Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 15, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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In this post, I am sharing further microscopy by my colleague Dr. Geanina Hagima from Romania. In the video above of Comirnaty B4-5 Omicron, you can see the classic spherical construction site. We have seen this in other Pfizer C19 shots and I regularly film this in the blood of the C19 unvaccinated - via shedding and environmental contamination. This is part of the construction mechanism of the hydrogel filaments.
Dr. Hagima has filmed the same nano/ microrobots that I also have been filming in darkfield. They are faint in brightfield, but still visible.
When she moves to darkfield these micro robots are more visible:
I have shown how these artificially intelligent micro robots in the blood collaborate to transform our blood into hydrogel clots - this is C19 unvaccinated exposed to shedding:
Again we have complex crystal chip development in the Comirnaty shots:
I have seen very strange looking structures in C19 unvaccinated blood from shedding. It looks like snake skin, as seen below from the blood of two separate individuals. Either way you can see the similarity of a geometric layering that is common to the Comirnaty shot and the live blood findings.
Classic filament development is also seen in the Comirnaty shot :
That looks very similar to what Clifford and I cultured from C19 vaccinated and C19 unvaccinated blood again.
Dr. Hagima’s research also can be found in the Romanian news: Dr. Geanina Hagimă: Vaccinul antigripal 2023/2024 - imagini de microscopie optică
Vaccinations clearly are contributing to the extreme blood contamination of all humans. If anyone tries to intimidate you or your loved ones as an “Anti-vaxxer” - which is just a psychological mind control phrase to threaten people into compliance with the Globalist depopulation agenda - I hope you will show the extensive documentation I and other clinicians have provided. I always say, I am an anti-vaxxer because I am anti-poison and anti-genocide.
It is time to hold these “vaccine” criminals accountable - who via their deceptive tactics and mind wars have committed genocide on a global scale. We need to call them what they are: Criminals and Murderers. The crimes go on because people refuse to call the crimes by their names and allow the social engineering through language programming to go on.
These kind of brainwashing tactics called “science”, that claim the normalcy of athletes and young people dying suddenly must be called out for what it is: psychological propaganda warfare deployed by criminal scientists and doctors who are paid to cover up genocide. They publish this kind of garbage, supposedly called medical expert science, without every acknowledging that the athletes received bioweapon shots:
Up to 80% of athletes who die suddenly had no symptoms or family history of heart disease
How can you still have any respect for such liars with MD or PhD’s behind their names? I don’t. I consider them the most cowardly and disgusting failure of human character and integrity known in human history.
That includes the health care providers who give this poison to people because their administration and pay for performance requires it - as well as the regulatory bodies, insurance companies, medical associations demanding it. Of course the reckless and criminal media who has been pushing this depopulation agenda on behalf of the criminal Big Pharma complex is also on this list.
How much evidence is enough?
Become courageous and confront these lying monsters for the sake of your children’s survival. Say no to all vaccines, to all poisons. Show them lists of teenagers and young people who were murdered after getting the shots. If someone dies of a bioweapon injection within 30 minutes of receiving it that is not a vaccine side effect - it is an EXECUTION.
Meningococcus Vaccine For Children - Darkfield Microscopy Shows Self Assembled Hydrogel Filaments
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Linda - Oct 15, 2023
I want to personally thank you Dr Mihalcea. As a survivor of Morgellons for about 17 years I, of course, knew this day was coming.
I want my voice to be heard. These crimes against humanity are of the Luciferian agenda to control minds and the populace of the world. The agenda is carefully crafted.
The Morgellons population has been so grossly treated by science and the AMA that it’s hard to wrap the brain around.
It’s very interesting to me to see how the treatment of Morgellons and Covid as well as that of long haul victims...perfectly overlaps. I’ve learned a lot over the years... and it’s been a lonely, cruel walk.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your research and validating what so many of us have known for a long time. This is genocide and the experiments at our expense have cost many, many lives.
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Rene H - Oct 15, 2023
Rene H
Thank you for continuing to sound the alarm!!! I knew this was evil from the get go in 2020. Everyone thought I was crazy but now they regret getting “vaccinated”. God Bless and keep you 🙏🏻🙏🏻
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