Swiss Scientists File Criminal Complaint Against Authorities For Ignoring The Acute Danger Of Poisonous Nanotechnology Deployed Via Chemtrails

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Feb 04, 2025 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Criminal complaint against Federal Councillor Rösti for failure to act in an acute danger situation

The Swiss Scientific group WIR, whose research and interview with Reinette Senum I wrote about has filed a criminal complaint against the authorities in Switzerland for ignoring the imminent danger to the population.

Nanotechnological Poisons From Above - Swiss Research Team Reveals Geoengineering "Spider Filaments" Are Polyamide Nanofibers Delivering Highly Toxic Chemicals - We Are Inhaling Them

Bravo! On February 19th I will be joining the team with Reinette for an international live stream. I hope others will take note of this great work by our Swiss colleagues and start filing criminal complaints against their governments for poisoning the people and ignoring the issue.

We have to demand to end this depopulation effort from the skies!


A-POST REGISTERED MAIL / 98.00.992205.01114544

Federal Prosecutor's Office
Guisanplatz 1
CH-3003 Bern Eriz, February 4, 2025


Criminal charges filed against Federal Councillor Albert Rösti and Yves Bichsel for negligent or intentional omission in an acute danger situation (imminent danger). Despite scientific evidence of the release of toxic threads, no protective measures were taken.

Ladies and Gentlemen

I hereby file a CRIMINAL COMPLAINT against:

  1. Mr Albert Rösti , in his capacity as Federal Councillor and Head of the Federal Department of Environment , Transport , Energy and Communications ( DETEC ), and

  2. Mr. Yves Bichsel , UVEK Secretary General

In the name of protecting public health, the environment and the safety of the population, I hereby file a criminal complaint against Federal Councillor Albert Rösti on suspicion of negligent or intentional omission in connection with an acute dangerous situation (“imminent danger”).

Despite clear, scientifically proven evidence of a serious threat from the release of toxic threads throughout Switzerland - with proven effects on humans, animals and the environment - the responsible federal authority under the leadership of Federal Councillor Rösti has neither taken appropriate protective measures nor shown adequate responses to urgent warnings and analyses.

The facts are clear:

In accordance with the provisions of the Swiss Criminal Code (StGB), in particular the articles on abuse of office (Art. 312 StGB) , breach of the duty of care (Art. 128 StGB) and endangering life and public health (Art. 129 StGB) , I demand the immediate initiation of criminal investigations.

I request:

  1. The immediate opening of an investigation against Federal Councillor Albert Rösti.

  2. Ensuring all relevant documents, communication protocols and decision-making processes.

  3. The criminal prosecution of all other persons involved in the inaction or deliberate delay.

This criminal complaint will attract both national and international attention, as the dimension of the problem extends far beyond national borders.

In the interest of justice and the protection of the population, I expect your immediate confirmation of receipt and prompt processing of this application.

Detailed facts

1. Physical and chemical properties of the threads

2. Relevance of scientific research



3. Responsibility and official duties of the accused

As a sworn Federal Councillor and head of the Federal Department of Environmental Protection, Mr Albert Rösti is obliged to ensure the protection of the environment and the health of the population in accordance with the relevant legal requirements of the Federal Constitution and environmental laws. These official duties include in particular the control and prevention of environmental hazards caused by chemical or other harmful substances.

The repeated and documented spread of these poisonous threads on private initiative represents a risk to the environment and health that falls under the supervisory duties of the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport and Communications (DETEC). Failure to investigate and contain these risks therefore constitutes a breach of official duties under Articles 11 and 312 of the Criminal Code (abuse of office).

There is a reasonable suspicion that, despite repeated warnings about the problem, Mr Rösti did not take appropriate measures to prevent a threat to public health and the environment.

4. Legal assessment

The available findings indicate violations of the following legal bases:

  1. Federal Constitution:

  1. Swiss Criminal Code (StGB):

crimes and offenses against public health

  1. Art. 230 – 232 (Release / hazard with toxic substances and organisms)

  2. Art. 234 / 235 Contamination of drinking water and feed (grass, herbs, etc.)

crimes against humanity

  1. Art. 264 Use of biological or chemical substances (hybrid attack)

Crimes and offenses against the state / administration of justice

  1. Art. 275 Endangerment and disruption of the constitutional order

  2. Art. 312 Abuse of office

  1. Environmental Protection Act:

  2. UN: Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques (AS 1988 1888; BBl 1987 III 797)

risk assessment and urgency

The proven toxic properties of the threads represent an acute danger that requires immediate action. In particular, the potential use of these threads as a transport medium for chemical or biological substances poses considerable risks. The lack of official response by Mr Albert Rösti exacerbates these risks and raises the question of whether this was done negligently or intentionally. A further failure to investigate is irresponsible.


  1. Initiation of an investigation to clarify whether Mr Albert Rösti has fulfilled his official duties in his capacity as Federal Councillor.

  2. Investigation of the origin, mode of distribution and intention of these poisonous threads.

  3. Identification of the responsible persons, companies or institutions.

  4. Examination of possible links to experimental or military activities.

  5. Immediate measures to prevent further dangers.

  6. Transparent information to the public.

  7. Criminal assessment and sanctions


Concluding remark

The facts and scientific results available underline the urgency of comprehensive official intervention. Any further delay could pose a significant risk not only to the environment but also to the health of the population. Imminent danger! I request the responsible authorities to take all necessary measures immediately to clarify responsibilities, eliminate the danger and protect the Swiss population.

With determined greetings,


Date: February 4, 2025
Name: Christian Oesch
Title: President, Swiss Association WIR
Address: Linden 92b
Postal Code / City: 3619 Eriz BE
Country: Switzerland

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Charlie - Feb 4

I’d hold my breathe if I didn’t have to breathe! But I do remain hopeful. Some of my 150 year old oaks are showing distress.
One may not comeback this spring, 200 years old loosing its leaves mid summer- firewood? Distressing! I am truly observing this slow destruction. Central Mn. Ticks and mosquitoes are worst ever.
Of course this must stop. I am going a 3 month tour of sw us. Walk and talk…
Report back…

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KD - Feb 4

This is great, now we will see if the courts are truly independent. If they dismiss the lawsuit, then this confirms that all government branches are captured by the enemies.

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