Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Sep 19, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Image: Pfizer BioN Tech COVID19 injection with Calcium Disodium EDTA and Ascorbic Acid. No Nano or microrobot activity, no microchips. No other self assembly nanotechnology seen. Day 6. Magnification 100x
In this post, I follow up on my recent experiments in mixing Pfizer BioN Tech COVID19 injection with Calcium Disodium EDTA and Ascorbic Acid.
You can see prior experiments here:
Image: Pfizer BioN Tech COVID19 injection with Calcium Disodium EDTA and Ascorbic Acid. No Nano or microrobot activity, no microchips. No other self assembly nanotechnology seen. Day 6. Magnification 200x
Image: Pfizer BioN Tech COVID19 injection with Calcium Disodium EDTA and Ascorbic Acid. No Nano or microrobot activity, no microchips. No other self assembly nanotechnology seen. Day 6. Magnification 400x
Image: Pfizer BioN Tech COVID19 injection with Calcium Disodium EDTA and Ascorbic Acid. No Nano or microrobot activity, no microchips. No other self assembly nanotechnology seen. Day 6. Magnification 2000x
Image: Pfizer BioN Tech COVID19 injection with Calcium Disodium EDTA and Ascorbic Acid. No Nano or microrobot activity, no microchips. No other self assembly nanotechnology seen. Day 6. Magnification 2000x
In this experiment, you see the drop of EDTA and Vitamin C mix with the Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 solution. The effect of precipitation is immediate. Magnification 200x
Video: Pfizer BioN Tech COVID19 injection with Calcium Disodium EDTA and Ascorbic Acid. This video was taken by me immediately after I dropped the EDTA and Vitamin C on the drop of Pfizer Bio NTech. The nano and microbots were already precipitated, showing immediate effectiveness of the antidote. Magnification 400x.
In the following video 1 drop of the Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 solution was placed adjacent a drop of Calcium Disodium EDTA plus Vitamin C. As I am moving the objective to the right, you can see the solution of the Pfizer BioNTech COVID shot and then more and more precipitation as the contact to EDTA/ Vitamin C is established.
Video: Pfizer BioN Tech COVID19 injection with Calcium Disodium EDTA and Ascorbic Acid. This video was taken by me immediately after I dropped the EDTA and Vitamin C adjacent the drop of Pfizer Bio NTech. You can see the nano and microrobot in the Pfizer Bio NTech Solution. As I am moving the objective towards the interface of Pfizer BioNTech solution and EDTA/ Vitamin C drop, you can see the precipitation and deactivation of all nanotechnology. Magnification 400x.
You can see in the video below that the same thing was achieved with Articaine/ Epinephrine, the dental anesthetic. It decimated all microrobots, all microchips and all structures that had formed.
This is a video without the EDTA/ Vitamin C, with rapid self assembly of structures:
Video: Articaine Epinephrine active self assembly. Magnification 400x
These structures are extremely well organized microtechnology:
Video: Articaine Epinephrine self assembly microstructures. Magnification 400x
You can see how the microchips get assembled in this fashion as well:
Video: Articaine Epinephrine self assembly microchips. Magnification 400x
This video is after Articaine/ Epinephrine was mixed with EDTA/ Vitamin C. All structures and self assembly were obliterated.
Video: Articaine/ Epinephrine was mixed with EDTA/ Vitamin C.Magnification 2000x
Further evidence that Calcium Disodium EDTA plus Vitmain C is extremely effective in abolishing the self assembly nanotechnology in the COVID19 bioweapons and dental anesthetics.
Other similar studies and experiments I have performed are here:
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Catherine - Sep 19
Catherine’s Substack
Have you confirmed that oral EDTA is just as effective as the IV EDTA? Have you looked at the blood from someone who has done oral EDTA to see if it is clearing the blood of the nano structures? Also, what about the fibrin clots, microscopic clots that most people exposed to Covid are walking around with that are creating many health issues? Does EDTA help break down the fibrin or is that another therapy that needs to be addressed in order to clear the fibrin clots in the blood? Ivy collation is very expensive. Approximately $200 per treatment if not more how often should one receive treatment in order to clear the blood appropriately?
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Thom - Sep 19
Dandelion Imperative
We 1000% believe you and your prolific excellent lab work!!! Thank You!!! We might have missed it but can you detail how the infested public, who rabidly desire to de-infest our temples of the Holy Ghost, can obtain Calcium Disodium EDTA and Ascorbic Acid in the correct form and quantities that could exorcise this demonic shit from our bodies... and how frequently the miracle elixir would be taken in the future to keep the shit out permanently...
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