Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 19, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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I went back to see if I could capture the self assembled nano sensors into micro robots when they get activated by mixing a drug with human blood. I have been fascinated by the images from analyzing the Budesonide.
I first had done a live blood analysis, and the blood looked clean with no significant micro robots/sensors seen. Then I added a drop of Septocaine, a common dental anesthetic and observed the nano/ micro robotic swarming. The above video shows what the slide looks like at 100x, 200x, 400x. I went up to 4000x with my Oil magnification and software. The blinking lights are photonic plasmonic nanosensors. aka micro robots. Nothing in the human body is supposed to blink in different light emissions.
This is 400x just to show the tremendous activity of the nano and micro robots:
Here is a better view 4000x:
You can clearly see how the small micro robots are attacking the red blood cells. Some of these bots are so small… estimated 100nm maybe if the red blood cells are 5 micrometers.
You can see that the red blood cells are clearly being targeted by the smallest and larger micro bots.
Here is an even more enlarged snapshot of the micro robots:
Here is an article that explains the devices to modify and surveil you from the inside:
Advances and applications of nanophotonic biosensors
Nanophotonic devices, which control light in subwavelength volumes and enhance light–matter interactions, have opened up exciting prospects for biosensing. Numerous nanophotonic biosensors have emerged to address the limitations of the current bioanalytical methods in terms of sensitivity, throughput, ease-of-use and miniaturization. In this Review, we provide an overview of the recent developments of label-free nanophotonic biosensors using evanescent-field-based sensing with plasmon resonances in metals and Mie resonances in dielectrics. We highlight the prospects of achieving an improved sensor performance and added functionalities by leveraging nanostructures and on-chip and optoelectronic integration, as well as microfluidics, biochemistry and data science toolkits. We also discuss open challenges in nanophotonic biosensing, such as reducing the overall cost and handling of complex biological samples, and provide an outlook for future opportunities to improve these technologies and thereby increase their impact in terms of improving health and safety.
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Angela - Nov 19, 2023
I am going through some horrible symptoms myself since not long after having some dental work. In addition, I truly believe that I am now being targeted.
I will never shut my mouth. I lost almost everyone in my family in less than a two year period due to this and other nefarious acts from our local “medical mecca” as some call it.
I had no idea that the dental anesthesia was an issue at the time I received the dental work.
I found out only days later and refused to let them use anything on me during my next visit. The dentist insisted that my mouth be deadened and when I said no due to the nano tech and my autoimmune disorder, he lightly popped me on my arm and said, “you let me give it to you before”.
I told him that I had not known any better and asked him if he had anesthesia without nano. He said, “No, I’m sorry” and I canceled the appointment and left. My boyfriend was with me and he was stunned. He couldn’t believe that the dentist had admitted that it was even in there. I had been trying to tell him that it was.
I think I should sue them and start telling everyone I can to do the same. We have nationally recognized medical malpractice lawyer here and his wife and I attended school together growing up.
I lost my husband, mother, father, sister, grandmother and aunt. All due to pieces of dung trying to line their pockets. I’ll never stop talking.
I talk to strangers on the street and anyone else who will listen.
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Leah - Nov 19, 2023
We need to fight this! There needs to be a huge movement to stop this craziness!
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