Chemical Analysis Of Multiple Morgellon's Fibers From 2007 By Dr. Hildegarde Staninger Sheds Light On Current Advanced Nanomaterials Deployed Against Humanity Via COVID19 Shots And Geoengineering

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 21, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Image: Research paper and Goldenhead Morgellon’s filament advanced nanotechnology

In 2007, Industrial Toxicologist Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, who is the Author of GLOBAL BRAIN CHIP AND MESOGENS Nano Machines for Ultimate Control of False Memories performed a detailed study of Morgellon’s filaments and chemtrail fall out. Morgellon’s is a propaganda name developed to discredit sufferers of militarized bio-synthetic geoengineering warfare - in medical circles it was called “delusional parasitosis”. Very few scientists in the world understood that it was far from that. Dr. Staninger was asked to analyze these filaments. The analysis was done by her and other laboratories including the Massachussetts Institute of Technology.

Project Contract Labs: AMDL, Inc., ACS, Inc., MIT, and Lambda Solutions, Inc.

Hence, this chemical analysis is the largest and most comprehensive chemical evaluation of these advanced nanotechnology fibers to date. Full chain of custody for legal purposes was documented. Please note that these results are of utmost importance for all of us working to find solutions for the self-assembly nanotechnology assault on humanity. In the filaments, no cells were found and these filaments were not consistent with any human tissue. Please note that all fibers contained high density polyethylene like the “Goldenhead” image above and had self assembly capacity. In phase 1 B a filament that came from the skin of an individual was chemically analyzed. It contained high density polyethylene with carbon silica in the aquare chips attached to the filaments ( note this is why Dr. Staninger had advised me against using Zeolite products) - as well as Aluminum, Copper, Sulfur, Calcium, Sodium, Carbon, Oxygen, Chloride and Phosphorus. The components are similar to those used in batteries! Note that gels ( hydrogels ) were excreted that did not melt over 600 degrees F! Also note that Dr. Staninger calls this an ARTIFICIAL LIFE FORM.

PHASE IA Samples from Sept. 1, 2006. Results Received February 5, 2007

Subject Samples of Unknown Fibers Collected from Many Sources and Delivered to Laboratory.

Report of: Examination, Microscopic Measurements and Spectrographic Analysis of Several Dozen Fibers Sent from IHI, LLC, Lakewood, CA.

Several batches of unknown suspect fibers were sent to the laboratory over a period of several weeks. We were asked to examine them, study them microscopically, determine some physical properties, and run elemental analysis by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and chemical groups by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Also some samples would be analyzed by Fourier transform Raman spectroscopy (FT-Raman).

Laboratory personnel would also compare the fibers with some other nanofibers reported to be carbon-silicon fibers with photoluminescent and other properties. NOTE: All Samples were compared to the "Goldenhead" as found by Dr. Rahim Karjoo and Dr. Hildegarde Staninger (October 28, 2006) and a fiber that was identified as High Density Polyethylene Fiber (HDPE).


1)  Visually a few of the fibers resembled the carbon-silicon fibers previously studied by Integrative Health International, LLC.

2)  Close-up photos and photomicrographs (1,000 x) were taken of most samples.

3)  Many strange shapes and lumps were seen and some could not be identified.

4)  Identification of the photomicrographs were identified to contain a "foreign fiber" or not. These fibers were then selected for further testing and melting points.

5)  A FTIR spectrum of one spot on the fiber indicated the presence of high density polyethylene fiber plus a trace of another material (brown gel).

6)  EDS and Raman results will be discussed in Phase II and Phase III of this report.


The fibers identified, gel material, and gel shaped materials had no cellular integrity with no eukaryotic cells. The materials identified in the fibers were of a manufactured nano technology to form a specific structure with an undetermined function. The chemical composition of fibers that had EDS and Raman did not match the chemical composition of the human body nor were they any part of the human body (nails, hair, skin, nerves, etc.).

Special features as identified by Los Angeles County Fire Department, Los Angeles, CA personnel are the following: 1) skin melts or burns at above 165 degrees F; 2) fibers from a human body that do not melt at 1,400 degrees F or above 165 degrees are not made of human cells; and 3) human tissue does not secrete gels nor would they be of known human cellular composition that melt above 300 degrees C (i.e. approximately over 600 degrees F).

All samples that did have a fiber that matched nanotechnology as compared to the original "Goldenhead" was identified as a "Morgellon Like Fiber": 1) discarded Morgellon Goldenhead; 2) fully formed Morgellon Goldenhead; or 3) deteriorating Morgellon Goldenhead. The structured material/fibers identified were ones that would have properties to self assemble, enlarge, and/or fold/expand. They were identified as nanotechnology (man-made)1 and were not identified in any way to be composed of eukaryotic cells, animal, plant, nor composed of any live biological form. Some specimens had "biological artificial" appearances that are known as artificial life or pseudo-life forms. These types of artificial life forms are known to use DNA/RNA/siRNA or sRNA plasmid templates of viruses, microorganisms, animal/plant proteins and/or enzymes to build the artificial technology structural form at nano level. Furthermore, they are not limited to only these referenced life forms plasmids, enzymes, and/or proteins.


PHASE I-B High Density Polyethylene, & Further Analysis

Several batches of unknown suspect fibers were sent to the laboratory over a period of several weeks. We were asked to examine them, study them microscopically, determine some physical properties, and run elemental analysis by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and chemical groups by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Also some samples would be analyzed by Fourier transform Raman spectroscopy (FT-Raman).

Laboratory personnel would also compare the fibers with some other nanofibers reported to be carbon-silicon fibers with photoluminescent and other properties. NOTE: All Samples were compared to the "Goldenhead" as found by Dr. Rahim Karjoo and Dr. Hildegarde Staninger (October 28, 2006) and a fiber that was identified as High Density Polyethylene Fiber (HDPE).

The following results specifically address the tests performed on the High Density Poly-ethylene (HDPE) fiber from a patient of Dr. Staninger's whom she consulted with at IntroCell, LLC, Pensacola, FL. The specimen sample was from a piece of skin that fell from "BB's" foot Sample No. 12938-A. Sample No. 12938-1 and 12938-3 will be addressed for SEM/EDS data.


1)  Visually a few of the fibers resembled the carbon-silicon fibers previously studied by Integrative Health International, LLC.

2)  Close-up photos and photomicrographs (1,000 x) show the pink fiber to the left of picture of Sample No. 12938-A.

3)  A FTIR spectrum of one spot on the fiber indicated the presence of high density polyethylene fiber plus a trace of another material (brown gel). Fiber size 0.8 um and a melting point of 115 degrees C.

4)  SEMS/EDS results show various concentrations as stated below


The fibers identified, gel material, and gel shaped materials had no cellular integrity with no eukaryotic cells. The materials identified in the fibers were of a manufactured nano technology to form a specific structure with an undetermined function. The chemical composition of fibers that had EDS and Raman did not match the chemical composition of the human body nor were they any part of the human body (nails, hair, skin, nerves, etc.).

Special features as identified by Los Angeles County Fire Department, Los Angeles, CA personnel are the following 1) skin melts or burns at above 165 degrees F; 2) fibers from a human body that do not melt at 1,400 degrees F or above 165 F degrees are not made of human cells; and 3) human tissue does not secrete gels nor would they be of known human cellular composition that melt above 300 degrees C (i.e. approximately over 600 degrees F).

Sample 12938-A "BB"

The specimen shows carbon and oxygen present with the EDS test. The other elements were to minimal to be detected. The specimen was tested with Raman Test and found to be High Density Polyethylene Fiber (HDPE) with a trace of another compound. The other compounds have not been identified. Its Melting Point is 115 degrees C with a 0.8 um length.

Sample 12938-1 "Square Slides"

The specimen had no calcium present but did have high amount of sulfur with trace copper. It did contain sodium, aluminum, and chloride. These are all used as a battery or catalyst in creating a battery similar to the Edison Cell or Lead Cell. Edison cell type batteries utilize iron, potassium hydroxide, and nickel oxide, while a lead cell type uses Lead, lead oxide, lead sulfate and hydrogen sulfate. Note copper in this sample. A compound known as chalcopyrite, CuFeS2 is roasted in an air process to create copper sulfate, iron oxide and sulfuric acid. When sand (silicon dioxide, SiO2) is added a low melting point occurs and produces iron silicate. Copper is very oxidative with various stages, but in its cupric copper stage a blue color is obtained when it is contained within 4 to 5 water molecules (CuSO4 . 5H2O. The blue color of this solid is due to the Cu+2 ion hydrated by four of the five water molecules in a surrounding square planner arrangement.

Specimen 12938-3 "JS"

JS has submitted previous samples and did have the "Goldenhead" identified in her samples with a melting point of above 1400 degrees F by Toxicological Pathology studies of Dr. Hildegarde Staninger and Dr. Rahim Karjoo.

Sodium is present with significant aluminum, phosphorous and primarily sulfur. Chloride is present with calcium. Calcium was not present in 12938-1, while copper was present.

Sulfur was 35.419 % in this specimen and 72.331 % in Sample No. 12938-1 ("Square Slides"). All of the transitional elements and other halogens are reactive or establish various valence stages when exposed to water. It is believed that these elements using the bio terrain they are in as their resource for building materials utilize various to develop into various fibers and other artificial nano life forms. It is very important to note any amount of cupric ion is toxic to lower organisms, so it is used to suppress the growth of algae in ponds and fungi and molds on vines. Bordeux mixture used to spray grapes and potatoes is made of copper sulfate and lime.

Calcium carbonate (which has been made into double walled nano tubes with carbon),CaO3, decomposed upon heating to form carbon dioxide gas, CO2 and calcium oxide (lime), CaO: + under a vacuum at 800 degrees F. If not done under a vacuum other compounds can from such as methane, oxygen, carbon dioxide and water. It may be noted that in ALL of the samples (ChemTrail, 12938-A, and -1) any sample with calcium and oxygen may have originally been calcium carbonate and lime. The samples with copper, sulfur, calcium and oxygen may have been similar compounds such as Bordeux mixture but at a nano scale level. These statements are based on the data received and history of a burning glass needle injection feeling by some Morgellon individuals.

A future question would be what is keeping these nano materials at equilibrium and what is their life expectancy under "normal" and "varying" conditions.

Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, RIET-1, Principal Investigator, IHI, LLC Dept. Research & Dev. Industrial Toxicologist/IH & Doctor of Integrative Medicine


1 Man-Made means not made by nature or found in nature.


Silica Nanotubes Based on Needle-like Calcium Carbonate: Fabrication and Immobilization for Glucose Oxidase, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 46 (2), 459 -463, 2007. 10.1021/ie060935+ S0888-5885(06)00935-3, Web Release Date: December 15, 2006, Copyright © 2006 American Chemical Society


Nanocyl 9000 Series Datasheet,

High Density Polyethylene Nanocomposite Powder


I will share the following parts of this important evaluation of the filaments sprayed via chemtrails in a follow up article. I consider myself extremely fortunate, to have been given a library of decades of research done by Dr. Staninger, who very graciously has guided my own educational process into advanced nanomaterials, integrated electronic circuits, toxicology and other fields for many months now. It is a puzzle to put together that requires understanding of many different aspects of science, toxicology, nanotechnology, synthetic biology, polymer chemistry, microelectronics and medicine. This important research into the most clandestine military assault against humanity cannot (yet) be found in the peer reviewed literature. It is my desire that by making this important information available on my substack, other researchers will have a greater insight as to the mechanisms and components of what we are facing now. Many laboratories refuse to now do testing on COVID19 injections, rubbery clots or blood samples for fear of retaliation. This historic research done at reputable laboratories including at MIT gives us the possibility of drawing parallels to our current findings around the world considering this important background knowledge.

Please note again, that silica has been found to be an integral chemical component of the fibers - and these expert chemical analysis are the reason Dr. Staninger advised me against the use of Zeolite products. Please note that she has used EDTA for treatment of advanced nanomaterials for decades and has confirmed my own research findings.

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Donna B - Oct 21

Donna’s Substack

With so many testing results indicating that unvaxxed have the same blood contaminations as the vaxxed, was it beneficial at all to not get the shot? I’m feeling discouraged.

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Agent Midnight Rider - Oct 21

Agent’s Substack

What if I told you Morgellons are ALIEN Life Forms with the intelligence of Ants or Bees??? What if Dr. Deagle Told you???....>>>> Courtesy of your boy!!!!.........>>> Agent Midnight Rider

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