Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - May 05, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Nanowire brain networks have been described recently in the literature with huge accomplishments and progress - the question is, would the dual use of such technology be abused for militarized mind control purposes? I have discussed even a couple years ago the parallel processing platform that can be created within the brain and then remote controlled via frequency signsals. Lets review how the nanowire brains have been shown to learn and remember - just like a human brain would. We can also see that the nanowire networks have been developed for brain computer interfaces. Tissue nerve electric interfaces have been created.
Nanowire 'brain' network learns and remembers 'on the fly'
For the first time, a physical neural network has successfully been shown to learn and remember "on the fly," in a way inspired by and similar to how the brain's neurons work. The result opens a pathway for developing efficient and low-energy machine intelligence for more complex, real-world learning and memory tasks .
Published today in Nature Communications , the research is a collaboration between scientists at the University of Sydney and University of California at Los Angeles.
Lead author Ruomin Zhu, a Ph.D. student from the University of Sydney Nano Institute and School of Physics, said, "The findings demonstrate how brain-inspired learning and memory functions using nanowire networks can be harnessed to process dynamic, streaming data."
Nanowire networks are made up of tiny wires that are just billionths of a meter in diameter. The wires arrange themselves into patterns reminiscent of the children's game "Pick Up Sticks," mimicking neural networks, like those in our brains. These networks can be used to perform specific information processing tasks. Memory and learning tasks are achieved using simple algorithms that respond to changes in electronic resistance at junctions where the nanowires overlap. Known as "resistive memory switching," this function is created when electrical inputs encounter changes in conductivity, similar to what happens with synapses in our brain.
Nanowire networks which of course are connected to artificial intelligence computing have been shown to create short and long term memory.
Online dynamical learning and sequence memory with neuromorphic nanowire networks
Nanowire Networks (NWNs) belong to an emerging class of neuromorphic systems that exploit the unique physical properties of nanostructured materials. In addition to their neural network-like physical structure, NWNs also exhibit resistive memory switching in response to electrical inputs due to synapse-like changes in conductance at nanowire-nanowire cross-point junctions. Previous studies have demonstrated how the neuromorphic dynamics generated by NWNs can be harnessed for temporal learning tasks.
In conclusion, we have demonstrated how neuromorphic nanowire network devices can be used to perform tasks in an online manner, learning from the rich spatiotemporal dynamics generated by the physical neural-like network. This is fundamentally different from data-driven statistical machine learning using artificial neural network algorithms. Additionally, our results demonstrate how online learning and recall of streamed sequence patterns are linked to the associated memory patterns embedded in the spatiotemporal dynamics.
The self assembly and self organizing nanowire connectomes are used for brain inspired computing. This is a major step in teaching artificial intelligence - designing neural networks that can self learn and have quantum computing capacity is key to evolving AI towards the technocratic Singularity - the ability of AI to be smarter than all human brainpower on earth combined. It also is used for human augmentation, since the technocrats want to modifiy their brains so they can evolve their knowledge base via fusion with AI - and the unlimited download of information as elite Cyborgs and eventual immortal Robots.
Tomography of memory engrams in self-organizing nanowire connectomes
Self-organizing memristive nanowire connectomes have been exploited for physical ( in materia ) implementation of brain-inspired computing paradigms. Despite having been shown that the emergent behavior relies on weight plasticity at single junction/synapse level and on wiring plasticity involving topological changes, a shift to multiterminal paradigms is needed to unveil dynamics at the network level. Here, we report on tomographical evidence of memory engrams (or memory traces) in nanowire connectomes, i.e., physicochemical changes in biological neural substrates supposed to endow the representation of experience stored in the brain. An experimental/modeling approach shows that spatially correlated short-term plasticity effects can turn into long-lasting engram memory patterns inherently related to network topology inhomogeneities. The ability to exploit both encoding and consolidation of information on the same physical substrate would open radically new perspectives for in materia computing, while offering to neuroscientists an alternative platform to understand the role of memory in learning and knowledge.
Here we see that the real goal is the brain human interface:
Nanowire probes could drive high-resolution brain-machine interfaces
A central challenge in the field of electrophysiology is to achieve intracellular recording of the complex networks of electrogenic cells in tissues. The historical gold-standard of intracellular recording - patch-clamp electrodes - do have limitations in terms of their invasiveness and difficulty to use in large-scale parallel recording. Recent advances in nanowire-based bioelectronics have demonstrated minimally-invasive intracellular interfaces and highly-scalable parallel recording at the network level. Combined with in vivo recording platforms, these advances can enable investigations of dynamics in the brain and drive the development of new brain-machine interfaces with unprecedented resolution and precision.
Hydrogels are key to develop this tissue engineered electronic nerve interface.
Biomimetic hydrogels used in tissue engineering can improve tissue regeneration and enable targeted cellular behavior; there is growing interest in combining hydrogels with microelectronics to create new neural interface platforms to help patient populations. However, effective processes must be developed to integrate flexible but relatively stiff (e.g., 1−10 GPa) microelectronic arrays within soft (e.g., 1−10 kPa) hydrogels.
The assembly process that was developed resulted in repeatable and consistent integration of microelectrode arrays within a soft tissue-engineered hydrogel. As reported elsewhere, these devices have been successfully implanted in a rat sciatic nerve model and yielded neural recordings. This process can be adapted for other applications and hydrogels in which flexible electronic materials are combined with soft regenerative scaffolds.
Please note connection to Charles Lieber and the US Air Force:
C.M.L. acknowledges support from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (FA9550-18-1-0469, FA9550-19-1-0246). S.S.Y. acknowledges an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.
Anqi Zhang is currently a Ph.D. student under the supervision of Professor Charles M. Lieber in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University. She received her bachelor’s degree in Materials Chemistry from Fudan University in China in 2014. Her research interests include development of flexible nano-/micro-bioelectronic tools and their applications in neurophysiology.
I have discussed for a long time that hydrogels - organic and inorganic - as used in the lipid nanoparticle technology of the C19 bioweapon are key for this kind of tissue engineering - the nanoparticles wrap around the neurons and modify neural interfaces:
Hydrogels are networks of crosslinked hydrophilic polymers that can absorb many times their original weight in water; they are used in numerous biomedical applications including cell encapsulation, wound dressing, and soft contact lenses. Furthermore, hydrogels have found wide use as tissue engineering matrices to encourage cellular repair and regeneration of damaged tissue (Hoffman, 2012).
Simultaneously, t here has been growth in the use of flexible electronic materials within hydrogels and tissues including neural interfaces and electronic devices , and to add load-bearing (and other) capabilities to hydrogels.
The rewiring of the brain connectome has been long known. Our brains have neuroplastic abilities, meaning our brain changes as new concepts are being incorporated into the wiring. Now imagine that the rewiring of the brain connectome is done artificially, without a persons knowing, via nanowires and hydrogels. One would not know that a parallel processing platform is being installed in the brain, but people who did not get this processing platform injected into them would notice that a person is changing in personality, can no longer process certain information, seems to be blocked from understanding logical processing of self evident information.
Rewiring the connectome: Evidence and effects
Neuronal connections form the physical basis for communication in the brain. Recently, there has been much interest in mapping the “connectome” to understand how brain structure gives rise to brain function, and ultimately, to behaviour. These attempts to map the connectome have largely assumed that connections are stable once formed. Recent studies, however, indicate that connections in mammalian brains may undergo rewiring during learning and experience-dependent plasticity. This suggests that the connectome is more dynamic than previously thought. To what extent can neural circuitry be rewired in the healthy adult brain? The connectome has been subdivided into multiple levels of scale, from synapses and microcircuits through to long-range tracts. Here, we examine the evidence for rewiring at each level. We then consider the role played by rewiring during learning. We conclude that harnessing rewiring offers new avenues to treat brain diseases.
Lets look at the nanotechnology literature and see how neuromodulation, aka brain changes and brain control can be achieved with nanotechnology - of course all under the disguise that science is healing brain disorders, not for a diabolical global control mechanism to create consumer automatons, as Yuval Harrari, discusses:
Nanotechnology Enables Novel Modalities for Neuromodulation
Neuromodulation is of great importance both as a fundamental neuroscience research tool for analyzing and understanding the brain function, and as a therapeutic avenue for treating brain disorders. Here, an overview of conceptual and technical progress in developing neuromodulation strategies is provided, and it is suggested that recent advances in nanotechnology are enabling novel neuromodulation modalities with less invasiveness, improved biointerfaces, deeper penetration, and higher spatiotemporal precision. The use of nanotechnology and the employment of versatile nanomaterials and nanoscale devices with tailored physical properties have led to considerable research progress.
In addition to electrical approaches, recent development in alternative neuromodulation approaches i nclude optical, chemical, acoustic and magnetic modalities. Optogenetics [ 11 , 12 ] has rapidly become a powerful neuromodulation tool which revolutionized the interrogation of specific cell types and neural circuits with high temporal resolution (Figure 1a ). The key advantage of optogenetics over electrical approaches is its capability for cell type-specific interrogation. While electrical stimulation lacks specificity, optogenetics can control the function of defined events in specific cell populations by combining genetic and optical manipulations. Although optogenetic applications are limited by light attenuation in neural tissue [ 13 ] and the need for implantation of optical fibers, recent reports of red-shifted opsins that can be used without intracranial surgery hold great promise for noninvasive implant-free deep brain transcranial optogenetics. [ 14 ]
With similarly high cell-type specificity, chemogenetics represents another important neuromodulation modality (Figure 1a ). Combining genetic and chemical manipulations, chemogenetics utilizes engineered receptors and exogenous molecules specifically targeting those receptors (e.g., G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and clozapine N -oxide for designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs (DREADD) [ 4 ] ) to control cell activity. A key advantage of chemogenetics over optogenetics is its noninvasive activation/inhibition as it does not require the implantation of optical fibers, and thus it has been widely used to evaluate and establish causality between neural circuits and behavior. However, as chemogenetics relies on the diffusion of drugs throughout the body, its onset time on the scale of minutes is slower than that of optogenetics on the scale of milliseconds.
In the other realms of neuromodulation, acoustic, [ 5 , 15 ] and magnetic [ 16 ] stimulation approaches are important neuromodulation modalities due to their noninvasive nature. Because sound waves and magnetic fields can penetrate deep into tissues, they can be used to directly activate or inhibit neurons in deep brain regions. With deep penetrating and spatial focusing capabilities, focused ultrasound (FUS) has been demonstrated to transcranially deliver acoustic energy to modulate neural activity in humans. [ 6 ] Moreover, in recent years interest has risen significantly in the application of sonogenetics, the acoustic counterpart of optogenetics and chemogenetics. Most recent in vivo studies demonstrated sonogenetic modulation of target neurons expressing an ultrasound-responsive protein, [ 17 ] although further investigations are still needed to characterize modulated behavioral alterations.
Now remember that the Nexrad pulsed frequencies are bombarding people and that microwave control of the nanotechnology and brain wave activity can be easily achieved with this technology. I was sent this a couple weeks ago and someone discussed it again this weekend. I have been speaking about the remote control of the technology in human blood via external frequencies coming from our smart devices, HAARP, and pulsed microwaves - one has to wonder how many adverse effects this pulsing ( or frying of the brain and human tissue) has. I will publish soon an interview with a world renown expert in EMF radiation Professor Olle Johannson retired from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden - and what he has to say about our EMF exposure levels is rather shocking. More on this soon. Please watch this video, and note the reference to microwaves creating prion disease in humans via misfolding of proteins.
And of course we must remember that the external alteration of brain waves and brain function, aka Mind Control methods - have been patented in 1976. Please contemplate how much this technology has been perfected in the last 50 years. It makes it very clear that the current warzone and battlespace is the human mind.
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Linda Tanner - May 5
Linda Tanner
About a week ago, when talking to a friend I see occasionally, I experienced what Dr. Ana is talking about when she says the vaxxed whose brains are being invaded by the synthetic neural networks won't notice anything different and won't realize what is happening and has happened to their minds/brains: ("One would not know that a parallel processing platform is being installed in the brain, but people who did not get this processing platform injected into them would notice that a person is changing in personality, can no longer process certain information, seems to be blocked from understanding logical processing of self evident information.")
What I noticed in my vaxxed friend, Roger, who has degrees in biiology and geology, retired recently from teaching sciences, is that now he seems almost childlike in some ways. He is still cordial, and very interested in sciences, but he seems to have lost the ability to ponder consequences of certain actions. In some ways he was like a child when discussing some new technology, with the exuberance of an adolescent, but without the adult's ability to critique any of the downsides of said technology. When I would inject some question or comment about a possible negative effect, he would ignore it and happily continue excitedly gushing over the technology. I take this as a subtle sign he is losing his powers of discernment--that's the best way I can describe it.
Honestly, I don't see how Dr. Ana has time to do so much research!!! But we certainly appreciate it!
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BlazeCloude3 - May 5
Between Dr. Mihalcea, D. Nixon and Karl C. with Brandon Iglesias and Sebrina Wallace of Nonvaxx420 on Rumble/Odysey's 'psinergy'...Find it next to impossible for anybody to deny the proof they're providing of deliberate, nefarious activity forced onto the people by TERRORIST WORLD GOVT.
The Criminals Against all Organic Life on Planet Earth continue to market this travesty of tyranny as positive and progressive when utterly evil and regressive. This is the foundation of Hell on Earth.
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