Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 14, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Finding the purposeful good in all things – if we look at the entire pandemic, it has been great to bringing awareness to nutritional health and the medicinal properties of natural supplements and Vitamins.
Traditionally trained doctors who have brought early treatments for Covid19 forward suddenly were talking about Vitamins like D and C, about Zinc and Quercetin. One of the leaders of these discussions was the late Dr Vladimir Zelenko, who with his Z-Stack supplement became a household name. He also recommended ECGC – green tea extract and Curcumin.
I have used flavonoid polyphenols like Fisetin for years in my anti-aging practice for its excellent senolytic action as well as anti-cancer support. In this article, I wish to draw attention to literature indicating significant benefit in addressing Long Covid and vaccine injury, since the mechanisms of action are applicable. We are in a crisis situation now in addressing the debilitating Long Covid and vaccine injury pandemic. Having natural substances available with practically no side effects is important in the immediate and long-term management of these areas. There are many hundreds of polyphenols and this list is not complete, but a beginning.
As a Zinc Ionophore Quercetin, which is part of the polyphenol family found in many fruits, became suddenly world famous as a prevention and treatment for Covid. Quercetin has the ability to interfere with SARS-CoV-2 replication. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, pro-metabolic, anti-cancer, and thrombin-inhibitory actions. Quercetin also has psychostimulant properties and prevents platelet aggregation, capillary permeability, lipid peroxidation, and enhances mitochondrial biogenesis. This is important since spike protein causes mitochondrial dysfunction. Quercetin was identified as being between the top scoring ligands for the S protein: ACE2 receptor interface.
A role for quercetin in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Hesperidin (with Diosmin)
Hesperidin can block coronavirus from entering host cells through ACE2 receptors which can prevent the infection, it improves the host cellular immunity, minimizes the release of inflammatory mediators. Hesperidin mixture with diosmin co-administrated with heparin protects against venous thromboembolism.
Is hesperidin essential for prophylaxis and treatment of COVID-19 Infection?
Since I have seen elevated D-Dimers as a potential marker for vaccine shedding - indicating micro clotting based on spike protein exposure, I have also added Hesperidin Diosmin to a preventative shedding protection protocol. I will write more about this in the future. Here is more information about shedding:
Given that spike protein has been associated with accelerated aging or the senescent secretory phenotype downregulating inflammatory cytokines is important in Long Covid recovery as well as Covid prevention. Same applies in all spike protein exposure types which includes the experimental mRNA technology Covid shot and shedding. Having beneficial metabolic effects which lowers blood sugar which in itself is proinflammatory is important.
The effect of hesperidin and quercetin on oxidative stress, NF-κB and SIRT1 levels in a STZ-induced experimental diabetes model
Nitric Oxide supplementation has been important to address vascular endothelial cell dysfunction caused by spike protein, and Hesperidin helps improve this via the Nitric Oxide pathway.
Citrus Polyphenol Hesperidin Stimulates Production of Nitric Oxide in Endothelial Cells while Improving Endothelial Function and Reducing Inflammatory Markers in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome
Fisetin has the most potent senolytic action of any polyphenol. A senolytic removes aging cells and therefore age reverses the body. Fisetin has been shown in animal models to prolong life span by 10%.
Senescent cells (SnCs), which do not divide but are metabolically active and resistant to death by apoptosis, are increased in older adults and those with chronic diseases. Senolytic agents, such as Fisetin, selectively eliminate SnCs and delay, prevent, or alleviate multiple disorders in aged experimental animals and animal models of human chronic diseases, including obesity, diabetes, and respiratory diseases.
Fisetin for COVID‐19 in skilled nursing facilities: Senolytic trials in the COVID era
Fisetin protects against Amyloidosis/ Prion disease, which has been associated with Covid mRNA shots.
Modified spike protein mRNA injection induced Amyloidosis?
Neuroprotective Effect of Fisetin Against Amyloid-Beta-Induced Cognitive/Synaptic Dysfunction, Neuroinflammation, and Neurodegeneration in Adult Mice
Senolytics also have anti-cancer properties. The recent explosion of aggressive cancers seen with the mRNA vaccine rollout calls for preventative strategies. Fisetin suppresses the cancer cell stages, prevents progression in cell cycle and cell growth, and induces apoptosis.
Fisetin: An anticancer perspective
Fisetin also may inhibit tumor growth by being a ligand to Quadruplex DNA of Telomeres and c-myc promoter regions of human DNA that are associated with tumorogenesis. This mechanism has a powerful potential anticancer utility.
Prospect of bioflavonoid fisetin as a quadruplex DNA ligand: a biophysical approach
Luteolin, another polyphenol, has been found to be potent blocker of SARS-CoV-2 cell entry.
Luteolin: a blocker of SARS-CoV-2 cell entry based on relaxed complex scheme, molecular dynamics simulation, and metadynamics
Long‐COVID syndrome symptoms, especially brain fog, are similar to those experienced by patients undertaking or following chemotherapy for cancer (chemofog or chemobrain), as well in patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) or mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS). The pathogenesis of brain fog may involve neuroinflammation via mast cells stimulated and activated microglia leading to inflammation in the hypothalamus. This process could be helped by luteolin.
Long-COVID syndrome-associated brain fog and chemo fog: Luteolin to the rescue
Polyphenols and flavonoids have powerful anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, neuroprotective, anti-aging, metabolically enhancing benefits that should be used for Long Covid and Vaccine injury, and options beyond Quercetin do exist with multifaceted properties. It is important to use particularly Fisetin, as a potent senolytic with intermitted dosing, for example 100mg 3 times a week, while all others mentioned can be used daily.
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Leonard Murphy - Jul 14, 2022
Leonard Murphy
This has a useful table at the end for each type of flavonoid and the corresponding plants.!po=13.3028!po=13.3028
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Free Human - Aug 24, 2022
Free Human
Along with guinea pigs & bats, humans are the only mammals whose livers do not typically produce their own mega-doses of Vitamin C from glucose when they're ill or encounter some kind of environmental toxin. This is thought to be an epigenetic mutation affecting most but not 100% of humans. New studies have found supplementation with a specific polyphenol ( hydroxytyrosol ) can turn this ability back on, at least for a time, if not permanently. This is very important info. Keep some on hand if/when you get ill, or if you have been vaccinated (voluntarily or not) as it will be a force-multiplier for any Vitamin C and other anti-oxidants (NAC, Quercetin, Glutathione, et. al.) you may take to try to combat vax damage or illness.
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