Torsion Spectroscopy Analysis Of Dental…

Jan 9, 2024

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Image courtesy: Graphene Oxide TEM Substrates


Jeff - Jan 9, 2024 - Edited


Please check Saline IV bags next. Because you recommend IV EDTA chelation, it's imperative to determine which Saline is safe to use.


jeffrey p lubina - Jan 9, 2024 - Edited

jeffrey p lubina

Hey, Jeff. Just like the Vaxx, some are placebos and some are loaded weapons. One week is NEVER the same as the next, and even the “caliber” of the weapon is constantly changing, just like ChemTrails. It’s in the capsules of meds, the food, supplements, nasal test swabs…
What’s so damn important to start thinking about, questioning and reacting to beyond this crime is the fact the United States and all of it’s allies have over “ten thousand” government and private labs capable of forensic testing (including electron microscopes)—but they are all oblivious or intelligently-complicit in covering up this genocidal crime? Do I really need to list all of the top spy agencies most guilty? DoD, DOJ, CIA, FBI, CDC, Mossad, MI666…
The question everyone MUST start asking themselves is NOT what’s safe, but when are we going to rise up and begin arresting the top cops, lawyers, doctors, university professors, politicians, WMD manufacturer engineers and investors, Gates, Schwab, Trump, Biden…


Sam - Jan 10, 2024 - Edited

J’s Substack

People are rising up and protesting en masse across the world but of course MSM (communist/globalist media) is not reporting on this blackout issue. Argentina, Spain, France, Canada, UK, Australia, Netherlands, Germany and USA etcetera are fighting against the cabal. They seek freedom, autonomy and independence. Look up the whistleblower in New Zealand and his damning data about the percentages of deaths from the vaxxes. Some as high as 25%. Reality, as drawn by MSM, is a fantasy. In the USA, we are really sovereign citizens under common law and not the UCC. The USA under the UCC is a corporation not a so called democracy, or even a constitutional republic as it has been unofficially suspended under the Emergency War Powers Act or The Emergency Banking Act of 1933. Look up StopTheCrime, StopWorldControl or many other sites like SEDM that provide info on these topics.
History, current events and the future have been 100% accurately described in the Bible through prophetic statements.
My question still remains, Why isn't Dr. Ana making any statements about Sodium Citrate? Especially when it is helping many people to detox.


John - Jan 10, 2024 - Edited

J’s Substack

Protesting won’t do much….


Doug - Jan 11, 2024

Doug’s Substack

yeah shooting them would be better, but we won't unless lots of people begin to at one time. But we need to protect against AI as well.
that's a v2k recording of AI attacking me. I filtered the coax lines just before recording that and for me it helped me hear a bit better so proves AI is transmitted through the coax lines and we all need to filter them. low and high pass filters. ASAP!


Sam - Jan 11, 2024

Doug’s Substack

Yes, many of us feel that way but God said vengeance was His and Yeshua said we are to pray for our enemies and for those that despitefully use us. Not an easy thing to do... yet it will heap coals upon their heads when true judgement is carried out.
I am curious as to what kind of filters you used against AI? I'm not an electronics expert so I don't know a lot about lo & hi pass (frequency?) filters. I do know a little about ferrite chokes for HF interference. I will have to click your link and investigate further.


Doug - Jan 11, 2024

Doug’s Substack

taking them down publicly is not vengeance. Note what it says to do to the whore it doesn't say he will, it says or is telling us to do so. Give to her twice what she gave to us. As long as it's not like they're doing to us and publicly God is with us. So if we organized into militias like were supposed to and took them down publicly it won't be vengeance we can do that.
I just ordered them off of Ebay they had some cheap ones of the low pass kind for like $2.00 each. IT says they filter 865 mhz or 8.66mhz. I plan on getting the high pass filters later on that's supposed to filter 3ghz i think? but look them up on Ebay or if you like giving a trillionaire Bezos more money Amazon I don't like giving him more money so I use Ebay. Although Ebay has lawsuits against them for gangstalking. but???
but yeah as long as we did it as a unit and group and publicly it's not vengeance. There are things we are going to have to do and some of it does mean violence. sitting around waiting on a miracle ain't going to get it we have to do something and busting jaws but publicly is about what we got left... It says to give the whore twice what she did to us that says we have to it doesn't say to sit back and twiddle our thumbs it says to give to her that's an allowance for violence. The millstone that hits the sea as it says in Revelations 18 also is an allowance for violence. So yeah violence does come weather you like it or not.
No it don't it may have 100 years ago but people are too far gone they don't care no more.
Like it says they will not repent of their murders. We are going to have to do something to win we can't sit here hoping something happens. put your works with faith. But to settle you a bit AI is the biggest threat we have now AI is soulless so it's not flesh and blood so we can pray for their demise. but read scripture and what it means and says when it says do do to the whore twice what she gave us. It is not saying to just sit back and hope we have the right to do violence to the wicked. That's why it's called Armageddon. . So yeah I wish people would stop using scripture to satisfy or keep Lucifer's power in place. misusing scripture by saying vengeance his when he gives us allotments do do violence to the wicked when it's needed and that's the last resort which we clearly are. But yeah pray to destroy AI that's an area we need now. AI is the most dangerous enemy we have now we need it destroyed like yesterday!


Sam - Jan 10, 2024 - Edited

J’s Substack

So, you have another suggestion that the media won't blackout? Do you doubt that people at protests form groups. I think many of us here are protesting since we don't buy the lies and are trying to get the word out. We also boycott woke companies. How will people know what's really going on. Resistance is not futile. If we don't voice our concerns and motivate others we send a clear signal to our enemies that we are sheep and even condone their tyranny. I'd bet nearly 100% on this substack will not bend their knee to evil. We are not complacent or apathetic. We fight for humanity and must unite and encourage others with our words, our money and our presence. We support the whistleblowers, the truth sayers and each other. We are the majority and our enemy knows it. We will not comply. The only way evil can prosper is for good men to do nothing.


John - Jan 10, 2024 - Edited

J’s Substack

I don’t pay attention to the media, so that’s irrelevant. If you think protesting does any good go ahead and protest. Enjoy yourself but there’s enemies around every corner. enemies are not just be obvious……. Do you see the disaster January 6 turned out to be. Those people were ‘protesting’ and some of them are in jail for 22 years for doing nothing…..


jeffrey p lubina - Jan 10, 2024 - Edited

jeffrey p lubina

Well, it could be the a combination of the pros & cons. Due to mercury and other heavy metal exposures I’ve got kidney problems. I do use EDTA, but just the same as Sodium Citrate these two “treatments” flush out this garbage through the kidneys, not the bowels , with can and will cause serious damage if not carful, especially for people who already have a disease process going on. Same with the liver. Ray and Dr. Nixon wrote articles about SC I thought was pretty good. Here’s a recent post I included more than one perspective you will find useful:


Sam - Jan 10, 2024

jeffrey p lubina

Looked up your link and sub'd. I like what you have to say. I'd comment further but it's now 3:30am and I need to sign off.


jeffrey p lubina - Jan 10, 2024

jeffrey p lubina

Thanks, Sam. If you sub’d for free, let me know if you’d like a free-paid sub—so you can comment and leave links in chat. I’d appreciate your fearless input. Just know that it won’t say on your end that it’s free, except in your email, but I assure you you’ll never be charged—for the life. Same with anyone who asks. I don't need the money as much as I need input for the archives, and everyone’s voice matters a great deal.


Sam - Jan 10, 2024

Thank you


Leon - Jan 10, 2024 - Edited

jeffrey p lubina

Hello, Jeffrey;
1) ‘..some are placebos and some are …’ not. At the same time Dr. Ana mentioned many times she does IV EDTA in her practice. It would be great if she provides more details, may be she checks Saline IV bags before hand or maybe she has the way to clean it up before using. In any case it would be reaslly helpful to know.
2) RE: those three letter entities (you mentioned)


jeffrey p lubina - Jan 10, 2024 - Edited

jeffrey p lubina

Yeah, Leon, you’re correct. And not just doctors, but veterinarians, dentists, pathologists, pharmacists… They all have access to labs and can check their meds and IV fluids, but even after patients ask about it most either deny and refuse to check or know there’s a potential problem but refuse to verify that “criminal elements are intentionally contaminating these medical supplies with WMD’s.”
But again, why the hell are so many doctors NOT taking this evidence directly to the sheriff’s office and forcing deputies to fill out reports? And then on the same day doing the same with state police AND the FBI… Same with laypersons with microscopes who are discovering these crimes in progress.????????
I often imagine if any of these same “professionals or laypersons” purchased an apple and it had a razor blade in it, wouldn’t you call the police or go right to the department and file a report? YES, damnit.
The crooked cops are NOT investigating, and until “we the people” start forcing them, inundating (over-burdening) them, with thousands of reports which they MUST fill out and then investigate, we will never be able to charge and prosecute them for “intentionally covering up mass murder; genocide”


Piotr Bein - Jan 10, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

I don't know about the US, but in Poland the courts work for the cabal. Professionals of all kinds from politicians, thru merdia ppl and police, to medical, are corrupt, know they must not rock the boat or else.


jeffrey p lubina - Jan 10, 2024

jeffrey p lubina

They all work for the cabal. We the People must do this. There's no more time left. We either stop making excuses, stop hating and killing each-other and do this hard work ourselves or humanity is forever doomed. After over 30 years of this shit, no doubt, I've no bloody patients. None. Not when "they" can and do move so quickly over decades to murder so many.


Piotr Bein - Jan 10, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

Am with you, Jeffrey. The cabal left useless eaters no option.


John - Jan 11, 2024

J’s Substack

US courts are a JOKE


Leon - Jan 10, 2024

jeffrey p lubina

Hello, Jeffrey;
Not all states have ‘the sheriff’s offices’ & findings of ‘laypersons with microscopes’ are not enough for state police to start investigation. Other agencies have their orders in place.
The head of FDA explains:


jeffrey p lubina - Jan 10, 2024

jeffrey p lubina

Hear me, man: In order to arrest corrupt cops & AG's, reporters and doctors who've been aware, but refuse to investigate playing the "plausible deniability" card, people must report their findings. Every bloody city, county and state has labs to some degree in their public and private schools or businesses like veterinary offices with various capable amateurs and professionals with millions of dark-field microscopes. I grew up with a microscope, as well as cops, and so did several of my friends. I'm sick of the excuses. In a drop of a hat people will rise up as soldiers and kill each-other, but not do their own research and file reports? Those who do as little as possible believing the next election or superman will show up to do this hard work are delutional-dead.


REW - Jan 10, 2024

REW’s Substack

Here’s a video explanation:


Piotr Bein - Jan 10, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

"MUST start asking themselves is NOT what’s safe, but when are we going to rise up and being arresting the top " -- Right on!


jeffrey p lubina - Jan 10, 2024

jeffrey p lubina

*begin arresting… that is. πŸ™


Stephan - Jan 12, 2024 - Edited

jeffrey p lubina

There is NO ONE who has reported finding ANY vials with placebo/ sugar or saline. All Vials are loaded, some more than others. NO placebo vials have been found nor reported. NONE!


jeffrey p lubina - Jan 12, 2024 - Edited

jeffrey p lubina

Bloody Hell, Stephan. Really? Why would a Senator or President or the CEO of Pfizer who’s “pretending” to get the “loaded” Vaxx report directly to YOU the truth; that they got saline? And how the hell would or could you “know with absolute certainty” no placebo has been used anywhere in the world, because CNN or Fox News didn’t say so? Perhaps God speaks to you. Lame.
As an army nurse, I can state with absolute certainty that I personally administered placebo vaccines, for multiple reasons; that some high ranking individuals actually requested and received blanks filled with noting but saline” long prior to the COVID Plannedemic. Perhaps that practice suddenly ended for COVID and you are an Oracle knowing all. Again, too lame.


Stephan - Jan 12, 2024

jeffrey p lubina

LOL, you sure are defense Jeffrey! I'm talking BIOWEAPON πŸ’‰ DIVOC Death jabs. Get a grip man!


jeffrey p lubina - Jan 12, 2024

jeffrey p lubina

So am I, you idiot. I’ve always said “all vaccines are bioweapons” going back 30 years.


Stephan - Jan 12, 2024 - Edited

jeffrey p lubina

Cause ain't NO one reported a PLACEBO VIAL! Just like a Muppet Puppet Sheeple people, all you have is 3+ yrs of hearing people talk about Placebo vials. NOT ONE Doctor or Scientist has come across a Placebo Vials and has stated so. Get your Facts straight before mouthing off on talking points. ALL VIALS ARE POISON! If any of the vials were plecebo than we sure have alot of people unvaccinated who WANTED VACCINATED! Think how StOoPid your argument is! SMH!


jeffrey p lubina - Jan 12, 2024 - Edited

jeffrey p lubina

Trolling for conflict, like a playground bully worse than YouTube fact-checking troll-cops. Are you mentally ill and/or just board? The absence of a vial with only saline is not proof nobody received a placebo. Talk about stupid.


Stephan - Jan 12, 2024 - Edited

Dude! LMAO! Great God Almighty! Just cause you disagree with me doesn't make me a troll! Get a grip man. Smoke a doob, pop a pill, have a drink. I can tell you're the guy who kicks your dog when you get irked. Here, I'll give you my favorite saying; "It's your lie, make it as BIG as you want"! What's your argument again?


David A Howard - Oct 22

Coming soon: "Polygraph Justice"


R. Q. - Jan 9, 2024

R. Q.

I already tell you, NONE. We have been saying it for 3 years and we have been looking at the microscope for more than 4 years. EVERY INJECTABLE IS CONTAMINATED WITH GRAPHENE!!


REW - Jan 10, 2024

REW’s Substack

Where is the graphene coming from??? Is it intentionally being added to everything or is it a byproduct of a process or production???


R. Q. - Jan 10, 2024

R. Q.

I invite you to our substack where we will explain everything to you:
Indeed, this reduced and toxic graphene oxide has been introduced consciously, with the permission of pharmaceutical companies and governments around the world. The symptoms it produces are exactly the same as those of Covid. Once introduced into the body it becomes highly magnetic. This magnetism, in addition to being in scientific literature, was the development of a project by different universities in Spain, including Madrid. Unfortunately, we Spaniards have been responsible for where we are. I am not proud of some of our compatriots. But others of us have also been the first to discover them.


Bee Gee - Jan 10, 2024

Bee Gee

Another good question is how would graphene, a carbon solid, shed to the unvaxxed in any large quantities? Seems unlikely to me.
Yet thats always what people try to say about the unvaxxed who became magnetic after being shed on by the vaxxed.
Also there is no proof of graphene induced magnetism anywhere other than theoretical papers, no rats or rabbits wearing megnetically attached electrodes, just quantum theories.
Maybe its a previously unknown substance that gives a similar spectro signal as graphene.


John - Jan 11, 2024

J’s Substack

I honestly think this nano crap has been in a LOT of items prior to Covid charade! There’s no way that they ‘just started doing this’ just like operation warp speed was a dOd operation but for some strange reason trump took responsibility for but he had nothing to do with that slogan and pushed the poison ongoing. He also went to Israel like the rest of them and kissed the Jewish wall showing his allegiance to IsraelπŸ™„


EAMBDGC - Jan 12, 2024



EAMBDGC - Jan 12, 2024

or pick your poison.


FreedomWarriorWoman - Jan 10, 2024

Un-Hackable Animal's Substack

David Nixon checked Saline in Australia and found this stuff –


Mattie - Jan 9, 2024

Richard’s Newsletter

Thank you Dr. Ana, first of all! You're amazing. Now, some of us are doing EDTA chelation in Wisconsin where I live, but are the bags of that free of the nanotech shit? btw, I had novacaine about six months ago and my peripheral vision went to hell afterwards for about 20 minutes. I was seeing double or blurred imaged in my periphery in all directions afterwards. Never had that happen prior. I fear I was hit with the bioweapon in the damned Lidocaine or novacain shots. I took that day. I'll never take them again.


Seeking Truth - Jan 10, 2024

Seeking Truth

I need oral surgery & Im scared of the novacaine


Mémé Juliette - Jan 12, 2024

Same boat here as well


EAMBDGC - Jan 12, 2024

use activated charcoal from coconuts following appointment. dr nixon just wrote? think it was him?


EAMBDGC - Jan 12, 2024

Seeking Truth

use activated charcoal following appt. think dr nixon just wrote about this?


Seeking Truth - Jan 12, 2024

Seeking Truth

Thank you! I believe the surgeon gives IV Vit C too.


Ida Gunderson - Feb 4, 2024

So, Are we saying that if one needs dental work requiring injection of anesthetic that detoxing with activated charcoal, Vitamin C and EDTA will clear the graphene and other contaminants? I’m looking for a protocol.


EAMBDGC - Feb 6, 2024

i don’t know 100% what works for sure. i pick up bits and pieces from substack. we all need to read/research. Vit C, activated charcoal, EDTA, methylene blue, sodium citrate, certain essential oils, prayer, bentonite clay and others. replace minerals if detoxing. i am not a doctor. Cilantro is a blood purifier and Pau d’arco plus others. Blessings on your searches.


EAMBDGC - Jan 11, 2024

Comment removed.


EAMBDGC - Jan 12, 2024

use activated charcoal out of coconuts. dr nixon just wrote about?


EAMBDGC - Jan 12, 2024

so sorry to hear that.


Cody ryan - Jan 18, 2024

Cody’s Substack

I have the same fear as I had a tooth Extracted. By chance have you found a way to numb teeth and remove the pain? I have to have another tooth needing to be removed. Thx for your assistance.


TrumpFan - Jan 9, 2024


It's all so overwhelming.


Marianne Agnello - Jan 9, 2024

Marianne Agnello

What about general anaesthetic is it in there?


Piotr Bein - Jan 10, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

There're more products to test than there are coureageous researchers to do it.
Dr. Diana again put her priority studies aside. It happens every time she is taking a scuentific stand on a different nation-wide or Humanity issue where her expertise is no less precious.
Dr. Ana is blessed with Dr. Diana's help. I am so happy to see it.


NJ Election Advisor - Jan 9, 2024

NJ Election Advisor

It's going to be like playing whack-a-mole, just like with the cull jabs:
The various lots of Cull-vid shots were of different compositions, some far more toxic than others.


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Jan 9, 2024

Ray’s Newsletter

Observing the contents of various injections for over a year has proven that most injectables contain graphene. The question is: how is it deployed in the human body and what can be done about it?


Mezei Ildiko - Jan 10, 2024

Mezei’s Substack


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Jan 10, 2024

Ray’s Newsletter

I understand this part quite well; I'm wondering about the interface between the nanochips and their human host.


Bee Gee - Jan 10, 2024

Bee Gee

I wonder what she says about the unvaxxed who became magnetic after being shed on by the vaxxed? No one ever wants to talk about that aspect.
I personally know for a fact many people across America got it after the vaxxes rolled out but everyone acts likes its only the jabbed that became 'magnetic' or that they have shed graphene, a carbon solid, in great enough quantities to induce the magnetism-like effect. Or that I got it from injectables or dental work. I didnt.
We will just forget about the fact it is not conventional 'magnetism' or that non-metals like wood or plastic also stick to people, a previously unknown property of physics on planet earth.
Who cares about the Infected, I am only concerned with saving the former purebloods. And maybe we should start being honest about whats Really going on.


Amber Allen - Jan 9, 2024

Jane Apostolos

What about contact lenses and solution???


anna burns - Jan 9, 2024

Jane Apostolos

I quit using store bought eye drops. I make my own now.


Amber Allen - Jan 10, 2024

Jane Apostolos

How about the contacts themselves?


anna burns - Jan 10, 2024

Jane Apostolos

It's possible and I wouldn't put anything past those people.


Jane Apostolos - Jan 10, 2024

Jane Apostolos

Calling them people is to kind !


Leon - Jan 10, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

Anna . Can you comment on drops for glaucoma. Thanks.


anna burns - Jan 10, 2024

If I had glaucoma, I would do a very deep dive into alternative treatments. I can not make any informed comments of glaucoma drops, but I don't trust big pharma at all!


Leon - Jan 10, 2024

Anna; Thank you for your reply.


Piotr Bein - Jan 10, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

Why don't you move your rear and do it yourself. This is not a personal service, there are 8 billion ppl in the world.
Dr. Ana works on strategic points, you can ask R..Q. who said recently he has access to telegram with tens of thousands users or medications tested.


Leon - Jan 10, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

I asked Anna, not Ana.


Piotr Bein - Jan 11, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

Oops, I am really sorry, Leon.


Ida Gunderson - Jan 10, 2024

Please share how you make your eye drops.


Piotr Bein - Jan 10, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

The anasthetic and pupil dilation drops eyedocs must use to do the examination?


EAMBDGC - Jan 12, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

wow, had that done. darn it!


Piotr Bein - Jan 12, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

No panic, just do one of the cleaning methods and the stuff should be gone, if you got it at all, as ca. 10% are still clean of nanotech.


EAMBDGC - Jan 12, 2024

thank you


EAMBDGC - Jan 12, 2024

please share your recipe with us. thank you 😊


Mark Luersen - Jan 10, 2024

Sun Drink Shadows

Forever chemicals are in contact lenses. When I found this out last summer I stopped wearing them.


EAMBDGC - Jan 12, 2024

this is all so insane.


Diane Kazer - Feb 20, 2024

Diane Kazer

yes, me too. Got Lasik. I did a podcast with Charlie Ward and on SGT when I found out to help others with this discovery.


R. Q. - Jan 9, 2024

R. Q.

Dr. Wojtkowiak's research confirms once again what The Fifth Column has been saying for 3 years, alerting the rest of the world. This analysis is added to the dozens that have been carried out by different doctors in many countries. Congratulations once again: everyone finds graphene, but governments deny that it is there.


Dean Mindock - Jan 16, 2024

Govts lie routinely. IMO, they are in bed with the WHO, UN, Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and WEF.


Connie Wilson - Jan 9, 2024


I know EDTA and VC, VD can help to detox. Any others? Could you repost the related links?


John mcfadden - Jan 9, 2024


Sodium gluconate is a good chelation agent


Lisa - Jan 10, 2024


Can you share more?


Bee Gee - Jan 10, 2024

Bee Gee

Sodium Citrate and ALA are used in the manufacture of nanospheres and both are mild chelators that cross the blood brain barrier. Many people are having good results with low incidence of negative effects.
Nattokinase, curcumin and bromelain also work well for many, they seem to have a synergistic effect and bromelain gets into many tissues other enzymes do not.
If people are really trying to clear their blood or feeling ill, I personally recommend buying several whole fresh pineapples, and skinning and sucking the juice out of one to one and a half per day. You may need to ramp up to that if it burns your tongue and lips too much and eating that much fiber will screw up your gut so just skin it, chunk it, and chew the chunks up and suck the juice out and then spit out the pulp. That will get a TON more raw bromelain directly into your system than you can eat with pills because it is also absorbing through your mouth and tongue while you chew it and suck the juice out. Dont vamp more than one and a half fresh pineapples a day though or it will make your tongue bleed.
Obviously I for one am very Very serious about getting rid of the shedding so I vamp (as my wife calls it) one to one and a half pineapples a day, along with 6000mg curcumin and 10000+ fus of natto, split fairly evenly throughout the day.
No issues for me taking them with oral edta and sodium citrate either but Im still experimenting to find a good constant daily dosage.
As always, YMMV and I am not giving medical advice, only sharing the experiences of me and a few others.


John - Jan 11, 2024

J’s Substack

This is a good one…


Bee Gee - Jan 11, 2024

Bee Gee

I did not find lumbrokinase to do much at all, no matter how much I take, it in no way compares to nattokinase. I dont take it anymore and didnt miss it at all but to each their own.


John - Jan 11, 2024

J’s Substack

It’s a matter of personal opinion and everybody’s body is different, but I find this product to work much better for me. Even my doctor said that was a better option than just natto all by itself.


Lisa - Jan 11, 2024


Do you do the pineapple routine daily? Once a week? I have to moderate foods like that due to their high oxalate content.


Bee Gee - Jan 12, 2024

Bee Gee

Yes, I personally am going through one to one and a half fresh pineapples a day, which seems to be the daily upper limit. The lip burning goes away pretty quickly but any more than one and a half will make your tongue and gums bleed from all the bromelain and that does not seem to go away with daily intake so I think that may just be the human limit for bromelain through mucous membranes.
It gets a Lot more bromelain into your system than pills, as well as a lot of citrate and vitamin C but then I do not have an oxalate issue.
I did find this page which says fresh pineapple is actually low in oxalate but as always I would recommend you do your own research as well.


Lisa - Jan 12, 2024


Sure, that delivers a bunch bromelain, but at a cost. Fresh pineapple packs 1.2 mg soluble oxalate per 100g (.5 cup). That data was calculated in 2013 on a New Zealand grown and imported pineapple.
True that is low and could be worse. But, it's too much for me as I've consumed a lot of oxalates and am trying to rid my body of them. I Could do one per week. They do a ton of damage to the whole body, least of all the mitochondria. I associate with researchers who focus on oxalates and have access to their data.


EAMBDGC - Jan 12, 2024

Bee Gee

hello, keep reading and learning. you need a plan for your body. Nattokinase is not good for everyone. activated charcoal from coconuts seem safe per dr nixon (i think name). Bromelain is also good when eating milk products and cheese. sodium citrate? keep watching and reading then give it a go like one at a
time. research is key and so is this substack😊


Bee Gee - Jan 12, 2024

Bee Gee

I have found nattokinase to be remarkably well tolerated by everyone that doesnt have a soy issue, from 2000 fus to 20000 fus. You can take it on an empty stomach, with coffee, with water, juice, food, it doesnt matter or reduce the efficacy which is not the case with any other enzymes in my personal experience. Sure, people on many prescription drugs should not take it, but then they shouldnt be taking those prescription drugs anyway since natto is better in every way than what they are taking.
Bromelain might be good for digesting dairy or protein in small amounts but in the massive amounts I am consuming, it is AWFUL to take dairy around because it will instantly bind in your gut and make you constipated.
You really need 3-4 hours for something like dairy, many supplements or prescription drugs to get fully digested/absorbed before you take many of these cleaning supplements, like oral EDTA or large amounts of bromelain.
Otherwise it instantly binds with those other things and you got no net benefit to taking it and it was fully wasted. Like with EDTA unless you are Very disciplined in how and when you take it.
Sodium citrate and nattokinase are the only two that dont seem to matter when you take them or with what.


Connie Wilson - Jan 10, 2024

Thanks for the detailed explanation!


anna burns - Jan 10, 2024

I have severe dry eyes, so what works very well for me is cold pressed organic castor oil. I buy tiny little eye dropper bottles on amazon and fill with the castor oil. After I use up what's in the bottle I throw it away and get a new one. Castor oil is anti inflammatory and anti microbial. My eyes feel much better using this and even my eye doc noticed.


Ida Gunderson - Feb 4, 2024

Thank you Anna Burns! πŸ™Œ


EAMBDGC - Jan 12, 2024

i use castor oil hexane free also but put on the outside of my eyelids every night. helps me.


Dean Mindock - Jan 16, 2024

Should be in an amber glass bottle.


Reed Wasem - Jan 10, 2024

Some other Substacks show Sodium Citrate appears have the ability to remove much of this.


Sam - Jan 10, 2024

Thanks for mentioning SC. Dr. Ana doesn't? She did however, go out of her way to state her spiritual declaration. Very dark. Stems from ramtha.


EAMBDGC - Jan 12, 2024

Sam, did you watch Dr Ana’s video about how she almost died? i don’t know how to find it but it was HORRIBLE and something happened to her. she was telling her story to someone but i don’t recall who it was. hope you can find it. Blessings 🌟


Sam - Jan 12, 2024

I don't recall the specifics. Probably an interview with someone. Do you remember how long ago or how? I keep all her posting in email and can try to search. She has stated she was a TI and gave the details and also how she removed all the EMF junk from her office. So, after a brief email search I came across this post back in early November
She mentions a lot of Havanna symptoms and how she treated it. I didn't read all of it but did not see any mention of almost dying.
Based on her recommendations, I did start using oral EDTA and MB. Dr. Levy also has some great videos and articles on MB. I wrote him once and asked why he never mentioned EDTA and referenced Dr. Ana who like him a lot. He replied that it could be a career ender.
Dr. Robert Yoho also has some good info if you read his SS.


Nathalie - Jan 9, 2024

Truly scary 😱
When will these criminals stop poisoning humanity?


SEPT - Jan 9, 2024 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

Interesting, Ill send to my dentist .


Heather Schwartz - Jan 9, 2024 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

Sorry to say, he won’t know anything about it! They just purchase the injectables from their supplier and use as needed. Most do not have anyway to “check” their supply for anomalous ingredients that are not on the label! Does your dentist have a torsion spectrometer in the office? Would they believe you if you tell them about this? My spidey sense says, “Hell no”.


Piotr Bein - Jan 10, 2024 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

No need for torsion field (TF) spectroscope to see that things are wrong in med preparations. Featured by Dr. Ana, microscoping e.g. by Karl C, David Nixon show the nanostructures self-assemblying. Which materials are involved, is another question where TF spectroscopy could be of tremendous help, because it can analyse photos and precisely select an object in the picture..
That's why I introduced Dr. Ana to Dr. Diana, who has a backlog because of persecution and the lab she had to replace following relegation from U. of Gdańsk. When I visited 2 months ago, Diana had a "box full of medical preparations" for testing contents, while a new project on 8th chakra popped up. It took her two months to get the backlog out of her way, and the resuts are not finalised.
Dr. Diana's expertise should be shared by teaching TF spectroscopy. It would advance by miles our knowkedge of the threat and would speed up the process that at present likely can't catch up wirh the cabal's R&D in the area.
I shared my thought with Diana at the time that it would be great if she could train our microscopers in using her instrument, or teach her own technicians. Photos can be sent to Poland by email or be linked to source. No need to send packages with samples.
Clifford Carnicom, too, could use the TF spectroscope in defining the xenonanotech's building blocks:


HG - Jan 9, 2024 - Edited

Politico Phil

He or she will ignore you.


Politico Phil - Jan 9, 2024

Politico Phil

I think my dentist is starting to pay attention.


Sam - Jan 9, 2024 - Edited

Seeking Truth

I sent my DDS several articles and refs about Dr. Ana's work and others. Actually I sent them to the office manager as we had a long talk about her husband's long haul covid issues. She was enthusiastic. However, It has been several weeks with no answer. This was before Karl C had mentioned Sodium Citrate which never seems to be mentioned by Dr. Ana?


Seeking Truth - Jan 10, 2024

Seeking Truth

Your dentist will be out of business with no novacaine


Piotr Bein - Jan 10, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

Exploiting ppl's need to travel, earn income etc. the c19 cabal forced the bio-weapon into their bodies. Simiilar about the med preparations. No eye exam w/o drops, no dental work w/o anasthetics. No diabetis treatment w/o insulin.


Sam - Jan 10, 2024

He's not my DDS anymore. However, I did actually trust him based on him telling me I had nothing wrong when other dentists said I had multiple issues. So, why would he be out of business and not have novacaine, which is a dated substance.?


EAMBDGC - Jan 12, 2024

hmm, maybe she’s working on something…


Piotr Bein - Jan 10, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

I informed my eye doc and asked what is in his drops. In "reply" he asked if I found the info on the deep net. I sent him 30 links afeterwards.
Most of docs are brainwashed and don't respect the patient.
At next examination I refuse the drops.


EAMBDGC - Jan 12, 2024

me too. no drops.


hurom - Jan 9, 2024

American Siberia - David Schmit…

too busy making money to read boring charts...


David Schmitt, Ph.D. - Jan 9, 2024

American Siberia - David Schmit…

What a drag on the intellect this attitude is. Charts, graphs and tables make ideas EASIER to grasp --- not harder. It takes just a little, initial practice. Why would you even make a degrading comment like this?


Piotr Bein - Jan 10, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

Never mind the charts, read the conclusion and have a good visit at your dentist.


John - Jan 11, 2024

J’s Substack

I’ve even seen holistic dentists tht don’t agree with the nano in Novacaine…..πŸ™„


Rosalind McGill - Jan 9, 2024

Rosalind McGill

Thank you both.


Chris - Jan 9, 2024


What does this mean? Is there sometimes graphene in any of these things? Do we know if this is totally novel?


Piotr Bein - Jan 10, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

Graphene is prevalent, draws attention because of the circuit self-assembly for Internet of Bodies. More numerous are other building blocks that make the whole devillish scheme work inside our bodies: see e.g.



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