The National ARM Exposes Toxic Correlation Between Aerosol Disbursements & Covid 19 Vaccines - Can We Come Together To Prevent Planetary And Human Extinction?

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Feb 08, 2025 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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The National ARM Exposes The Toxic Correlation Between Aerosol Disbursements & Covid 19 Vaccines

National ARM President David Meiswinkle, Esq released this video regarding the correlation of Geoengineering chemtrails polymer filaments that Clifford Carnicom termed Cross Domain Bacteria and our historical collaboration in showing the correlation between the roll out of the COVID19 bioweapons.

We know that these filaments are non biological self-assembly nanotechnology as has been shown by Dr Hildegarde Staninger in 2007:

Chemical Analysis Of Multiple Morgellon's Fibers From 2007 By Dr. Hildegarde Staninger Sheds Light On Current Advanced Nanomaterials Deployed Against Humanity Via COVID19 Shots And Geoengineering

Others, like the recent Swiss scientist group have investigated different aspects of that is being sprayed and found polyamide nano delivery mechanism of targeted toxic poisons.

Swiss Scientists File Criminal Complaint Against Authorities For Ignoring The Acute Danger Of Poisonous Nanotechnology Deployed Via Chemtrails

I just spoke with Dr Marvin Herndon today, a prominent scientist who together with Dr. Mark Whitehouse - former Medical Director for Public Health in Florida - published over 30 papers and 3 books on the chemical analysis of chemtrails which found toxic coal fly ash. You can find his work at Nuclear Planet

When diluted in water and analyzed coal fly ash revealed 38 elements, including Alumium, Barium, Strontium, Titanium, Silicone and other elements - many that have overlap with what also has been found the COVID19 bioweapons.

His research is extensive, and explained in 2018 the California wildfires and studies the decimation of many animal species. I will post the extensive resources at the end of this article. Their discovery of the UN treaty that allows weather modification for peaceful purposes by all countries of the world is also linked below. The United States must exit the United Nations ENMOD Treaty that sanctions this global warfare:

The ENMOD Treaty and the Sanctioned Assault on Agriculture and Human and Environmental Health


Many different scientists have found extremely toxic substances sprayed via geoengineering operations, which cause an intentional destruction of all life on earth, including humans. We are entering the post human era of AI, humanoid robots, synthetic biology, cryptocurrency mining of body activity via RF frequencies emitted through our WBAN network, complete mind control and global surveillance through biometric data collection. We are in the 4th Industrial Revolution on steroids. With humans now having teaspoon amounts of hydrogel polymer plastics in their brain, to me as a medical doctor, there is no way humanity can survive this accelerated rate of nanoscale warfare. Hopefully we can bring people together from different backgrounds who may not name their discoveries in the same way, and who may think their research has the highest priority of importance. In my view none of that matters, for all of them have one conclusion and can agree on one thing - humanity and our world is being poisoned and we are in the last stages of a global planetary extinction event, that includes humans through toxic poisons of nanotechnological warfare.

If this one absolute binding truth of our current situation cannot bring us together in our efforts of survival and collaboration, mankind is doomed. This will not take many years, but is in our immediate future - all scientific investigations of the human blood, tissue and the explosion of life ending diseases like turbo cancers points to this. And anyone who is pushing AI mRNA cancer vaccines as the latest miracle cure, is just making money by causing the cancers in the first place with the self spreading COVID19 bioweapons. This of course is a longtime assured money making motto of Big Pharma, that now has gone full metaverse biosensing data collection route to bring in the Orwellian technocratic transhumanist future. The biotech military pharma complex once again created the problem and now have the cures - that will bring the last killshot in the name of health.

Will deranged Technocratic Human Beings in their perverse greedy quest for absolute power really succeed to destroy us all? What will your billions of dollars be good for if you have no more air to breathe and the planetary surface is destroyed? Or is that why you are escaping to the Ocean floor?

In my mind, every living person has to rally to bring an end to the Geoengineering spraying, the mRNA bioweapon platform and prohibit the deregulation of dangerous AI development that has promised to exterminate humans worldwide.

God help us all to come together and not succumb to Future Shock apathy.

Understanding Future Shock And After Shock - The Technocratic Prediction That Common Man Will No Longer Understand Reality Due To The Exponential Pace Of Technological Advances

PLANETARY TREASON and CRIMES against HUMANITY and the ENVIRONMENT by Dr Marvin Herndon and Dr. Mark Whiteside:

Geoengineering Disinformation: Two Opposing Testomonies and the Stakes for Humanity (click here) Open Access Article by Captain Mark Hagen, J. Marvin Herndon, PhD, Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH, and Ian Baldwin, MA: Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2024, 11(5), 254-266. French

NEXUS NEW TIMES, Italian Magazine Article "La Geoingegneria" March 2024 by J. Marvin Herndon, Ph.D. (click here): English Translation , French Translation , Spanish Translation

Disruption of Earth’s Atmospheric Flywheel: Hothouse-Earth Collapse of the Biosphere and Causation of the Sixth Great Extinction (click here) Scientific Paper by Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH and J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: European Journal of Applied Sciences, 2024, 12(1), 361-395.

Open Letter to the International Criminal Court Alleging War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity for Intentional Triggering the February 6, 2023 Earthquake in the Republic of Türkiye (click here) Open Access Article by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD, Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH, and Ian Baldwin, MA: Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2023, 10(3), 168-179. French

Open Letter to the Pontiff and Vatican Cardinals on Pervasively Corrupt Earth, Planetary, and Astrophysical Science (click here) Open Access Article by J. Marvin Herndon, Ph.D. ; Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2023, 10(1), 440-479. French Italian

Open Letter to the International Criminal Court Alleging United Nations Complicity in Planetary Treason (click here) Open Access Article by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD, Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH, and Ian Baldwin, MA: Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2022, 9(10), 243-258. Italian French Spanish


Mechanism of Solar Activity Triggering Earthquakes and Volcanoes: Consequence of Whole-Earth Decompression Dynamics (click here); Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: European Journal of Applied Sciences, 2022, 10(3), 408-417.

Collapse of Earth's Biosphere: A Case of Planetary Treason (click here) Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD and Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH: Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2022, 9(8), 259-281. French

Validation of the Protoplanetary Theory of Solar System Formation (click here) Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 2022, 26(2), 17-24.

What's Wrong with this Picture? (click here) Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2022, 9(3), 64-69.

Philosophical Reflections on Facilitating Paradigm Shifts (click here); Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2021, 8(10), 17-25.


New Paradigm: Coal Fly Ash as the Main Cause of Stratospheric Ozone Depletion (click here) Scientific Paper by Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH and J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: European Journal of Applied Sciences, 2022, 10(5), 207-221. French

Humic Like Substances (HULIS): Contribution to Global Warming and Stratospheric Ozone Depletion (click here) Scientific Paper by Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH and J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: European Journal of Applied Sciences, 2023, 11(2), 325-345.

Destruction of Stratospheric Ozone: Role of Aerosolized Coal Fly Ash Iron (click here) Scientific Paper by Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH and J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: European Journal of Applied Sciences, 2022, 10(4), 143-153. Spanish French

Aerosolized Coal Fly Ash Particles, the Main Cause of Stratospheric Ozone Depletion, not Chlorofluorocarbon Gases (click here) Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD and Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH: European Journal of Applied Sciences, 2022, 10(3), 586-603. Spanish , English Press Release


Chemtrail and Covid-19: Two Faces of Evil (click here): Scientific Paper by Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH and J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2022, 9(4), 184-200.

Viral Environmental Warfare: Technology Bill of Rights Critically Needed (click here); Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD and Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH: Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2021, 8(11), 1-19.

Intentional Destruction of Life on Earth (click here); Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD and Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH: Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2021, 8(7), 295-309. FRENCH ITALIAN

Covert Environmental Warfare Assault on India: An Open Letter to the Indian Academy of Sciences (click here); Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2020, 7(10), 429-453.

Environmental Warfare against American Citizens: An Open Letter to the Joint Chiefs of Staff (click here); Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD and Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH: Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2020, 7(8), 382-397.

Technology Bill of Rights Needed to Protect Human and Environmental Health and the U. S. Constitutional Republic (click here); Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD and Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH: Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2020, 7(6), 812-832.

Global Environmental Warfare (click here); Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD and Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH: Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2020, 7(4), 411-422.

The ENMOD Treaty and the Sanctioned Assault on Agriculture and Human and Environmental Health (click here) ; Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD, Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH, and Ian Baldwin, MA: Agrotechnology, 2020, 9:191. French

Fifty Years after “How to Wreck the Environment”: Anthropogenic Extinction of Life on Earth (click here) ; Spanish ; Italian; Review Article by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD, Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH, and Ian Baldwin, MA: Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 2018, 16(3), 1-15.


True Science for Government Leaders and Educators: The Main Cause of Global Warming (click here); Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2020, 7(7), 106-114.

Air Pollution, Not Greenhouse Gases: The Principal Cause of Global Warming (click here) ; Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 2018, 17(2), 1-8. Spanish ; French Press Release: English, French, Spanish

World War II Holds the Key to Understanding Global Warming and the Challenges Facing Science and Society (click here) ; Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 2019, 23(4), 1-13.

Further Evidence that Particulate Pollution is the Principal Cause of Global Warming: Humanitarian Considerations (click here) ; Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD and Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH: Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 2019, 21(1), 1-11. Spanish

Role of Atmospheric Convection in Global Warming (click here) ; Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 2019, 19(4), 1-8. Spanish, French

Fundamental Climate Science Error: Concomitant Harm to Humanity and the Environment (click here); Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 2018, 18(3), 1-12 . Spanish

Scientific Misrepresentations and the Climate-Science Cartel (click here); Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 2018, 18(2), 1-13. Spanish

Geophysical Consequences of Tropospheric Particulate Heating: Further Evidence that Anthropogenic Global Warming is Principally Caused by Particulate Pollution (click here); Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD and Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH: Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 2019, 22(4), 1-23.


Chemtrails are not Contrails: Radiometric Evidence (click here); Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD, Raymond D. Hoisington, and Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH: Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 2020, 24(2), 22-29; French

Evidence of Variable Earth-heat Production, Global Non-anthropogenic Climate Change, and Geoengineered Global Warming and Polar Melting (click here) ; Spanish ; French ; Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 2017, 10(1), 1-16. Press Release: English , Spanish , French

An Indication of Intentional Efforts to Cause Global Warming and Glacier Melting (click here) ; Spanish ; French ; Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 2017, 9(1), 1-11. Press Release: English ; Spanish ; French

Further Evidence of Coal Fly Ash Utilization in Tropospheric Geoengineering: Implications on Human and Environmental Health (click Here) ; Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD and Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH: Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 2017, 9(1), 1-8.


Unequivocal Detection of Solar Ultraviolet Radiation 250-300 nm (UV-C) at Earth’s Surface (click here); Scientific Paper by Raymond D. Hoisington, Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH, and J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: European Journal of Applied Sciences, 2023, 11(2), 455-472. French

Geoengineering: The Deadly New Global "Miasma" (click here) ; Medical Paper by Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH and J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research, 2019, 29(12), 1-8.

COVID-19, Immunopathology, Particle Pollution, and Iron Balance (click here); Medical Paper by Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH and J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research, 2022, 32(18), 43-60.

Aerosol Particulates, SARS-CoV-2, and the Broader Potential for Global Devastation (click here); Medical Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD and Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH: Open Access Journal of Internal Medicine, 2002, 3(1), 14-21.

Geoengineering, Coal Fly Ash, and the New Heart-Iron Connection: Universal Exposure to Iron Oxide Nanoparticulates (click here); Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH and J. Marvin Herndon, Ph.D.: Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research, 2019, 31(1), 1-20.

Aerosolized Coal Fly Ash: Risk Factor for COPD and Respiratory Disease (click here) ; Spanish ; Medical Paper by Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH and J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research, 2018, 26(7), 1-13.

Deadly Ultraviolet UV-C and UV-B Penetration to Earth's Surface (click here) ; French ; Spanish ; Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD, Raymond D. Hoisington, and Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH: Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 2018, 14(2), 1-11.

Aerosolized Coal Fly Ash: Risk Factor for Neurodegenerative Disease (click here) ; Spanish ; Medical Paper by Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH and J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research, 2018, 25(10), 1-11.

Coal Fly Ash Aerosol: Risk Factor for Lung Cancer (click here) ; Medical Paper by Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH and J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research, 2018, 25(4), 1-10. Spanish


Ancient Giant Sequoias Are Dying: Scientists Refuse to Acknowledge the Cause (click here); Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD, Dale D. Williams, MS, and Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH: Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2021, 8(9), 57-70. FRENCH

California Wildfires: Role of Undisclosed Atmospheric Manipulation and Geoengineering (click here); Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD and Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH: Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 2018, 17(3), 1-18. French Spanish ; Press Release: English ; Spanish ;

Previously Unrecognized Primary Factors in the Demise of Endangered Torrey Pines: A Microcosm of Global Forest Die-offs (click here) ; Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD, Dale D. Williams, MS, and Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH: Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 2018, 16(4), 1-14. Spanish

Unacknowledged Potential Factors in Catastrophic Bat Die-off Arising from Coal Fly Ash Geoengineering (click here); Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD and Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH: Asian Journal of Biology, 2020, 8(4), 1-13.

Role of Aerosolized Coal Fly Ash in the Global Plankton Imbalance: Case of Florida's Toxic Algae Crisis (click here) ; Scientific Paper by Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH and J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Asian Journal of Biology, 2019, 8(2), 1-24.

Aerosolized Coal Fly Ash: A Previously Unrecognized Primary Factor in the Catastrophic Global Demise of Bird Populations and Species (click here) : Scientific Paper by Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH and J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Asian Journal of Biology, 2018, 6(4), 1-21, AJOB.4 4911 Spanish

Previously Unrecognized Potential Factors in Catastrophic Bee and Insect Die-off Arising from Coal Fly Ash Geoengineering (click here) ; Scientific Paper by Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH and J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Asian Journal of Biology, 2018, 6(4), 1-13. Spanish , French

Contamination of the Biosphere with Mercury: Another Potential Consequence of On-going Climate Manipulation Using Aerosolized Coal Fly Ash (click here) ; Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD and Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH: Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 2017, 13(1), 1-11. Spanish ;

Adverse Agricultural Consequences of Weather Modification (click here) ; Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: AGRIVITA Journal of Agricultural Science 2016, 38, 213-221. Spanish

Obtaining Evidence of Coal Fly Ash Content in Weather Modification (Geoengineering) through Analysis of Post-Aerosol-Spraying Rainwater and Solid Substances (click here) ; Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Indian Journal of Scientific Research and Technology, 2016, 4, 30-36.

Aluminum Poisoning of Humanity and Earth's Biota by Clandestine Geoengineering Activity (click here) ; Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Current Science, 2015, 108, 2173-2177. Press Release: English Español Français Italiano Deutsch Nederlands Română Magyar


New Geophysical Mechanism Driving Major Specirs Extinction Events (click here): Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: European Journal of Applied Sciences, 2024, 12(1), 517-530.

Origin of Earth’s Magnetic Field, its Nature and Behavior, Geophysical Consequences, and Danger to Humanity: A Logical Progression of Discoveries Review (click here) : Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: European Journal of Applied Sciences, 2022, 10(6), 529-562.

Humanity Imperiled by the Geomagnetic Field and Human Corruption (click here); Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2021, 8(1), 429-453.

Cataclysmic Geomagnetic Field Collapse: Global Security Concerns (click here); Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 2020, 24(4), 61-79.

Scientific Basis and Geophysical Consequences of Geomagnetic Reversals and Excursions: A Fundamental Statement; Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 2021, 25(3), 59-69.

Causes and Consequences of Geomagnetic Field Collapse (click here); Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 2020, 24(9), 601-769.

Reasons Why Geomagnetic Field Generation is Physically Impossible in Earth's Fluid Core; Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2021, 8(5), 84-97.

Whole-Earth Decompression Dynamics: New Earth Formation Paradigm Fundamental Basis of Geology and Geophysics; Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2021, 8(2), 340-365.

New Concept for the Origin of Fjords and Submarine Canyons: Consequences of Whole-Earth Decompression Dynamics (click Here); Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 2016, 7(4), 1-10.

Fictitious Supercontinent Cycles (click Here); Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 2016, 7(1), 1-7.

Formation of Mountain Ranges: Described by Whole-Earth Decompression Dynamics (click here): Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 2022, 26(3), 52-59.


Moon's Two Faces: Near-Side/Far-Side Disparity (click here) Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: European Journal of Applied Sciences, 2023, 11(2), 430-440.

Whole-Mars Decompression Dynamics (click here); Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: European Journal of Applied Sciences, 2022, 10(3), 418-438.

Nature of the Universe: Astrophysical Paradigm Shifts (click here); Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2021, 8(1), 631-645.

New Explanation for the Near-Side/Far-Side Lunar Maria Disparity (click here); Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 2022, 26(1), 1-4.

Making Sense of Chondrite Meteorites (click here); Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2022, 9(2), 82-102.

ABOUT FAKE SCIENCE - Published Articles

An Open Letter to Members of AGU, EGU, and IPCC Alleging Promotion of Fake Science at the Expense of Human and Environmental Health and Comments on AGU Draft Geoengineering Position Statement (click here) ; Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: New Concepts in Global Tectonics Journal 2017, 5, 413-416. French; Greek; Spanish;

Trump Administration Begins to Recognize the Loss of Scientific Integrity: Refuting a Political Hit Job (click here); Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2020, 7(5), 283-303.

Make America Great Again in Science: A Guide for All Sovereign Nations (click here); Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2020, 7(4), 310-317.

True Science for Government Leaders and Educators: Obama's U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Corruption (click here); Scientific Paper by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD: Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2020, 7(7), 520-531.


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LtJ - Feb 8

Jeff’s Substack

Lockheed-Martin/Raytheon have been spraying the world skies for 75+ years
All the compounds noted here have been brought to the listening audience
Dane Wigington has been screaming from the roof tops about this for over 20 years!
A good documentary to share with non believers of this travesty on humanity is
The Dimming, for free on u tube
Also, Planet of the Humans, free to watch, a very informative documentary of a 'greenie' who investigated and found the real motive and devastation that is being caused by the solar panels, wind turbines and the push for EV cars, not to mention the amount of diesel fuel and energy it takes to make just one turbine or battery, and to power those hokey EV stations

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Luc Lelievre - Feb 8 - Edited

Luc Lelievre

It may all come crumbling down, though. I would like to give you some hope. On page 222 of David C. Korten's book, Agenda for a New Economy (2009), there's a quote by Howard Zinn (read it carefully because it matters greatly): "There's a tendency to think that what we see in the present will continue. We forget how often we have been astonished by the sudden crumbling of institutions, extraordinary changes in people's thoughts, 'unexpected eruptions of rebellion against tyrannies' (emphasis added), and the quick collapse of systems of power that seemed invincible." May I insist that you grab a copy of this invaluable book soon? Read Chapter 16, "WHEN THE PEOPLE LEAD, THE LEADERS WILL FOLLOW," from pages 222 to 232. Political science and history support this perspective: a nation that defends its independence and core values (such as democracy, sovereignty, or human rights) is considerably stronger. (Although the statement does not factor in economic stability, the quality of governance, and external alliances.)

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