Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jun 27, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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People love all kinds of things… I love molecules and how they work. Methylene Blue (MB) is special because it does amazing things and turns you blue from the inside. Literally. When you take MB as a compound, it turns your pee ultraviolet blue while it makes your cells younger.
I have always been interested in reversing aging and diseases and studied biochemical ways to improve cellular function. When Covid hit, I realized quickly in my practice that this is a disease of accelerated aging. I did brain age testing and autonomic nervous system testing and found that people had aged decades in a few months. More about my objective test findings in later articles. Finding things that can reverse this was imperative. As a former Geriatrician, dementia like symptoms were quite familiar, but to see them in young people was highly unusual. Suddenly people talked about brain fog as if it was the “new normal”. And everyone after having Covid was tired, as if the powerhouse in their cells had just been annihilated.
Covid has been shown to be associated with senescence or aging in the cells.
Mitochondria and microbiota dysfunction in COVID-19 pathogenesis
Mitochondria are the powerhouse of your cell and if it does not make energy, you get chronic fatigue and all diseases of aging. Many things can help reverse that, and I always use “cocktails” of supplements, but MB is a major player as a valuable asset in the reversal of these symptoms.
The discussion is timely, as there has just been an announcement of a study for long COVID by targeting mitochondria:
Can our mitochondria help to beat long Covid?
MB delays senescence and enhances mitochondrial function. This is why I love it!
MB at nanomolar levels is over a thousand times more active in protecting mitochondria and delaying aging than one of the best mitochondrial protectors known. MB significantly increases the rate of cellular oxygen consumption by 37-70%. It has antioxidant properties.
Methylene Blue Delays Cellular Senescence and Enhances Key Mitochondrial Biochemical Pathways
It also has been helpful in Alzheimer’s dementia (AD) which has both mitochondrial dysfunction and Amyloid deposition.
“ MB increases heme synthesis, cytochrome c oxidase (complex IV), and mitochondrial respiration, which are impaired in AD brains. Consistently, MB is one of the most effective agents to delay senescence in normal human cells.”
Protective Role of Methylene Blue in Alzheimer's Disease via Mitochondria and Cytochrome C Oxidase
Even more amazing, MB affects many genes that are affected in aging, including cell death and inflammation. In animals where cardiac arrest was induced, it protected the brain cells from injury in the setting of oxygen deprivation, which can be a hallmark of acute Covid.
Effect of methylene blue on the genomic response to reperfusion injury induced by cardiac arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation in porcine brain
I have had excellent results in my clinic with helping people reverse brain fog, chronic fatigue, pain, mood disorders and other aging symptoms with compounded MB in low doses where there was no contraindication. In addition to what I described, MB helps prevents COVID, can be used in cancer treatment and many other pathways.
Here is a French study where 2500 cancer patients, who were treated for their cancer with MB and did not get Covid.
In facts its anti -viral properties are significant with activity against Sars Cov, Epstein Barr, Herpes, Monkeypox, Ebola, West Nile Virus, Influenza and others.
Methylene Blue has a potent antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2 and H1N1 influenza virus in the absence of UV-activation in vitro
The only thing you have to be concerned about it that it stains your toilet bowl. After all, it’s a blue dye. There is more to say about my favorite molecule, but this is it for now.
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Dan Zelenka - Nov 7, 2022
I would like to receive Methylene Blue, Dr. Ana. How may I do so? And the cost, please?
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BC - Jun 29, 2022
BC’s Newsletter
I heard from a doctor that if you are on anti-depressant that you would go psychotic with methyln blue. Is there any truth in this?
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