Pfizer BioN Tech COVID19 Bioweapon Mixed With…

Sep 19, 2024

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Image: Pfizer BioN Tech COVID19 injection with Calcium Disodium EDTA and Ascorbic Acid.


Catherine - Sep 19 - Edited

Catherine’s Substack

Have you confirmed that oral EDTA is just as effective as the IV EDTA? Have you looked at the blood from someone who has done oral EDTA to see if it is clearing the blood of the nano structures? Also, what about the fibrin clots, microscopic clots that most people exposed to Covid are walking around with that are creating many health issues? Does EDTA help break down the fibrin or is that another therapy that needs to be addressed in order to clear the fibrin clots in the blood? Ivy collation is very expensive. Approximately $200 per treatment if not more how often should one receive treatment in order to clear the blood appropriately?


Nathan Foia - Sep 20 - Edited

Nathan Foia

I've posted this here before, but don't mind doing so again. Here's an excerpt from another reply's linked article:
"I have been taking 225 mg liposomal Calcium EDTA from Global Healing per day and 4 g of liposomal Vitamin C from Mercola. Obviously, that was not enough. I am now increasing it to 490 mg EDTA and 10 g of Vitamin C per day and will recheck in a few weeks. That’s the oral protocol by Dr. Ana-Maria Mihalcea MD, PhD. In addition, I’m taking 2 Plaquex Oral of 900 mg each per day."
It has long been established in naturopathic medicine that when EDTA (in this case, Calcium EDTA) is ingested (swallowed) and introduced to the digestive system, only 5-10% will make it into the bloodstream, which is the goal and why IV chelation of EDTA is so effective, since an IV treatment goes straight into the bloodstream. It has also long been established in naturopathic medicine that sublingual use of EDTA (literally "under the tongue") delivers about 60% of the dose into the bloodstream. Granted, even if you hold the dose in your mouth for 30 minutes, not all of it will be absorbed, as is evidenced by the remaining taste. Most naturopaths use 1 gram, or 1,000 milligrams, in IV EDTA therapy, along with vitamin C. To achieve a similar result and efficacy using the much cheaper and less invasive, less time consuming, more private route of sublingual therapy, here's what I do:
On empty stomach or with a light snack to prevent digestive distress, take at least 1,000 mg vitamin C, orally (DO NOT USE VITAMIN C AS A SUBLINGUAL, IT WILL DESTROY TOOTH ENAMEL!!), wait at least 15 minutes.
Calcium EDTA, ½ teaspoon (2 grams, or 2,000 milligrams), sublingual (dump in mouth, hold under tongue, do not swallow. Hold for at least 30 minutes.
60% of 2 grams is 1.2 grams, or 1,200 milligrams. In theory, that's how much will make it into the bloodstream. But, since even after 30 minutes not all the EDTA is absorbed by the mouth, that must be taken into consideration and subtracted from the total. By my guesstimation, you're getting about 1 gram, or 1,000 mg, into the bloodstream, along with the vitamin C you took at least 15 minutes prior. Therefore, you're getting a very similar amount into the bloodstream as compared to IV therapy.
In response to the quote from the article, the recommendation of 490 mg liposomal EDTA is not nearly enough, even if 100% were absorbed and entered the bloodstream. And anyone who takes 10 g of vitamin C, liposomal or other, is going to have such bad diarrhea that they risk dehydration, which can cause kidney damage and nutritional deficiencies, and possible digestive damage.
Please note that sublingual EDTA will pull metals out of dental implants, which is especially dangerous in the presence of silver mercury amalgam fillings. EDTA doesn't bond well enough to prevent the mercury from being absorbed by the mouth tissue, and it can cause mercury poisoning. If you have a silver mercury amalgam filling, I highly recommend getting it removed. Plan ahead by going on a serious heavy metal detox to mitigate toxicity, because even the most careful removal procedure is going to introduce some mercury into the tissue.


Steve Clough - Sep 20

Steve Clough

Unfortunately, dental anesthetics HAVE SELF-ASSEMBLING NANOTECH in them….so it’s a win (removal of Hg)/lose (blood becomes further contaminated with nanotech) situation. Find an acupuncturist to eliminate dental pain. Follow Dr. David Nixon and Karl C’s substack, they are studying many dental anesthetics…..ALL are adulterated!


Peace - Sep 21

Are there any dental anesthetics that don't have this that could be requested? Are people better off being put to sleep for procedures (eg. tooth extraction) than having the local anesthetic?


Monica Onit - Sep 20 - Edited

Monica Onit

Nathan, most people have implants and amalgams, sublingual delivery of EDTA not being an option, at all.
What is your take with EDTA suppositories ? Do you already recommend them in your practice? How often? The few companies selling them recommend ‘each other evening’ use, whereas Dr Ana says ‘daily 500mg’… What do you think about daily rectal EDTA in this case?
We badly need a handbook and a website for the use of laypersons, to manage chelation at home, put together by chelation doctors, naturopathic doctors, homeopathic doctors, etc, etc.
Undiluted, brief indications, not vast literature. With links to studies, articles, research work, for those wanting to read more!
Mass calamity specialists should be consulted , maybe, for putting such a project in place…?
The awaken naturopaths everywhere should start to cook suppositories, there are a few small companies producing whatever works with Dr Ana’s protocol.
For pets and farm animals too. A few astute holistic vets should be well awakened and frightened already…
The homeopathic talented doctors also should think about what’s to be done about all beings around.
Thank you!


Nathan Foia - Sep 20 - Edited

Nathan Foia

EDTA suppositories don't seem to be very effective, and I've never used or recommended them. They might be an option for people with amalgam fillings, but I cannot recommend that anyone with mercury in their mouth just leave it in there. It needs to go. Period. There are ways around Rx injected numbing agents, and we're going to have to figure that out sooner or later. People who neglect dental health are inviting all kinds of problems. Holistic dentistry is a real discipline but not my area. Weston A. Price Foundation is a great resource for that.
I am a fan of enemas and have thought about experimenting with an EDTA retention enema (8 liquid oz or less), no immediate release), but I'm not sure how well that would be tolerated, would need to research and try it out on myself first before recommending.
Homeopathy is nothing like naturopathy. Totally different approach. "Like cures like," they don't use direct interventions but encourage the body to respond by introducing triggering agents.


Monica Onit - Sep 21

Monica Onit

Ideally yes, everyone who got amalgams might need to get them out. There are very few to none holistic dentists and getting stable amalgams out is an adventure too.
Studies on EDTA suppositories absorption, compared to IV absorption, show an exact 36,4% efficacy. The study on Detoxamin suppositories shows that. I hope everyone will do appropriate research.
For those who can’t get Global Healing, I guess it will be a 1500mg EDTA suppository, to reach the 500 mg EDTA required by protocol.
Oral intake, not sublingual, will have 5-18% efficacy, adjusting the quantity to reach the 500mg effect would be feasible for most, maybe.
When buying suppositories and everything, people need to ask all their questions, you are the client, you are their king, don’t be shy!
Dear Nathan, very few adult humans are free of amalgams or teeth implants and we need to deal with it as it is.
The kids may have a shot at sublingual, maybe? The pets? Some brainstorming among vets and naturopathic docs should start already…
Thank you very much for your thoughts!


Nathan Foia - Sep 21

Nathan Foia

On the dangers of oral (ingested) EDTA:
Yes, I realize he's not talking about calEDTA, but the properties he's discussing are common to both.
A quick search on amalgam fillings in the US:
"Mercury-Containing Amalgam Fillings Account for Less Than 6% of Posterior Tooth Fillings in 2022"
The authors used clinical examination data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2015-2018 for participants 2 years and older (n = 17,040). The authors estimated the prevalence and mean number of amalgam and nonamalgam restorations in primary and permanent teeth according to age groups (2-5 years, 6-11 years, 12-15 years, 16-19 years, 20-39 years, 40-59 years, 60-79 years, and ≥ 80 years), race and ethnicity, federal poverty guideline, education, and pregnancy status.
The prevalence of amalgam restorations ranged from 4% through 69%. "
"More than 100 million people in the U.S. have toxic metal permanently implanted in their teeth—and if you're over age 30, there's a good chance you're one of them"
*obviously I disagree with the claim that amalgam fillings are harmless. The number of people who have them was my point. 100 million.
As you can see, sublingual EDTA is an option for hundreds of millions of Americans. That's not a small number.
On safe removal (but I doubt they're aware of what's in the anesthetics)
Speaking of the lack of holistic dentists, and holistic practitioners in general, from where I live there's not a naturopath, functional medicine practitioner, or even an acupuncture clinic for 200 miles, probably farther to find a holistic dentist. I'm not a naturopath or in any way a "doctor," not by certification. I'm limited in what I can do, legally and otherwise. But I do the best I can. Most people here are completely asleep, and have no idea what's really going on. But that's part of why I'm still here, and not living in a place where I fit in, or would be surrounded by like minded people. Being led by Spirit is like that.


Monica Onit - Sep 21

Monica Onit

Same to you, many Blessings, may God help us all!๐Ÿ™


MarshaGail - Oct 1




SuzySunshine - Sep 23


I have been using the Detoxamin EDTA rectal suppositories for several years...750 mg with 50 mg glutathione. They dissolve slowly over a few hours. So I'm not sure how different the retention enema would be.
The company cites effectiveness studies on their website but I haven't looked at them recently.


Nathan Foia - Sep 23

Nathan Foia

Thanks. I tried to price those. Largest size I saw was a 30 count jar. They required a lot of information to set up an account before I could even see the prices, which of course I didn't do. My concern is the price. How much do you pay for per unit, and what quantity unit?


SuzySunshine - Sep 23


Hi Nathan, thanks for your comment. I logged into my account to review it. You're right, you cannot shop or see prices without setting up an account. I have a wholesale account and I have placed one order per year 2018-2023. They only come in jars of 30, and the dosages are 500, 750, 1000 and 1500 mg which are recommended based on one's weight. They come with or w/o glutathione 100 mg (my comment of 50 mg was wrong, it is 100 mg). They also have 1000 mg Glutathione only suppositories. The wholesale prices vary from $70-$82 per jar depending on dosage and with or w/o glutathione. I have paid an average of $66 per jar by buying 3 at a time. I think that's a reasonable price.
However...the retail price is about double that. The first time I bought them was through a practitioner and I paid $140 for one jar of 30! I was pretty upset when I learned that's more than the retail price on the website.
I hope that helps. It's a shame you can't look at the information without going to the trouble of signing up for an account. But I have found their customer service to be kind and helpful, so if you called them they could answer questions, and maybe send you information or let you see the website w/o an account.
Try this link. I was able to access it without logging in.


Peace - Sep 21 - Edited

Nathan Foia

What are the ways around injected numbing agents? Re: "There are ways around Rx injected numbing agents, and we're going to have to figure that out sooner or later.


Nathan Foia - Sep 21 - Edited

Nathan Foia

The most obvious would be to just deal with the pain. I have a friend who practices kung fu, and he has had several dental procedures without anesthesia. There are also topical agents, and I know that several herbs are topical numbing agents, here's a famous one:
An integrative approach might combine (skilled) meditation, acupuncture or acupressure, an herbal sedative like kava, use of "toothache plant" extract, prayer and/or and pure willpower.
Also getting compounding pharmacists to analyze the products they have access to, and make available any "clean" products and manufacturers, a running database, newsletters, etc.
There is always a path.


Bee Gee - Sep 20

Bee Gee

The science on EDTA destruction by stomach acids is very very old and flawed. I dont buy it, both based on my personal experience and the fact that there are many problems with the actual reference study.
I have amalgams so I would never try to hold it in my mouth, as anyone who has metal in their mouth should not. Thats why I fast though because I think thats the only way you get close to the efficiency of IV with Oral ETDA.
The biggest factor for EDTA efficiency though is the other things you have eaten or drank or taken that bind with EDTA, which is true for any form of EDTA you swallow. And maybe sublingual too, although it is entering by a different route.
I often wonder about that with IV EDTA though, like if you just took a zinc or multivitamin the morning before your IV...
I would think that metal in your bloodstream would get bound with the EDTA in your bloodsteam and reduce the effectiveness but who knows.


Nathan Foia - Sep 20

Nathan Foia

EDTA is an acid, so stomach acid is not the concern.
The above is why I recommend sublingual, holding for 30 minutes, and spitting out, not swallowing.


Bee Gee - Sep 20

Bee Gee

Yet thats what they Say in their crappy reference study from 1952 or whenever that was, that it is broken down by stomach acid.
I disagree of course because it Doesnt, or definitely not as much as they say but I had not read that Dr Adrian piece before so thanks. I like to read everything I can and I disagree with some of what he says, and agree with some of what he says so Im not going to get into it, its ultimately a waste of keystrokes.
And at least naturodoc tells people, albeit on one small line at the bottom that "Note: For those with mercury amalgam fillings or braces in their mouth, please be advised that EDTA Sublingual Powder does act upon those metals."
Ruh Roh!
Which is a far cry from telling people with metal in that their mouth What I Believe, which is that they should Never try to use sublingual EDTA.
It migrates All metals in your mouth at least on a surface level and it sounds all well and good to say just dont swallow it but is it Realistic?
I dont think so, not to mention that some of those same metals like transitory mercury can go through your mouth sublingually.
Which can make someone really Really sick, not to mention possibly increasing the heavy metal body burden every time they take it. Is that worth it for a supposed increase in efficiency?
I dont think so, and I already know how to increase the efficiency of oral EDTA, as I tell people all the time. Fasting. Plus you dont accidentally swallow any metals.
Here is one of the product pages for cardiorenew, which is an oral EDTA liquid product with some old pages about taking EDTA orally but of course it is geared towards their product, which is a liquid. I wish we had real current science on the effectiveness of oral EDTA, but they dont really want people to know so thats never gonna happen.
And I think you Should tell people with metal in their mouth that they could be Quite Likely swallowing metal and let them make their own decision on whether thats worth it for a small possible increase in efficiency.
After all, metal IS literally at the core of their nanotechnology.
To each their own but good luck to you in any case.


Nathan Foia - Sep 21

Nathan Foia

Yes, I never mention sublingual EDTA without the dental implant/metal disclaimer. And I agree that even for seasoned researchers who have some knowledge and know how to ask good questions, the amount of high quality information available on this topic is very scarce. Adrian comes across as a fairly objective person who isn't working an angle or agenda, but that certainly doesn't mean he's correct on all points. But I do like to err on the side of caution, and for people without metal in their mouths, sublingual EDTA sounds like the less risky way. I say that knowing how few people are willing to fast, as you've suggested.
Thanks for the mature discourse.


Nadine Brennan - Sep 20 - Edited

Nathan Foia

I was wondering how your body handles 10 grams C? Please share where you get the Plaquex, is it OTC? So does the sublingual route mean you can take it regardless of when you ate last? Would doing this twice a day the same amount be okay? I appreciated what u shared. If the empty stomach issue doesn't matter that would be wonderful.


Nathan Foia - Sep 20 - Edited

Nathan Foia

I don't use Plaquex. That was a quote from the article I linked.
EDTA binds to metals and minerals, so using it two hours before or after a meal or supplement will not only rob your body of minerals before they can be used, but in binding with good minerals, less EDTA is available to deactivate the nanotech. Divided doses are OK. If you're sensitive to high dose vitamin C (diarrhea, irritation), this would allow a higher ratio of C to EDTA, ie 1-2,000 mg C to 1,000 mg EDTA twice per day, if 1-2,000 mg C is your maximum threshold.


Nadine Brennan - Sep 20 - Edited

Bee Gee

Is one ml dropperful about 1,000 mg?


Bee Gee - Sep 20 - Edited

Bee Gee

One milliliter is 20 drops and 225 mg of EDTA for the globalhealing/Dr Ardis liquid EDTA.


Nathan Foia - Sep 20

Nathan Foia

I have no idea what you're talking about. I use powders that I buy in bulk, by the kilogram. I don't use any of the products Dr Ana recommends.


MarshaGail - Oct 1


Would b interested n learning what products u do buy!


Smurf - Sep 20

Nathan Foia

Calcium EDTA, ½ teaspoon (2 grams, or 2,000 milligrams) how much is that with Global Healing? 2 Plaquex Oral of 900 mg each per day." what brand? Where can I find it thanks


Nathan Foia - Sep 20

Nathan Foia

Global healing? I don't use their products. This is the most economical way to buy calcium EDTA
That's from the manufacturer, not a reseller. It's pure powder with no fillers. ½ teaspoon is 2 grams. 500 serving of 2 grams each, that's over one year's supply for $40.


Monica Onit - Sep 20

Monica Onit

Thank you for recommending the book!


Monica Onit - Sep 20

Monica Onit

There will be very few benefiting for Global Healing products, this is a small company and we have a whole planet awaiting solutions, soon…


Nathan Foia - Sep 20

Nathan Foia

Sounds very expensive compared to what I use (500 day supply of calcium EDTA, 2 grams per day, for $40, and buying ascorbic acid powder by the kilogram)


Smurf - Sep 20

Nathan Foia

I saw this under your post? "I have been taking 225 mg liposomal Calcium EDTA from Global Healing per day and 4 g of liposomal Vitamin C from Mercola. Obviously, that was not enough. I am now increasing it to 490 mg EDTA and 10 g of Vitamin C per day and will recheck in a few weeks. That’s the oral protocol by Dr. Ana-Maria Mihalcea MD, PhD. In addition, I’m taking 2 Plaquex Oral of 900 mg each per day."


Nathan Foia - Sep 20

Nathan Foia

That was a quote from the article also in that comment. They're not my words, I just quoted them to discuss my opinion.


Nathan Foia - Sep 20

Nathan Foia

Was that a question?


Smurf - Sep 20

nope, I ordered the book.


JMarie.58 - Sep 20

JMarie.58’s Substack

I’m not sure anyone should be giving advice on these powerful chelating protocols. EDTA/VitC may deactivate nanobots from a vial but we are human individuals. Some may easily be more susceptible to kidney or gut damage simply from the excess of C much less EDTA.
I saw Dr Ana in ‘23 and had four days of EDTA IV chelation / 10g Vit C / Epithalon at great cost. At the time I asked her about Disodium EDTA 500mg and she said “NO” & that EDTA use should be medically supervised...also that Mercola’s Liposomal C was “junk” as my blood work showed a deficit of C despite taking it. The question of absorption rate from one person to the next also matters. I would advise closely following a small diverse age group and charting the varying doses and results before recommending.
I would not recommend a cheaper or any version without verifying it’s clean. I bought a microscope and learned how to use it. I started eliminating brand names due to contamination.
Please use caution, people. I applaud Dr Ana for going all in for humanity’s sake but let’s get real - it may deactivate the antennae of nanobots but may also harm one’s health.
What we need are more trained practitioners to offer live blood analysis once they know what to look for. If one can’t see what’s happening to their blood one cannot know if the protocol is working. God help us all ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ


Nathan Foia - Sep 20

Nathan Foia

People are asking for advice, because they have no better options. If they were already properly educated, they would not be asking random strangers on substack. Without knowing an individual's personal situation, I try to keep it simple. Doing nothing seems like slow suicide.
I do appreciate your perspective, and I wish more people thought that way, and were able to pay for the treatment you're receiving, but we don't live in that world, so we do the best we can with what we have.
Most of my clients are struggling to pay bills. If I recommend expensive treatments, they go untreated. That is not an option. I work for donations and I don't make much money from this craft, which is not a full time job for me. I do it because I feel that it's my duty as someone who has knowledge. The government schools have destroyed generations of minds. What else can we do?


Monica Onit - Sep 20

Monica Onit

You have excellent points but we are in calamity mode right now, even if most of us and practitioners who could make the difference (I don’t have faith in most allopathic doctors) are still sitting ducks.
Titanic is sinking and we worry about the chairs on the deck… We are simply running out of our consciousness, very soon, looking at how complex the tech inside us evolves, day by day…
If CaEDTA is the way, so be it. There are millions who eventually lived long, sane and active lives, for many decades after staring chelation and doing it until their last days. The suppression of chelation records, the harassment of its practitioners was and is immense!
Yes, it wasn’t genetically documented much but its physiology was amply studied and the evidence is there, for everyone who wants to look at the pros and the cons, before going for it. Everyone should do this exercise, I guess.
As for Dr Ana’s answer, she is absolutely correct, Disodium EDTA should be administered just and only by chelation practitioners! Nobody should take it by himself, ever.
CaEDTA is another world, this was already long used for home chelation, oral and suppositories.
Look at Dr Garry Gordon’s work, hope those who have the rights to republish his book on oral chelation will do something about it because it’s much needed info in there.
Dr Gordon is the father of oral chelation and used to write the norms and regulations for IV and oral chelation for US and internationally,Dr Elmer Cranton was also a great chelation doctor and author of ‘Bypassing Bypass Surgery’ book.
God bless and help us๐Ÿ™


Monica Onit - Sep 20

Monica Onit

Starting chelation *


Monica Onit - Sep 20

Monica Onit

Ortho molecular doctors documented like safe much larger doses than 10 g ascorbic acid per day.
Taking it in hourly increments, including during edta chelation hours, or 3-4 times a day with a meal, should work for almost everyone in good health.
I wonder, for those who can’t have ascorbic acid during EDTA chelations’ hours…will they get the same results if they take it entirely appart and with the three meals? Like 3-4 g ascorbic acid per meal?
I guess Dr Ana considered all aspects mentioned by yourself , when she has chosen 10g of vitamin C , for general guidelines.


JMarie.58 - Sep 20

JMarie.58’s Substack

No doubt! I’m familiar with Dr Gordon, not too many others to study. Maybe he was onto something and was quashed in the great machine re: censorship. This man-made chaos has been long in the planning. I did my 10g by IV - maintenance is about 3000g a day & 100mg of EDTA in same powdered formula (in addition to food sources). I’m just suggesting caution. If one has acute symptoms it could absolutely be worth a trial. Perhaps she can persuade a dozen patients for a few months...


Monica Onit - Sep 20

Monica Onit

I’d also like the protocol nuanced for everyone, not just for those in good health… I guess other chelation practitioners should already step up and help Dr Ana with this kind of study. She already did so much but its still huge work to do!
I don’t know why the feeling of emergency is so largely obliterated… is it the nano-tech taking over?


Nathan Foia - Sep 20

Nathan Foia

Yes, it is.


Nadine Brennan - Sep 20

Nathan Foia

Nathan, do you know who wrote what you quoted, about the sublingual procedure?


Nathan Foia - Sep 20

Nathan Foia


Nathan Foia - Sep 20

Nathan Foia

I didn't quote anyone about the sublingual procedure. That is from my own exyensive research, and experience. The portion I quoted was related to oral ingestion.


Smurf - Sep 20

Nathan Foia

I am now increasing it to 490 mg EDTA and 10 g of Vitamin C per day and will recheck in a few weeks. That’s the oral protocol by Dr. Ana-Maria Mihalcea MD, PhD. In addition, I’m taking 2 Plaquex Oral of 900 mg each per day." I have Global Healing EDTA how much 490mg in the dropper? Where can I find 2 plaques oral 900 mg what brand? Why do you hold it on your mouth? I've never Anna stated that thanks.


Nathan Foia - Sep 20

Nathan Foia

I don't use Plaquex or any of the brands Ana recommends. It's nothing personal against her, but I've been a holistic healer for many years and I buy in bulk, make my own formulations and encapsulations, and try to give my clients the most affordable options.
Be careful taking that much vitamin C. If you get loose stools or diarrhea, or stomach irritation, lower your dosage until that goes away because it can cause harm. I can't imagine how much per year it would cost to take 10 grams of liposomal vitamin C each day, but it sounds very, very expensive. I use plain ascorbic acid. Very cheap, and effective. If I was dealing with an aggressive form of cancer I would recommend liposomal vitamin C for a period of time, but most of my clients would not be able to afford that amount for very long.


Magus Incognito - Sep 20

Very grounded, practical and sage advice


Nathan Foia - Sep 20

Nathan Foia

You hold the calcium EDTA in your mouth because from the gums and other soft tissue many substances enter the bloodstream directly, without having to go through the digestive system. Many remedies are used this way, including alcohol based herbal tinctures. People use tobacco in the same way and get their fix. EDTA is poorly absorbed through the digestive system, only about 5-10% will enter the bloodstream. Sublingual use, holding it in the mouth, delivers about 60% directly to the bloodstream.


Nadine Brennan - Sep 20

Nathan Foia

How does your body handle 10 g of Vit C? The Plaquex is pricey for my budget but I need it. Is there just 1 company that makes it? $70 a month?


Nathan Foia - Sep 20

Nathan Foia

A quick search on "Plaquex" yielded the following results. This is not an exhaustive list, just the top results:
"Plaquex Oral contains pure DLPC."
Search for "DPLC"
Apparently there are more sources of DLPC, the active ingredient in Plaquex. I have no prior knowledge of this, so please do your own research.


m cameron - Sep 19

m cameron

All good questions, I would like to know the answers to as well.


Ted Gunderson - Sep 19

See Dr Anita


Nadine Brennan - Sep 20


I hope Dr Ana will answer. You make good points. Does she offer any chats or situations where she takes questions and answers them, do u know? I'd love to ask her what to do about Morgellons fibers.


Nick - Sep 20


Dr Ana never gets involved with the thread discussion. Read other people’s posts and you can find the right remedy for you.


Monica Onit - Sep 20

Monica Onit

I really hope she will answer all these questions and more other details related to how everyone can successfully use her protocol, everywhere.Maybe she will do it In her much expected new book or maybe she will write a handbook for chelation at home…๐Ÿ™
A home chelation book is long needed and nobody in this field seems to get the courage to do it these days.
I don’t use ‘courage’ ironically here, the chelation practitioners are the most harassed health providers on the planet, I guess, after all my digging in the history of EDTA .
They are all saints in my book, God bless them๐Ÿ™


MarshaGail - Oct 1


Check out Methylene Blue


Ted Gunderson - Sep 19


See Dr Anita


psychoNWO - Sep 20


Monkeypox and 5G...


Thom - Sep 19

Dandelion Imperative

We 1000% believe you and your prolific excellent lab work!!! Thank You!!! We might have missed it but can you detail how the infested public, who rabidly desire to de-infest our temples of the Holy Ghost, can obtain Calcium Disodium EDTA and Ascorbic Acid in the correct form and quantities that could exorcise this demonic shit from our bodies... and how frequently the miracle elixir would be taken in the future to keep the shit out permanently...


Jade Kali Laveau - Sep 19

Jade Kali Laveau

Thank you so much for all that you do and have done for us. You have helped us all so much.
Can we give this to our pets as well?
I have also been doing diatomaceous earth for parasites as I have felt parasites could be apart of this process. Eating lots of greens.


Bee Gee - Sep 19

Bee Gee

I would talk with your vet, there IS EDTA for pets but it is usually IV or eye drops and if your pet has any kidney issues, EDTA could be dangerous for them.
They do use it for lead chelation in pets though... Maybe tell your vet your pet ate some lead paint chips.
Also it is very hard to equate amounts between human weight and animal weight, so its possible an amount that is fine for people would be too much for a pet so I would not try it at home without vet supervision personally.
Also I myself do not take any more clays or 'earths' like DE, because the chemical analysis of DE shows it is mostly made of silica and alumina, similar to Zeolite.
I dont think it is Proven that they are harmful or help build the nanotech Yet but I definitely think it is possible that they Can, as Dr Ana has shown in some of their patents and research papers.
From wikipedia: The typical chemical composition of oven-dried diatomaceous earth is 80–90% silica, with 2–4% alumina (attributed mostly to clay minerals), and 0.5–2% iron oxide.[2]


Nathan Foia - Sep 20

Nathan Foia

Calcium bentonite clay is very different in composition. I use it daily, mostly to deal with my Lyme's disease and other tick borne infections.


David - Sep 20


Does it kill them or just attenuate the symptoms?


Nathan Foia - Sep 20

Nathan Foia

It binds heavy metals so they can more effectively pass through the liver and kidneys without being reabsorbed. Similar to activated charcoal, the particles are charged, and bond by "adsorbing," spelled with a "d" not a "b", as distinct from " absorbing." But no binding agent is 100% effective, and some particles will inevitably be reabsorbed as it passes through the liver and kidneys. Therefore, to avoid a herxheimer reaction, start with maybe ¼ teaspoon in water, on empty stomach, before bed. Double the amount each week until you reach 1 teaspoon per day. Make sure to replace lost minerals in diet or supplement form. For every 6 weeks on, take 2 weeks off to remineralize.
I mix 1 teaspoon calcium bentonite clay in 12 oz distilled water, stir and let sit for at least 5 minutes, then add ½ teaspoon activated charcoal (coconut based), and 1 tablespoon psyllium husk powder, shake to mix, and chug immediately. This covers many bases, and keeps the clay from sticking to the colon and other areas. I have used this protocol for nearly a decade. If Lyme symptoms flare up or if I'm exposed to mold, I take up to 1 tablespoon of calcium bentonite clay and up to 1 teaspoon of activated charcoal, the psyllium husk remains at 1 tablespoon.


Thomas Guitarman - Sep 20

Thomas’s Substack

This is good advice I use it as well


Smurf - Sep 20

Nathan Foia

Replace lost minerals with type of mineral supplement thanks? When do you take the minerals.


Nathan Foia - Sep 20

Nathan Foia

This book is an excellent source of information on a wide range of health topics, including minerals. $6.37 and free shipping. I highly recommend it, and often use it as a starting point when researching a topic I'm not familiar with.
Get a copy and take notes:)


Nathan Foia - Sep 20

Nathan Foia

List of essential minerals and minimum amounts to prevent deficiency, plus toxic levels. Note that RDA (recommended daily allowance) is not the optimal amount, just enough to prevent severe deficiency.
Some minerals, such as magnesium, can be taken in amounts far exceeding the RDA.
You'll need to research this to have a better understanding, I can't give you all that information. Also know that not all forms of minerals are equally bioavailable, and have different therapeutic uses. For example, the cheapest form of magnesium is magnesium oxide. It is poorly absorbed, but cheap to produce, and I don't recommend that form. Magnesium citrate can cause diarrhea if taken in excess, but is more bioavailable and has several therapeutic uses, aside from being a gentle laxative. It's cheaper than other forms and very useful, but other forms are better for certain situations. Zinc oxide is also cheap but not very bioavailable. Chelated forms of most minerals are available, and they're usually a great choice.
You'll need to educate yourself. Take notes.
You can find multimineral supplements but they're usually expensive. Find a high quality food based multivitamin, and do a thorough check of all minerals and and their amounts. Buy additional supplements to make up for any lack. Getting minerals from food is always the best choice. Look into the root vegetables, or just check which foods have the highest mineral contents, and eat a wide variety of whole foods, especially root vegetables.
You need to understand how your body works, so get out your notebook and research:)


Monica Onit - Sep 20

Monica Onit

Minerals , multivitamins, foods , beverages other than cleanest water are to be taken at least 2hours appart- before and after -CaEDTA chelation. At least 4 total hours of fast around EDTA.
I would look into Bee Gee substack, he amply explains how it’s done and his own Family’s chelation’s regimen.


Nathan Foia - Sep 20

Nathan Foia

One more thing on bentonite clay and activated charcoal:
NEVER use metal cups or utensils. Metal, especially steel (iron), will nullify the charged particles and render the "aDsorption" properties ineffective. I won't let either the powders or the mixed products to sit on a metal table or near anything metal, definitely not by an EMF emitting device.
And if you're into more woo-woo ideas, stir the bentonite clay into the distilled water, in a glass jar, with a wooden, silicon or plastic utensil, and set it either in the sun for a few hours (and let sit until you take it before bed), or in the moonlight under a favorable moon. If you don't know what I'm talking about there's plenty of information online. See "charging crystals with sunlight or moonlight" and recognize that clay contains many tiny crystals of various elements. Sunlight and different phases of the moon offer different properties, so do it with purpose.


AKcidentalwriter - Sep 19

Cultural Philosophical Fireworks

This is so ground breaking for individuals who are conscious. the masses will not be part of this sadly.


Gwendolyn Jones - Sep 19

Gwendolyn’s Substack

Soooo true. There are so many people who don’t know that they’re targeted. Including my family.


AKcidentalwriter - Sep 20

Cultural Philosophical Fireworks

I can only hope for folks to move pass the illusion of the reality that has been presented. Some will just not move beyond though. Thanks for the dialogue.


Kim C at the Sea - Sep 19 - Edited

Bee Gee

Should we mix the edta and C before taking??


Bee Gee - Sep 19 - Edited

Bee Gee

No, you can just take them separately without mixing them (but at the same time).
Vitamin C will not bind with EDTA and unless you have highly alkaline water, you will not be able to get the EDTA to dissolve into solution anyway.
It is Extremely hydrophobic and the EDTA powder will simply sit on top of any acidic water or orange juice and not mix into the water for Anything.
That is assuming you have the powder, I am not sure about pH of the liposomal but no, you dont need to mix EDTA and Vitamin C before you take it.
Just be sure to take it at least 2 hours away from anything else it will bind with (like most other vitamins or food or coffee with dairy) or you will most likely waste the EDTA.


Smurf - Sep 20

Bee Bee Anna stated we need to take a mineral when taking EDTA is that true? What mineral would you recommend thanks?


Kim C at the Sea - Sep 20

Zinc. For others, do a search for which minerals EDTA depletes. Many sites, many answers of course.


Kim C at the Sea - Sep 19

Bee Gee

So... 4 hours with no food whatsoever- 2 before and 2 after. Oh the things we'll do for... life lol!


Bee Gee - Sep 19

Bee Gee

Yes you can do that, thats how I started.
Thats one of the problems with MedFive EDTA though, it takes 2 hours to dissolve which makes effective dosing more difficult. I also take Arizona Naturals EDTA though and it gets into your system nearly immediately, which can be easier for daily usage.
Now my wife and I do an EDTA fast about once or twice a month, where we only take EDTA (Arizona and MedFive) and Vitamin C and other things that help but do not bind with EDTA like ALA, NAC, glutathione, bromelain, and Vitamins D and E. Also a ton of water and fresh orange juice and fresh pineapple juice.
Honestly until I started doing the EDTA fast, I didnt know how easy it was, much Much easier than fasting Without EDTA. We usually plan on 3 full days but we feel so good, we sometimes keep going for 4 or 5 days.
Then we usually dont take any supplements or EDTA or vitamins for a day or two after chelating, in order to process everything out because some of those things can potentially circulate in your system for a day or two.
Everyones health situation is unique but I am just telling people what I do (and have done) and suffered no ill effects yet.
We may do another EDTA fast this weekend in fact, it is working great and we Feel awesome.
No microscopic evidence yet but IMO I don't think EDTA is dangerous at all, I strongly recommend it for most people. And I have taken 7 grams of EDTA a day for 5 days straight at least twice, maybe more... I don't really keep track anymore.
Good luck to you in any case.


Monica Onit - Sep 20

Monica Onit

Dear Kim, please look into intermittent fasting. It’s a lifestyle for many humans and pets.


P. Brooks McGinnis - Sep 23

P.’s Substack

Completed My 28 Day Water Fast
Water Fasting
Breakfast 18 Days Post Water Fast
Water Fasting


Monica Onit - Sep 24

Monica Onit

Good for you! Thank you for sharing with us!
Have you looked at your blood with darkfield microscope after?


P. Brooks McGinnis - Sep 24

P.’s Substack

In my long life I have been a seeker. Seekers are not very valued most of the time and my seeking at the time when I found out about water fasts was happening over 40 years ago. At that time I was seeking the meaning of god and with a long water fast read the whole bible (Until my eyes gave out during the long fast and then I had my wife read it aloud and that was not until the last 10 days of that water fast). So seeking is not rewarded by our culture in anyway; except in derogatory fashion. My mentor for my fasting is now considered a petty crook and a quack (he helps 10's of thousands of people during his life); by all media sources owned by billionaires. This is not to say seeking is bad; but do not expect huge monetary benefits; the benefits are definitely of another nature and can be immense.


George - Sep 19

Anouschka’s Substack

Did it also eliminate the Bluetooth wireless network?


Anouschka Nitzlnader - Sep 19

Anouschka’s Substack

Good question ๐Ÿ‘


David - Sep 20


Yes it does. It completely annihilates any heavy metal based construct and chelates it into blobs which are then excreted in feces or urine. Bear in mind however that re-contamination can happen immediately, and start reconstruction as soon as the self-sacrificial edta is consumed in this process.


Roman S Shapoval - Sep 19

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Get out in the Sun to build melanin as a detox pathway, less is often more:


Emilio Rios - Sep 19

Emilio’s Substack



DAVY Udal - Sep 19

DAVY’s Substack

I do not trust anythinig that sounds like a chemical. That includes EDTA. Please conduct your tests with naturally available foods like onions, radish and especially garlic. along with vitamin C it could be what we are al looking for. The Big Black Book tells us that we have dominion over all the plants and animals. I suggest that nothing is here for no purpose and with what we know about naturopathy it is time to look along those lins and throw away the Rockefeller book on chemicals. We have learned over the past few years that we CANNOT TRUST THE SCIENCE!


David - Sep 20


Best thing for you is to find another substack that endorses paralysis as a survival method. Good luck.


DAVY Udal - Sep 20

DAVY’s Substack



Nathan Foia - Sep 20

Nathan Foia



VinnyG - Sep 19

Thanks for sharing your findings I've already taken oral calcium EDTA and oral vitamin c although I'm not vaxxed myself but who knows, wishing you success!


Thomas Guitarman - Sep 20

Thomas’s Substack

Well this MAY work BUT is really proper scientific method for testing being done here? Are the amounts dropped onto slides and bringing this conclusion really relevant in the BODY? I m not negating it , just asking the question. Hopefully other experts with the scientific approach will validate it or reject it . Then what about Dr Robert Young s extensive papers on the toxicology of EDTA? Is all that wrong ? We need clarification and TRUTH.


Steve Clough - Sep 20

Steve Clough

Solid response. I’m a toxicologist and have the exact same opinion. Just read dry fasting may be the best antidote to nano elements in the blood. Recently posted on Dr. David Nixon’s substack


Bee Gee - Sep 20

Bee Gee

No, dry fasting doesnt work but I will let you discover that for yourself. Good luck to you in any case.


Bee Gee - Sep 20

Bee Gee

Robert Young is NOT A DOCTOR. Read the transcripts from his Court Case, he says it himself.
And No, EDTA is not toxic. And Everything robert young says is suspect, to be kind.
Im not sure why you keep harping on Dr Ana not following 'the scientific method' yet you believe someone who has a total lack of science in everything he does.
Is he still selling Masterfleece? He could have easily produced a Real study out of that 'info', since you keep bringing the scientific method, but he Didnt.
He made a powerpoint. I wonder Why?
He doesnt even spell many Words right, which you would Think would be a red flag for discerning people.
Read his court case transcript and his scams and how he weaseled his way out of it and then ask yourself if you want to take medical advice from him.


Thomas Guitarman - Sep 20

Thomas’s Substack

Im not taking his advice at all or anyone;s I do my own research and have created my own treatment protocol that has shown great results. Im simply mentioning it because the article does not look sound to me , so calm down. I have known Dr Ana for 15 plus years , have you? I have followed and supported her work even before it was on this topic. I know her journey even before this area of investigation. Im just questioning if ALL the info in his lengthy reports on EDTA is all wrong. I personally dont trust it or use it , or ANYTHING CREATED BY BIG PHARMA. I have heard positive and negative results from its use. So if you have all the answers , please show us and calm down and dont be so quick to attack my sincere questioning. SK


Bee Gee - Sep 21

Bee Gee

Thats fair, I do not know Dr Ana at all, I lived in Kirkland for many years and could tell you many things most people dont know about how all this started in the US (like how they are spreading it) but unfortunately I did not learn about her or her work until after I left.
Yet many people use those articles to attack her and her work so I do get a little defensive about people quoting those, because I Have read Many of them and I think they are Bullshit.
If you or anyone else (like those 'doctors' saying EDTA is poison) can show that something more natural can do the same thing, hey let us all know. And distrust of pharma and prescription drugs is great, for example I talk all the time about pineapples and oranges, and their importance.
Bromelain doesnt bind with EDTA so they can be taken concurrently and it gets into closed organ systems like the reproductive system or eyeballs when most things that help Don't. Pineapple is high in vitamin C and Malic acid too.
If you want to get the most bromelain possible at a time IMO, skin a fresh pineapple, cut the whole thing into chunks including the stem, then chew up each chunk and suck the juice out and then spit out the pulp. It will absorb sublingually as well as from swallowing the juice and you do not get any fiber intake like you would if eat the pineapple or put it through an electric juicer.
But all my 'protocol' (as everyone likes to call it now) revolves around Complimenting EDTA, since I think its the best way we currently have to start resolving the shedding almost everyone has now.
Diet alone Cannot fix it, and of course EDTA is not the Only answer, the moderna patent list of exemplary antioxidants and chelators alone is evidence of that.
It also plainly does not have acute negative effects and its been around for almost 100 years so if you read some of those old studies, some people took relatively Huge amounts by todays standards, like 27 Grams of EDTA a Day... for Months.
Did they Die? No. Did anyone die in the TACT2 trial? No. So let me know when you have something that works better with evidence like Dr Ana provides, Im all ears.
Until then Im just gonna keep trying to help people survive the biowar we are currently in the best way I know how and talking shit to people I think are bashing Dr Anas work, which I thought you were. My apologies for that part.
Good luck to you in any case.


Thomas Guitarman - Sep 23

Thomas’s Substack

Hi have you heard Dr Ana s latest . I want to hear your thoughts on it . Again I dont see she has overcome the POSSIBLE shortfalls in this experiment relative to amounts of effectiveness in the body and possible negative effects. Ok so lets give it the benefit of the doubt and say maybe .But the she has seemingly fallen for DJT ,BS and even says she is "hoping for a new golden age under DJT" Wait a minute , this is the guy who launched OPERATION WARP SPEED , calls himself the godfather of the death shots that doctor Ana has repeatedly called an exctinction ,level event. I repeatedly heard him tell everyone to take the deaths shots and boosters , and that he did . He never fired the evil generals and military involved in all these bioweapon agendas going way back. He unlawfully issued the EUA when the big pharma fraud was already known by patents , and all their efforts to protect themselves from liability. I can go on for hours , I know this mans ENTIRE HISTORY and previous actions and his family as well . He is totally Zionist agenda supporter and calling for ww3 attacks on Iran. His son in law is Mossad and he put him in charge of Mideast policy. 2 FLIGHTS on Epstein Express. Do not mistake anything I have said for support for any of the other evil side , they are all controlled opposition. Shortly before Dr Ana had distanced herself from her entire community by recognizing and stating the truth about DJT , Something is seriously wrong here. I have made podcasts and educated on these things for decades


Thomas Guitarman - Sep 21

Thomas’s Substack

Thanks for extended reply. Im in Wash as well . Well I think there are many possibilities BUT they will need to be done in synergistic combination. Please tell me more in reply on your thoughts of how this got started and spread. I have always maintained human resonance is equally important and {maybe more relevant than shedding] just consider it quantum shedding..On Pineapple/Bromelain, probably good IF you can get Pineapple that is NOT LOADED WITH TOXIC SPRAYS , its one of the heaviest Roundup use products. I use Glycine, VIT C for , for glyphosates. I think the combination of sonic frequencies as in my description below and a combination of supplements , plus biofield strengthening and consciously increasing our biofield frequency will work and Im seeing it is . See my "protocol" below and please stay safe and in touch, Im working with brilliant people all over the world. Suggest checking out everything from Dan Winter on his website. But I live off grid way out in forested mountains , shielded living structure ,grow my own food , not in city , no CELL PHONE WEAPON, TV , wifi , dirty electricity, ect ect. If people live in death trap smart cities, [ King County =98% JABBED ], drink and bathe in city poisoned water , use cell phones , have smart meters , dirty electricity, ect ect . NOTHING WILL HELP , they are being re-exposed and killing themselves faster than anything can help.


Georgia Lynn Justice - Sep 23

Solutions for the Targeted Comm…

Where's your protocol, don't see it


Thomas Guitarman - Sep 23

Thomas’s Substack

right here
Thomas Guitarman <>
, So here is what IM DOING with dramatic results . I first have them drink MY LIVE VORTEXED MOUNTAIN WATER , THEN LA MANA water with natural colloidal silver and gold [THIS IS THE ONLY WATER IN THE WORLD WITH THIS] Then I SPRAY them with MY HOMEMADE HYDROSOLS from Blue Spruce, Red Cedar, Fir, and Lavender[ Highest frequencies possible in hydrosol] Then apply PALO SANTO ESSENTIAL OIL to each seal or Chakra. I have put together a COPPER FOOTBATH TUB with an Audio speaker mounted underneath , so all healing sonic frequencies go right into the water filled with perfect combination of detox INGREDIENTS and right into their body. Mounted on the side is the CYMATICS PLATE and device so they CAN SEE the sonic patterns MANIFEST INTO MATTER and build a memory neural net to continue to focus upon 24/7 even when not doing the treatment . The person doing the treatment STIRS the detox .water combination WITH TORSION FIELD VORTEXES while focusing their mind into the VORTEX and chaos period while reversing the Vortex directions . They have a microphone in hand to also speak , sing , or state their healing intentions into the process. I also use healing frequency TUNING FORKS and Crystal singing bowls to demarcate the changes in frequency from the sonic frequency generator. Then I PLAY/ CHANNEL specific live music in 432 HZ , for them , then I do a meridian FOOT MASSAGE at the end . We are using ELECTRO DERMAL ACUPUNCTURE TESTING BEFORE AND AFTER, and then DARK FIELD MICROSCOPES to live blood test, so we know what is really working or not. I ALSO supply them with my herbal tea blend with all detox , immune boosting and spike protein inhibitors, and well as my , nano replication inhibiting combination. So looking forward to your event .


Steve Clough - Sep 20

Steve Clough

So do you really believe that it is “nicotine“ that is responsible for the dissolution of the Nanotech structures? What is the effective chemical in the “tobacco extract“? Why not just take a drop of spit out of a spitoon and say that you performed a scientific experiment? EVERY “cause and effect” experiment with a chemical agent requires a dose/response. Don’t you agree?


Thomas Guitarman - Sep 20

Thomas’s Substack

Thanks that was my questioning. Here is my protocol
> THANKS , So here is what IM DOING with dramatic results . I first have them drink MY LIVE VORTEX MOUNTAIN WATER , THEN LA MANA water with natural colloidal silver and gold [THIS IS THE ONLY WATER IN THE WORLD WITH THIS] Then I SPRAY them with MY HOMEMADE HYDROSOLS from Blue Spruce, Red Cedar, Fir, and Lavender[ Highest frequencies possible in hydrosol] Then apply PALO SANTO ESSENTIAL OIL to each seal or Chakra. I have put together a COPPER FOOTBATH TUB with an Audio speaker mounted underneath , so all healing sonic frequencies go right into the water filled with perfect combination of detox INGREDIENTS and right into their body. Mounted on the side is the CYMATIC PLATE and device so they CAN SEE the sonic patterns MANIFEST INTO MATTER and build a memory neural net to continue to focus upon 24/7 even when not doing the treatment . The person doing the treatment STIRS the detox .water combination WITH TORSION FIELD VORTEXES while focusing their mind into the VORTEX and chaos period while reversing the Vortex directions . They have a microphone in hand to also speak , sing , or state their healing intentions into the process. I also use healing frequency TUNING FORKS and Crystal singing bowls to demarcate the changes in frequency from the sonic frequency generator. Then I PLAY/ CHANNEL specific live music in 432 HZ , for them , then I do a meridian FOOT MASSAGE at the end . We are using ELECTRO DERMAL ACUPUNCTURE TESTING BEFORE AND AFTER, and then DARK FIELD MICROSCOPES to live blood test, so we know what is really working or not. I ALSO supply them with my herbal tea blend with all detox , immune boosting and spike protein inhibitors, and well as my , nano replication inhibiting combination. . SK


Bee Gee - Sep 20

Bee Gee

No, nicotine does not dissolve nanostructures, as many people proved 2 or 3 years ago.
I understand your hesitations about her methods, but she was only reopening this experiment because of the LQC video the other day.
Dr David Nixon did more scientifically valid work, using pure nicotine as well as various tobacco solutions and extracts that would likely ease your hesitations but meh.
It Doesnt Matter, because it doesnt work. Smokers have much higher blood nicotine levels than non-smokers, as but one example of Many, yet they all got the shedding and have the nanotech in their blood too.
Perhaps it does help with binding receptors in the brain but no one can prove that, I smoke and never lost my taste or smell for example but that is all hypothetical since they cannot really do any receptor binding test on living patients.
TBH I hope people just stop talking about nicotine again, it doesnt work for the reasons people are taking it and its a distraction from the things that Do.
Namely EDTA and Vitamin C, but other things you can take Along with EDTA/C that help include ALA, NAC, glutathione, bromelain and vitamins D and E.
Also AcetylCholine binds with those same nicotinic receptors.


Wolf-Steppen - Sep 19 - Edited


Can these be taken together orally without any serious issues, because my EDTA bottle says to definitely NOT take it the same time as anything, including food and supplements? I thought recently about taking them together, without ANYTHING else, but then I thought I better listen to the bottle (no, not a genie talking to me, my genius is too much for that---lol). Anyway, if it would be safe to only take, in my case organic, non-GMO Ester-C, with EDTA at the same, I would definitely give it a try.
If you weren't aware already, most ascorbic acid Vitamin-C is GMO from GMO corn from China!---one of the main reasons that I, ONLY, take Ester-C. So, especially if you're injecting GMO ascorbic acid into people's veins, I would think you would want to stop using it, and figure out a way to cost-effectively dissolve Ester-C and sterilize it so it could be safely injected into those same veins; or, make sure you are getting IV Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) that is non-GMO and otherwise organic, if you haven't already.
In closing I hope you will answer that one question, and thank you "bottomously" for all that you do.
Thank you, Ana.


Monica Onit - Sep 20 - Edited

Monica Onit

Hi Wolf,
If we take a look at PO3 EDTA suppositories’ composition, they are 900mg EDTA plus 50mg ester-C in a cocoa butter base.
You should be fine with your ester-C addition, although additional ascorbic acid is needed in this particular, exact situation of wrecking the tech.
Personally, I take 10g of non gmo ,no corn, organic( hopefully!) ascorbic acid in water, with a straw, in increments, without any problems and I am a petite woman.
It took one month for me to built my ascorbic acid intake up to 10g . With some draw backs, when I’ve completed with some liposomal.
I’ve also put vit C powder in veggie capsules, for more convenience. Hubby takes 3 g in capsules, four times a day,without any hassle too.
Hope this will help you a little.
Be well,


Wolf-Steppen - Sep 26 - Edited


UPDATE: I took two EDTA capsules and one gram of Ester-C on an empty stomach, and had absolutely no ill effects whatsoever; in fact, I seemed to have more energy. Anyhow, I took it twice for one day, and only once, in the morning, the next day. I thought about keeping on, but I seem to recall reading somewhere that it's not a good idea to keep taking it twice a day, every day, for several days in a row. So, I'll do it again in a week or so and go from there.


Cj - Sep 19

Amazing news. Stay safe the evil ones will not like this discovery.,


Rob - Sep 19


This works!, light bulbs no longer light up when I put one in my mouth, thanks doc!


David Merrill - Sep 19

Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…

Your videos remind me of the background graphics at a Tool concert.
Recently I noticed this Tower above Haight and Ashbury:
Looking closely I realized its nature. There are no antennae on the Tower - the Tower is the antennae and it is anchored directly to earth ground. Like mine:
Watch close:
See it? The signals are still streaming without any antennae! The Tower over San Francisco is between the earth ground and the Van Allen Belt.


Robert Childs - Sep 20

Robert’s Substack

I thought my life was over and in a deep dark place in my life until this courageous woman popped up on my screen. I am forever grateful. As a child,and most of my life, I have been deceived by pharmacudical companies in thinking they cared about us. My eyes are wide open to the evil among us now. God be with you all.



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