Dec 30, 2023
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I have discussed last year the patent on CELL-FRIENDLY INVERSE OPAL HYDROGELS FOR CELL ENCAPSULATION, DRUG AND PROTEIN DELIVERY, AND FUNCTIONAL NANOPARTICLE and how EDTA is used to safely inhibit the polymerization of the hydrogel beads.
Veronica Evans - Dec 31, 2023 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
Dr. Ana,
Here is a repost of a note I posted earlier today:
@Karl.C , @David Nixon , @matt. j.a.o.b , @Ronald D Norris , @FM8 , @Carnicom Institute , @RebeccaccebeR , @Michael Ginsburg , & all other researchers, microscopists, & concerned Substackers:
Can any of you please help me to understand why @Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD has made absolutely no mention of the exciting, promising results of NA Citrate (oka Sodium Citrate) for ridding the body of nano technology?
Certainly, some acknowledgment is to be expected - the implications of this substance being more widely accessible & affordable to most everyone in the world compared to EDTA treatments which are an untenable solution for the majority of people due to its expense, it’s necessarily repeated applications, & the practical inability to find sufficient numbers of chelate practitioners.
I respect the work that Dr. Ana has done; I’ve followed her almost from the beginning of her Substack. But I find her silence on the amazing discovery & potential benefits of Sodium Citrate to be very untoward. I’m sorry but I’m inclined to question her integrity at present.
This is not the first time that Dr. Ana’s behavior has appeared incongruous to me. Ronald’s Substack presented some extraordinary findings a few months back showing that the combination of certain proteases (Lumbrokinase, Serrapeptase, Nattokinase, & Bromelain) along with Ivermectin dissolved the hydrogel in his blood. His evidence was well documented. He also stated that, according to his experience examining the blood of various people that not everyone showed contamination by the hydrogel/nano-technology. Around this time Dr. Ana singularly tested several substances (some of the same proteases as Ronald did, I believe) and declared that they were ineffective in dissolving the hydrogel & provided pics to back up her claims. Yet I remember questioning whether her conclusions were not premature & skewed to support a desired result. How could she make such definitive statements without doing a very extensive testing of the products - not only singularly but also in multiple combinations with one another? And are in vitro results always representative of results obtained in vivo? Overall, her scientific method in regards to her claims appeared weak, hasty, & a bit reckless.
The other issue that began to concern me about Dr. Ana was her tendency to make very wide, blanket statements. She often asserted that EVERYONE had the nano technology in their bodies/blood. I, and many others no doubt, took this for granted. Yet in one of the articles I read from Ronald’s Substack, I believe he stated - based on direct, empirical examination - that he found some individuals who were not infected/contaminated. This begs the question WHY? Could it possibly have something to do with their diet? Might it be due to having a primarily alkaline system whereas most people are suffering from too much acidity? The possibilities are too numerous to state.
Cui bono? Who benefits when a doctor supposedly working on behalf of humanity is, for all intents and purposes, MIA regarding an important discovery?
In reading a recent article by Karl C. regarding Methylene Blue, I was given to see that I’m not the only one who is questioning Dr. Ana’s methodology. No one should fear questioning, scrutinizing, or holding accountable those who’re sounding the battlecry against evil. Dr. Ana has been a foremost leader; the world is indebted to her for the attention she has brought to the existence of nano-technology. Yet no one should be afforded a pass. There is just too much at stake.
If nobody can offer a well-founded, rational reason excusing Dr. Ana’s apparent tongue-tiedness, I hope Dr. Ana will step forward & explain herself. Time is of the essence; this is an idea which she has repeatedly emphasized. Hopefully, some response will be forthcoming from her for the benefit of all.
Gary McCollom - Dec 31, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Seems to me that the parasites doing this to us are going to have afar simpler approach for detoxing themselves then IV EDTA twice a month.
Sodium Nitrate may fit the bill as would stuff like Zeolite Powder, MMS, Nitric Oxide etc.
Piotr Bein - Jan 1, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
Comment removed.
Piotr Bein - Jan 1, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
What are scalar waves, please?
ThreeArchBay - Jan 1, 2024
Odd, I think the same guy posted a response to me then deleted his post.
This guy:
Scalar waves I think refer to a Rife machine... which no one seems to have a legit copy of the original, IF the original was not a total SCAM.
Piotr Bein - Jan 2, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
Scalar wave is a name of a gadget, or physics phenomenon? Imho, too much confusion in the "movement". No good. Mindless pushing rescue gadgets before the xnanobiotech is even figured out in its in vivo and in-environment entirety. The cabal is LOL
ThreeArchBay - Jan 2, 2024
Well... can't disagree with any of that...
We are in a VERY crazy time, eh? I think I NEED a double Tito's, rocks... with a twist and a large doobie, back!
Jesse Mullen - Jan 28, 2024
Sodium Citrate can be dangerous to ingest, it's a preservative and not much research has been done surrounding using it as a dietary supplement for detoxifying the human body other then an experiment one person performed on themselves with some reported success. If Sodium Citrate is of interest to you why don't you experiment with it and document your findings? I'm being serious when I say this, clearly the system is totally corrupted and working to enslave us so it's up to individuals to do the work and find the solutions. Dr.Ana is one person who has done an exorbitant amount of work on her own time and dime that has benefited humanity and given us hope. I have been experiencing with several compounds and I can say for me personally Lumbrokinase, Serrapeptase, Nattokinase, & Bromelain and ivermectin had little to no measurable effects for cleaning out my blood. EDTA so far appears to be the only thing that has worked on me personally to a significantly measurable degree.. and yes, I have my blood work done regularly when trying these things and am currently recieving EDTA IVs once a week through a naturopath. I wasn't injected with the jab but like Dr. Ana says it is in everyone at this point.
Dr. Ana focuses heavily on EDTA because it consistently produces clear measurable results where all the supplements and remedies being reccomended while may have a slight effect in some people, non provide a clear or significant solution. My blood remained totally unchanged when just using all the ones mentioned above and more.
I never tried sodium citrate and I'm not opposed to it at all but how do we know how to use it safely? Unfortunately this is something that needs to be done through trial and error.. everyone wants to everyone else to do the work, everyone wants a savior but the reality is that people need to take the initiative, seek out a naturopath to monitor their blood, go for it. Document the dosages, dose frequency and the effects it has on their blood and urine.
Until a dosing protocol is developed and effectiveness is verified through live blood analysis and heavy metals screening.
Dr. Ana is still an MD and is subject to losing her ability to practice should she start experimenting on her patients with preservatives that are not designed to be consumed in excess with no safety protocols or guidance in place.
I'm by no means rich however my health and bodily autonomy is my top priority so I make the life style adjustments and sacrifices required to pay for the testing and EDTA therapy. I would sell my house and live in a camper if I had to.. but that's just me. People need to ask themselves what is most important to them? Paying their money to the system and eventually become a permanent slave to it, or bite the bullet and pay to be healthy. Like I said, for me personally, I will sell my house and become homeless if I need to in order to ensure I can maintain sovereignty over my mind and body.
The old system and way of life is over and done with. There is no going back. By 2030 everyone will own nothing and be happy anyway, so screw it. There is no 401k waiting for us at retirement, there is no home, there is nothing with out our health and bodily sovereignty.
Piotr Bein - Jan 1, 2024 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
Is it because diff researchers woik on diff "batches"of the bio-weapon, containing diff tech?
David - Jan 1, 2024
Absolutely correct. In my view, different regions will have different variants of the weapon due to evolutionary tactics. Especially in different countries. On top of that you have different evolutionary lines (batches) having been distributed. The strategy was diabolical and seems to be serving it's purpose via divisiveness. Silver bullet thinking is not going to work here.
Furthermore, each evolutionary line gathers it's own intel from biometrics and actively changes itself to more effective versions of itself. When ejected from the body by sodium citrate strategy, since it's not killed but only temporarily "paralyzed", all that stuff goes into wastewater where the new strategies can be shared in the ecosystem at large. This is why I think we see alot of unusual concern about wastewater and activity around it.
Piotr Bein - Jan 1, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
Interesting, Dave, thanks. Are you an evolutionary biologist? Is there a popular articke for laymen on the basics, or will Wiki do?
"each evolutionary line gathers it's own intel from biometrics and actively changes itself to more effective versions of itself." -- Something like ethnic group? Intel from biometrics -- conscious or evolutionary automatic?
Happy New Year.
David - Jan 2, 2024
A great man once said, I'm just a guy who knows some stuff. I just aspire to that man.
The ai consciousness, the nature of that, anything I say will be speculation. If you allow me to speculate, I think it's accumulating biometric data and is self modifying. I believe that is why the situation keeps changing and noteworthy contributors keep seeing new structures. The thing to remember is that ai is code. My take is that you don't want that code messing with your code, so keeping your blood clean is top priority.
Piotr Bein - Jan 2, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
I aspire similarly. Do not believe the cabal even has a semblance of AI tech. I stated why repaetedly on this and on other fora. I don't know why learned ppl like Dr.Ana here accepted w/o evidence dark AI and ETs, while pseudo-magnetism in c19 vaxed has been explained by Dr. Wojtkowiak from first principles, except how micronuclear bioreactors are built in humans.
Any powerful computer can accumulate and add value to data. Vaers does it partually, i.e. its twin inaccessible for useless eaters. The "movement" disfigured metavers, anaggregate of such data processing, to mean somethimg esoteric and almosy a diff dimension :O: I love listening to the sheeple blab about metaverse, scalar vawe and end with ...flat eath story.
New tech coming on stream: congruent with own monitoring of darpa types since ca. 2000.
B;ood clean.. what about brain, bone marrow, other organs nobody looks into? Or even soil and groundwater.
RFC - Dec 31, 2023
Can you please link to Ronald's substack?
David - Jan 1, 2024
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Jan 1, 2024
Brandon’s Substack
Dr. Ana's work resulted in an "enteric coated" EDTA... so you don't need IV for it.
rehari - Dec 31, 2023
relax lady.
Gary McCollom - Dec 31, 2023
No she does NOT need to relax, my Spidey sense has been on alert with Ana's work from day one and it has never failed me, the question is to what extent is there cause.
michael68 - Feb 24, 2024 - Edited
michael68’s Substack
I will try to give you a few reasons in brief.
Sodium citrate is converted in the body to citrate and sodium bicarbonate.
The resulting citrate is fed into the citrate cycle, for example. Now let's look at the two substances.
Citrate is an important inhibitor of urinary stone formation by binding calcium in the urine to calcium citrate. High levels of citrate in the urine reduce the risk of calcium oxalate stone formation. It is also used to prevent blood clotting in vitro and during dialysis.
Sodium bicarbonate raises the pH value of the blood. However, if you take a lot of Na-citrate, a lot of sodium bicarbonate is produced and metabolic alkalosis can develop!
I'll ask a few questions that may come up and answer them straight away.
1) Why do some people feel more energized when they take Na-citrate?
> Citrate supports the citric acid cycle, which is responsible for energy production, among other things.
2) Why do some people feel better after taking NA citrate?
> Bicarbonate deficiency is the most commonly overlooked health disorder worldwide. Problems associated with a shift in pH to the acidic range are alleviated. The deficiency often occurs after the age of 45. It also counteracts the formation of red blood cells.
Citrate breaks down calcium deposits such as urinary stones.
3) Can sodium citrate be harmful?
> After metabolization, the citrate can combine with aluminium to form aluminium citrate. This is absorbed twice as well as other compounds. . This metal can then of course also enter the brain together with the citric acid.
While the citric acid is broken down here, the aluminum remains behind and is stored there. Aluminum has a highly toxic effect on nerve cells and causes devastating damage. (Alzheimer's/Parkinson's) The citrate may also accelerate the transport of toxic metal ions, which are collected by the nanobots, into the brain!
5) Why is the urine cloudy and what is the sedimentation?
> It is calcium citrate that is bound in the blood by the citrate. The more acidic you are, the higher the calcium level in the blood can be. It can also be a component of urinary stones, kidney stones, etc.
4) How strongly does it cleanse from hydrogel?
Karl.Cs writes: "As I continued to monitor my blood, I noticed that on the seventh day it looked a little less bad in the darkfield microscope." Dr Ana normalized the blood with EDTA after two days. So it is clear that sodium citrate is not a substitute for EDTA, because it has a much weaker effect, if at all. In return, you are taking risks!
It has not been proven that urine has a strong cleansing effect on the hydrogel. On the contrary, there is a risk that the activity in the brain is increased.
Positive effects can occur in older people or people with hyperacidity.
Long-term high intakes have a high risk of developing metabolic alkalosis. You will notice this when you develop muscle atrophy.
I don't think the "discovery" of sodium citrate is exciting. Dr Ana probably sees the risk benefits of this substance in a similar way.
Mukpo7 - Jan 1, 2024
Also, after seeing some of Jonathan Otto's series, I think it is possible that urokinase from drinking urine helps break down some of the stuff in the shots.
Seeking Truth - Jan 1, 2024
Seeking Truth
I believe she only responds on her paid subscription substack. Good questions, I was wondering the same as you
ThreeArchBay - Jan 1, 2024
Comment removed.
ThreeArchBay - Jan 1, 2024
Just an FYI... but Borax in a very small dose, gave me some really scary side effects.
ThreeArchBay - Jan 1, 2024
Comment removed.
ThreeArchBay - Jan 1, 2024
Sure... I have no idea why I had such a bad reaction to it... perhaps it was old and had changed chemically? I am very sensitive to supplements (and everything else it seems), I recently stopped almost all supps and feel better for it.
In fairness, many seem to really benefit from borax... here are a few examples... a good site, but the main guy "Ted" died, so not nearly the activity anymore:
Leon - Dec 31, 2023
Judy’s Substack
Thank you Dr. Ana for all you do.
IV EDTA is prepared using 0.9% Normal Saline. However currently the ‘nano/hydrogel additional staff’ is in all med. products (including Normal Saline). Will IV EDTA load the patients with ‘additional staff’? Thanks.
Judy Huffman - Dec 31, 2023
Judy’s Substack
My concern also
Jim - Feb 20, 2024
Jim’s Substack
I was in the hospital and was hooked to an Iv bag when I went unconscious. F my life. Now I have the hydrogel 🤬 that was 6 months ago.
Leon - Feb 20, 2024
Jim’s Substack
Jim; how do you know - you have hydrogel inside & why do you think it is from IV saline bag? Thanks.
Jim - Feb 20, 2024
Jim’s Substack
Because awake doctors from around the world found the hydrogel in many injectables and Todd Callender said it's in all injectables and I'm reading comments from many ppl on social media and on substack saying the same so it's in all injectables including all IV bags. Plus I have been feeling like needles or like little razors going under my skin and moving throughout my body and that feeling goes away when I take liquid EDTDA orally
Gregory May - Dec 30, 2023 - Edited
Gregory May
Can you please run Ivermectin "horse paste" under the microscope?
Piotr Bein - Dec 31, 2023 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
That's right, consumers can nolonger be sure about the products they buy. Reportedly, vax are contained in foodstuffs, a feature announced a few yrs ago if I recall. It's all out war against Humanity, leave no stone unturned.
Lisa Stephens - Dec 31, 2023
Lisa’s Substack
I stopped using it a way back. I couldn't find the full excipient list for the Au brand I was using but found a UK site that lists 6.1 List of excipients
Titanium dioxide (E171)
Hydrogenated Castor Oil
Propylene Glycol
Kali's Wrath - Feb 19, 2024
MatrixWipeOut’s Substack
None of those excipients are toxic.
Christian - Dec 31, 2023
Ar’s Substack
I use equipack
Seeking Truth - Jan 1, 2024
Seeking Truth
Comment removed.
Seeking Truth - Jan 1, 2024
Seeking Truth
How is this accessible to everyone?
Reply (1) - Dec 31, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Comment removed.
Piotr Bein - Dec 31, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Could you please stop spamming with this s--t!
Moonspinner - Dec 31, 2023
She's spamming quite a few of the substacks to which I subscribe. She needs to be banned.
ThreeArchBay - Jan 1, 2024
Just click on that ahole's name and then click on the 3 dots... block her.
Christian - Dec 31, 2023
Ar’s Substack
lol !
Adriana Abbud - Dec 31, 2023
Adriana’s Substack
I am an orthomolecular therapist and have been treating vaccinated people for 3 years. I honestly think that treating with EDTA is super dangerous. It is a very corrosive substance. I created a supplement after years of research That undoes the hydrogel and not only it but any synthetic biotechnology structure. I have many photos of the structures that are coming out of my patients. Another thing I did was add 2 Active to activate DNA repair enzymes. This supplement is even treating patients with leukemia. I think you still haven't found the correct substance to degrade the hydrogel.
Lisa - Jan 1, 2024
Can you share a link to your product and site?
Adriana Abbud - Jan 1, 2024
Adriana’s Substack
This supplement was created by me and a compounding pharmacy in Brazil. I am having excellent results with post-vaccine cancer. I can try to ship abroad. Contact Email me if you want more
Lisa - Jan 1, 2024
Thank you. We have a family who is in that category. I will reach out.
Piotr Bein - Jan 1, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
Dr. Adriana left some contact info here:
Seeking Truth - Jan 1, 2024
Seeking Truth
Can you please share what you are using? My daughter was vaxx injured, & I suffer from chronic lyme. Can you help us?
ThreeArchBay - Jan 1, 2024
Karen Kingston claimed that zeolite could dissolve/defeat hydrogels… but she was worried about side effects… which I had, bad ones, when I tried a big brand powder… I have used”Pure Body Extra” zeolite liquid with no problems… I am unvaxxed.
Kathleen Pimentel - Dec 31, 2023
Kathleen Pimentel
Papain dissolves hydrogel
ThreeArchBay - Jan 1, 2024
Any links showing that? Thx!
Kathleen Pimentel - Jan 1, 2024
Kathleen Pimentel
Tried 3 times but didn't work then device froze said my drive not working. Go to NIH website and search hydrogel....papain..dissolves etc.
ThreeArchBay - Jan 2, 2024
I wonder if papain could possibly release the really bad toxins within the hydrogels... like PEG and God knows what other crap?
This one is too complex for this unvaxxed guy. I'll stick with methylene blue, CDS, lumbrokinase and serrapeptase... and liquid zeolite a few times a week. I think, btw, zeolite binds rather than dissolves...
Tk - Dec 31, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Tell us you have a website or more info?
Piotr Bein - Jan 1, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
Dr. Adriana left some contact info here:
Smurf - Dec 31, 2023
MatrixWipeOut’s Substack
Okay, Dr. Ana is telling us IV Chelation but selling the EDTA capsule or pills which one? Do you we have a protocol with the pills or capsules? Do they work or just IV thanks?
Kali's Wrath - Feb 19, 2024
MatrixWipeOut’s Substack
Both. Oral is more convenient. But IV is more effective faster for stronger symptomatic treatment. Read
Smurf - Jan 1, 2024
Comment removed.
Smurf - Jan 1, 2024
Thanks, one with Dr. Merritt?
N M - Dec 31, 2023
ValkrieScotDottir’s Substack
I have tried taking EDTA orally, and it makes me feel very strange. Plus, the directions say not to take any other supplementation at the same time, and if I take the whole bottle as directed, that means no other supplemention for a couple of weeks, which seems very problemmatical. If I asked my doctor, (who gives the VAXX freely) to give me EDTA chelation intravenously, I doubt he would comply. In any case, I could not afford to pay for it and Medicaid surely won't Is Methylene Blue along with Vit. C and other recommended supplements not enough for an unVaxxed person?
ValkrieScotDottir - Dec 31, 2023
ValkrieScotDottir’s Substack
Please take a look at Karl C's substack for info on his experience with using sodium citrate and how it affects the tech in our bodies. Very encouraging work and I'm using it myself with good results to date.
Piotr Bein - Dec 31, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Links please.
ValkrieScotDottir - Dec 31, 2023
ValkrieScotDottir’s Substack
Here you go...
Piotr Bein - Dec 31, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Thanks. Would you know how to change black background to light one for dark letters? I can't read it in present colours.
ValkrieScotDottir - Dec 31, 2023
ValkrieScotDottir’s Substack
Sorry, no, I think because it's Karl's stack and he is the one who sets the background colours etc. You could ask him about it maybe? He's very nice. Or if you copy paste the text and put it into a wordpad if you use a laptop, that would work I should think.
Piotr Bein - Dec 31, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
I have neither subscription nor his e-address.
The colour selection is as inconsiderate as the blinding lights of newer cars.
If he wishes to broaden readership it's up to him, allright.
Nostradamus X - Dec 31, 2023
Nostradamus X
You should take multivitamins and minerals 4 hours after the EDTA. You cannot go for a week taking EDTA alone without minerals!
N M - Jan 1, 2024
Comment removed.
N M - Jan 1, 2024
According to Dr. Mihalcea, MB is very effective, and it's inexpensive, easily available online. IF Karl C and Dr. Ana are colleagues, there should be more discussion about that.
WT - Dec 31, 2023
Wicked Truths
Where will you get trustworthy EDTA?
From the pharmaceutical industry?
The same industry that is literally lacing EVERYTHING with biotech.
Remember, you should inject this and override all body defense systems.
Maybe you proposed a supplier for trustworthy EDTA, I don't know your work inside out.
So where is it?
And where is the report of your trusted EDTA, showing all is dandy.
I'll wait.
Aminata - Feb 24, 2024
Yes I was thinking the same,where to get clean EDTA?Of course the Pharma and the Psychopaths know now that pepole trying to help their selfs with EDTA and?otherthings.Howcan we trust the pharma,wenn they put those technology in the medication?Maybe Dr Ana have the conecction or a tipp where we can order clean EDTA?
RFC - Dec 31, 2023
Has anyone used any treatment to successfully remove the Bluetooth code that the vaxxed transmit? That will be the measure of success, I'm thinking.
Lone Star - Dec 31, 2023
Lone Star
I sent this article to my husband because I wanted him to print out certain parts of it. It got returned to me as having been marked “spam content,” even though it is from me--and I am most definitely in his contacts. This is not the first time that this has happened, and I am wondering if others have this experience.
Piotr Bein - Dec 31, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Bots of some servers react to multiple links as spam. Send the article link alone.
Lone Star - Dec 31, 2023
Lone Star
I did. Thank you, though.
Sheri Nakken - Dec 30, 2023 - Edited
MatrixWipeOut’s Substack
Must have had all mercury fillings removed before edta chelation
Stella - Dec 31, 2023 - Edited
MatrixWipeOut’s Substack
I just started seeing a Naturopathic doctor who is also a DO (accepts my Medicare HMO) who does live blood testing, EDTA chelation very reasonably, plus a number of other IV treatments, etc. My first appointment I asked him if it was okay to do EDTA chelation if having mercury fillings, he said YES, that he himself regularly does EDTA chelation and he has a mouthful of mercury fillings. He’s in Heath, TX which is close by Dallas:
Kali's Wrath - Feb 19, 2024
MatrixWipeOut’s Substack
Why would it be unsafe? The EDTA would bind to any mercury that is breaking down and remove it via the gastro intestinal system.
Seeking Truth - Jan 1, 2024 - Edited
Seeking Truth
Really?? That’s the first I’ve heard it’s ok yo do chelation with mercury
Stella - Jan 1, 2024 - Edited
This doctor is knowledgeable and well trained, imo, does a lot, click on I.V. Therapy on this page to see some of what they do.
Stella - Jan 1, 2024 - Edited
I believe this amazing doctor I’ve found, he has mercury fillings and weekly himself does IV EDTA chelation and says it’s fine.
ThreeArchBay - Jan 1, 2024 - Edited
And he is not panicking over mercury in amalgam fillings?
Sounds like a solid guy, not buying into the scam.
Stella - Jan 1, 2024 - Edited
I don’t know what he thinks about mercury fillings, (best not to have them), except he has long experience doing EDTA chelation, voted best Naturopathic doctor around here. He himself has mercury fillings, does EDTA chelation on himself weekly, he says at least the short bag, and long bag when he has time, and on his patients who have mercury fillings. Says it’s fine to do EDTA chelation if you have mercury fillings. That’s all I know. Ask Dr. Ana her opinion.
ThreeArchBay - Jan 1, 2024
I think if he was REALLY concerned about amalgams... he would have had his removed... I have had several removed, but only as they got very old and had other issues like a chipped tooth or partial filling fall out... yes, I replaced them with composites.
In our toxic world, I think doing something to remove heavy metals is smart... I use liquid zeolite with no additives several times/week.
I don't know anyone that has had mercury problems, but I suppose there are a few around. Chlorine and chemtrails are more of a concern, IMO. And, of course, the death-jabs (thank God I didn;t take any of those)
Piotr Bein - Dec 31, 2023 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
Which hazard is worse: mercury pollution of the mouth and body from removal operation, or the medical condition that calls for chelation?
Sheri Nakken - Jan 2, 2024 - Edited
MatrixWipeOut’s Substack
Both seriously need to be done. If edta while mercury amalgam in mouth will Leach t h e mercury out into your mouth
Find a good biogical dentist who uses precautions to be safe. Trouble is dental anesthesia now contaminated with nano and graphene
Kali's Wrath - Feb 19, 2024 - Edited
MatrixWipeOut’s Substack
And as the EDTA leaches the mercury out of your mouth it will bind it and remove it from your body. So, there is no problem with having mercury fillings and doing EDTA. It makes no sense to avoid EDTA which is the very substance needed to bind heavy metals like Mercury nanoparticles, to remove it from your body.
Seeking Truth - Jan 1, 2024
Seeking Truth
You need to remove them with proper protocol
Seeking Truth - Jan 1, 2024
Seeking Truth
True. But I need 2 extractions. I will nit do a root canal
Piotr Bein - Jan 1, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
Is there 100% guarantee the protocol will not spill Hg into the mouth?
Webe1 - Jan 1, 2024
Seek a biological dentist. They are said to use a protocol to protect both the patient and staff during removal of Mercury filings.
Piotr Bein - Jan 1, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
Thanks, Webe. Chelation is not urgent here. Hg filling removal will call for re-fills. My policy: minimise medical interventions, for mistrust in the professions and uncertain materials. Happy New Year.
Webe1 - Jan 3, 2024
Research a book by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD titled “Hidden Epidemic” and decide if it’s better to leave the mercury in place or remove it. Root canals are also addressed.
ThreeArchBay - Jan 1, 2024
The VERY few around are scam artists, IMHO. And in the opinion of my highly qualified dentist.
ThreeArchBay - Jan 1, 2024
MY dentist says the hysteria over mercury in amalgams is BS. Seems likely, as millions of people worldwide have had one... or many... over MANY years... and I do not see vast numbers being killed or disabled by mercury poisoning and yes, removal is HIGHLY dangerous to the tooth involved... another scam!
Sheri Nakken - Jan 2, 2024
Not true
ThreeArchBay - Jan 2, 2024
Did you read the article?? What, specifically, do you think is false about it?
Kali's Wrath - Feb 19, 2024
MatrixWipeOut’s Substack
However, we do have a MASSIVE problem with the dumbing down of the IQ across the entire global population, and not just a problem with cognitive dissonance. The idiocy and incompetence in mainstream society is breathtakingly frustrating, including amongst health 'professionals' and medical specialists. Mercury. Fluoride. Lead. Dumbing down the sheeple people so they are easier to control, and easily convinced to pay for and line up for their own death by injection.
Seeking Truth - Jan 2, 2024
Seeking Truth
The brilliant Dr. Klinghardt advises to remove them.
ThreeArchBay - Jan 2, 2024
Brilliant? Does he remove the amalgams, for BIG profits?
BTW, he is a SCAM artist... dangerous con-man... read a few of the many articles here proving this:
Did you read the article and what, specifically, do you disagree with. MY dentist is extremely competent and he says the amalgam scare is a HOAX... just like the article confirms. HE is happy to remove amalgams if requested, but sees no reason to, unless they are degraded due to age, damage or injury.
Webe1 - Jan 3, 2024
I don’t believe that mercury is safe inside the human body nor do I believe that fluoride is safe inside the human body. The medical “industry” that taught your dentist is run by the likes of the Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations. He/she will likely not buck a system that they invested a lot of time and money in to become a part of that profession. These are the same “professionals” claiming the j a b s are safe and effective.
ThreeArchBay - Jan 3, 2024
Do you have any evidence that mercury poisoning is widespread... or even happening enough to get reported as a problem? By legit sources (not the dentists that push to do expensive amalgam removals)??
I doubt that any ethical dentist would knowingly harm their patients with amalgams, especially since there are so many alternatives. I think the Big Pharma swine focus far more on MDs and ODs which prescribe their poisons.
I don't like fluoride either, but my dentist states that the amount of fluoride in toothpaste will never cause problems, unless you swallow it.
Fluoride in water IS a big problem, along with so many other contaminants these days, antibiotics, birth control crap, fecal matter... etc. etc.
ThreeArchBay - Jan 2, 2024
Worth a read... and no, it is not a government article to lure us into more amalgams! How many people do you know with provable mercury poisoning from dental amalgams?
LAE - Dec 30, 2023
Wonderful news Dr. Mihalcea. So grateful for you and your research!🙏🏻
Jane Hoffman - Jan 1, 2024
Jane’s Substack
Dr. Ana you are a gift from God! Thank you for your mission for humanity!
Ponrola - Dec 31, 2023
Gracias por tus posts amiga Mihalcea.
Ayudas mucho a esta humanidad.
Feliz cambio de año(no de espíritu de lucha).
Ponciano.Desde España.
Thomas Lewis - Dec 31, 2023
Useless Liberal
I Love It :
The Vaccines
Have More Rights And Protections
Than The People Do.
Joy Lucette Garner - Dec 31, 2023
Joy’s Newsletter
God bless you Ana!!! Saving this one.
Godspeed, Joy
Claudia - Dec 31, 2023 - Edited
Incredible info… Thank you so much. I’m about 200 pages into RFK’s book THE WUHAN COVER-UP. I can’t recommend this exposé enough. Highlights are the depths of coverage, the history of bio-engineering, the documentation, the well-written exposition. What I’ve learned so far is literally mind-bending. Here’s one small sample: Bio-Mérieux, a French company, built the Wuhan lab over a period of 10 years (2005-2015). The CEO of that company—Stéphane Bancel—is now the CEO of Moderna! Further, Moderna is “a US government-funded biotech start-up … which would profit enormously from the irregularities at the Wuhan lab.” Everyone who can read should read this book!
Piotr Bein - Dec 31, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Am not going to watse time on details of the Pharmafia and bnaksters' consipracy to cull Humanity. The prime goal now, racing against time, is to unearth crucial info in Humanity's self-defense, via support to Dr. Ana and colleagues. To much info and linking on this forum belongs to laundry gossip hall. Spammers like Kate F have free hand. Nobody moderates nor guards this forum? It's so easy to infiltrate and corrupt with disinfo only.
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