Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Sep 04, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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I was intrigued by the recent findings of La Quinta Columna regarding the Nicotine dissolution of microchips from dental anesthetics. This posed a lot of questions for me since I have seen in my clinical practice hundreds of patients on Nicotine with very contaminated blood. Claiming Nicotine as a solution for self assembly nanotechnology was not consistent with my clinical observations, hence I wanted to study further.
I do not find microchips in the blood, but microrobots, polymer filaments and mesogen DNA chips, which look distinctly different from what La Quinta Columna had found. I wanted to know what effect Nicotine/ Tobacco Solution has on what I see in the blood. I chose Enbrel from Pfizer as a testing ground, since I have already done research on the drug that has known microelectronics in it and I have documented how the assembly process occurs. It contains a lot of microrobots that can be easily observed. You can find this research here, please look at those findings so you understand the significance of todays documented research.
What Is Enbrel Injection Doing To The Blood? Darkfield Live Blood Documentation
To answer my questions, I did several experiments. First I looked at Enbrel alone. This showed the usual microrobots in different sizes initially. Magnification 2000x
I checked the sterile 0.9% Normal Saline, no nano or microrobots seen. Then I mixed 4ml of sterile 0.9% Normal Saline to match isotonicity of blood with a small amount of pipe tobacco. Subsequently, I mixed 1 drop of Enbrel with 1 drop of the tobacco solution. The activity of the nano and microrobots was markedly increased and hydrogel assembly was observed. Magnification 400x
Here is another area that shows a large micellar construction site, swarming of nano and microrobots and pieces of the toboacco. Magnification 400x
I waited for 4 hours and left the slides to dry. I had one set of slides where I did not place a coverslip as microchip formation is usually enhanced. After 4 hours Enbrel plus Nicotine still had significant nano and microrobot activity but less structured flower nano antennas.
Magnification 200x
Magnification 400x
Ebrel alone nano antenna development seems more distinct Magnification 200x
It is unclear to me if there truly is an inhibition since the nanoantennas definately developed. Enbrel with tobacco solution, 4 hours drying. Magnification 400x
What I did not see in the toboacco solution was the rapid self assembly seen with Enbrel alone. You can see what I mean here, where hydrogel material with microrobots very rapidly self assemble to a mesogen microchip structure. Magnification 400x
This is a video of Enbrel with toboacco soluton 12 hours after mixing. Significant nano and microrobot activity continues to be observed, but not significant mesogen microchip assembly. Hydrogel islands are being built. Magnification 200x.
When a tobacco solution is combined with Enbrel, which contains known microelectronics components, nano and micro robot activity is enhanced. It appears that the self assembly to microchip structures and flower like nanoantennas, which is the usual way the microelectronics in Enbrel self assemble, are somewhat interfered with in the accuracy of the structures. If that impacts functionality is hard to tell and challenging to test.
From my clinical perspective, nano and microrobots are the most important aspect of the self assembly nanotechnology in the blood. Since tobacco solutions with the Nicotine does not inhibit this, I would certainly, as I have recommended for a long time - use other modalities of detoxification like EDTA, Vitamin C, Methylene Blue and others - in combination with Nicotine for those who wish to use it. These findings would explain why in my clinic I have seen hundreds of patients on Nicotine still have contaminated blood with nano and microrobots and polymer filaments. Nicotine enhances microrobot activity, hence would not inhibit self assembly of those structures. It has other clinical benefits for many people, but it is important that to know that activity against self assembly nanotechnology is limited.
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Pasheen Stonebrooke - Sep 5
Diva Drops
Dr. Ardis has done a lot of work with nicotine with regard to the venoms - a theory that I believe has merit. Nicotine is said to block ACE receptors - and it was the primary cause of lack of smell and taste. He has shown that it has had a curative effect on symptoms. As we know, pHarma drugs are full of snake venom and venoms are likely some of the many different poisonous payloads IN the nanocapsules...
He has a three-part series on this on his Brighteon channel.
So, I would say that adding a 7 nic patch to your daily detox protocols may be something to consider.
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matt. j.a.o.b - Sep 5
matt’s microscopy
Good work, thanks.
5 decades of heavy nicotine use ( still smoking) has not stopped me from having the tech, dots, clots and fibers. but unlike some unjabbed I still don't have a mac address so its still a possibility there is some action / benefit. Just a personal observation.
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