Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 30, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Complete Reversal of Long Haul Covid Brain Dysfunction as documented by WAVI Brain EEG
In this video presentation I discuss causes of Long Haul Covid Brain dysfunction and show how it ages the brain by decades via neuroinflammation as documented via WAVI Brain EEG screening technology. Documentation of complete reversal of brain inflammation and aging and the utilized treatment modalities are discussed. This video provides hopeful information for all who suffer from debilitating “Brain fog” – a misnomer for the detected cognitive dysfunction.
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Ellen - Aug 14, 2022
Another Betrayed Liberal
I experienced amazing healing from one session of biophotonics. I had the virus, got it from another unvaccinated person. There was only one terrible day of pain, and a week of fatigue, that probably would have been much worse without the FLCCC protocols. But when I walked one long block to get retested (saliva test fortunately), that exhausted me so much I literally couldn't move for days. I couldn't wash a dish, walking down the hallway was so tiring, I collapsed at the other end.
I reached out to a wholistic healing place hoping for an ozone injection and was told I should have done that earlier, but they went on and on about this "wave" machine that used light, nitrous oxide, biophotonics. I was skeptical but desperate. I felt nothing from the treatment, but later that night, and the next day and now the next day, I feel almost normal (which is tired, but functional). The difference is miraculous. I hope there is more research into these technologies, and help for people with long covid / "vaccine" injuries being able to afford them(!).
It's very late here, I look forward to seeing the rest of this video soon. (And what you're saying about the MOCA test makes sense, my Dad (Alzheimer's) took that test a few times. I could probably have done well on it the other day lying on the couch unable to lift my head.)
Thank you ...
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Claudiu - Jan 28, 2023
Oh Dr. Ana! I don't know about the Epithalon, but thanks to your suggestion
I am using the Humic and Fulvic Acid and the EZDetox cream and I can tell that right after the first does of "the miracle" I could tell the difference. Thank you so much for that!
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