Unbelievable Amounts Of Nano & Microplastics…

Feb 5

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This week a study published in Nature has been making the rounds.


Bee Gee - Feb 6 - Edited

Bee Gee

Notice how they always have to give these broad ranges of years, otherwise it will highlight the massive increase in 2021.
And I wouldnt say no one is paying attention, the Germans did brain autopsies on vaxxed and unvaxxed brains in 2021 or maybe it was 2022. So some people knew... the ones that were really paying attention.
Thats why I keep on trying to tell people about antioxidants and chelators that cross the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB), or at least about the ones That I Take do.
And I sure dont apply a weak ass bias to a questionably scripted AI to try to show that something which Plainly Works does not because Im too scared to try something people have been taking for almost 100 Years.
So dont listen to these people that try to say all these things do not cross the BBB, they are plainly ignoring the Multiple studies for Each that either Infer or in some cases Prove that it Does.
One of the biggest problems with 'proving' something crosses the BBB is that many of them are in trace and/or transitory amounts in a Living Persons Brain, which you cannot just open up and take a piece of to obtain conclusive Proof that yes, it Does cross the BBB. But you can infer it, indirectly prove it by metabolites, etc, etc.
Regardless its not exactly 'Provable' in the commonly accepted scientific sense, but I dont give a fuck, Im not asking, Im telling... They DO. And I think Everyone should be taking them, but Especially the unvaxxed.
Because that brain fog everyone has now? Its the early stages of This.
And Sometimes it leads to early onset alzheimers/dementia like symptoms, even in the unvaxxed. Look it up, the germans found it ate literal holes in their brains. They talked about it in one of those long multi-hour Reiner Fullmich roundtables, one of the first ones.
There are a lot of smart people researching this but I dont have any secret powers, you could read all the same shit I did if you really applied yourself. I have known this was happening for a long time though, much longer than most people and I Knew how important it was to try to fix it. For the reasons she just stated above and More.
My wife and I are starting another EDTA fast tomorrow, we do them about one a month but Im off work now so I will provide more details tomorrow. EDTA, ascorbic acid, malic acid, glutathione, sodium citrate, Vitamin E, ALA, NAC and bromelain. Look them up for yourself. I Did.
Do Something though, waiting isnt going to help. And it might Really Hurt.
Good luck to you all in any case.


Bee Gee - Feb 7

Bee Gee

My wife and I are doing another EDTA chelation fast tonight and this weekendish, so here is what we are doing and taking.
They are all pretty mild and chelate verious metals as well as can dissolve hydrogels. They also cross the blood brain barrier and bromelain gets into closed organs systems the others cannot, like the reproductive system.
By far IME the most important things are the EDTA and the ascorbic acid though, so you just start with those and add other things later.
So take it, leave it, ignore it, adapt it for your own use, do what you want with the knowledge I have gained and am sharing with you but EDTA works better than anything else so just make sure you dont take it wrong by taking it too close to anything it will bind with.
But even if it isnt this, Do Something. And by Something I mean take an antioxidant and a chelator together.
They say it right there in the moderna patent, Read It. Or listen to the people that have.
Our EDTA fast:
Every 12 or 8 hours
Oral EDTA (Arizona Naturals (3 pills) & MedFive (2 pills)
ALA (via organic cold pressed hempseed oil> 2-1000mg pills)
Sodium (& natural) Citrate (I take a tablespoon dissolved in water, I dont remember how many grams that is and my wife takes a teaspoon or two, she hates it because along with vitamin C crystals and malic acid crystals she says it tastes like a lemons ass.)
Bromelain (1 500mg pill or 1.5 fresh pineapples/day vamped)
Vitamin C (1/2 tsp of crystals dissolved in water)
Malic acid (1/4 tsp of crystals dissolved in water)
Vitamin D (1 pill, I dont remember and dont want to go look)
Vitamin E (1 pill, I dont remember and dont want to go look)
NAC (1 pill, I dont remember and dont want to go look)
Glutathione (2 pills, I dont remember and dont want to go look)
- all every 8-12 hours or so for 3-6 days
At least this is what We do, Im not a doctor or giving you medical advice, I am relating to you what I have found after Extensive Research to work well and that my wife and I take ourselves.
And I took it all, every single one, before she did, so I would know what to expect... but we feel Great. And I plan on Living.
Good luck to you all in any case.


JulesUSA - Feb 6

Bee Gee

Will look forward to the details.


Bee Gee - Feb 7

Bee Gee

I put it up above, I thought about replying to you directly but I had already written it out. Good luck to you in any case.


Reply (1) - Feb 7 - Edited

Bee Gee

Comment removed.


Bee Gee - Feb 7

Bee Gee



Neil D - Feb 5

Neil D

Homo plasticus, here we come!


jsinton - Feb 6


One thing I have been studying lately is household water: well water and municipal water. I think just ordinary water exposure, both on the skin and drinking, is a MAJOR source of human nanotech contamination.
Water is one of the scariest things I look at under the microscope because ordinary water will routinely self assemble perfectly square sheets of graphite and start assembling chips on it. All with perfectly square 90 angles, everything perpendicular and parallel. Looks just like the motherboard in your computer, only millions of times smaller.


JulesUSA - Feb 6


Do you think it would get in the water by chemtrails?


jsinton - Feb 6


Yes, of course. The poly-cotton stuff is all over my car tires like I was driving through it.


Stella - Feb 8


I’m wondering about Dr. Ana’s recommendation of boiling water then filtering it with something like a paper coffee filter, wondering if that helps the drinking water get rid of the stuff you’re seeing. That’s what I’ve been doing, I use my home’s reverse osmosis water, boil it, then filter. But then shower water is something else.


jsinton - Feb 8


I suppose boiling on the stovetop works somewhat, but it's not nearly 100%. You have to boil in microwave otherwise it still lives. Reverse osmosis... no help... critters are too small. Put a big magnet on your main water line, it helps.


jsinton - Feb 6 - Edited


Just wanted to update my neodymium magnet experiments. Don't try this at home, it's probably dangerous. In short, I think it may be an important answer in pulling out magnetic nanotech from the brain beyond the brain-blood barrier. It's pulling out huge chunks. I scrape it off the magnet with a puddy knife everyday. I can feel it draining from my brain. Works like crazy.


Ken Kobalanski - Feb 6

What is the size of the neodymium magnets that you use?


Stella - Feb 6 - Edited


What is that all about, explain?


jsinton - Feb 6 - Edited


Taping a magnet to your skin over a big vein will pull magnetic particles out of the blood and out the skin, sticking to the magnet. Sound crazy? Yes it is.


Stella - Feb 6 - Edited

No it doesn’t sound crazy to me. We all try different things after hearing everyone else’s beliefs and trials. I’ve tried magnets on a couple places a few times ever since reading that some who have Morgellons use them. Though I never experienced seeing anything on the magnet afterward.
I’ve mostly used magnets on my legs. And a couple places on my head (scalp), because a few times when I felt my scalp with my fingers in a spot it felt kind of sore, very strange, couldn’t understand why a spot on my scalp felt a little sore when I touched it. I’ve done this only a few times when I felt this I placed a small magnet there on my scalp and moved it slowly around the spot and then it no longer felt sore, though it took a few minutes to work, maybe fifteen or twenty minutes. I’m not sure if this is okay to do on one’s scalp or not, so am not recommending it, just telling my experience. Also used a couple drops of Lavender Essential Oil on my fingers and rubbed it on the spot.
I don’t take supplements since reading how everything is just chemicals and long term some might accumulate in organs and not leave the body. I prefer being careful about water and food (Pescatarian), and use a few drops of Essential Oils topically sometimes. I’m always looking for natural things to do without the chemicals, so interested in hearing about magnets and anything else people have tried that are not chemical.


Leon - Feb 6

Thanks for the update.


Pamela Raditsch - Feb 6

Pamela Raditsch



JulesUSA - Feb 6


There's enough for you to scrape off the magnet?


jsinton - Feb 6


Yeah. No shit. Big hunks. Lots of them. I probably could have collected a couple hundred miligrams. Turns the skin all brown as particles move through.


AC - Feb 6


Aren't you just removing iron from your blood?


jsinton - Feb 6


It's a really good question, and I worry about that. But the answer is it's pulling a cornucopia of nanotech: It's all there on the magnet: morgellons, mesogens, bots, bots, bots, hydrogel, hydrogel, hydrogel, hydrogel....


JulesUSA - Feb 6

Thank you for the update!


BlazeCloude3 - Feb 6 - Edited


So, how do humans deal with removing or cleansing from the plastics now infesting our bodies? The above comment states...'Homo plasticus, here we come!'


jsinton - Feb 6


EDTA and vitamin C is a really good start to dissolve nanoplastic structures right out your digestive system. You "evacuate" stuff that doesn't smell because the microplastic coats all the bacteria. Your shit literally doesn't stink, and you can prove it.


JulesUSA - Feb 6


What form of EDTA? Sorry for all the questions


jsinton - Feb 6


Calcium EDTA. Comes in bulk bags.


KellyG - Feb 7




KellyG - Feb 7


Great question. From jsinton 's response I found a couple of options here
This one gives a price with multiple options $8.95 100gs
This one no price unless create a free account, and up to 55lb bags lol but other options and I saw Activated Charcoal just underneath for one.


JulesUSA - Feb 6


Ascorbic acid C?


jsinton - Feb 6


Yes, ordinary ascorbic acid.


Piki - Feb 6

Kay and the blue teapot.

I am not sure whether this article is of any relevance;
It is from 2015.
'Electric Fields Remove Nanoparticles From Blood With Ease'


jsinton - Feb 6


OH! That's HUGE! Thank you.


Charlie - Feb 6

This story is unfolding. As more is discovered just look to sky and imo you will have causation. Then test the water. We know these plastics and metals are at all levels of the food chain. Observe and remember to be patient as to a causation.
In my strong opinion, two items resound: live in the now and break open the war chest and do your dreams. Time appears to be nigh. Just bought a fifth wheel and heading southwest Friday morning enjoying the camping life and connecting with folks that are mostly clueless but love life- the now! Planning on visiting a sub stacker for a day or so. Thank you for update Dr A M!
Love to visit Washington but maybe summer. Dislodging plastic s from the brain needs some research. I’ll be thinking…


Lou - Feb 6


So instead of just sheeple having flouride brain, now everyone will have to deal with Plastic Brain. But mockingbird media tells you those chemtrails are myth!!!


jsinton - Feb 6


No, it's actually "nanostructures". They put a cellphone in your brain. It's not just dumb plastic.


JulesUSA - Feb 6

I wonder what Sabrina Wallace would have to say about this. I'll check her Odysee and Rumble


Piotr Bein - Feb 6

Piotr’s Substack

Nanostructured "cellphone".


Claudia - Feb 6


It would be interesting to compare various continental populations to see if Western and/or democratic countries were more affected than others. If, in fact, some type of coordinated cabal is behind these injections and, if its “members” do not want freedom-loving individuals to go forth into the future, we might see a pattern affecting those nations more than others. The theory for some, of course, is that the remaining populace would become slaves to a group of control-freak narcissists who feel they not only own the planet but also all beings who live on it.


the LastManStanding - Feb 6

Rusyn’s Substack

You'll want to go over to James Hill's substack for insights on the questions you raised.


Claudia - Feb 6


Thank you, I will check that out.


JulesUSA - Feb 6

Good point!


Roman S Shapoval - Feb 6

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Neuromelanin is what we need to build back - the more we have it, the more chance we can regenerate the rest of our body via infrared light:


Ken Kobalanski - Feb 6

Where in that article does it state the removal of microplastics?


jsinton - Feb 6


Yes, we hear in the MSM all about "microplastics" and how dangerous all that is, but they fail to tell you the microplastics are formed into visible plastic structures throughout the body by self assembling nanotechnology.


JulesUSA - Feb 6

You're right. Thank you.


Mxvwxpq - Feb 6 - Edited


Any truth to the claim from Dr. Ardis on Brighteon and Bitchute who claims he discovered that NICOTINE will destroy the nanotech/fibers? I've used the patches but have no idea if they were doing anything.


JulesUSA - Feb 6 - Edited

I would try it. I thought he was mentioning it in regard to the snake venom receptors?


Ken Kobalanski - Feb 6

Dr. Ardis says it removes VENOM which is different than destroying nanotech/fibers. That is what the nicotine patches remove. Venom.


jsinton - Feb 6


Dr. Ana tested it, she said it's not effective.


Piotr Bein - Feb 6

Piotr’s Substack

...under exactly the same conditions that the claimant used?


Mxvwxpq - Feb 6


Can you point us to a video or paper where Dr. Ana mentions her nicotine findings? Thank you!


jsinton - Feb 6


She has a couple articles if you do a search. Here's one.


Miss Parker - Feb 6

Miss’s Substack

Could the PEG be far higher in the brain than in other organs due to the Klaus C-19 nose Schwab puncturing the blood-brain barrier? Statistics on any correlation between those who took the weaponized test and those who didn't might provide some insight.


JulesUSA - Feb 6

Great point, pun not intended


JulesUSA - Feb 6

I wonder if Dr. Ana thinks this could be related to chemtrailed nanoparticles?


Grasshopper Kaplan - Feb 6

Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…

My housemate who has three murdernas grows more demented deluded and deranged daily.
I pay his rent but gave up hope that he will stop terrorizing and torturing me, nor even that he's ever willing to hear a word I say, nor tell the truth.
He'd promised me not to get that third shot, but I saw th bandaid on his arm.
Now that seems to be a red spot....


Honeybee - Feb 6

Honeybee’s Substack

I'm laughing more these days than ever. Yes, yes, what you say is true. How unfortunate that they're experimenting on humankind, but this is our reality. Most of these investigations show more murder than convergence into a synthetic hybrid being. They don't have clue. They don't. Look at this mess Ana describes. They're conducting real-time human trials because they need a theoretical construct which they don't yet have. The human body is a mystery.



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