Unbelievable Amounts Of Nano & Microplastics Found In Deceased Human Brains - Concentrations Rose by 50% between 2016-2024. The Rise Of Human Cyborgs: Instead Of Superintelligence We Get Dementia?

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Feb 05, 2025 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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This week a study published in Nature has been making the rounds. I picked this link from the Smithsonian who interviewed the scientists. Nano and Microplastics, aka self assembly nanotechnology polymers were found in devastating amounts in the human brain, more so than in other organs. Nobody is putting 2+2 together, and asking if the COVID19 bioweapons and Geoengineering operations have anything to do with is. Geoengineering has been going on for 30 years with poisonous polymers being sprayed - and I have previously shown the patents that polyethylene which the scientists also found in the brain as the main polymer plastic - it has been sprayed for weather modification.

If you look at the brilliant punctuate lesions and you look at my microrobots, they are the same. But what specifically has been introduced in the last few years that could increase the amounts of plastics seen in brains by 50%? The COVID19 bioweapon. I have shown that since 2007 it has been known that Polyethylene Glycol can cause all of the polymer plastics hydrogel and micellar construction zones. I have shown the article and images here:

Was It Known In Science That Polyethylene Glycol (PEG), Key Ingredient in C19 Bioweapon Shots, Can Create Self Assembly Nanofibers, Spheres And Mesogen DNA biosensors? Yes, Since 2007

I have discussed the topic for a couple years showing that the theory that all of a sudden degraded plastics from environmental pollution made it into human bodies at this stunning rate is not very likely.

Study Shows How Microplastics Can Easily Climb The Food Chain

Microplastics in Human Blood: Polymer Types, Concentrations and Characterization Using μFTIR Microplastics in Human Blood: Polymer Types, Concentrations and Characterization Using μFTIR

Microplastics in Human Blood: Polymer Types, Concentrations and Characterization Using μFTIR

New Study: "Microplastics in the Olfactory Bulb of the Human Brain" Finds Polypropylene, Nylon, Polyamide Microplastics. We Found This In The Blood Too, And Call It Self Assembly Nanotechnology

Humans Turning Into Cyborgs: Scientific Article On "Detection of Various Microplastics in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery"

Microplastics - aka Nanotechnological Self Assembly Polymers - Are Everywhere - Poisoning Our Biosphere, Food Supply And Humans

New England Journal Of Medicine Microplastics Article Shows Higher Risk Of Heart Attacks, Stroke And Death

I have shown many times that the blueprint for the bioweapon lipid nanoparticle technology shows that stealth polymer plastics are being used. All polymer signatures that we have found in the blood and in the rubbery clots are listed.

I have been showing the polymer microplastics that self assemble in the blood extensively. Of course when they are still at a smaller scale they can pass the blood brain barrier. Nano and microrobots are known to do so for drug delivery.

Image: Polymer hydrogel in COVID19 unvaccinated blood. Magnification 400x. AM Medical

You can see the exact mechanisms of self assembly via nano and microrobots and micellar construction sites in many of my videos:

Evidence of Crimes Against Humanity - Darkfield Blood Microscopy

Artificial Intelligent Transformation Of Humanity - Nano and Micro Robots In Human Blood

Episode 13 - Self Assembly Nanotechnology Live Blood Darkfield Microscopy: A Review in Images

This is devastating news, that should also be correlated with the dangerous loss of IQ in the US population and the military literature on cognitive warfare.

Remember the technocrats like Ray Kurzweil predicted that we will be fusing with technology of which hydrogel polymer plastics are the brain computer interface.

Hydrogel Interfaces for Merging Humans and Machines - MIT Research Review

He said that we will get smarter, but it is evident that the bioaccumulation of nano and microplastics, meaning self assembly nanotechnology, is leading to dementia, illness, disease and early death. This is the weapon of depopulation that has been evident in humanities blood since the roll out of the COVID19 bioweapons.

What are the odds that these filaments that have been documented around the world after the COVID19 bioweapon injections are the nano and microplastics that are now found and accelerating the aging and dying process in our population?

Dark -Field Microscopic Analysis on the Blood of 1,006 Symptomatic Persons After Anti-COVID mRNA Injections from Pfizer/BioNtech or Moderna

Read what the scientists are saying about the “unbelievable” microplastics.

The Human Brain May Contain as Much as a Spoon’s Worth of Microplastics, New Research Suggests

The human brain may contain up to a spoon’s worth of tiny plastic shards—not a spoonful, but the same weight (about seven grams) as a plastic spoon, according to new findings published Monday in the journal Nature Medicine .

Researchers detected these “almost unbelievable” levels of microplastics and nanoplastics in the brains of human cadavers, says study co-author Andrew West , a neuroscientist at Duke University, to Science News ’ Laura Sanders. “In fact, I didn’t believe it until I saw all the data.”

Based on their analysis, the amount of microplastics in the human brain appears to be increasing over time: Concentrations rose by roughly 50 percent between 2016 and 2024.

The researchers also found much higher levels of microplastics in brain tissue than in liver and kidney tissue. And microplastic concentrations were also higher in the brains of deceased patients who had been diagnosed with dementia compared to the brains of deceased individuals without dementia.

Importantly, the study finds only a correlation between high levels of microplastics in the brain and dementia—it does not establish a causal relationship. It could be, for instance, that changes resulting from dementia make it easier for microplastics to accumulate in the brain. However, the researchers say their findings are troubling nonetheless.

“I have yet to encounter a single human being who says, ‘There’s a bunch of plastic in my brain and I’m totally cool with that,’” says study co-author Matthew Campen , a toxicologist at the University of New Mexico, in a statement .

Microplastics and nanoplastics are miniscule plastic fragments that result from the breakdown of everyday objects like packaging, containers, clothing, tires and more. These small particles have spread all over the planet, from Mount Everest to deep in the Mariana Trench . They’ve also made their way into the human body, showing up in blood , baby poop , lungs and placentas .

In September 2024, these miniature pollutants were also discovered in the human olfactory bulb , a type of brain tissue that sits above the nose in the forebrain. At the time, researchers weren’t completely sure whether microplastics could migrate deeper into the brain.

The new paper suggests they can. First, researchers analyzed brain, kidney and liver tissue from patients who had died in 2016 and 2024. For broader context, they also studied brain tissue from patients who had died between 1997 and 2013. Some of the brains came from patients who had been diagnosed with dementia.

They found much higher levels of microplastics in the 2024 brain tissue, on average, than in the 2016 brain tissue, regardless of the patient’s age, sex, race, ethnicity or cause of death. Their findings suggest microplastic levels in the brain have grown by roughly 50 percent over the last eight years. This increase makes sense in the context of plastic production, which doubles every 10 to 15 years, reports the Washington Post ’s Shannon Osaka.

“We think [the increase] is simply mirroring the environmental buildup and exposure,” Campen tells National Geographic ’s Olivia Ferrari. “People are being exposed to ever-increasing levels of micro and nanoplastics.”

Microplastic levels were 7 to 30 times higher in the examined brain tissue than in the liver and kidney tissue.

Microplastic concentrations were also three to five times higher in the brains of patients with dementia, compared to cognitively normal brains. It’s not clear whether microplastics may cause or contribute to dementia, nor whether dementia-induced changes to the brain might allow more microplastics to enter.

More broadly, the potential health consequences of microplastics remain largely unknown. Some recent research, however, suggests they are likely harmful to the human body. A study published in March 2024, for example, found that patients with higher concentrations of microplastics in their arteries were at a higher risk of heart attacks, stroke and death.

Now that microplastics have been found deep in the human brain, the next steps will be to explore what effects, if any, they are having on human health.

Future studies might also investigate how microplastics and nanoplastics are making their way into the brain in the first place, a feat that remains a mystery. Researchers are also curious about the unusual shapes of the plastic particles they found in the brain: thin, sharp shards, rather than the smooth, bead-like shapes they had expected.

“Somehow, these nanoplastics hijack their way through the body and get to the brain, crossing the blood-brain barrier,” Campen tells CNN ’s Sandee LaMotte. “Plastics love fats, or lipids, so one theory is that plastics are hijacking their way with the fats we eat, which are then delivered to the organs that really like lipids—the brain is top among those.”

In the meantime, the world might want to consider “mitigation measures” to help minimize microplastic exposure, says Emma Kasteel , a neurotoxicologist at Utrecht University in the Netherlands who was not involved with the paper, to National Geographic .

“We don’t know that much about the health effects, but the fact is that [microplastics] are [in the brain] and they shouldn’t be there, and maybe that’s worrying enough,” she says.

Humanity is under assault, and this continues silently as people bioaccumulate polymer hydrogel plastics from many different sources - the COVID19 bioweapon roll out and self assembly nanotechnology needs to be strongly considered as a causative agent. Clifford Carnicom and I found that polyenes ( polyethylene), polyvinyl alcohol, and polyamides all are found in COVID19 vaccinated and unvaccinated blood.


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Bee Gee - Feb 6

Bee Gee

Notice how they always have to give these broad ranges of years, otherwise it will highlight the massive increase in 2021.
And I wouldnt say no one is paying attention, the Germans did brain autopsies on vaxxed and unvaxxed brains in 2021 or maybe it was 2022. So some people knew... the ones that were really paying attention.
Thats why I keep on trying to tell people about antioxidants and chelators that cross the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB), or at least about the ones That I Take do.
And I sure dont apply a weak ass bias to a questionably scripted AI to try to show that something which Plainly Works does not because Im too scared to try something people have been taking for almost 100 Years.
So dont listen to these people that try to say all these things do not cross the BBB, they are plainly ignoring the Multiple studies for Each that either Infer or in some cases Prove that it Does.
One of the biggest problems with 'proving' something crosses the BBB is that many of them are in trace and/or transitory amounts in a Living Persons Brain, which you cannot just open up and take a piece of to obtain conclusive Proof that yes, it Does cross the BBB. But you can infer it, indirectly prove it by metabolites, etc, etc.
Regardless its not exactly 'Provable' in the commonly accepted scientific sense, but I dont give a fuck, Im not asking, Im telling... They DO. And I think Everyone should be taking them, but Especially the unvaxxed.
Because that brain fog everyone has now? Its the early stages of This.
And Sometimes it leads to early onset alzheimers/dementia like symptoms, even in the unvaxxed. Look it up, the germans found it ate literal holes in their brains. They talked about it in one of those long multi-hour Reiner Fullmich roundtables, one of the first ones.
There are a lot of smart people researching this but I dont have any secret powers, you could read all the same shit I did if you really applied yourself. I have known this was happening for a long time though, much longer than most people and I Knew how important it was to try to fix it. For the reasons she just stated above and More.
My wife and I are starting another EDTA fast tomorrow, we do them about one a month but Im off work now so I will provide more details tomorrow. EDTA, ascorbic acid, malic acid, glutathione, sodium citrate, Vitamin E, ALA, NAC and bromelain. Look them up for yourself. I Did.
Do Something though, waiting isnt going to help. And it might Really Hurt.
Good luck to you all in any case.

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Neil D - Feb 5

Neil D

Homo plasticus, here we come!

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