Tobacco/ Nicotine Solution Day2 Shows Significant Inhibition Of Nano Antenna And Microchip Growth Of Pfizer's Enbrel

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Sep 05, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Image: Flower Nanoantenna’s in Pfizer’s Enbrel

This is a follow up to yesterdays post about my observations mixing Pfizers Enbrel, which contains known microelectronics with a Tobacco/ Nicotine solution. The slides were left to dry overnight.

Tobacco Solution/ Nicotine Enhances Nano and Microrobot Activity When Mixed With Microelectronics In Pfizer's Enbrel But Interferes With Integrity Of Nano Antennas In Microchip Development

I had previously shown the Nanoantenna development in Enbrel

Darkfield Microscopy Of Pfizer's Enbrel (Etanercept) Shows Nanoantennas, Microrobots, Self Assembly Nanotechnology Comparable To C19 Bioweapons. Microelectronics For Patient Monitoring Darkfield Microscopy Of Pfizer's Enbrel (Etanercept) Shows Nanoantennas, Microrobots, Self Assembly Nanotechnology Comparable To C19 Bioweapons. Microelectronics For Patient Monitoring

Here is the scientific article discussing these flower nanoantenna’s

Design of flower-shaped dipole nano-antenna for energy harvesting

This is a video of the crystalline flower arrangements with microchip structures forming fractal geometric designs. Magnification 2000x


Video: flower microchip nanoantennas in dried Enbrel Magnification 2000x

Flower microchip nanoantennas in dried Enbrel Magnification 2000x

Enbrel plus Tobacco Nicotine solution completely unable to build microchip crystal nanoantenna’s Magnification 400x

Enbrel plus Tobacco Nicotine solution inhibits microchip crystal nanoantenna’s. Few microchips looks deformed. Microbots visible but not the usual nano antenna Magnification 4000x

Enbrel plus Tobacco Nicotine solution completely unable to build microchip crystal nanoantenna’s. Magnification 4000x

Enbrel plus Tobacco Nicotine solution allowed filament self assembly which was not present in Enbrel alone. Magnification left 200x right 2000x

Enbrel plus Tobacco Nicotine solution allowed filament self assembly which was not present in Enbrel alone, background shows inhibited nanoantennas. Magnification 200x

Side by side Magnification 2000x clearly shows much less structure in microchip assembly. In the Enbrel plus Tobacco/ Nicotine microrobots are seen but no nanoantenna microchip assembly.


Tobacco solution/ Nicotine clearly inhibits the geometric building of microchip nanoantennas. This confirms the findings of La Quinta Columna, who reported dissolution of microchips in dental anesthetics. It appears filament production is favored by the Tobacco/Nicotine solution. From yesterdays observations microrobots seemed increased but they were not able to organize to build significant mesogen structures.

I highly recommend someone does a MAC address phenomenon study with Nicotine. To me this is a very impressive microscopy result and if indeed Nicotine renders the antenna for the self assembly nanotechnology dysfunctional, that is great news for another therapeutic agent not just for snake venom peptides, but actually for disabling the self assembly nanotechnology.

I have been pointing out that if so many teams around the world did not find mRNA in the shots, then how can everyone be speaking of a spike protein. Possibly the clinical improvements with Nicotine seen in COVID19 are also related to suppression of nanotechnology. I encourage other scientists to do their own research and report on this phenomenon. I find these observations very hopeful.

In my own clinic I have found patients blood still contaminated on Nicotine alone, so I would use it with other detoxification methods as I have advocated previously.

New Findings By La Quinta Columna - Microchips Disassemble With Tobacco Solution Plus Darkfield Live Blood Analysis Of Individuals Using Nicotine Alone - Other Detox Molecules Are Recommended

Protocols of 7 mg with nicotine patches have been used for long Covid. I recommend Dr Ardis’s extensive documentation on the effects of Nicotine.

Is the post-COVID-19 syndrome a severe impairment of acetylcholine-orchestrated neuromodulation that responds to nicotine administration?

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Michael G. Fons - Sep 5

Michael’s Substack

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit smoking. LOL

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DAVY Udal - Sep 5

DAVY’s Substack

This is what I like too see. Cooperation between different fields of doctors. This is the best way to finally defeat the oppressors. Two minds are better than one and 100 are even better than that. Keep up the excellent work to all. There is a cure. God & Jesus told us so.

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