Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Sep 17, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Microplastics in the Olfactory Bulb of the Human Brain
In this new study, 8 out of 15 autopsies found microplastics in the olfactory bulb. The study did not mention if the individuals were vaccinated against COVID19 and how many PCR swabs they received up their nose.
We know from the investigations with Clifford Carnicom that polyamides were the main polymers found in COVID19 vaccinated and unvaccinated blood as well as the rubbery clots via Near Infrared Spectroscopy.
The olfactory bulb in half of the deceased individuals contained microplastics.
Results The median age of the 15 deceased individuals was 69.5 years, ranging from 33 to 100 years, with 12 males and 3 females. MPs were detected in the olfactory bulbs of 8 out of 15 individuals. A total of 16 synthetic polymer particles and fibers were identified, with 75% being particles and 25% being fibers. The most common polymer detected was polypropylene (43.8%). Sizes of MPs ranged from 5.5 μm to 26.4 μm for particles, and the mean fiber length was 21.4 μm. Polymeric materials were absent in procedural blank and negative control filters, indicating minimal contamination risk.
Conclusions and Relevance This case series provides evidence of MPs found in the human olfactory bulb, suggesting a potential pathway for the translocation of MPs to the brain. The findings underscore the need for further research on the health implications of MP exposure, particularly concerning neurotoxicity and the potential for MPs to bypass the blood-brain barrier.
The usual narrative in all microplastics research findings is that the human body is subject to environmental pollution. None of the scientists take into account 1. the deployment of the COVID bioweapon, 2. inoculation of the population with microelectronics via PCR swab 3. geoengineering biological and weather warfare operations.
I have previously shown nasal growth of a nasal cavity tumor in someone who received PCR swab and the blood showing self assembly nanotechnology which we also correlate with CDB/ Morgellons filaments. It is all the same thing - the militarized synthetic biological transformation of humanity. You can read about this here:
Researchers have shown that the PCR swabs and masks were contaminated with the same filaments we have found in the blood and have documented to self assemble from the vials.
Clifford Carnicom and I have shown that polyamides - a chemical class that includes nylon, silk, kevlar - which has been found in the nasal bulb - was also present in blood and rubbery clots.
We also know that many polymer plastics, polyamides, polyethylene, polypropylfumarates have been deployed in the COVID19 injections as stealth nanoparticles.
Polypropylene was the most prevalent polymer (43.8%), followed by polyamide, nylon, and polyethylene vinyl acetate (12.5%). This was followed by polyethylene, perlon polyamide, and wool-polypropylene, which accounted for 6.3%). Upon comparison with the reference spectral library of plastic materials, the identified MP particles and fibers exhibited indications of weathering. The μFTIR spectra of the weathered MPs differed substantially from those of pristine standard samples; multiple peaks in the spectra of weathered MPs were attenuated or entirely absent.
Many other research studies have reported polymer plastics in human tissue.
Microplastics in Human Blood: Polymer Types, Concentrations and Characterization Using μFTIR
All of these polymers have been used for bio sensing applications:
Polymers and Plastics Modified Electrodes for Biosensors: A Review
In this polymer base you can see many different biosensors.
TEM micrograph of polythiophene (PTh)-g-(poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)-r-biopolymer polycaprolactone (PCL) at ( a ) low magnification and ( b ) high magnifications. Porous spherical particles were highlighted with red circles while, rod-like structures are marked with rectangular forms and yellow arrows. Reprinted with permission from reference [ 96 ]. Copyright © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019.
This looks very much comparable to what I have been seeing in COVID19 unvaccinated human blood affected by shedding, where polymers are seen with microrobot/ biosensor inclusions:
The UK Expose reported on this preprint article. I strongly urge all physicians to add Darkfield microscopy as a method to analyze blood safety for transfusion. The polymer plastics, mesogen microchips, micellar construction sites and microrobots can easily be seen.
They rightly question the integrity of long COVID( unvaccinated) patients as well, since their blood tends to be highly contaminated. I have been saying for years now that we do not have any sources of clean blood anymore. I certainly advise that treatment of blood products with EDTA and Vitamin C should be discussed, to disable the self assembly nanotechnology.
The coronavirus pandemic was declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2020, and a global genetic vaccination program has been rapidly implemented as a fundamental solution. However, many countries around the world have reported that so-called genetic vaccines, such as those using modified mRNA encoding the spike protein and lipid nanoparticles as the drug delivery system, have resulted in post-vaccination thrombosis and subsequent cardiovascular damage, as well as a wide variety of diseases involving all organs and systems, including the nervous system. In this article, based on these circumstances and the volume of evidence that has recently come to light, we call the attention of medical professionals to the various risks associated with blood transfusions using blood products derived from people who have suffered from long COVID and from genetic vaccine recipients, including those who have received mRNA vaccines, and we make proposals regarding specific tests, testing methods, and regulations to deal with these risks. We expect that this proposal will serve as a basis for discussion on how to address post-vaccination syndrome and its consequences following these genetic vaccination programs.
It is well known that polymer microplastics are being deployed via geoengineering. I have shown patents from 1976, that mentioned the use of polyethylene glycol, the polymer used for the lipid nanoparticle technology of the COVID19 bioweapon being used for geoengineering and weather modification.
You can find further discussion on the deployment of smart dust, polymers for geoengineering and implantable microelectronics here:
Polymer microplastics, used in self assembly nanotechnology bio sensing applications are being found in human tissue including neurological tissue like the olfactory bulb, which is a gateway to the brain. I am alerting scientists to broaden their scope of context to investigate the relationship of clandestine military geoengineering operations used for depopulation purposes and weather warfare - and the COVID19 bioweapon deployment as additional sources for these polymers. This context of origin of these polymer plastics, outside of the usual environmental pollution narrative, needs to be urgently investigated.
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Mattie - Sep 17
Richard’s Newsletter
Keep swinging, Ana. I love you so much (but I'm not stalking you!), for all your hard work for humanity. This stuff is too ugly for the normies to digest, and I admit I can hardly stand to look at it myself, but I never took a bioweapon shot and never wore a mask and never allowed anyone to test me, except once for temperature with that damned thing they point at your third eye. Lord knows what that might have done to me. I also take supplements you recommend like Med5 everyday, and a LOT of other things. I can well understand why those who took the shots and the dangerous devious "tests" with nanotech-contaminated swabs will never look at any of this. I can barely sleep myself just knowing from your work how much of this crap has shed on us all, and how the bastards of Pfizer announced beforehand that there would be shedding. Hell is too good for the assholes that have unleashed this hell on the world.
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Roman S Shapoval - Sep 17
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Mushrooms could be a solution - as they help detox plastics. Grassfed butter is also amazing at detoxing plastic.
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