Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jan 14, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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This was a great conversation with Alec Zeck on The Way Forward Podcast:
Here is the link to the video and it will also be available on Spotify after 1/20/23
Nanoparticles and Bioweapons - Alec Zeck and Dr Ana Mihalcea
In this discussion, I explain a broad overview of what has been found in the vials, the findings of live blood analysis in vaccinated and unvaccinated people and what I at this point in time think about the larger picture of the assault on humanity via synthetic Artificial Intelligence biology. We also discuss therapeutics. Below I am linking some of my articles regarding the treatment modalities people can consider, if they are interested in more information. If you go back on my Substack posts, you can find more information.
This is more information about the Methylene Blue I am mentioning:
These are easy and cheap supplements with a lot of useful properties:
Here is more info on the EDTA:
Here is the EDTA Cream we are discussing:
This is more information on evaluating and reversing brain dysfunction:
This is more of a deep dive into some of the anti-aging peptides I use and recommend:
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Bernie_miltenberger - Jan 14, 2023
The Pure Water Committee of Wes…
Dr. Ana the more I listen to you the more I agree and understand these concepts! Thank you! You are a beautiful spiritual person!
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Dev - Jan 14, 2023
Hi Dr. Ana,
If you haven't already, again, please look into Tony Pantalleresco's mangetic devices and his info via an interview if possible. You mention stopping the operating system of the nano in this interview and that is precisely what Tony has been doing for years. Your previous guest Elena Freeland mentioned Tony specifically. It really seems like Tony's info would be a good next step. In previous posts I've linked to the video showing numerous Morgellon's fibers and chips removed via Tony's devices.
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