Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 07, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Many recent publications discuss the fact that Spike Protein alone and the virus cause accelerated aging. This is called Senescence –and means that the immune system is excreting many cytokine messengers that are aging all the cells around them. In a simplified way, this causes cells to stop dividing. They are in a permanent state of this aging decay and are able to “infect” other cells with aging too.
SARS-CoV-2 causes senescence in human cells and exacerbates the
senescence-associated secretory phenotype through TLR-3
I will be discussing different anti-aging strategies that have been helpful in my patients to reverse their symptoms. Given the overlap between acute Covid recovery, long Haul Covid and Vaccine Injury, other health providers may find this information useful for their patients and may want to investigate further. Implementation can help right after Covid to improve recovery rate, for long Covid and presumed vaccine shedding.
Both acute Covid in its inflammatory cytokine storm and blood clotting problem cause a state in which people literally feel aged by decades. Many describe a level of fatigue that is profound and lasting, as well as brain fog that mimics dementia. My practice has a focus on anti-aging and having treated hundreds of Covid patients with early treatments and many of those with subsequent long Covid - finding modalities that facilitate recovery had a lot of overlap with my currently already used anti-aging strategies.
First, from a diagnostic perspective, I use WAVI brain EEG technology which is a screening tool for brain health. This allows to gather information about processing speed, P300, low electrical voltage possibly indicating neuroinflammation or traumatic brain injury, anxiety and depression, attention deficit and other findings. These can then be specifically addressed. I saw many patients, even quite young, with severe brain fog, memory, and mood impairment. As an example, in this 33-year-old woman, her WAVI 4 months post COVID showed signs of significant brain aging, as shown here the brain age increased by 23 years. Her symptoms of “brain fog” were so severe that she had trouble remembering words and was unable to drive, had word finding difficulties. She worked as a science teacher and had difficulty doing calculations. Her fatigue was severe.
The voltage map shows very low electricity, which can be a sign of neuroinflammation, in the temporal lobe areas (T5&T6) which is where the hippocampus is, the seat of memory. You can see that average voltage for her age comparison starts at 9 up to 21 microvolts, and many areas of this brain have suboptimal voltage as low as 0.5. This in my experience is a very typical finding in long Covid. Some areas of the brain look like traumatic brain injury findings.
The patient was treated with multiple supplements (these included full nutritional support, Methylene Blue, Hydrosol Gold, Humic and Fulvic Acid, intermittent dosing of Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Aspirin, Plasminex and intravenous therapy with high dose Vitamin C and the peptide Epithalon and GHK Copper. After 6 months of chronic fatigue, and within 2 months of this treatment, she made a complete recovery, went back to full time working without difficulties and returned to normal energy levels. Specifically, the Epithalon and high dose Vitamin C induced immediate substantial improvement.
Epitalon is a synthetic pineal gland peptide derived from epithalamin which activates the telomerase enzyme and elongates telomeres, thereby having antiaging effects.
Khavinson VKh, Bondarev IE, and Butyugov AA. Epithalon peptide induces telomerase activity and telomere elongation in human somatic cells.
It increases secretion of melatonin. Epithalamin can be more beneficial than melatonin because the former not only produces direct antioxidant effects but is also able to stimulate the expression of the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD), which may improve health and lengthen life span. The pineal gland peptides enhance the antioxidant defense system, which can contribute to their age protective and reversal properties.
Kozina LS, Arutjunyan AV, and Khavinson VKh. Antioxidant properties of geroprotective peptides of the pineal gland.
Epitalon reduces lipid oxidation and radical oxygen species and has been shown in animal models and humans to extend life span and decrease mortality by 52%.
Additionally, a study conducted on 266 people over age 60 demonstrated that treatment with epithalamin, produced a 1.6–1.8-fold reduction in mortality during the following 6 years. A study on patients with coronary artery disease over twelve years found improved physical endurance, sleep wake cycle, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Epithalamin was given twice a year. There was a 50% lower rate of cardiovascular mortality, a 50% lower rate of congestive heart failure and serious respiratory disease, and a 28% lower rate of overall mortality.
Khavinson VKh and Morozov VG. Peptides of pineal gland and thymus prolong human life.
Epithalon breaks the Hayflick limit – which is the cell division limit before cell death happens. It repairs DNA, hence has been shown to lower the incidence of cancer. All of these beneficial metabolic and cardiac effects make it an ideal peptide to use in helping long Covid patients recover and could also be used to help vaccine injured patients. Spike protein has been found to impair DNA repair. Spike protein has cardiac toxicity and many long Covid patients develop POTS ( Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Sydrome – fast heart rate and fatigue when standing up). Epithalon has been shown to improve right ventricular dysfunction, lower blood pressure and in my patients has helped to improve ejection fraction in congestive heart failure by as much as 25% as verified by Echocardiogram. Epithalon has been very helpful in reversing autonomic dysfunction, which I have found on virtually all of my long Covid patients.
GHK Copper
GHK Copper is a peptide used for collagen synthesis improvement. This peptide also has been shown to have significant beneficial effects to restore around 4,000 genes—which is 30% of the human genome—back to health.
GHK and DNA: resetting the human genome to health
GHK Copper has had significant effects in my patients in improvement of lung injury post Covid, helping to reverse the chronic shortness of breath sensation.
Studies show benefit of GHK Copper in animal models in ARDS and Emphysema.
GHK Copper also increases gene transcription in all brain cells and is helpful in reversing cognitive decline. I have found it to be of great help in reversing brain fog. These peptides are compounded and I have never encountered any side effects.
The Effect of the Human Peptide GHK on Gene Expression Relevant to Nervous System Function and Cognitive Decline
In the particular young patient described above, here is her experience in her own words:
“When I took the first high dose Vitamin C infusion, I felt almost like the color had returned to my world. Before that I had been operating at my lowest energy level. Normally, there’s another energy level, below your daily use level. Something you can draw on when you get tired. But I had nothing there! When I’d get too tired, it was hard to even hold my head up while sitting! Doing dishes would suddenly feel like weightlifting, and I’d have to sit down after doing a half load… etc. At my worst brain fog moment, I drove into town and almost had to pull over because I couldn’t remember where I was going! Very alarming. I’d also forget people’s names, have a blurry memory about the past, and a lot of trouble finding words. I even forgot things like what time I started work, my high school teachers’ names, old friends, whether I left the stove on…
I saw the biggest changes with the first Vitamin C infusion I did, and the Epithalon! The Epithalon actually felt like it made me more substantial. Like some gaps in my physical body were filled. I felt more grounded, at peace, and again like I had base energy level improvement. Another thing I noticed from the Epithalon is that my sleep improved immediately. Before taking it, I was constantly oversleeping. I wouldn’t feel rested unless I slept at least 9.5-11 hours… I also consistently woke up at least once during the middle of the night. Since taking the Epithalon, I find that I only need 7.5 -9 hours of sleep, and I rarely wake up at night.
The other big change was I seem to be less sensitive to exercise. Before I definitely had exercise intolerance, with an energy packet issue. If I did a little too much, past some hard to determine threshold, I would be knocked down for days until I recovered. This made me constantly afraid of over doing it. Like a punishment you never knew when it was going to hit! After the Epithalon I ended up going clamming. I had intended to just walk along with the group and not do any work - but I got excited and participated. I was worried when I got home that I’d over done it, but the next morning I was just fine, only a little sore. The GHK Copper peptide felt like more of a brain, and emotional energy boost. I felt jazzed, and like I had the energy to conceptualize and create new things.”
A similar treatment approach also reversed Spike Protein caused Autoimmunity in a different patient:
64-year-old woman with a previous history of Rheumatoid Arthritis. In 2019 she had abnormal anti-DNA antibodies for Lupus. She never developed any symptoms. After being exposed to the spike protein, both by being around someone with Covid and presumed from exposure to vaccine shedding, her D-Dimer went up and she developed a rash on her arms as well as face in a butterfly fashion, characteristic for a Lupus flare. We checked her antibodies that suddenly rose extremely high. She started the high dose Vitamin C infusions weekly and she got the Peptides Epithalon and GHK Copper. After 4 treatments, her Lupus was resolved. She no longer has any autoimmune anti DNA antibodies nor any skin rash.
Original Lab in 2019 showing positive finding and then test on 3/8/22 showing very high titers:
Follow up testing from 4/22/22 shows no evidence of Lupus with negative antibodies.
The same treatment also helps to improve symptoms of POTS (Postural Tachycardia syndrome) which many long Covid patients have on their autonomic nervous system test. They present also with rapid heartbeat, sensation of shortness of breath, extreme fatigue. Vitamin C infusion and Epithalon improves symptoms in as little as one treatment, and improvement continues with cumulative dosing.
Autonomic nervous system tests showing very low voltage indicating mitochondrial dysfunction and abnormal Heart Rate Variability, Autonomic Cardiac Neuropathy, Small Fiber neuropathy. These are classical findings in my office in patients with Long Covid.
I also used this to normalize elevated D-Dimers to reverse vaccine shedding. I described my approach in this article here:
Anti-Aging approaches with nutritional optimization, specific oral and intravenous treatments and anti-aging peptides are helpful in all aspects of reversing accelerated aging caused by spike protein. These are clinical findings that have been consistent in many patients in my office. Given the global long Covid and vaccine injury pandemic now, novel strategies with low side effect profiles such as these described - that can help reverse disease burden - should be further investigated for long Covid and vaccine injury patients.
For further information about my anti-aging approach please see my book Light Medicine – A New Paradigm – The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity
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JPB - Jul 8, 2022
This treatment sounds incredible and beneficial for good health all around. How does anyone get the epithalon infusions?
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Johannes - Aug 8, 2022
Is epithalon and GHK copper bioavailable sublingual or even through the gut?
REPLY | 2 replies by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD and others
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