Are Programmable Nanotechnology Biosensing…

May 13, 2024

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In this post, I am continuing the discussion on self assembly mesogens, which are plasmonic liquid crystal nanomachines that can be used for soft robotics.


Charlene Jones - May 13 - Edited

We’s Substack

Separating myself (uninjected) from my husband of 36 years (injected 3x) and from my elderly mother (3x injected) is just not plausible. I understand your reasoning, but this technology is everywhere and I could never, in good conscious, abandon them. If I left, where could I go to get away from it? I must stay. I am having heart palpitations, chronic fatigue, brain fog, and some weird numbness and itching in my right thigh, so I believe what you are saying. But again, my commitment is with my husband and mother. I am not afraid. Evil incarnate caused this and Divine intervention will wipe it from the face of the earth, along with those demonic persons who are carrying this out.


We The People - May 13

We’s Substack

Amen! My sentiments too. Plus, it's not just shedding. If it is so prevalent and easily spread, what is isolation going to do? We know what it did for our at risk and elderly population during the scamdemic. I didn't hide or shun human and animal contact then, nor will I now!


Johnny - May 13


Demonic is The "Best" word to Describe these creatures, NOT Elites.


Margaret - May 13


Charlene, I am in the same situation. My husband was forced to take the jabs (3x)because of his job. I had a strange feeling from the beginning and did not take them. Have the same symptoms as you! Trusting Gods in it all, is all I can do.


John Roberts - May 13

John Roberts

“Trusting God in it all”
God is in control of all things.
We must continue to pray and ask for His guidance in all that we do. He never promised us an easy life, but He did promise He would reveal Himself to the one’s that seek Him.
Do not fear and have faith that He will guide us through the valley of the shadow of death.
May the Lord bless you and keep you and may His Light shine upon you. Amen


Christian - May 14

Ar’s Substack

The Lord does not give a damn !


Gary McCollom - May 14 - Edited

I'm truly astounded that so many come to this page to get FEAR!
Like seriously people enough is enough, we all know what evil has been doing for 4 years and a massive part of that pysop has been FEAR!!!!
So where is a story from Ana that legit promotes good winning and or the tide is changing finally?
Nope just more fear but now she continually focusses on the unvaccinated.
Before the usual bots and cultists jump in, I am well aware of the plans evil had for us and how they planned to do it BUT very clearly good is winning over evil and the amount of disclosure going out to the people of the world about all the things we have been lied to beyond covid has never happened before.
Yes, unfortunately, evils plans to connect us to the digital world and IOT has resulted in many millions of deaths and many millions more to come but they have FAILED, first because good people have stopped/stopping them and because Gods creation, our bodies is rejecting the attempt to be made into a transhumanist humanbot.
I can assure you Ana, God is not impressed with your use of fear, no matter how you disguise it.
I had a very close encounter/shedding incident back in August/2020 and from what I can gather after all the knowledge since it was a pretty 'strong' shedding incident.
But guess what, I'm still here praise God and beyond all the 'treatment' the one constant is I NEVER let fear take hold.
God ALWAYS wins these types of good vs evil wars and people that have true faith would know this already...yes I/we will stumble but in the end its that unwavering faith that pulls you through, every single time.


Rob - May 14


What you are experiencing could be
Psychosomatic due to stress. While the good Doctor is simply sounding the alarm she is causing a great deal of psychological hardship as unintentional as it might be


Charlene Jones - May 14

Thaddeus Robinson

It's definitely not psychosomatic. I worr a heart monitor for an entire month and it showed I did have some SVT events, but nothing serious enough to do anything about. I am not the only one with brain fog. Many of my friends and even my children, who did not get the shots and are in their 30s, have brain fog. Something is going on and it's not all in our heads. The itching and numbing of my right thigh could be due to some back issues, but I had an MRI done and it doesn't show that. It wakes me up in the middle of the night at times because it's burning and itching very badly. This is not psychosomatic. But the main reason why I know none of this is psychosomatic is because I am not afraid. I can watch these videos and be disgusted and righteously angry, but I know my God is going to take care of all of this, and it's just a matter of time, but not much more time, indeed.


Thaddeus Robinson - May 14

Thaddeus Robinson

Most people are NOT aware of mind-invasive and microwave weapons. This technology has provided the most evil and depraved of humanity god-like powers. This tech is capable of creating and mimicing many medical conditions and symptoms, including those you mentioned.
targetedjustice.comis a good starting place to learn about this, but some presentations are not well supported.


Christian - May 14

Ar’s Substack

It is too late ! Just like me, you have it in your blood !


Suzanne Loeb - May 13 - Edited

Sun Drink Shadows

Comment removed.


Suzanne Loeb - May 13

Sun Drink Shadows

Thanks for elaborating on your protocol. I heard about Thieves Oil and wondered how to take it or where to find it. We learn a lot from each others' posts. I am in a similar situation but I am the lone "crazy person" in a family of people who are "boosted" whenever recommended by their doctor.


Mark Luersen - May 13

Sun Drink Shadows

I used to like Young Living but quality has gone down for me (personally). I just got the Immunity Boost from Revive (their version of Thieves) and it is very good so far.


Charlene Jones - May 13

Solutions for the Targeted Comm…

Thanks for sharing your protocol. I do quite a bit of protocol myself and it has helped. I haven't done the essential oils or the EDTA yet. I have been taking NAC, quercetin, zinc and using Zeolite. I've been wearing nicotine patches per Dr. Bryan Ardis, and I mostly eat real, organic food at home. I also use reverse osmosis water from my Berkey system. I do not boil the water though, because I cannot stand the taste of it, lol. I drink a lot of reverse osmosis water. I think if I were not doing these things, I would be in much worse condition. I will look into the EDTA and the Essential Oils. Thanks again.


Stella - May 13

About nicotine, this was my experience only, so maybe it was just me (I’m Old). I took the 2mg nicotine gum once daily for several months, the brand Dr. Ardis mentions, but when I went for a routine doctor visit my systolic blood pressure was 183! I’d before always had good blood pressure. I knew I’d been feeling very unwell but never took my blood pressure. I stopped the nicotine gum and monitored my blood pressure, it stayed in 170s for about two weeks, then gradually went back down to normal ranges in 120s to 130s. Monitor blood pressure if you’re using nicotine and feeling unwell. I still believe in what Dr. Ardis says, so I might try nicotine gum maybe once a month and see what happens.


Charlene Jones - May 14

Wow, I haven't experienced any blood pressure issues. I'm wearing 1/3 of a patch currently. I see a functional medicine dr. who does a good job of keeping my vitamins and minerals in good shape. Blessings to all as we traverse these unprecedented times.


Georgia Lynn Justice - May 13

Solutions for the Targeted Comm…

How do you feel dp8ng all that and have u had your blood checked


Gary - May 13 - Edited

Gary’s Substack

You’ve probably already heard about NAC and humic/fulvic acid drops as two other, possibly beneficial, supplements.


Stella - May 13 - Edited

Gary’s Substack

I used to take NAC, Quercetin, zinc, and all the vitamins. But fortunately, or unfortunately I don’t know which, I went down the rabbit hole and read someone’s research about how vitamins and supplements are made. I know it’s controversial, hard to mention even here. I do take Humic and Fulvic acid since it gives necessary minerals and detoxes some.


Gary - May 13

Gary’s Substack

My MD Naturopath said that there is no real oversight of these products so I try to use the brands she recommends. She doesn’t take insurance but she actually heals so I would much prefer to pay out of pocket and get results rather than waste my time with Kaiser.


Ron Panko - May 13


My wife and I have been taking Andrew Lessman's vits for about 30 years and swear by him. Check out ProCapsLabs. He is out of Nevada. Also Check out Dr Edward Group of Global Healing. Have followed him as well for the same amount of time.


Webe1 - May 14


I watched an interview Jonathan Landsman did with Dr Group. Have you tried urine therapy?


matt. j.a.o.b - May 19

matt’s microscopy

We looked at Dr Edward Groups nascent iodine the other day and it was clean. Good to see.


Webe1 - May 14


Do you apply the diluted EOs topically (wrists, feet, etc)?


Webe1 - May 15


Comment removed.


Webe1 - May 15




Thaddeus Robinson - May 14

Thaddeus Robinson

Thanks for that. I, too, may now be able to drop my man made supplements and rely on the organics


Gas Axe - May 13 - Edited

Gas’s Substack

Dr. Ana:
To be very blunt and honest, this reads like one of the sci-fi books I so enjoyed as a young adult.
I do appreciate all your hard work and energy put into everything you are doing but most might think your are bat shit crazy.
Somehow I found you in the big wide world web, it seems like a lifetime ago.
I have been reading your daily updates mostly on my email, but today felt the need to comment.
If I was to share this information with even the most educated person I know they wouldn't believe you and would think I am losing my mind.
I have tried and the rebuttal is sad.
I'm a pretty simple man, but came across the strange Bluetooth mac addresses in 2021.
I do have a background in computing and know the fundamentals of how they operate.
I still to this day track them just as a hobby.
I showed my childhood friend who was visiting last week what my phone picks up and he looked at me in disbelief as we slammed some beers in a public place.
As for shedding I recognized thos at the very start when my wife and other woman in her circle stared having strange menstrual issues. Old ladies that had gone through menopause started menstruation again all at the same time. WTF gives with that?
Open air events only from then on in.
Its impossible to avoid contact unless you live a strange sheltered life.
My culture is a very huggy, kissy type and that will never stop. Even if it kills me I wouldn't stop.
You mentioned the solar CME or EMP.
Could you elaborate on this at some point in your writing?
I have my own theory's but best not voice it here on your thread. I have done my reading on this deactivatation but have yet to decide if this would work. I don't have a way of checking if my theory actually is successful. The thing I have really lights me up and not a pleasant experience even on the lowest setting.
As for purging this from our bodies and being contaminated again. That just doesn't sound healthy. You have stated it is everywhere.
The fact of the matter is there are some very bad actors doing very bad things and we don't actually know who they are. I know my local bad actors that benefited from this. They know I have them pegged.
Lil farmer billy is just a figure head. Justin Castro was indoctrinated and probably promised something special. ECT...
I am now trying to figure out how to keep my family and myself healthy as this sci-fi tec unrolls.
High Vitamin C, Tumeric / black pepper. Nicotin. IVM now and then. The odd electrical shock by accident. Lots physical exercise with serious sweating seem to help. Beer to top off the day.
I have a tooth that needs to come out..I probably would have just gone to the clinic and had the butcher as I call her extract it. Unfortunately I saw the photos of the stuff floating around in the injection so going to pull it the old fashioned way.
Thanks you again for the information you take the time to give us
Thank you for trying to fight for us in courts of law that are totally fkn corrupted.
Thank you for giving us some health direction.
There are few like you in this fight with the sci-fi creep show we are witnessing.


Gary - May 13

Gary’s Substack

I’m wondering if nitrous oxide anesthetic would be any better?
I once had an impacted wisdom tooth extracted and that was the only anesthesia used. I barely noticed the surgery.


Leisa - May 14

Great suggestion! Does anyone know if gases are contaminated, too?


Paul Barbara - May 15

Paul Barbara

As Dr. Ana states, shedding is like a gas - they would soon find a contaminant for the Nitrous Oxide.


Apologetic Yankee - May 13 - Edited

Apologetic Yankee

Regarding liability in the West (us & canada) > unless the experimental cocktail was forced upon the Victim, there is no recourse > as for shedding and how that impacts the unjabbed, I'm sure I'm speaking for the overwhelming Majority here who possess this info... where's the Attorneys willing to assemble The Mother of All Class Actions? > today of all days (us Mother's Day) would have been a most poetic day to announce such an Action > sign me up....but definitely do not beam me up anymore than what tptsNb have already done...& surely looking to continue the egregious systematic harm they're exposing all Life to😳


Bernie_miltenberger - May 13

The Pure Water Committee of Wes…

My good Dr. Russell Blaylock M.D. is very good friends with Patrick Woods. The interview with him and Dr. Ana Marie Mihaleca was a great collaboration between the historical aspects of technocracy and the current microscopy of live blood dark field analysis done by PhD/M.D. and others! The gravity of this situation has become very clear to both he and I. I have witnessed both mitigation strategies and nutritional supplements be very effective in reducing inflammation and proliferation of these self assembling lipid nano particles. Having said this, I think at the very minimum we need to have a mini blue light air purifier that you carry for visits to vaccinated individuals in indoor environments. In addition, I thinking grounding your bed for a nighttime discharge of dirty electric from the environment! The third aspect is to understand the spiritual nature of what we are dealing with. The level of evil committed in these crimes against humanity is unprecedented in history of mankind and we are going to have to both fight these criminals and ask for divine inspiration on how to combat this situation successfully!


Anita Söderman - May 14

Anita’s Substack

We may have to look to the ancients, how they fought the evils. I mean the old Indian rigvedas and the likes to get a clue for divine help, if there is any....


Nefahotep - May 13

Nefahotep Speaks

You Tube Video: Is your DNA an EMF antenna?
Sacred Geometry may be at the core of the atomic and molecular form of matter occurring in nature. Numeric systems like the Mandelbrot Set are a method to represent formation values for Local and Non Local pattern associations.
DNA can be thought of as having a type of Sacred Geometry, whose molecular form results from frequency and vibration, expressed energetically. Though, the True Energetic Form comes from a source completely Non Physical, it’s expressed as Physical Energy wave form, influencing the biochemical properties.
5G Radiation is a frequency and vibration form that directly interferes with DNA, by setting up an interference pattern to the Cosmic Constant or Planck. This is a seminal reason why it is so dangerous to life. Yet, in spite of the warnings of it’s down side, this tech keeps getting pushed into service everywhere; because of it’s potential, it’s capable of Extinction level damage.
If Energy, Frequency, Vibration make Form; 5G is a Scalar Weapon to disrupt it.
My post on this topic:
Sacred Geometry under the DNA molecule. Theoretically, it is possible to construct a helix from almost any series of polygons, there happens to be only one polygonal formation that would fulfill all the necessary criteria: ten regular pentagons orientated about a decagon.
Nano Tech in the blood is a way to connect directly to the DNA. To alter it and control what it does.


gigiRN - May 13
biotechnology company leveraging its proprietary epigenomic programming platform to biologically engineer a new class of programmable epigenetic medicines drugs……..funds and accounts managed by BlackRock.


Anita Söderman - May 14

Anita’s Substack

Yes you are right in that the DNA itself can communicate with other DNAs, directly, as has been shown scientifically. So, surely the antennas or mesogens or 5G for t hat matter would be able to do the same. Thus the nanotech in the blood can alter and control what DNA does. So with the shedding we all are hybrids to be, no longer humans, which is rather tough. I will be glad to get out some early finding by an Italian friend and mail it to your substack.


Nefahotep - May 14

Nefahotep Speaks

I would be delighted to see what he has to say. There is an interesting YT video that one of my commenters forwarded to me on DNA acting as an antenna to 5G:
My thinking on 5G is, if we can jam the frequency, it will stop the formation of nanotech.
On the Esoteric level; we have never been the Body. We are Energetic Beings. The creatures that are using this tech, are delusional in their thinking of dominating us or controlling us.


Rebecca - May 13

Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…

What are the solutions if it’s in shedding, food, water, chemtrails, etc?? My kids are in school, we interact with people in this world—I would like to hear more solutions—I’m cognizant of the problem.


Grasshopper Kaplan - May 13

Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…

Dr Ana has a post about boiling water a while back. I advise and agree to boil water before you drink it. Avoid drinking water that wasn't boiled.
Being aware of what happens to your body when you put food inside, and accordingly,thereby , eating fruit first, is a good start daily. After water.
I am liking vinegar lately more.


Susan - May 13

Sun Drink Shadows

Braggs organic raw unfiltered vinegar and raw unfiltered honey works well. Good for your PH balance.


zenker.egerton - May 13

Sun Drink Shadows

Brags been bought out by Kate Perry and Orlando Bloom. It is now being watered down to increase profit. I buy another brand now.


Mark Luersen - May 13

Sun Drink Shadows

I do too after watching this


Ron Panko - May 13


Braggs bought up by Bill Gates. Beware! Notice the reduced Mother in their bottles.


Webe1 - May 14


I heard Katy Perry bought it. No longer take it for that reason.


Charlene Jones - May 14

According to the video posted by Mark Luersen above, there might not be any Mother in Braggs brand due to processing.


Paul Barbara - May 15

Paul Barbara

With a 'Mother' like Gates,it will likely be contaminated as well as reduced!


Claudia - May 19


I thought Gates had just bought Braggs - so is it safe???


Paul Barbara - May 15

Paul Barbara

Trouble with vinegar is I have a pretty bad case of Barratts.


Rebecca - May 13

Boil water? We filter ours


Susan - May 13

We use a Berkey, and the slime that comes out of our faucet water is not noticeable until you clean your Berkey. It's disgusting and clogs the filters.


Charlene Jones - May 14

I use a Berkey too, but am on my last set of black filters and can no longer get them as Berkey is tied up in a court case with, I believe, the EPA. They REALLY don't want us to have clean drinking water!


Paul Barbara - May 15

Paul Barbara

Ultimately, we must trust in God. As a Christian, I am aware and believe Jesus was right in three times referring to the Devil as the Prince of this woorld - the Devil, albei being the Father of Lies, also admitted it - 'And the devil led him (Jesus) into a high mountain, and shewed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And he said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them. If thou therefore wilt adore before me, all shall be thine.' Luke lV : 5-7. The Muslims also believe similarly, that the Devil rules this world. He can not only bestow wealth and power on whom he wishes, but also knowledge - and knowledge is power. The things Dr. Ana speaks of are WAY above my head, but I believe her information. I have quite a few samples I took of my Morgellons that I collected around 2009'ish, from scalp and nose. The 'Specialist' treated me as though I was mad, and insisted a Phsychiatrist be present when he saw me!


jef weisel - May 13

We’s Substack

"staying physically away from the injected is imperative if you want to survive" - i must take exception to this mistaken notion, for this is the kind of separation the pandemic meant to achieve... so not any more. if you accept that synthetic biotech is raining down on us from the sky, is in our water, soil, meat, dairy, dental products, etc, everyone is infected, no one is to be shunned. we are in this together, or perhaps i am not in this with you.


We The People - May 13

We’s Substack



Bee Gee - May 13

Bee Gee

They are poisoning you.
Go around them if you wish, you are capable of making your own decisions, she is just trying to make you aware that you are making your own health worse... because of what they are shedding.
Do as you will, but Facts do not care about your Feelings.


jef weisel - May 13

Bee Gee

no, the spike protein is poisoning us as the whole world is shedding on us. further, i'm vaccinated, vaccine injured, lost everything as a result, declared bankruptcy. taken numerous protocols and my health is better though not without latent damage. oh, and i now live with three unvaccinated people who don't shun me or get ill from my presence in the household. no more fear mongering. help all in need. love conquers fear.


Bee Gee - May 13

Bee Gee

So you may be shedding on them but also we dont really know if everyone who is vaxxed sheds, for how long, etc. Also unvaxxed people who have been shed upon can shed it to other unvaxxed people too, so theres that.
Everyone has to make their own decisions based on their own level of knowledge and concern.
Like I have known shedding was real for 3 years now and have lived my life accordingly. In fact, I have probably done much much more than most.
Yet some still do not believe shedding is real, despite all the overwhelming evidence that shows it to be true.
I think this is a part of the mind control Dr Ana talks about sometimes, that even people who know Something is going on would rather hope and play pretend than acknowledge the shitty truth.
Which is that at least some of the vaxxed are shedding something to the unvaxxed and have been for 3 years now.
No one has been able to completely stop it or find a one shot cure that stops it from returning as soon as you go around the vaxxed again. Which is why there are no more purebloods.
Even IV EDTA does not help when you continue going around the vaxxed or have to stew in their toxins for hours while you are getting the IV.
Perhaps if someone could get clean then fully and totally isolate from everyone, perhaps then they can remain clean for an extended period but so far no one has been able to do that.
Good luck to you in any case, and to your roommates as well.


GreaterIsrahell - May 14

You Just Can't Make This Stuff …

Social distancing was bovine fecal matter before the vaxxine was rolled out.
Social distancing is now a matter of life and death due to the shedding of spike proteins.


jef weisel - May 14

matt’s microscopy

this is exactly the fear response the government has planned for you, used to divide and conquer. how we treat each other now matters more than ever. i will choose to use relevant protocols to support my health, for myself and others, and i will stand by anyone needing help or helping others, regardless of their vaccine status. i was doing hospice care when i was pressed to get vaxxed to keep my job. i didn't know better at the time, but still i got to be there for my client who passed during the pandemic, unable to visit with any of her family. i was not willing to let her die alone. i'm not sure, but i might make the same choice again to be there for her because i believe how we all treat each other during this crime against humanity is what in the end will matter most.


matt. j.a.o.b - May 19

matt’s microscopy

Hi Jef, I don't distinguish between jabbed or unjabbed as I see the tech in all now. We are all shedding it and its those who are doing something about it like yourself that will be shedding less in my view. The second point is - to heck with their divide and conquer agenda.


Alex - May 13 - Edited

John Roberts

How are They keeping this from affecting Themselves?? How can we rid ourselves of this awful stuff??


Cos - May 13 - Edited

John Roberts

'They' want this, they (psychopaths) believe it is their 'eternal youth', they believe it makes them immortal and trans-humanism is their role as 'gods',and so on.
Purely shown by extensive global propagation they want to be included but at the upper hierarchic in the 'infection'.
One could consider how they will intend to be in control, but that could be easily programmed now by their minions sitting at their console's punching in code.


Ethan Taub - May 13 - Edited

John Roberts

I believe you're absolutely right. I remember Jared Kushner a little while ago saying "he wants to take care of himself because his is the first generation that may be able to live forever". It makes me think a lot of the injections are various experiments to see what works, what doesn't, what kills, what does no harm.
The people who consider themselves at the top of the hierarchy are hoping to achieve immortality.


Alex - May 14

Yikes. seems to me only the Godless would want that!


John Roberts - May 13 - Edited

John Roberts

I think you have summed it up perfectly and I personally agree.


matt. j.a.o.b - May 19

matt’s microscopy

100% ✔


Paul Barbara - May 15

Paul Barbara

They will doubtless get their wish, and become 'Immortal', but not here, just in Hell, for Eternity. They will wish they had never been hatched.


Cos - May 15

100% my friend!


Paul Barbara - May 15

Paul Barbara

They use all the things they tried to stop us using - Ivermectin, HCQ, GcMAF, B17, CDS.


Charlene Jones - May 14

Probably either demonic adrenochrome or nicotine, maybe both. Watch Dr. Bryan Ardis for his research on nicotine. Very hopeful.


Susan - May 13

Thank you God bless you Dr. Ana. We truly do love you and are very appreciative of your extensive research for the concern and sake for humanity. ♡


Adrian - May 13


To simplify, we have the Depopulators Vs the Population. We have Hard Robots like Ameca and we have Soft Robots, the polymer nao-lipid-hydro-soft-gel. The depopulators have cleverly infected the population with Soft Robots via jabs, sky trails, food and water. The depopulators control big pharma, media, medicine, dod, dnc, dhs, hhs and fed res. What the depopulators are doing is unethical, immoral, unconstitutional, deceptive and evil.The population is the majority, while the depopulators are the minority. The depopulators have unleashed a nanobot ticking extinction level time bomb. To wake up the majority, in the fastest way, is the goal. How do we accomplish that goal? What is the depopulators greatest weakness? What is the populations greatest weakness? What is the populations greatest strength? Money is at the root of both. Texit, is the way to take away the depopulators greatest strength (taxes). When every state, the population, secedes, in unison, for a common purpose (survival, soveriegnty, sustainabilty, constitutionality, common sense, Glory, God, ending debt), unity is the result. Focus on TEXITING.


matt. j.a.o.b - May 19

matt’s microscopy

The opposite of globalism is localism. This is their weakness they don't want you acting on.
State and federal politics is to easy for them to control and they want all attention focused there but the agenda is implemented at the local council or county level. Take that over and you win. Its also harder for them to fake at that level. The more local the more winnable.


Agent Midnight Rider - May 13 - Edited

Agent’s Substack

Does anybody want to take a WILD GUESS why NASA is showing up in the NANO TECH??? If you create a SELF-REPLICATING BIOWEAPON, wouldn't it be LOGICAL for to develop a KILL SWITCH, so it doesn't ACCIDENTLY get out of control and consume the entire planet???? Well GOOD NEWS! Your Favorite PSY-OP/INFORMATION WARFARE officer code named #AgentMidnightrider has FOUND this KILL SWITCH only reserved for the ELITES.... And It is CHEAP and SAFE and been used for over 40 years. And you find it HERE>...............>
FYI that NANO tech shit is NOT SHEDDING, we have all had in our bodies since BIRTH, and so have our PARENTS and so on and SO FORTH, did you know they found NANO TECH in the Body of Napolean when they dug up his body to look for signs of poisoning??? Here is a CLUE, this shit goes back to the time of EGYPT and BEYOND.... and if you don't believe ask the Boys over at La Quinta Columna..... Welcome to CATASTROPHIC Ailen Disclosure.... Watch For Yourself
They have injected you with ALIEN EGG PARASITES. Dr. Ana stated there are no parasites in the vaccine this is incorrect.
They are NOT SYNTHETIC they are ALIEN as in NOT from earth.
Any Doctors or Scientist telling you there are no parasites or no Ailen component with this bioweapon are not doing proper research or directly trying to mislead you.
Dr. Deagle already stated CLEARLY that Morgellons are ALIEN life forms with the intelligence of ants or bees. And these same creatures are found not only in the vaccine but the PCR TEST. Thats why they had to go all the way up into your brain. You were being VACCINATED just like they did in the times of EGYPT.
When you watch La Quinta Columna video, they will tell you that they have been VACCINATING us back to the days of EGPTY is it a little CLEARER to you Why Dr. ANA who CHANNELS EGYPTION GODS is leading you AWAY from the TRUE CURES which are ANTI PARASITE MEDS , like IVERMECTIN and HCQ...???? Be CAREFUL who you follow...................> Well until Next time Friends!!!!


Mark Luersen - May 13 - Edited

Sun Drink Shadows

Not doubting what you are writing (in fact you make more sense than Dr Ana), but why would the cure/kill switch be anti-parasiticals/cbd/zinc that is already being used by millions around the world? Surely one of the thousands Dr An tested have already been using these cures and doesn't their blood still look like crap? I have my own theory on what the cure is- periodic use of infrared saunas. High heat/red light kills parasites. Problem solved. Please send donations to your local charity.


Agent Midnight Rider - May 13 - Edited

Agent’s Substack

Every Bioweapon is developed in Tandem with the Cure in case the weapon comes back on the attackers. In This case [[[THEY]]] sequenced the MALARIA virus into the VACCINE on PURPOSE. So that the ELITES could have a KILL SWITCH. HCQ plus SEE no magic Trick, THE CURE comes directly from the PATENT of Dr. Ralph Baric out of Army Bioweapons Labs at Ft Detrick... They knew they had the BINARY weapon in 2005. The SAME year OBAMA bought 50,000 shares of BAXTER PHARMA, who ended up producing 70 millions vials of the COVID vaccine for Moderna. See.


Mark Luersen - May 13 - Edited

Sun Drink Shadows

Of course the cure is always developed with the weapon, but we all have the HCQ kill switch, do we not? And apparently it may not work effectively based on Dr Ana's findings, but it's hard to pinpoint based on her nebulous methodology.


Agent Midnight Rider - May 13 - Edited

Agent’s Substack

I don't know what you mean by we all have the HCQ kill Switch. here is the KEY to it all. PARASITES. The Same KILL SWITC is also the PERMANENT cure for cancer and almost EVERY OTHER DISEASE because the ROOT CAUSE has always been PARASITES. What you don't know is PARASITES are also the KEY to MK-ULTRA MIND CONTROL, that is what they are REALLY FREAKING out about. SEE HUMANS start to regular treat themselves for PARASITES just like all your other farm animals ITS THE END of BIG PHARMA , Its THE END of DOCTORS. It's THE END of THERE control over humanity. That why they are trying to HIDE IT from you. SEE this five-minute TED Video to PREPARE your mind for what you are about to discover.... Q-
BONUS, It's also PROBALLY the CURE for AGING. Go to Bing and type Operation Young Blood .....#AgentMidnightrider


Mark Luersen - May 13

Sun Drink Shadows

We all have ACCESS to HCQ, whether via information and/or the actual physical drug. A real kill switch would still be unknown and hidden by the puppet masters. I agree some cancers are actually parasites, but not all.


Agent Midnight Rider - May 13

Agent’s Substack

Another ODD thing about Dr. Ana, why is she treating ONLY unvaccinated people when it's the VACCINATED who are in the most of need? DOESNT ADD UP ....Q-


Agent Midnight Rider - May 13

Agent’s Substack

I understand what you are saying now. The secret was that Cancer is a Bioweapon injected into us via vaccines as EGGS. The Eggs turn into various types of parasites. Some used for depopulation, some used for mind control. Thats why ANY parasite detox works. Even Dog Dewormer. See Navy Surgeon Dr. Lee Merritts video and this ALTERNATIVE parasite detox. But I still think that HCQ is the best along with Azithromycin . I also believe that CBD might even be a BETTER option ,
Here is what you all are reading need to understand. We have all been wondering how did they get all of our own politicians, doctors, and nurses to commit GENOCIDE on their own neighbors? And even knowing they are facing the death penalty to THIS DAY they are still giving shots to little babies????
How is it possible that only 1 out 50 Surgeon Generals have called for a ban on the shot ? We all thought they were just corrupt and black mailed. But know that doesnt answer what we are witnessing. How is it possible with all these sudden deaths internet shows, twitter accounts that there are less than maybe 20 doctors on the whole planet trying to find a cure??? When THERE OWN LIVES are at risk from supposed shedding?? Your going to learn the SECRET to that answer very soon when you flow through my blogs. There mind control technology is a LOT MORE advance than you can possibly imagine . Let me put it to you THAT WAY..... Here is one example. they sequenced into the vaccine a snake venom that makes the vaccinated hate the unvaccinated worse than a Nazi would hate a Jew. See German Researcher Harold Vella explain.
We have good reason to believe that 99 percent of doctors are under some version of advance mind control..... Agent Midnight Rider


Paul Barbara - May 15

Paul Barbara

If you think you have parasites , take pure terpentine gum on sugar lumps (see Dr. Jennifer Daniels). It is also supposedly effective against some cancers.


Mark Luersen - May 15

Sun Drink Shadows

Interesting, never heard. Wonder if I can use actual pine tree resin (instead of an isolated synthesized product) with raw honey or healthier sugar? Thanks for the tip, I will look into Dr Daniels.


DAVY Udal - May 13

DAVY’s Substack

Dr Ardis and the AGES group claim that licorice root will assist the body in removing the 'robotic pathogens'. Maybe someone could do some experiments to confirm.
I understand there is a problem. How do we remove these creepy things?


Ponrola - May 13

Muy agradecido por tu investigación.
Que Dios te ampare.
Un fuerte abrazo desde España.


D & A - May 13

D & A

Thank you from BC Canada! We Love YOU!


gigiRN - May 13

Paul Barbara

5G Health Ecosystem - “The current cutting‐edge of 5G network technology is enabling a growing trend in precision medicine to extend its utility and value to the smart healthcare system. The 5G network technology will bring together big data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to provide essential levels of connectivity to enable a new health ecosystem toward precision medicine.”


Paul Barbara - May 15

Paul Barbara

Just what is AI? AI = Old Nick and his legions.


Christian Frutos - May 13

Purchasing a microscope and want to test my own blood. Could you offer us a way to understand and look at our own blood under a microscope. Maybe that's how we all can convince friends and family and get the message out?



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