BREAKING NEWS: New Analysis Of C19…

Nov 25, 2023

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In this groundbreaking interview with my colleague Dr.


Richard Newton - Nov 25, 2023

Richard Newton

THANK YOU for your tireless, tenacious and persevering efforts to keep both your own and to include others' work in this critical and illuminating exploration of the victimization of humankind and the intentional transformation of us from organic to synthetic biological cyborgs for culling or enslavement. We keep hearing about mRNA & Spike Protein....we keep hearing about DNA contaminants. We continue to be told no graphene. Then those who criticize say that we can't trust the equipment (or by inference, operators using what equipment and experience they have) to truly assess what is being seen in the blood and that the equipment needed is all owned by the purveyors of the deadly technology at work in every person on the planet. Or that perhaps it's moved to an organ or other place (as perhaps evidenced in urine or other bodily fluids). But the unrelenting truth seems to be that what you and others are indeed seeing is indisputable evidence of (self-assembling) nanotechnology....graphene is now being disclosed as the reason for the COVID "upgrade" from biosaturation methods used (like morgellans) through geoengineering, contamination and inclusion of this technology in plants, animal, and other sources of exposure (what rains down us from the ionosphere having IMO the most weight of evidence). An interesting piece of the puzzle, provided in a recent interview between Maria Zeee & Hope & Tivon (in Morocco) who have been scouring the literature, patents and research concerning the nature of what has historically been done to facilitate the Internet of All Things/Internet of Bodies - the use of humans as bioenergy-powered transmitters of bio and other data (as well as creating a network and a tie to a cloud-based database of all information and constantly enhanced insights into individuals, groups and other commonalities) from nanotechnology previously implanted, but significantly upgraded via the introduction of graphene through the jabs. That you have continued to explore and question and to seek out other pioneers is exceptionally important and it is appreciated (persist!). The recent disclosure that Methylene Blue may have greater efficacy than previously thought in the fight against the onboard menace (together with high dose Vitamin C, EDTA and other possible conjoined treatment protocols) is essential to our struggle to survive and unentangle ourselves from this dystopian web of the capture of all things material, living and inventoriable by those who seek to own and control them. That we are just another resource to serve them should disgust, enrage and enliven every single person who values freedom and life -- if not our own, that of others....humans, plants, animals and the obvious spiritual consequences of polluting or transforming what God has created into what Lucifer is trying to destroy or own.


Margie Chism - Nov 25, 2023

Margie Chism

That Devil, Satan ■ I hate him/it. M


Piotr Bein - Nov 26, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

Dear Drs. Ana, Geanina and all contributing researchers, no matter if there is a spirit of agreement among you at the moment or not.
It's great some synergy evolves, as talents in differing methods and approaches unite. More is needed as the task ahead is formidable. Beside vax and dental anaesthetics, all other known and yet undiscovered products containg elements of the bioweapon assault on Humanity must be condemned immediately and accountability and responsibility sought and enforced with civil disobedience, people tribunals, and more drastic action if needed to stop and eventually eradicate the evil at all levels.
I believe nothing is coincidence. As such I consider Dr. Ana's current re-visit of torsion field (TF) science and application. First of all, Dr. Diana's spectroscopic method does not require any samples sent over which might be cumbersome and sample-altering. Instead, the linkto =videos or pics suffices to accomplish the spectroscopy.
There is more. The TF approach holds promise to achieve quantim computer needed to implement AI, compared to officially declared approach. It might also offer simple, inexpensive, universally available remedies against the nano self-assembling menace, as all bio-prooesses are steered by TF signals travelling along signalling paths in all life incl. humans. The ailments, and symptoms victims experience are biological. Could purposely made TFs be used in the cure? They are in medicine at large, to a dedree much larger than rockefellerians would like to admit, while themselves using the tech for protection of self and their dear ones.
Since TF beams are also used to modify nuclear-level processes (remote disabling NATO nuclear bombs transferred from Germany to Poland-Russia borderlands, beaming TFs on the Ukrainian Zaporozhe nuclear power plant by Russia), there might be a TF way to destroy the nanostructures w/o bio-harm to the patient, then flush the rubbish out with proven methods.
In the quest to defeat the evil, Dr. Ana seeks more TF science apps, despite the cabal's tight control of the subject. Our Dr. Diana Wojtkowiak is a God-sent raisin on the global scene in this respect, like the other Independents in their specialties. Her knowledge, wisdom and R&D talents can be sampled e.g. here:
"Permanent contamination of the Earth by 5G network and voluntary acceptance of enemies’ application of electronic warfare"
Should you need the grahics and autotranslation of bypassed text, pls click the link to the Polish original in the translation.
I sense you could not, Dr. Ana, contact Dr. Diana. She always discusses her work when asked. Not being able to check by phone, I know she is busy when she doesn't answer emails. She is scrambling to build her own lab after being relegated from university) and had to post-pone R&D in order to earn funds for mundane needs.


Zofia Filipiak - STOPZET - Nov 27, 2023

Zofia’s Substack

I talked to Dr. Diana for a while today and she promised that she would definitely refer to Dr. Ana Maria's research, she was busy and is just learning about cupping.


Piotr Bein - Nov 26, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

Dr. Ana, why not add disoveries by Dr. Diana Wojtkowiak by trirsion field spectroscopy: IV and infusion fluids, several vials of c19 bio-weapon, each from diff maker.
Some of the work is translated here:
I translated more but it was destroyed recently with my blog.


Marcelo Araujo - Nov 27, 2023

Marcelo Araujo

Piotr thanks a lot 🙏👍for letting us know about Dr. Diana Wojtkowiak's amazing work and findings.
I will read the document more carefully tomorrow, however it appears she is courageously telling it as it is
Few have the courage to do so.
May God protect her.


Piotr Bein - Nov 27, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

Thanks for noticing Diana's genius, Marcelo. Keep in touch, she will set up seminars eventually, to train staff, disseminate the knowledge and find brilliant helpers. She is so overloaded, our Polish people's "national asset".
TF spectroscopy requires no physical sample. Sufficient is a link to video or photo of the sample, with the object to be analysed visible, no matter in what contrast. She has ways to extract the info needed (dee themye=sterious explosion below). People retaining ancient ability to sense TFs can derive info from pics, e.g, clairvoyants used by CIA in spying or by police in serach of missing persons.
Diana has solved a mystery of a video of hi-energy explosion somewhere some time last year or so. Jim Stone asked for help, I asked Diana and a week or two later we knew the type of explosion (thermonuclear if I recall), location and date: east of Somalia a Yemeni island where Israel has a submarine base. Diana estimated the date to ca. 12 hours accuracy. I notified Jim, he ignored the finding just as he previously did some info on Fuku meltdowns, only because he believed trolls against me. The challenge in this case was the dominance of explosion radiation over the TF of the site that was necessary to determine the location. She solved the problem no problem :)
Time and time again, I bump into egos in work for the common good. Hope this time everybody will wake up and pull our wagon.
Reecently, Diana analysed photos of alleged ufos. She rejected a few abvious photoshop fakes, the rest was consistent in TF signature indicating most likely propulsion type. She found the same signature in a pic of 30 m ufo photographed near the Moon, and also in satellite pics of the areas of alleged ufo graves on Earth. Asked what she thinks of the origin of the craft, she supposes extraterrstial source is more likely due to the size of the 30 m craft.
It's a small bit of the things she knows and can investigate with her ingenious yet simple equipment and vast knowledge of math, sciences, biology, medicine, and... astrology,-- yes, the ancient science ridiculed by the cabal while they are exploiting it against us, e.g. the s.c. national character traits. Why do you think Soros would opt to buy out lamestream merdia in Poland?
How did Diana begin her jouney into TFs 30 yrs ago: accudently she screened EMF urarduadung her bio-sample u=in a study of the bio-effecyts. To her unbelief the effects still occured, against the ruling "paradigm" that only EMFs could do it.
Indeed, may God protect Diana and all the other scientists and researchers in present quest against the bane of Humnanity.


Piotr Bein - Nov 27, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

"urarduadung" = irradiating :))))
Sorry, my eyesight is poor.


Claudia - Nov 26, 2023


Beautifully stated… I just received Mark Sloan’s book THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO METHYLENE BLUE. I’m hoping it will shed some light on its potential to counteract these evil implants.


Alan Tan - Nov 26, 2023

Alan’s Substack

Waiting for mine to arrive


Gary McCollom - Nov 26, 2023

God will soon act Richard, make no mistake about that.


EAMBDGC - Nov 26, 2023

Christine the Strawberry Girl

Comment removed.


EAMBDGC - Nov 26, 2023

Christine the Strawberry Girl

how does one know if they got a placebo or not?


Christine the Strawberry Girl - Nov 28, 2023

Christine the Strawberry Girl

Try looking up your lot/batch on
I took 2 Pfizer’s for my nursing job back in 12/20&1/21. Second shot had me feeling like death was near and I’ve had problems since. Both my shots were high up in the toxic range according to howbad.infoand Craig paderkooper, the creator responded to my email back in early 2021 confirmed my batches were nasty despite not having a bad reaction other than a severely sore arm. I highly doubt they put out placebo since they really needed to inject as many as possible, just my opinion. In any case, I know I was poisoned but I’m also sure every vaccine has accumulative consequences.


EAMBDGC - Nov 30, 2023

so if you’ve had a placebo or saline solution then nothing is written, it’s left blank?


Gary McCollom - Nov 26, 2023

Kathleen Nathan

How bad is your dyspnea, how often and or what are the triggers Gordon?


Gary McCollom - Nov 26, 2023

Kathleen Nathan

Comment removed.


Gary McCollom - Nov 26, 2023

Kathleen Nathan

Comment removed.


Gary McCollom - Nov 26, 2023

Kathleen Nathan

Sorry to hear Gordon, I have it very occasionally from a shedding incident.
The best bit of advice I could give you is stay away from anything like prednisone, its NOT going to help you.
Look into trying the Master Mineral Solution, MMS from Jim Humble or the other CDS.
Stuff like Boron, lipsomal vitamin c, lipsomal glutathione, BioAstin Astaxaanthin, high vitamin d level will serve you far better.


Kathleen Nathan - Dec 3, 2023

Kathleen Nathan

MMS is the same basic chemistry as DMSO. commercially available
CDC is a toxic chlorine compound in my opinion...where as DMSO is nontoxic.


Nov 26, 2023

Comment removed.


Gary McCollom - Nov 26, 2023

This is something else I have come across recently.


Blaise - Nov 25, 2023

Att Viska

At this point, I kinda don't care anymore about others. I had one jerk come up to me in church, arrogantly DEMANDING to know if I got the shot a year or so ago. "No," I replied "and I have done a 700 page, 2k footnote paper on the topic why (which is now 2,500 pages, 10 footnotes - yes really). You might think he might say, "Gee, what did you learn?" knowing have two grad degrees. But you would be wrong. Rather, he turned on his heel and stomped off. Similarly, my fabuously wealthy little brother, who has had everything go right in his life, when i GENTLY would send one very subdued email on the shot perhaps once every four months, just snottily replied in one line "Quit emailing me!' Again, this was one every FOUR MONTHS, and nothing strident. Last report, his wife was on her second round of serious Covid, and had been treated for cancer. One daughter of his has had a least FOUR freaking shots.
Here's the problem: Most of these people are 100% closed minded, snotty and apparently know it everything in the whole universe about the shot, despite doing basically ZERO on it, except listen to the fake news.
So.... I tried to help people. They don't want it, don't care, and are in fact ARROGANT about their blantant stupidity. So... all I want to know now is how to protect myself and my wife from things like the dental or in our meat mRNA.


Claudia - Nov 26, 2023


Sadly, many of us have experienced the same from “friends” and “family.”


John Roberts - Nov 26, 2023

John Roberts

Amen to that.
Beyond any rational understanding. I have run out of words.
I warned them as you and others have done. If they don’t want to hear it, I don’t know what else we could have done.


Chris - Nov 27, 2023


“Friends” and “family” indeed.


Alan Tan - Nov 26, 2023

Alan’s Substack

Same here, everything my bro cites is references from Google.. And everyone in the family listen to him because of his academics and wife...I gave up on them..His wife's father died from brain tumor, one of the first who got the shot. My mom also died, my sis just recovering from 2 clots in her brain. My BIL got 2 near his heart, inoperable. And they all had 5 killer shots...And you sit around them, they talk about getting the next one with the flu, shingles vax and who is sick or died.. can't connect the dots.. I am done worrying.


John Roberts - Nov 26, 2023

John Roberts

Same here with my highly educated siblings who wouldn’t consider documented facts and studies from reputable doctor’s, scientists and researchers presented to them by the C student.
Now they are experiencing death and destruction - can’t connect the dot’s is right.
Beyond any reasonable understanding.


Alan Tan - Nov 26, 2023

Alan’s Substack

Trust my Google Alexia...


Alan Tan - Nov 26, 2023

Alan’s Substack

Comment removed.


Alan Tan - Nov 27, 2023

Alan’s Substack

Ur not going to get the truth fm's owned by Google


Kathleen Nathan - Nov 28, 2023

Kathleen Nathan

One point which Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi brought up about two years that the victims of these loathsome injections often have their brains and hearts attacked first and therefore suffer cognitive and/or systemic damage. They can not understand from an intellectual or emotional point of view the reality of what has happened to themselves and others concerning the "vaccines". I have seen this in my own family of medical "professionals" ...they are impervious to reality and always end up telling me I am a "conspiracy theorist" --Recently I was trying to tell them about Dr. Pierre Kory's book THE WAR ON IVERMECTIN....given his high status as an innovator in ER treatments using advanced sonar technology in the University of Wisconsin health service....that is the last thing anyone could accuse him of....
It is heartbreaking and horrifying to have to realize our relations and friends have been so damaged that they cannot see for themselves that their "cognition" has been impaired . Horror show is not a term too strong for this.


Alan Tan - Nov 28, 2023

Alan’s Substack

You right 💯 %. No debate, no queries, no research, no critical thinking,cannot connect the dots,and just think ur a Nutter.
So I have decided, I can't worry about them and just look after myself and if those that came out of their deep sleep, I am here to help.


Kathleen Nathan - Nov 28, 2023

Kathleen Nathan

this link will explain what is happening to these people and what we should do:
This Dr. David Martin...great video IMHO


Jessicadelange - Dec 3, 2023

Kathleen Nathan

I cannot open the video or find it anywhere, the cursor stays on 00.00, would you have another link for the video please ?


Kathleen Nathan - Dec 3, 2023

Kathleen Nathan
Sorry that is the only link i have This is all I have from the website of the video : The names and the faces of the enemy...
MAR 6, 2023
Since the start of the COVID-19 Plandemic (let’s use the correct terminology because it’s extremely important to do so in the age of fifth generation warfare), and especially as “the great awakening” is gathering steam, some of the most common terms being used by people are “they” and “them” when referring to our opponents who have been doing terrible things to us for the last 3 years.
But who are these mysterious they/them?
Well, the answer to this question is relatively simple but also simultaneously quite complex, especially if you approach it without any context.
Therefore, in order to properly answer this question, we need to make sure we have a common frame of reference that allows us to properly understand the answer.
The global Pyramid of Power
The global power structure is often presented as a Pyramid because it is instinctively easy to understand for most people.
This is why corporate structures are often presented as pyramids as well as the command structure of organisations where a clearly defined hierarchy is essential, such as the military, police and intelligence gathering organisations.
When it comes to how the real power in the world is structured, a pyramid is the perfect way to present it due to the fact that this power structure is also very hierarchical in nature.
If you go on platforms like Telegram, Rumble and now also Twitter, you will often come across diagrams such as the one shown below:


Kathleen Nathan - Dec 3, 2023

Kathleen Nathan

so I don't get it....Is this going through or what


Kathleen Nathan - Dec 3, 2023

Kathleen Nathan
Sorry that is the only link i have This is all I have from the website of the video : The names and the faces of the enemy...It is still working for me. My advice is to put Dr. David Martin into your search engine...I use duckduckgo
MAR 6, 2023
Since the start of the COVID-19 Plandemic (let’s use the correct terminology because it’s extremely important to do so in the age of fifth generation warfare), and especially as “the great awakening” is gathering steam, some of the most common terms being used by people are “they” and “them” when referring to our opponents who have been doing terrible things to us for the last 3 years.
But who are these mysterious they/them?
Well, the answer to this question is relatively simple but also simultaneously quite complex, especially if you approach it without any context.


Blaise - Nov 27, 2023

Att Viska

Why ANYONE still uses "First, do only evil"Google is beyond me, when you can use Yandex, Tusksearch, Freespoke, Presearch, SwissCows, or Brave with it's engine. I use Brave browser ( and Presearch myself.
Interestingly, I saw one study that showed university educated had the most shot uptake, but as you went to a Master's, and then PhD level, the uptake was much less. Truth is, most of these bachelor's people are really not that smart, and just spend four years being propagandized by other ignorant "profs" who also really are not that smart, but could just memorize things. I know, because I taught at the university level for the first five years of my career. Moreover, that degree in 18th C. Belgian Lesbian Musicology really doesn't impress me with its non-intellectual rigour. Thomas Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolution is instructive here, showing a LOT of academia is really beholden to what is really no more then **fashion** Think Copernicus. Think Galileo. Think Ignaz Semmelweis, who was drummed out of the medical biz in the late 1800s for insisting his doctors wash their hands between operations.
Think Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman, “What is necessary for the very existence of science and what the characteristics of nature are, are not to be determined by pompous preconditions, they are determined always by the material with which we work, by nature herself.” ― Richard P. Feynman And “Doubt is clearly a value in the sciences. Whether it is in other fields is an open question and an uncertain matter.” “…it is very important to doubt and that doubt is not a fearful thing, but a thing of very great value." — Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman, The Meaning of It All


Alan Tan - Nov 28, 2023

Alan’s Substack

Always question the answers given...I use Brave, Yandex only use Google main for spellings simple stuff like plants, etc.


Nomoremarxists - Dec 27, 2023


I gave up on “ the Google” years back but just drifted to Duck Duck Go and Safari. I never even heard of any of those search engines. It must show I’m gettin old😪.


Caroline - Nov 27, 2023


I know. It’s like their brains don’t work. I’ve never seen anything like it. Rebut me with ‘fact checkers’


Alan Tan - Nov 26, 2023

Alan’s Substack

Comment removed.


Alan Tan - Nov 27, 2023

Alan’s Substack

And the countdown begins....


Blaise - Nov 25, 2023

Att Viska

10 footnotes. As in 10,000
And yes, ***really**
Very few care. But have all kinds of time for Dancing with the Half Naked Stars, Keeping up with the Kartrashians, and the last Dallas Cowboys vs. the Roman Gladiators matchup.


Claudia - Nov 26, 2023




Christian Thomas - Nov 26, 2023

Christian Thomas

That is impressively rigorous! I'm sorry to say I'm at the other end of the spectrum; ill-disciplined, random, relying on my memory, jotting down an occasional reference on a bit of paper (though I have taken to downloading papers that I might have thought important) and then not remembering which paper a bit of knowledge is in, or on. LOL. The contrast could not be greater. :)


Blaise - Nov 27, 2023

Att Viska

My paper for the very reason you noted, is very disjoined, as I keep adding almost every day. Nevertheless, I have a skeleton to keep is largely in order.


Julie Stander - Nov 26, 2023

Writing from the Heart Jewel

Yes, dental anesthetics. About meat, Eel River in No. California doesn't vaccinate their 100% grass fed cattle. You can order frozen meat online


Michelle Lester - Nov 28, 2023

White Oak pastures in Georgia is the same . Regenerative farming, and has come out to say HELL NO we don't use those vaccines on our animals!! Love him, older farmer that isn't afraid to speak his mind against the establishment.


Blaise - Nov 26, 2023

Att Viska

Excellent, thanks


TimeIsNear - Nov 26, 2023

Kathleen Nathan

Get out into your rural areas. Mainly farmers markers. We spent a couple of hours at one today. Many farmers know about these vaccines. They do where I live. I buy all organic, non-GMO, and non-vaxxed meat directly from them. The same for all the dairy products. We even grow our own garden, microgreens, and sprouts. Same goes for the hygiene and cleaning products.
I haven't worked out the dental part yet. I'm hoping one of my children's wisdom teeth come in okay. I have no idea on how to get around this yet. There has to be a way.


MarieSea - Nov 28, 2023

Biological dentists broke away from allopathic dentists decades ago:


Kathleen Nathan - Nov 28, 2023

Kathleen Nathan

The "dental part" is something I have worked on in my own I was damaged by their X-ray technology 5 years ago which caused a tumor--I had to have it surgically removed. This is what I do now and have not had any decay or problems for years to the "amazement" of the dentists I have seen.
Get a high quality bacteria-killing essential oil like Helichrysum (got mine from MOUNTAINROSE HERBS) and put it sparingly on your teeth and gum using your .fingers. Then take a generous swab of DMSO and run that around your teeth and gums as well. Tastes a little bitter but works great. Hope this helps


Michelle Lester - Nov 28, 2023

You can also use an organic coconut oil for oil pulling. Aruvedic practice centuries old, but they used sesame oil. I did coconut and avoided lesser surgery a decade or so ago.


Bodhimom - Nov 26, 2023

Most wisdom teeth do not need to be extracted even if your dentist recommends it. I saw an article on that a few months back. Just make sure that area back there is kept clean. NO need to risk being cyborged with this alien tech.


Kathryn - Nov 26, 2023


Comment removed.


Kathryn - Nov 27, 2023


I had my last three fillings without anesthetic. Not too bad. But my dentist said my nerves had regressed due to age(65.). He said a 20 something may not have been able to stand it. Also he does this often, about 1/week.
Having said that, I met a young 20-something polish woman who said she never had used anesthetic. Common practice in Poland.
Hypnosis might work if you can find someone.


TimeIsNear - Nov 26, 2023

ShortOnTime Newsletter

I haven't heard anything about it but it's mostly used as a sedative due to anxiety. One would still have the pain to deal with. Even the injectables like ketamine to knock one out for a procedure has crap in it. I'm trying to find out what others are using if they need to have a cavity filled, extraction, or root canal. This makes me wonder how they did dental work back before all of this was around. I read one comment from someone who had a cavity done and they elected not to have any anesthetics. Someone on a livestream said they needed some dental work and was concerned about it. He said he spoke with his dentist and they still were able to get the older anesthetic like lidocaine but it would be more costly. I don't know how true this is.


Mike H - Nov 27, 2023

ShortOnTime Newsletter

I used to be in dental supply sales. Lidocaine is used in every dental office daily in this country and is the most popular form of dental anesthetic. But I don't know if its contaminated or not. So its not "older" and if the dentist is worried about the cost he is a cheap ass.


SoCalGal - Nov 26, 2023

My daughter in law has gotten all the Covid and flu shots. My son got 2 Covid shots had a heart problem and never got another one. My daughter in law doesn’t want to hear any negative information about the shots. I’ve given up. I told my son I would pray for them both and I have.


SheThinksLiberty - Nov 27, 2023

SheThinksLiberty’s Newsletter

I fully expected the conduct and responses of the vast majority during this operation. I'd been there, done that with the attacks of Sep 11. An utterly absurd story, provably so, but the vast majority "knew" what happened and had no interest whatsoever in taking on new information 𝒂𝒕 𝒂𝒍𝒍.
Speaking of friends and family, when the dopes at NIST came out with their final "report" on the buildings' destruction, they admitted that, yes, Building 7 did collapse completely in under seven seconds. Uhhh...wha? In a discussion about this with an extended family member who's an engineer, doncha know, he mocked the very notion that something other than what TPTB told us could have happened. When I shared with him that NIST admitted that Building 7 (at least) did collapse at free fall and that he could see that for himself, he still poo-pooed the idea. Given that both of the larger Towers had been utterly obliterated and essentially disappeared in about 20 seconds (confirmed), I decided to frame a question.
If each 110-story Tower had fallen at the rate of one second per floor, that means that it would take 110 seconds for them to fall. That's more than a minute and a half -- and NIST has confirmed they were gone in 20. So, I went on, "If NIST confirms these timeframes in their final report, can you tell me then what physical conditions would have had to have been in play that day to make those collapses possible in that amount of time?"
He blinked, harrumphed, and walked away. Never answering...Just like your fellow parishioner.


Jim V - Nov 28, 2023

Kathleen Nathan

Building 7 is the real kicker isn't it!


Kathleen Nathan - Nov 28, 2023

Kathleen Nathan

don't forget....The entire country was traumatized by viewing President John Kennedy shot and killed live on t.v. 60 years ago.... a trauma which was repeated a few years later when Robert Kennedy also was murdered....Same for MLKing.and then "9/11" which was an obviously high tech operation like Lahina fires in Maui and the Paradise Valley fire a few years ago. DEW was the technology they used in those horrendous crimes. I believe these attacks give evidence of "careful planning" as Dr. Mike Yeadon has said about the covid debacle.
In a so-called free country-- The United States has been under attack by the "globalists" for generations now. We are the only thing standing in their way of reaching their goal of total "world domination". Much information is now being revealed about their plans to "brain chip" us and control us through the cell tower grid...As the author Ana Maria Mahalcea points out these psychopaths want to own everything and control everyone and now are employing the most advanced technology to do so.


SLK - Nov 28, 2023’s Substack

You are absolutly right. N question about it. thanks.


Kathleen Nathan - Nov 29, 2023

Kathleen Nathan

ha ha ha...fell off my chair watching this JIMMY DORE excerpt...


Blaise - Nov 27, 2023

Att Viska

And golly gee whiz... when they ask "Where did you get YOUR information from?" I cite people like Dr. Martin Kuldorff, prof. of medicine at Harvard Univ Med School., Jay Bhattacharya, MD and PhD, Stanford Univ Medical, Dr. Martin Makary, prof of medicine at Johns Hopkins Medical School, Dr. Harvey Risch, Yale Medical School, I worked for a while at Univ. of Pittsburgh Medical Center, and have screen dumps from a whistle blower there proving aborted fetal material was used, etc. etc etc etc etc etc.
No matter. Won't listen. One woman, when I told her about the aborted fetal material, responded, "I know, but I got the shot cuz I want to go to Cancun next month." Another looked at me dumbly and said "Well, I got the shot 6 months ago, and I"m fine." Yeah, exactly what the meth, coke, heroin users say... just give it six more months.
These two women are very nice. But they are intentionally stupid, and won't listen either. Normalcy bias is fine when you have a comfortable life.


Kathleen Nathan - Nov 28, 2023

Kathleen Nathan

"intentionally" is correct...but I think they need our compassion. Underneath the "veneer" of disdain is probably complete and utter terror. It comforts me a little to reread Shakespeare St. Crispin Day speech:
"This story shall the good man teach his son;
And Crispin Crispian shall ne’er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remember’d;
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition:
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day."


John Roberts - Nov 26, 2023

John Roberts

Like my Mother use to say.
“Their to smart for their own good”
I also, sadly to say, have siblings and friends that fit into that category.
You just can’t help the one’s that don’t want to be helped.


Marty - Nov 26, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

Those who blindly trusted the authorities got f***** and most of them know it at this point, but the last thing they want is someone to explain them the modalities of how they got f*****, it's kind of understandable (and reasonable). Those who are willing to listen are great people.


Lioness3* - Nov 27, 2023


See my "clubbing baby seals" comment above.


Piotr Bein - Nov 26, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

Psychologists should work out ways for us to effectively and productively communicate "the modalities" to the vaxed and f_d.
I feel helpless, a bad communicator in this regard. I do it from reason, logic, science, individual's best interest. but get anger and hate reactions. Most people don't understand such language. Perhaps emotion is the one to use, since emotional "intelligence" (primodal insctincts) are at play) in the manipulated souls.


Piotr Bein - Nov 26, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

Comment removed.


Piotr Bein - Nov 26, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

Two moles. Avoid shows, the more popular the worse for you. Cogs in the death conglomerate: rocskefelle "rmedicine", pharmafia, mogul merdia and "charitable" gateses, soroses and musks -- all on banlster leash..


Mark Miller - Dec 1, 2023

Att Viska

As of today (Dec 1, 2023), per Dr. Malone, mRNA is being used on pigs, but not cattle (yet). He doesn't expect it will be used on chickens because cost per dose is too high and margins too low for poultry.


Blaise - Dec 1, 2023

Att Viska

Yes, it is called Sequivity. See my An Open Letter to Whole Foods About mRNA vaxes in our meat Dr. Ana Mihalcea says they are even putting it in dental pain numbing meds. See her substack.


Chris - Nov 27, 2023


Right there with you. I cannot believe how controlled by MSM propaganda many around me are. Absent people turning to God, I don’t see this ending.


Piotr Bein - Nov 26, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

Blaise, I'm with you, minus the number of pages, plus greater frequency of bulletins to family, friends and e-duscussion groups. Same angry arrogant reactions, more vax doses as I continued warning and trying to educate.
These ingrate idiots pull the Humanity with them into the abyss. I thought at the outset that guarding self would be sufficient, then came reports of shedding/self-spreading and now-- the self-assembly nanostuff is everywhere whether you get if via the vaxed or not.
IMHO the best strategy in this situation is to keep trying to educate the whole Humanity and get a critical mass to effectively stop not just vaxing and dental anaesthetics (mentioned by our dear Drs. Ana and Geanina) -- I'll insert a comment to Dr. Ana to this effect, under Richard Newton's at the top of the forum.


EAMBDGC - Nov 26, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

i think i understand and i’m sorry. it makes me wonder if their brains have already been hijacked. What makes some people able to see and others can’t ?
About dental - to keep teeth clean and white, gums healthy, don’t use fluoride toothpaste and utub oil pulling and you’ll have a good chance avoiding dental chair.


Piotr Bein - Nov 26, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

Brains hijacked? Likely.
"Smart" phones have buil in mictoantennas for (remotely sekectable?) frequencies, each can be tuned to causibg a different affect on the owner's emotion, thought and ability to command muscles. Torsion field (TF) signals that accompany all EMFs go much further and are used e.g. by US, Russia, UK, China to influence masses, by beaming selectively at a city, region, country etc.
EMFs and TFs also trigger in the recipient reactions to "germs". For much more see Dr. Wojtkowiak's submission (she was relagated from her university position as a result) to Polish parliament re. genocidal change in telecom laws and standards (If you need for graphics and untranslated text, go to Polish original linked in the translation):
"Permanent contamination of the Earth by 5G network..."
I had translated and assembled from others much more, all now destoryed with my blog.


Chief Wolf - Dec 10, 2023

Chief’s Substack



Mike H - Nov 27, 2023

ShortOnTime Newsletter

Same in my life.


Lioness3* - Nov 27, 2023


These people are terrified. Somewhere in their hearts they know they've been played. Providing accurate data to the vaxxed is like clubbing baby seals. Too easy and the outcome is ugly.


Marianne Agnello - Nov 25, 2023

Marianne Agnello

Thank you to all our heros investigating these criminals


Missfit Infinitum - Nov 25, 2023

Missfit Infinitum

I also believed that there were vastly different batches. Hence why some people died almost instantly, some lasted a few days, weeks etc, and some, even after having 5 shots are still (seemingly) fit and healthy. I’m also surmising that not all the Comirnaty shots were produced in the same manufacturing plant.
This is why I believe that, despite the incredible work done to decipher codes, ingredients, and motivations as to what the Covid (and now other) shots contain, we’re still behind the 8 ball as they say, and the real monsters behind this are having a laugh and laying wagers over $10,000 bottles of Bollinger on how close we’ll get.


EAMBDGC - Nov 26, 2023

Lee Muller’s In Plainsight is 2…

was it HOW BAD IS MY BATCH? if you kept your covd shot card there were numbers by each injection and you could look yours up. i actually looked up my husband’s first two.


Lee Muller - Nov 26, 2023

Lee Muller’s In Plainsight is 2…

Correct, and there is alsomatchyourbatch.orgwhich visualizes the information in another way.


Kathryn - Nov 26, 2023


Comment removed.


Kathryn - Nov 27, 2023


I’d like to see someone expose the supply chain(s) for various guises of graphene. Graphene seemed to hit MSM in about 2016 for a short burst of news coverage. Then the news window went blank.


Kathleen Nathan - Nov 28, 2023

Kathleen Nathan

Comment removed.


Kathleen Nathan - Dec 3, 2023

Kathleen Nathan

I find this attitude sad. The doctors at FLCCC do not need "another stream of income." They could have all the money they want just practicing their professions. These doctors are heroes and many like Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Mark Trozzi have been stripped of their licenses and can no longer practice medicine. If anything, they have been even MORE victimized than the rest of us because they were literally forced to take these injections or lose their jobs.
Your comment shows a sad lack of understanding and compassion. I am retired. No one really cared if there was one less old lady walking around "unvaccinated"....these caring and still working doctors who have families to support and who understand the globalist agenda and are still standing up against it are true heroes. They are our warriors and they are fighting for our children and grandchildren. Those words about "another income stream"...are revealing of your priorities....not theirs.


Kathleen Nathan - Dec 3, 2023

Kathleen Nathan

I also am very encouraged that the doctors at THE WELLNESS COMPANY are not just whining and engaging in pointless verbal duals....they are looking for answers and solutions for the "vaccine" injured and it looks like there could be literally millions of those....Horribly sad, IMHO


Kathleen Nathan - Dec 17, 2023

Kathleen Nathan

here is what it's all about: SPECTRUM DOMINACE
Truth Troubadour "died suddenly" from "cause unknown"


Kathryn - Nov 28, 2023


Interesting. However while the spike protein has not been proven, the graphene and other nanoparticles have not been disproven. What’s behind the fibrous white molds being found by the embalmers . Dr. Kalcker may have died for his revelations regarding this.
There seems to be a level of obfuscation at this point to divert and corral the public’s perception.


Jlbcreation65 - Nov 25, 2023

Margie Chism

I saw Dr. Nagasse's video over a year ago but haven't heard much from him since then. We are fellow Canadians and he was very believable even though what he was saying was contradictory to almost everything else I was hearing.
I'm assuming these findings also mean that there is no DNA either? How does this reconcile with Kevin McKernan's recent bombshell finding?


Linda - Nov 25, 2023

My question exactly! I hope someone can clarify this issue.


Margie Chism - Nov 25, 2023

Margie Chism

I take it as two reports ■ Yes metals from one group. And Yes DNA from another group. Both have their own findings. I have had to have identified materials in some designs, some can be seen whole others may have to be tested for authenticity. There is a lot of deception in the manufacturing of supplies, and many buyers for generations may still believe [C]hina. M


Mr Johnson - Nov 25, 2023

Mr Johnson

So do these vaccines contain plasmid DNA which splicers the DNA to instruct it to create venomous spike protein as well as nanotechnology? This was my understanding.


Margie Chism - Nov 26, 2023

Margie Chism

What's Plasmid DNA? ■ Why's the Cabal Putting it in Food, Water, Air & Vaccines?! Dr. Ardis Interview
14:00 Plasmids
18:00 Bacteria Conjugation
24:00 NIH list three DNA all identical to snake venom
29:00 Clots caused by venom/s
36:00 Plasmid created with venoms to continuously reproduce in body
37:00 12 natural ways to destroy Plasmids
43:00 5G causes diseases and why they had to be put up during pandemic
44:00 Blue light in devices edits genes, how to turn off Blue light, 5G contact service to cut off from routers
46:00 Infertility and miscarriage, test and remedies
47:00 Grapefruit and tomato block Marburg and Ebola
54:00 They are Luciferians
56:00 Prescription deficiency


Margie Chism - Nov 26, 2023

Margie Chism

Comment removed.


Margie Chism - Nov 26, 2023

Margie Chism

Gorden - Go to his site and find the video Antidote. It has two hours of detail information; I took brief notes and that was 13 pages on paper. ■ He says wear a 7mg patch for 6 days only to remove venom/s/synthetic from receptors that apply in every cell. Then healing can take up to 3 months progressively; Magnesium should not be supplimented during this time. Venom/s require Magnesium to bind/bond. In the video it charts out with the purchase of rattle snake venom what not to use with it, because there are 4 sources that destroy venom/makes it not effective. As far as gum, he has said for regular maintenance he recommends 4 times a day to chew nicotine gum for ten minutes only and discard. He wears a piece of a patch daily, a 7mg cut into 6 parts. As far as metals and hydrogel he recommends EDTA in the morning, and Fulvic Acid at evening. I personally have greatly improved in both, metals and venoms. I noticed a great negative/not good result when I started supplementing Magnesium, because it is in my cupboard. That is when I researched this out and found Magnesium causes venom binding. I get sick from baths, dish washing, and I believe my water is corrupted. So, I have had to return to filtered water bowl baths and rubber gloves for washing dishes. Yesterday was the first day I had about one hour completely free of what I am working on. My progress has more than half reduced what I wanted. For a mail patch of 7gms (30) for $14, I have gotten my husband's money's worth. Being only three weeks or so in this (I have not used a daily patch nor gum since the 6 day detox), I believe I will have a complete recovery. We were deadly ill in December 2019 and January 2020. As an artist I have spent my life around metals, and I live one mile from an airstrip used every hour. I have had the removal/surgery of venom in the last ten years or so, and that was a cereal bowl size of buttock. My previous next door neighbor had snake collections in several pens on the line. We still have poisonous snakes in the yard yearly, besides all the hiking I have walked/copperhead, rattlesnake, cottonmouth. Therefore, metals and venoms are part of my environment, and I am detoxing them out. Also, I keep myself away from compromized family and their friends; I stay home, door shut. M


Kathryn - Nov 26, 2023


Comment removed.


Kathryn - Nov 26, 2023


Comment removed.


Kathryn - Nov 26, 2023


Can you use the EDTA cream, or capsules? My endocrine system has rebounded somewhat since I started the oral EDTA as measured by blood levels of TSH, T4, and T3.
I think our public water supplies are tainted with a myriad of toxins.


EAMBDGC - Nov 26, 2023

Dr Ana said nicotine and nattokinase don’t work😉


Margie Chism - Nov 25, 2023

Margie Chism

Two trails here ■ it's a fork at the moment, and a trail that one leads off into the deep brush; but will join up ahead if you can make it to the Nest/camp, and hook up to the trail. If I walk behind the Lord God, how can I see his face; and if I face the Lord God, how can I see his loins? M


Seeking Truth - Nov 26, 2023

Seeking Truth

Also what about SV40 that causes cancer?


Margie Chism - Nov 25, 2023

Margie Chism

Maria Zeee: Naima Feagin & Tivon Rivers ■ WBAN - They Have Achieved the Transhumanism "System Upgrade"
Video at 1:07:00:
1.The system upgrade before 2017; not enough
2. 2017 infrastructure IEEE,
3. Injection of graphene for amplification
4. Graphenated population ready for deployment to 15 minute cities to control the world's population


KarlM Alias - Nov 25, 2023 - Edited

KarlM Alias

I do not dispute the horrors you have found in the vials, but if there is no mRNA, how come recipients (Mod) ended up with trillions of spikes in their bloodstreams?


Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Nov 25, 2023 - Edited

Patti’s Substack

Maybe its trillions of nano particles not spikes. I've read that each jab delivers 2 billion nano particles for each jab. I just can't remember the name of which vax and who made it


KarlM Alias - Nov 25, 2023 - Edited

KarlM Alias

Maybe. But if the jab only contains 2 billion, that is somewhat less than the trillions measured in the bloodstream (given calculations in the ehp are correct - would love to know if they are not!).
According to the study authors:
Full description of study design are reported in the Supplementary Materials. SARS-CoV-2 antigens and antibodies were measured using single-molecule array (Simoa) assays, as described in the Supplemental Materials (Methods, Supplementary Figure 1, Supplementary Tables 2–4).
I'm no molecular biologist, but the ones that wrote the paper appear to believe that they are actually measuring the spike antigens, and the corresponding antibody response.
But who knows, these days? Up is down, left is right and the whole world is going to sh**.


Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Nov 26, 2023

Patti’s Substack

As far as finding other routes into the body that's a big yes from what we've seen so far. This nano tech gets in via other vectors like the air, the water, and the food. When I grew up there were no chem trails. Studies of these have been done by scientists in the past and were found to have not just heavy metals but things like pseudamonas and other organisms.
These nano particles are micronized and float in the air just like the parasite eggs we inhale and walk on with bare feet and sandals. Everyone gets parasites this way and by handling animals.
So the air and water are perfect vectors. Now we have food as well. We all need to do what has been happening in big cities. Flash Mobs to legislative offices with petitions to stop these insidious injections right now!


moando - Nov 27, 2023


One year someone I know threw away his tomatoes when he found fibers hanging from it.
That winter on a frosty morning, I noticed fibers draped on our chainlink fence which melted to the touch. We've also had neucleated snow that blackened with a match.
Chemtrailers are out weekly here. Most overcast days are due to spraying.
It's been YEARS since I've seen naturally occurring sirrus clouds and the rare occasions when we enjoy seeing the billowing cumulus clouds, the clouds don't behave like they did before arial spraying began. Cumulus clouds used to move around inside themselves and form shapes continuously. Kids used to delight in guessing what animals the cloud would take the shape of.
Now you'll notice the cumulus appear to stay indicator people would miss because sadly now it's easily a second generation which has grown up having never known what a natural sky looked like.


Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Dec 17, 2023

Patti’s Substack

If you go to YouTube you can learn how to recognize HAARP frequency signatures in the clouds. Government uses this to control the weather.


Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Nov 25, 2023 - Edited

Patti’s Substack

Don't forget they keep replicating and creating electrical structures that look like motherboards. I've had 5 engineers identify these shapes in blood. I've seen these in multiple blood samples. Including my own.


KarlM Alias - Nov 25, 2023 - Edited

KarlM Alias

Do you notice any differences over time? For example, if you look at the blood of someone jabbed nearly 3 yrs. ago vs. someone jabbed last month.
If you are saying they are also in the unjabbed, can you be sure they are only coming from the injections, or could they be finding other routes into the body?


Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Nov 25, 2023 - Edited

Patti’s Substack

The nano ribbons I see unwind themselves and stretch out in the plasma underneath the RBCs. Some of them in triple vaxed start sequestering RBCs and entwinning them into a rope like formation. They are consuming the RBCs in this process. I believe this is an energy source for electrons and photons which stimulate the growth of these long molds of vessels that embalmers are pulling out.
I believe it's important to get the heavy metals out with EDTA and to provide Nattokinase to help unstick the RBCs. I use the latter am and pm along with Methylene Blue daily, Quercetin, Zinc A E C. I also use Lumbrokinase. I change my dose based on what I see in my blood and find that because I've been exposed so much to C19 and shedding from others I do use Nicotine patches when I have to see patients. I've become very sensitive to vax shedding. Nicotine stops that reaction for me and enzymes keep my blood in better shape. No more strands but I do see black disc's.
Since our DNA is an effective transmitter and receiver of radio transmissions I can easily make the leap that DNA is transmitting signals in the body all day long and in a masterful directing kind of way for our life forces to function. Brain waves are signals that go beyond our bodies as this is proven. So if infected nano brain waves are transmitting disease signals then maybe that's the mechanism that is contaminating others. I can't sit next to a vaxed person without reacting within 30 seconds. So I will keep experimenting with my blood and taking pictures as well as of the blood of the people who come to see me.


Elizabeth - Nov 26, 2023


Yes it makes you an antenna for rf. I have been trying to detox and break them down, its really difficult. This is absolutely a military bioweapon.


Seeking Truth - Nov 26, 2023

Seeking Truth

How do you react to the vaxinated?
Also, did you test for G6PD deficiency before taking Meth Blue?
Which brand do you take?


John Roberts - Nov 26, 2023 - Edited

John Roberts

Thanks for sharing your findings. It’s helping me better understand the big picture.


Nov 26, 2023

Comment removed.


Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Nov 25, 2023

Patti’s Substack

Yes there are differences with jabbed in just ten minutes and over weeks.


Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Nov 27, 2023

Patti’s Substack

Sorry Karl I just realized that I did not answer your question. The answer is yes I have been seeing changes in blood every few months since Spring 2021. New things appear.


KarlM Alias - Nov 27, 2023

KarlM Alias



Lioness3* - Nov 27, 2023

Avail yourself of the work of Dr. Ana Mihalcea and colleagues. This is a particularly good interview.


Elizabeth - Nov 26, 2023


Can this be broken down? Edta chelation? Anything else?


Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Nov 26, 2023

Patti’s Substack

I'll answer this tomorrow because there are people finding some things that appear to be working. Time to get some sleep!


Kathleen Nathan - Nov 26, 2023

Kathleen Nathan

Comment removed.


Kathleen Nathan - Dec 3, 2023

Kathleen Nathan

I am highly interested in this: magnetic triangle as recommended by Dr. Campra
can I have a link please?


moando - Nov 27, 2023


I can't seem to find Dr. Campra's magnetic triangle on the net - not even an article about it.
Would you have a link to where to buy it? If it's a European link, all the better - thanks.


Seeking Truth - Nov 26, 2023

Seeking Truth

Can we all send this substack to the Frontline Drs like McCoullough, Malone, Kory, Haider & the like? We need answers as to why they are ignoring this? Has anyone tried to reach Steve Kirsch?


Tricia Wysong - Mar 17

Do you know how patient's would detox. from silicone? Silcone is used in implants for breast cancer patient's. The silicone leaks, they have to keep having several surgeries because of this.


Markker - Nov 26, 2023


Considering no virus has ever been isolated, or photographec, how do they actually know it's make up, or what a variant is? You do know the chinese never isolated in first instance but sent some "part sequence to Germany where the code was put into a databank which then brought up over a million possibilities, a bit like throwing 8 musical notes, different lengths and asking AI to make up as many different tunes using notes as many times as they wanted. They then picked one but in truth, Covid 19 test kits were on order globally since 2017, 3 years before the plandemic! Type WITS PCR into Bitchute search.


Blue Republic - Nov 26, 2023

Also share a note
Yes, I would like to see Dr. Ana address the apparent contradiction between her findings (of no organic materials/DNA /mRNA in the shots and the claims of a number of researchers claiming extensive DNA contamination.
Also - has anyone queried AI about the apparent nanotech in the shots, anesthetic & etc.?
If not, why not...?


jacquelyn sauriol - Nov 25, 2023

I thought Nagase didn't find any organic things at all. Perhaps differeing levels of threshold, and or different samples. Rock on.


Lorraine White - Nov 25, 2023


I really appreciate your knowledge and your bravery. I am also grateful to our Lord that he has euipped individuals like yourself with a Lions heart so that you are not afraid to sound the alarrm and inform the multitudes of the dangers that surround them. Thank you so much!
I, being one of the mulitudes, have a concern regarding the dental anethesia. I will soon need to go in for dental work and I don't know what to ask for to keep me out of pain. I do not want to accept their contaminated injection. Do you have a suggestion? Thank you for your time. God bless you.


Kathryn - Nov 28, 2023


The one thing that might work is hypnosis. During my last appt, I had three fillings without anesthesia. Only a few twingesThe dentist said because I was 65, my nerves had retracted somewhat . He said a 20- something would find it almost impossible.
My next appt is more extensive. I will bulk up on vitamin , EDTA, and Nac beforehand.
I actually asked my other dentist a few years ago Why I felt so bad lately after undergoing dental work. Now we know.
Also, a young polish woman I met told me she never received anesthesia in Poland during dental work !


Kathleen Nathan - Nov 28, 2023

Kathleen Nathan

I "need" dental work as well....but I have put it off for several years and have found a way to control decay in my mouth.....I put organic essential oils such as helichrism or Atlas cedar on my teeth and gums...This kills bacteria. Then I finish this off with a swab of drive it into the crevices of teeth/gums etc. Seems to work. Went to my old dentist once a year ago and he said he couldn't understand why I still have teeth as he had been fixing to "repair" them 4 years earlier. I didn't bother trying to "enlighten" him as these folks are hopelessly embedded in the system
To sum it up....use strong essential oil from a good company like Mountain Rose Herbs and then swab teeth and mouth with DMSO. You will stop decay in my experience. tastes bad but works


Kathleen Nathan - Nov 28, 2023

Kathleen Nathan

I also brush several times a day with "activated charcoal" tooth paste. Use a brand with no fluoride or additives....You have to get used to black tooth paste, though. I do not have bad breath as I have asked close friends to tell me if I do. I know they would be happy to tell me if I actually did have bad breath....


Kathleen Nathan - Nov 28, 2023

Kathleen Nathan

I works great. It is black, though. If you are a fan of CREST you won't like this stuff.


SEPT - Nov 28, 2023

Kathleen Nathan

Hello Kathleen. Do you have an opinion on Dental cleaning and the solution they use on 3 -6 mo. cleaning?


Kathleen Nathan - Nov 29, 2023

Kathleen Nathan

My opinion would not be worth much. I grew up on 'candy' all the time.
and I paid for that. I would avoid dentists and all the toxic sh*t if you possibly I said above...I use an essential oil on my teeth and gums and then coat with DMSO....dmso really scares our medical overlords and has for about 50 years...That is because it is a natural substance that is in most tree juice and it does amazing things. Dr. Stanley Jacobs--who discovered it originally - was the subject of a pharma inspired witch hunt.
He was hauled before the senate and endlessly harassed...but they finally could not find a "crime" to charge him with.
but he never backed down. Read NATURE'S HEALER... "a book by I forgot who....' DMSO works by increasing circulation the area it is applied and then by "opening" up certain parts of the cells to let nutrients enter.
Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) in Trauma and Disease
by Stanley W. Jacob and Jack C. de la Torre | Oct 23, 2017
good luck


Kathleen Nathan - Dec 17, 2023

Kathleen Nathan


Margie Chism - Nov 25, 2023

Margie Chism

But when ye shall see the abomination/G946 - bdelygma of desolation/G2050 - erēmōsis, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains: ■ Matthew 13:14, KJV, blueletterbible
■G946 - bdelygma - abomination
G946 - bdelygma
G947 ››
‹‹ G945
Transliteration: bdelygma
Pronunciation: bdel'-oog-mah
Part of Speech: neuter noun
Root Word (Etymology): From βδελύσσω (G948)
TDNT Reference: 1:598,103
Outline of Biblical Usage:
a foul thing, a detestable thing
of idols and things pertaining to idolatry
KJV Translation Count: 6x
The KJV translates Strongs G946 in the following manner: abomination (6x).
Strong's Definitions: βδέλυγμα bdélygma, bdel'-oog-mah; from G948; a detestation, i.e. (specially) idolatry:—abomination.
Thayer's Greek Lexicon
[Jump to Scripture Index]
βδέλυγμα, -τος, τό, (βδελύσσομαι), a biblical and ecclesiastical word; in the Sept. mostly for תּועֵבָה, also for שִׁקוּץ and שֶׁקֶץ, a foul thing (loathsome on account of its stench), a detestable thing; (Tertullian abominamentum); Luth. Greuel; [A. V. abomination];
a. universally: Luke 16:15.
b. in the O. T. often used of idols and things pertaining to idolatry, to be held in abomination by the Israelites;
■G2050 - erēmōsis/desolation
Outline of Biblical Usage:
a making desolate, desolation
KJV Translation Count: 3x
The KJV translates Strongs G2050 in the following manner: desolation (3x).
Strong's Definitions: ἐρήμωσις erḗmōsis, er-ay'-mo-sis; from G2049; despoliation:—desolation.
Thayer's Greek Lexicon
[Jump to Scripture Index]
ἐρήμωσις, -εως, ἡ, (ἐρημόω), a making desolate, desolation: Matthew 24:15; Mark 13:14; Luke 21:20; see βδέλυγμα, c. (Arrian exp. Alex. 1, 9, 13; Sept. several times for חָרְבָּה, שַׁמָּה, etc.)


Lucy - Nov 25, 2023


It appears that every vial has something different. Also the MRNA does not stand for messenger RNA. It is MODIFIED RNA which cannot be broken down and permeates constant uncontrollable toxin production.


Alan Tan - Nov 26, 2023

Alan’s Substack

Yes, I believe every batch is tweak differently. Billions of humanoid rats to experiment with, so why not try differently, on age and race and those with's a feast for the evil scientists


KarlM Alias - Nov 25, 2023

KarlM Alias

Isn't it modified mRNA? The pseudouridine was inserted into the mRNA (together with other diddling such with the Caps)


Jacquie - Dec 27, 2023

All I want to know right now is how to get pure dental anesthetic that I can purchase and bring to the dentist with me?


Marcelo Araujo - Nov 27, 2023

Marcelo Araujo

The devils behind this indescribably wicked and long-planed biggest crime against Humanity are bending ovet backwards in an effort to steer people away the horrific truth - this is about transhumanism, about merging man and machine, about destroying and enslaving us and fulfilling Satan's grand plan.
I can't believe people are still clinging to the lab leak vs deliberate
leak shenanigans.
What a sham!


Kathleen Nathan - Dec 17, 2023

Kathleen Nathan

the truth will come out eventually. I think you are right, Marcelo. This is about how Evil is striking at the core of what it means to be human. Transhumanism was explored in that old story by Mary Shelly about a monster created to be a companion who went rogue and started murdering humans because he was jealous of real "human beings"....and it also goes back to the fall of Adam from the heavenly garden....Satan was always jealous of humanity because we were God's latest creation after 1/3 of the "heavenly host" fell and landed in hell. Satan challenged God saying that he could make humans curse God as Satan himself was cursed.
This is a battle of "good" vs "evil" and one which plays out in every human soul as well as the world stage as we see it now. It is not just about "refusing the is about confronting Evil at every level and taking a stand for goodness and truth...


Kathleen Nathan - Dec 17, 2023

Kathleen Nathan


Monique - Nov 26, 2023

Monique’s For the Love of Truth…

I'm in 4 group lawsuits regarding it!!!


Vinnie - Nov 26, 2023

Either way the shizzle KILLS...
Thank you for TIRELESS EFFORTS...
In a thankless world...



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