Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 30, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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I want to do what I can to help alert people with information that they cannot otherwise get and that might harm them significantly. The harm of children by vaccination is especially disturbing. Looking at injectables is important and having consistency in the methods of observation also gives comparable imagery. I placed a drop of Meningococcal vaccine on a slide. Similar background debris substance was seen as in previous medications. Initially, no filaments were present but they did develop, as shown below. Classic spheres that are the construction sites for the filaments were also seen.
Here you can see a “hydrogel island” being constructed.
Here is another filament that was constructed, you can see some background movement.
Here you can see a few of the blinking lights which I call quantum dots that are involved in construction. I did not see swarms of them as in other medications but I did see a few:
After a few minutes on the slide further islands of hydrogel developed.
Some of these Islands looked quite solid.
Higher magnification approx. 1600x
Here a bluish filament developed:
Higher magnification approx. 1600x.
Here is another one that developed. No filaments were initially present, they developed on the slide within minutes.
Here is a video of that bluish filament:
Here is a live blood analysis image of someone with bluish filaments that did not have the meningococcus vaccine. I consider the blue filaments a clear indication of nanotechnology. Blue fibers should not be in any vaccine nor in human blood. You can see the filaments look identical in the vaccine and in blood.
I continue to show pharmaceutical injectables that clearly have self assembly features and that have the same nanotechnological structures we see in live blood. Same filaments we see in rainwater as we are being poisoned from illegal geoengineering operations. The fact that this is injected into small children, is very concerning. People are always worried about being labelled “anti vaxxers.” I am so beyond that silly psy op label. I am anti poison. I am anti genocide. I am anti making people sick so Big Pharma can profit off of you.
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MusicMan - Aug 30, 2023
Why the hell would anyone let anybody inject anything into their bodies?
There isn’t now, nor has there ever been, and there shall never be anything that’s safe and effective that’s jabbed into your body. Nothing. None. Nil.
Read and learn the history of the criminal and barbaric act they affectionately call vaccination
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Joel W. Hay, PhD - Aug 30, 2023
Joel’s Newsletter
Is there anything that doesn't show bioweapon nanoparticles? bread? water? salt?
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