Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jan 09, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Image courtesy: Graphene Oxide TEM Substrates
Many people ask about nanotechnology in dental anesthetics. I hear of some people who ask their dentist and are told there is no mRNA in the anesthetics. Yes, that is correct, but that is not what we are concerned about. We are concerned about self assembly nanotechnology that can create a human machine interface. Its components are hydrogels made from many different chemical compositions, quantum dots, micro robotics for biosensing applications, toxic heavy metals, graphene, polymer plastics and more. Remember many teams did not find mRNA in the C19 shots. But we did find self assembly nanotechnology.
I have posted Dr. Diana Wojtkowiak PhD results on my substack previously She is the world renown developer of Torsion Spectroscopy, which allows for the chemical assessment of compounds in a novel way. Her research has made international news before:
Dr. Wojtkowiak did Torsion Analysis on the rubbery clots we had also analyzed:
She also showed this groundbreaking research that the antimatter self of Covid 19 injected individuals is being altered:
Today she sent me an email with her most recent research. She analyzed multiple dental anesthetics in Poland as well as Vitamin B12 Injection. 10 out of 13 Batches contained graphene. Here are her results:
The results of the examination of dental anesthetics of two producers are presented below. Out of thirteen batch numbers (each batch is a preparation made of specific raw materials added to one filling of the boiler-mixer), three of them did not contain graphene:
Ubistesin forte 9231801 07/2024 3M ESPE,
Citocartin 100 U5K91 06/2024 Molteni Dental,
Mepidont 3% U52U1 06/2025 Molteni Dental.
In the others, there was graphene in variable amounts. Vitamin B12 also contained graphene. In the first table, the measurement of standard graphene, in the next three anesthetics from three sources (dental clinics), in the fourth vitamin B12. In the tables, the term "radiation from the sample", gives a preliminary orientation that there is graphene, but it is not a sufficient measurement, it is necessary to make a fragment of the spectrum.
There are the graphs of the radiation spectrum below the tables, the designation e- is the signal of electrons from aromatic systems, not only for graphene, anesthetics are also aromatic. The blue designation e is the signals from the electron orbitals of graphene forming a complex aromatic system. There are about twenty of them on the whole spectrum, here I used only three. There are no such signals in the three charts, so these preparations are clean.
On the x-axis there are angles of setting of the spectroscope, corresponding to elementary particles, elements and aromatic systems, on the y-axis there are the range of radiation from the samples at the output of the spectroscope.
Torsion Spectroscopy Analysis of dental anesthetics in Poland reveal 10 out of 13 batches contain Graphene. Vitamin B12 injection also was found to contain graphene. These findings are consistent with other previous investigations. Self assembly nanotechnology contains graphene as one of its components. Graphene becomes the plasmonic nanoantenna that sends biometric data to the cloud. Detoxification methologies for multiple components of self assembly nanotechnology, including graphene, polymers, hydrogels, quantum dots, micro robotics and biosensors all need to be utilized as described in other substacks.
Thank you to Dr. Wojtkowiak for allowing me to share her research.
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Jeff - Jan 9, 2024
Please check Saline IV bags next. Because you recommend IV EDTA chelation, it's imperative to determine which Saline is safe to use.
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Mattie - Jan 9, 2024
Richard’s Newsletter
Thank you Dr. Ana, first of all! You're amazing. Now, some of us are doing EDTA chelation in Wisconsin where I live, but are the bags of that free of the nanotech shit? btw, I had novacaine about six months ago and my peripheral vision went to hell afterwards for about 20 minutes. I was seeing double or blurred imaged in my periphery in all directions afterwards. Never had that happen prior. I fear I was hit with the bioweapon in the damned Lidocaine or novacain shots. I took that day. I'll never take them again.
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