"Vaccine" Microscopy By Dr. Geanina Hagima In…

Oct 15, 2023

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In this post, I am sharing further microscopy by my colleague Dr.


Linda - Oct 15, 2023

DigitalDave’s Substack

I want to personally thank you Dr Mihalcea. As a survivor of Morgellons for about 17 years I, of course, knew this day was coming.
I want my voice to be heard. These crimes against humanity are of the Luciferian agenda to control minds and the populace of the world. The agenda is carefully crafted.
The Morgellons population has been so grossly treated by science and the AMA that it’s hard to wrap the brain around.
It’s very interesting to me to see how the treatment of Morgellons and Covid as well as that of long haul victims...perfectly overlaps. I’ve learned a lot over the years... and it’s been a lonely, cruel walk.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your research and validating what so many of us have known for a long time. This is genocide and the experiments at our expense have cost many, many lives.


The Orts Report w/ DigitalDave - Oct 16, 2023

DigitalDave’s Substack

Unfortunately, they will never admit to the wicked things they have done. The only solace we will all have is prosecution for their unhinged evil behaviors. They are psychotic criminals.


Dukes Gixer - Oct 15, 2023

Dukes Gixer

Morgellons. Of course!! That’s the first time I’ve heard the morg/Cov connection though. Similarities?!
Some revision required.... 🤨


Linda - Oct 15, 2023

My remark was regarding the treatment protocols. The graphene, filament forms, bovine filamentous disease, Lyme...etc. I believe to be interrelated though.


Aminata - Nov 11, 2023

Hallo Linda,I saw that you are a sovivour from morgelons.I am fromGermany.Hereis nobody who can help me.I am contamineted with nanotechnology with Graphen-Hydrogel filiamenst.I allready spread the filiaments or have Sheeding to person in mynear.NoI stay isolated in a room,not to infect sombody again
I have massiv pain and fever.I cant talk to nobody about this Problem its like in a war nobody want to helped me till now.I hope it will change and I get some tipps or help to stay at live.Without help I can't make it.Feel free to contactme.MyEmail isdiouf.aminata2021@outlook.de
God bless you


Seeking Truth - Nov 11, 2023

Seeking Truth

The same for those who have chronic lyme disease. And now we pay out of pocket astronomical amounts to try to get better from the their bioweapon.


Rene H - Oct 15, 2023

Rene H

Thank you for continuing to sound the alarm!!! I knew this was evil from the get go in 2020. Everyone thought I was crazy but now they regret getting “vaccinated”. God Bless and keep you 🙏🏻🙏🏻


jeffrey p lubina - Oct 15, 2023

jeffrey p lubina

What I think about all day, every day and even in my sleep:
How many AG’s (State & Federal Attorneys) are there in the United States? How many forensic pathologists and scientists work at the FBI, CIA, DoD, the Justice Department, in every county in every state within the U.S. and in other country’s governments such as Canada, Israel (Mossad), the UK (MI666), Germany, France…the entire bloody EU? How many doctors and scientists work for the richest media investigative journalists? And has there been any reports or arrests to date concerning WMD self-arranging nanotechnology in people’s medicines and blood? Is any investigative reporter or government official investigating Bill Gates or those he has contact within in any government? Doesn’t anyone with the authority to investigate and arrest bio terrorists even find it the least bit suspicious that Gates and hundreds of others have repeated their desire to “thin the numbers of people on earth to less than 90%,” meanwhile these same individuals invest in and profit off Vaccines for Plannedemics—and for what purpose—to save those who they wish were dead? Am I the only one who seriously thinks about running for Governor, Senate or forming an international militia and begin arresting these monsters myself?


Nostradamus X - Oct 15, 2023

Nostradamus X

“Let's be clear,
the future is not just happening;
the future is built by us,
a powerful community here in this room.
We (Übermensch) have the means to impose the state of the world”
-- Clown Schwab, Davos 2022.


Hannahlehigh - Oct 15, 2023


I have never been close to other people, especially vaccinated people. I had my blood tested and its still great.


Margie Chism - Oct 15, 2023

Margie Chism

Hann - Thank you! ■ I retreated in September 2020, the pre-sh't was bad enough, and the testimonies from others after December 14 ,2020 for US citizens validate my actions of solitude. M


Doug - Oct 16, 2023

Doug’s Substack

WOW and god damn those so called Christians who say it's OK don't be afraid of these vaccines.
I've watched one guy say OH, all those people who say it's bad to have taken the vaccine don't listen to them God is this or God is that... Yes! but if you willingly take what I call either the mark of the beast or related even trying to detox after your pretty much screwed sorry...
I mean snake skins for Christs sake's if that don't speak buckets of Lucifer and Satan what will???
Those filaments are to wire our damned bodies up so they can zap us monitor us change us into what they want etc...
I tried long before the vaccine came out to warn people. I went to Moderna's web site searched their vaults IE: File vaults and looked at several files of there's didn't like what I saw... I mean chimera Cultures... It was an email of Dr Carrie Madej about human 2.0 that made me take this on.
At first I kept up a mind set of Covid wasn't going to go nowhere but then 1200-5000 people getting sick and dying then I began to know that full on Revelations was going on.
I never obeyed the shut downs. Long kind of for the lack of traffic.
I researched Pfizer's vaults too and Johnson and Johnson's, Astrazeneca etc... Pfizer used a different approach to Luciferous, but it's the same result a light...
One of the others can't remember who, but they shot the virus into a monkey then extracted the antibodies from it to create theirs. One of the others used evolved material not sure what but that's what was in their files online... Evolved material means just as it sounds they evolved something artificially killed then used it's blood or whatever...
Months after all that I saw on the daily mail how they mixed monkey and human DNA then saw that the fetus was growing, then killed it... Why do you supposed they began that??? To artificially evolve us Transhumanism that's why....
So, yes these vaccines are wrong don't take them... Satan is behind it...
I saw demon faces on the one slide of the crystal creations. In the recessed parts of the crystals...
What better way for Satan to posses us than to have them hidden in medicine???
Since it's not of our knowing and permission I hereby null and void these demons in Jesus name and say they have to evacuate us here and now... AMEN and AMEN!


Canadian Apple Pie - Oct 16, 2023

Canadian Apple Pie

I agree it's time to challenge those who have not done their due diligence. For the sake of the natural human race. Old vaccines are now also contaminated. So anyone unaware who thinks we are living in normal times is nieve. The Ghost Of Christmas Present says, "Beware this boy for he is ignorance, beware this girl for she is want.". Holy Spirit placed this into my heart March 2020 repeatedly. Christ is the Christian savior. The Profits profit us. And He taught us all to speak truth❣️ I pray all religious will come against this Satanic assault.🙏


Jon Ranes - Oct 15, 2023

I just found you today on the usa watch dog video! You will be in my prayers each and every day. You are not in this conflict alone! Love and prayers I’m sending your way.


Margie Chism - Oct 15, 2023

Margie Chism

I am anti vaccination since 2018 ■ As a child that stopped speaking with sound, not even a moan, it took being caught up before the Lord God/YHVH and him saying to me, "Jesus is my Son, he can save you, are you willing to talk to him?" There is much more to this day, October 29, 1972. I got back here by walking, not knowing I was returning here. I did receive Christ into my heart (he requested that, I had never heard about that; was much troubled about that request due to being a nine year old girl), once I returned I did receive Jesus. I was able to speak (from school age up to fourth grade I did have speech therapy). During that first year not speeking, I looked at my Doctor and with my eyes, I let him know he had done that to me, I was near 4 or 5; he coward and turned and showed me his back; he knew. This flu shot 2018 was so bad, I would not risk my brain again with any metal injections as far as flu and vaccines. By two months +/-, I had a problem of using the calculator to sum 6, and slowly could figure 2x3; that was when I was aware that I did not trust anyone with my head. I had hit my head during the month of the shot and it was on granite and I broke a back jaw tooth, my Dentist (another) was out of the country for a month, and their staff put a quick self fill to bridge the time. I have had serious head injuries before, body falls, etc. But after 2018 flu shot, I knew I could no longer risk another one. I had the second pneumonia shot an hour later the same day of the flu shot. I felt in shock; and the flu injection site was hot red and sore to perhaps week/s up to a month (the arm with the flu injection). I do not consent to any more disease through vaccination, with a needle or not. Hell no. M


Canadian Apple Pie - Oct 16, 2023

Canadian Apple Pie

Thank you for your report. It is very important❣️🙏


matt. j.a.o.b - Oct 15, 2023

matt’s microscopy

Hi Dr Anna,
I am seeing a significantly far lower count of the fibres in venous blood in comparison to the finger prick samples and am wondering if you have noticed this same anomaly?.
Thanks and Regards,


Deemarie - Oct 16, 2023

Canadian Apple Pie

Dr. Ana, thank you for sharing these unbelievable scope findings.
Dr. Geanina's work looks same as yours. Almost identical(eerily similar) with Dr.Pablo Campra's results, previously shared. ,Research Gate, pub. 2021- Nov .https://www.researchgate.net/publication/355979001_DETECTION_OF_GRAPHENE_IN_COVID19_VACCINES#fullTextFileContent
" One of the ways the scientific community confirms the VALIDITY of a new scientific discovery, is by repeating the research that it produced"
Reproducibility &Replicability.https://youtu.be/Y6hhJvIZhls?si=xTKpQ4YLaJTlNnL6.
I hope you don't mind me saying this..
You Ladies are true !!


Canadian Apple Pie - Oct 16, 2023

Canadian Apple Pie

I found a Live Blood Analyst north of my folk's place in Ontario. She is posting her findings/ microscope work and is showing these anomalies in her pictures and videos as well! It's public on Facebook, at Alternative Roots. Thank you, thank you for anyone who is sharing these findings with whoever will listen.


Nostradamus X - Oct 15, 2023

Nostradamus X

 I am Proud to Wear the “Anti-Vaxx” Label


Nathan - Oct 16, 2023

Would explain why the jabbed are emitting bluetooth MAC codes.
After a year of doing simple bluetooth searches on my humble Xiaomi mobile I am 100% certain this is true.
I have picked up MAC codes from kids (Ages about 12-16) at sports practice in playing fields 500m+ away from the clubhouse, where they have no mobiles or devices on them.


Justin Gignac - Oct 18, 2023

I've done similar tests in a cemetery.. recently deceased graves are emitting MAC codes


The Orts Report w/ DigitalDave - Oct 16, 2023

DigitalDave’s Substack

Prosecutions to the full extent of the law, and then some for the psychos.


Dennis K McGee - Oct 16, 2023

Dennis K McGee

Thank you Dr Ana for staying with this. A reckoning approaches.


Ponrola - Oct 17, 2023

Muchas gracias por su información de vital transcendencia en esta guerra contra lahumanidad.Sutrabajo es impagable,lo mismo que el de sus colegas.Comparto sus análisis en mi entorno cercano;porque la vida está en juego para todo ser humano.Hacemos equipo sin conocernos de nada.Nos mueve el altruismo:unas personas evalúan otras corren la voz..
Un abrazo enorme desde Spain.


Deemarie - Oct 17, 2023

That is great to know. I, personally do not use FB, although ever other individual(I'm like 1/10,000)seems to. Have added the FB Alternative Roots to my ref. notes. I appreciate your response. Thank you for sharing.


Canadian Apple Pie - Oct 16, 2023

Canadian Apple Pie

Thank you so much for your work, Dr. Ana. The more people speak about the side effects the more attention will be drawn to these issues. I keep speaking out. Today was a difficult day for my oldest girlfriend. Her father died. He chose to get vaxxed and only told my friend's husband (because my friend's husband had to get them to continue as a chef in a very expensive hotel here in Toronto Canada). We all know the shots shortened his life. This is the second of my very closest friends to have lost a senior parent due to these injections. My adult daughter has lost two young friends.😞 I think we are in Biowarfare.



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