Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 10, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Influenza Vaccine Microscopy
Dr. Geanina Hagima sent me her microscopy from Romania of multiple vaccines. Her methodology includes Brightfield and Darkfield microscopy. Her findings confirm what many scientists around the world have found. I highly recommend watching my interview with Dr. David Hughes, and the extensive evidence he has collected in his 133 page scientific publication. Dr. Hagima’s findings are consistent with many international teams.
The same microchips we have seen with C19 shots have developed from the Influenza vaccine.
Moderna C19 Vaccine
Brightfield shows large amounts of mobile nanotechnology. When switched to darkfield, multicolor light emission is seen, consistent with Quantum Dot technology.
Moderna Vaccine Darkfield
In the above video of the Moderna vaccine, the many blinking lights can be again seen.
Moderna Vaccine Darkfield and Brightfield
In the video above, switching back and forth between Brightfield and Darkfield shows filament development and other self assembly structures.
Moderna Vaccine Darkfield and Brightfield after 15 hours
Much motion of self assembly particles are seen in the video and when switched to Darkfield, clearly some of them are emitting blue light.
Moderna Vaccine Darkfield and Brightfield after 40 hours
After 40 hours of observation, filament structures have developed.
Moderna Vaccine Darkfield and Brightfield after 16 hours
The spherical structures with its contents are seen with moving nanobots surrounding them. When seen in Darkfield, again light emitting Quantum Dots are seen.
Moderna Vaccine Brightfield after 40 hours
Crystal development we call microchips.
Moderna Vaccine Darkfield after 40 hours
Quantum Dot structures seen in the background substrate and within the crystals themselves. Consistent findings of nanotechnology, nano and micro bots found in “vaccine” bioweapon vials from Romania.
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Carol B - Oct 10, 2023
Carol B
It’s interesting to me that the big name truther docs who make the rounds, if you will, do not go near this information. It’s all about spike protein, turbo cancers and myocarditis, etc.... which in itself, is legitimate. But not the full story.
So, Either they know and were told to stay away from Dr. Ana and other’s info. getting out, (paid, bribed, threatened?), they know because, well, they have a closer relationship, too close, than they are admitting, they never heard any of this (unlikely esp. w/the K. Kingston disturbing info. coming out and her calling out an individual), or they are just clueless! (Highly unlikely)
Thank you Dr. Ana for your tremendous work. You are tireless and courageous. We are indebted to you.
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Stephan - Oct 10, 2023
Once we know, WE KNOW! I'll continue detoxing until we slaughter these evil bastards. Least they ain't taking my mind till I get as many as I can. I believe there are Many many Millions of us ready to roll right now. I'm riding on Christ coat tail cause I know my soul is SAVED! The gates of hell shall NOT Prevail!!
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