Torsion Spectroscopy Of C19 Vaccinated Deceased Clots By Dr. Diana Wojtkowiak - Confirms Prion Like Protein That Cannot Be Dissolved With Conventional Blood Thinners

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 14, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Fig. 1. Photos of clots from Blood Clot Analysis From Deceased Individual C19 Injected

I am so honored to publish this original research by the brilliant Dr. Diana Wojtkowiak . She has a master’s in chemistry and a doctorate in molecular biology. For twenty years she has conducted research in molecular biology and biotechnology. I was introduced to her and she sent me an email that she had done Torsion Spectroscopy on the clots that Clifford Carnicom and I analyzed. This clot was sent to me by the embalmer Richard Hirschman. This were our findings:

Blood Clot Analysis From Living & Deceased Individuals Shows Consistent Findings: A Rubber Like Polymerized Protein - Microscopy Shows Filaments. Part 1 of 3 - Dr. Ana Mihalcea With Clifford Carnicom Blood Clot Analysis From Living & Deceased Individuals Shows Consistent Findings: A Rubber Like Polymerized Protein - Microscopy Shows Filaments. Part 1 of 3 - Dr. Ana Mihalcea With Clifford Carnicom

Blood Clot Analysis From Living And Deceased Individuals Near Infrared Spectroscopy Shows Multiple Hydrogel Polymer Components - Part 2 of 3 - Dr. Ana Mihalcea With Clifford Carnicom

Blood Clot Analysis From Living And Deceased Individuals - Preliminary Chemical Solubility Testing - Part 3 of 3 - Dr. Ana Mihalcea With Clifford Carnicom

I have previously posted about her courageous and brilliant work on my substack. She has analyzed injectible medications and has found filament structures, Graphene and metals in vaccines, Insulin, Heparin and other injectable medications. I have replicated her work with my own microscopy findings showing significant contamination in vaccines, medications and Insulin. You can find an article about her fight for humanity against the Polish Government here:

The Expose: Polish Government Notified of Their Crime of Attempting to Legalize Genocide: 7 of 8 Medical Products Contained Graphene

full notification letter HERE: 

English translation by Piotr Bein: 

original in Polish HERE:

Dr. Wojtkowiak’s recent Torsion Spectroscopy provided revolutionary information how the C19 injection affects the antimatter aspect of the injected, changing them at the most fundamental level. I have explained her paper here:

Torsion Spectroscopy Evaluation Of Post C19 Injection Induced Magnetism And The Possible Implications For Humanity. Do The Bioweapons Modify Consciousness And Is Big Pharma Involved In The Paranormal?

Here is her message in regards to her paper:

Dear Ana

I am sending you my results of spectral analysis of clots from your article. I am not sure if the foto (fig.1) shows clots from individual vaccinated or unvaccinated. The research was made for checking if the share of the expected signal in blood will be sufficient for identification known effects of vaccines. It cost me a few days of work, but it is a gift for you as an expression of sympathy. You can use this informations as you wish.

Diana Wojtkowiak

Gdansk, 13 December 2023

This is the research paper, I did not post all the individual measurements that were included, only the summary graphs:

In the study, I used my new torsion field particle spectroscope (fig. 4) with signal separation in the torsion field produced by two copper electrodes connected to a DC voltage. The signal taken directly from the image, directed between the deflecting electrodes, is then amplified with a radionic amplifier and fed into a water bottle. Later the range of radiation taken every 0,5 degree is determined by the kinesiological type method with an accuracy of 5%. In the spectrum there are some multiisotopic elements, that is why I present a comparison with these elements in the table and in the graph of Fig. 2. Because this is new spectroscope, I had to re-examine a few  I had to re-examine a few reference elements for this measurement.

From this spectrum, it is evident that the signal of prion-like proteins predominates in clots. The characteristic signals for prion-like proteins revealed are: copper, zinc, selenium, sulfur, elementary particles from the prion-led nuclear reaction: protons, electrons, neutrons, neutrons, WIMPs, and the pattern of aromatic amino acid system characteristic of each prionlike protein. We known that prion-like proteins tend to form pseudocrystals in the form of fibers with even macroscopic dimensions. They are very resistant to acids, alkalis, and detergents, so normal methods of dissolving clots, as in a blood clotting cascade, are useless.

Fig. 4 The torsion field particles spectroscope.


The spectral analysis of the clots shows a prion like protein. Clifford Carnicom and I identified polyamide proteins via near infrared spectroscopy. The same polyamide proteins were identified in Morgellons filaments and mesogen brain chips by Dr Hildy Staninger. Polyamide proteins are polymers used in manufacturing of Nylon and they create extremely strong filaments. Dr. Wojtkowiak’s spectroscopy found Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Sulfur, which are the building blocks of polyamides/ prion proteins. She also found Copper, Zinc, Selenium in the clots. I have discussed before my observation that the biosensor/ microrobots create with the hydrogel polymers the long filaments we see in the blood. The technology uses building blocks from the body to self assemble itself. I also showed the microrobots/ biosensors creating and building the clots. These particular nanoparticles are used for biosensing applications:

Progress in biosensor based on DNA-templated copper nanoparticles

Selenium-based nanomaterials for biosensing applications

Zinc oxide nanostructures–based biosensors

The polyamide proteins that have been identified and Dr. Wojtkowiak calls prion like proteins are part of polymer manufacturing, have been identified chemically in humans under the term microplastics and have been found to be building blocks of mesogen brain chips for human control as analyzed by Dr. Staninger:

GLOBAL BRAIN CHIP AND MESOGENS Nano Machines for Ultimate Control of False Memories - Computer System For Collective Mind Control

Here is the chemical explanation of polyamide polymers:


A polyamide is a polymer in which the individual units are held together by amide linkages . For example, nylon 66 is obtained from the monomers 1,6-hexanediamine and hexanedioic acid.On one end, the product molecule has a carboxylic acid group, which can undergo a condensation reaction with another 1,6-hexanediamine molecule. On the other end there is an amine group, which can react with another hexanedioic acid molecule. Such continuous condensation reactions lead to the formation of a nylon 66 polymer strand, the repeating unit of which is also shown above.

The “66” in nylon 66 stands for the six carbon atoms in each of the monomer molecules. Other nylons have different numbers of carbon atoms in the monomer molecules, such as nylon 510, which has 5 carbon atoms in the diamine (1,5-pentanediamine) and 10 carbon atoms in the diacid (decanedioic acid).

Nylon makes extremely strong threads and fibers because in addition to London dispersion forces and dipole-dipole attractions, there are hydrogen bonds between the polymer chains. Specifically, a hydrogen bond can form between a N-H in one strand and a carbonyl O lone pair in a neighboring strand.

Dr. Wojtkowiak confirms what I have been warning about, that conventional blood thinners which work on the clotting cascade are useless for the disolutions of these self assembly nanotechnology polymers. Prions are self-perpetuating protein structures (polymerized protein) that typically take the form of amyloid/hydrogel aggregates. Polyamides Polymers are used for drug delivery:

Polyamide/Poly(Amino Acid) Polymers for Drug Delivery

Thank you very much to Dr. Diana Wojtkowiak for doing this research and allowing me to publish it.

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Aliss Terpstra - Dec 14, 2023

Aliss Terpstra

Can they be dissolved with methylene blue?

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Margie Chism - Dec 14, 2023

Margie Chism

Lost video from the 90's on mind control via microwave EMF and the TeleLIEvision ■ When I found this clip, my jaw dropped. It perfectly explains everything we see happening today. Lost video from the 90's on mind control via microwave EMF and the TeleLIEvision. Now, imagine what we're capable of today in 2023. Source @HATSTRUTH 🎩

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