be able to afford so we can test our own supplements and detoxes from now on.
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