The Reality Of Shedding - Truth, Science And Spirit, Episode 4 On Clouthub 3PM PST

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jan 25, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Humanity United Now Rumble

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Clouthub Truth, Science and Spirit

In this episode, I wanted to discuss the reality of shedding. I review the FDA and Pfizer documents regarding this topic - that I had prepared for the court case of Costa Rica. Karen Kingston graciously helped me on the Pharmaceutical Industry documentation of clincial trials on shedding. Then I go through my evidence of what I have seen in peoples blood. There is so much information to discuss about my research, yet I wanted to have a concise informational video that people could share with their loved ones who do not believe that shedding is real.

Please share - Here is Pfizer’s own documentation:

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Roman S Shapoval - Jan 25, 2024

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Dr Ana, have you studied blood samples for those who were grounded vs not grounded?
Grounding barefoot especially by red granite can regulate blood flow and improve our overall threshold for stress, shedding those inflammatory positive ions back into the Earth!

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ThreeArchBay - Jan 25, 2024


Sounds like we all are doomed... really.
Unless... we do IV Chelation with EDTA... I know that oral doesn't hardly work at all.
And after chelation. which is expensive and can be problematic... we go to the gym or market, and get next to a few vaxxed and boosted clowns... and hey presto!! We are back to square one. Would we not need weekly IV chelation with EDTA to survive?
Dr. Ana... please explain how this is not true.

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