Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - May 08, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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I have been writing extensively about the nano and microrobots that I have been seeing in the blood of the C19 unvaccinated via shedding and environmental contamination, in childhood vaccines and medications like Insulin. Many people want to treat the contamination of the blood with light, pulsed magnetic fields, electricity etc. I have been advising against this based on my research, since the robots can utilize this for energy.
Darkfield Microscopy Of Micro Robots In Live Blood Exposed to Scalar Wave Quantum Cold Laser
This review article discusses the power sources for micro and nanobot propulsion - which uses light, magnetic fields, electricity, chemical reactions, temperature, ultrasound and even ATP from our cells as an energy source.
Below you can see micro and nanobots in spherical encapsulation as well as free floating. These are very small, but if you enlarge the video to full screen you can see them moving and working to construct the polymer filament, becoming part of the construction. The surrounding cells in oxidative stress.
Video: 2000x magnification C19 uninjected blood.
I have written many articles about the nano and microrobots that I have been finding in C19 unvaccinated blood and how this builds the polymer filaments we see.
Here is what the article states:
Drug delivery systems (DDSs) encompass a wide range of methods, including oral, injectable, and topical routes of administration, all tailored to meet specific patient needs. Micro and nanorobots, equipped with pioneering propulsion mechanisms that convert external energy sources into precise movements, have revolutionized drug delivery. This cutting-edge technology ensures highly efficient drug delivery, particularly when targeting specific targets within intricate physiological environments. In contrast to traditional drug delivery approaches that rely on bloodstream circulation, engineered micro/nanorobots have autonomous mobility, enabling drug delivery to previously unreachable areas.
Here is how the bots are powered:
Unlike conventional drug delivery methods relying on bloodstream circulation for drug transport, engineered micro/nanorobots possess autonomous mobility, facilitating drug delivery to otherwise inaccessible regions [ 6 ]. These micro/nanorobots are powered either externally, through magnetic fields, light, acoustics, or electric fields, or internally, via chemical reactions.
Recently Clifford Carnicom mentioned polylactic acid polymer isolation from human blood. He also posted an excellent update on polymer isolation - I continue to discuss that what I call nano and microrobot he calls CDB - we are speaking of the same thing! The Maturation of a Bio-Polymer - Carnicom Institute
Here is the article discussing PLA and Polyurethane polymers:
However, PLA (Polylactic Acid) and TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane) are two different types of biocompatible polymers that play important roles in the development of nanorobots/microrobots for drug delivery systems [ 8 ]. PLA is a biodegradable and biocompatible polymer derived from renewable resources, such as corn starch or sugarcane which can be used to construct the structural components of nanorobots/microrobots, providing a stable and non-toxic framework for drug delivery systems. Therefore, PLA-based nanorobots can be designed to release drugs at a controlled rate as the polymer gradually degrades, making it suitable for sustained drug delivery [ 9 ]. Its versatility and compatibility with various drug formulations make it a popular choice for encapsulating and delivering therapeutic agents. On the other hand, TPU is another biocompatible polymer known for its flexibility and durability which can be used to create flexible components or coatings for nanorobots/microbots, allowing for improved mobility and adaptability within the body's complex environment [ 10 ]. TPU-coated nanorobots can navigate tight spaces, overcome obstacles, and potentially target specific tissues or cells more effectively. Its ability to withstand mechanical stress and maintain stability under different physiological conditions makes TPU valuable in enhancing the functionality and maneuverability of drug-delivery microrobots [ 11 ]. In drug delivery systems, both PLA and TPU can be utilized to design and manufacture nanobots/microbots tailored for specific applications.
I have shown extensive footage of microrobots. This video shows the extreme versatility in motion taken from C19 unvaccinated blood:
Note that the navigation is controlled externally.
Here is what the bots contain - biosensors included:
According to Azar et al., 2020, the essential components of nanorobots, including sensors, actuators, and nano controllers, draw upon previous research to showcase diverse designs.
Here is the review of the external power sources:
In exogenous power-driven Micro/Nanorobots, due to their micro/nano-size, drug-delivery robot systems face the challenge of countering Brownian motion to achieve autonomous movement within complex bodily fluids. According to Hu et al., 2020, an external power source is typically employed to enable the controlled and coordinated locomotion of these micro/nanorobots. Commonly utilized sources of external power include magnetic fields, electric fields, light energy, acoustic waves, and heat energy . A combination of these driving modes in practical design is often employed to create micro/nanorobots with diverse functionalities [ 7 ]. Magnetic propulsion is one of the exogenous power-driven methods to prepare Micro/Nanorobots in drug delivery which often involves the design of helical swimmers, which are inspired by the flagella of micro-organisms [ 17 ]. These helically shaped micro/nanorobots mimic the rotary corkscrew motion of bacterial flagella, enabling them to move through bodily fluids through interaction with external magnetic fields [ 22 ]. Researchers frequently combine these artificial bacterial flagella (ABF) with drug-loaded liposomes for drug delivery applications.
Metals are used to build the bots, which is why I recommend EDTA to get metals out of the body - this was confirmed by Ido Balanchet, PhD - builder of nanobots who partnered with Pfizer:
The emergence of nanobot society
For example, in a study conducted by Qiu et al. in 2014, they developed a microrobot consisting of two components. The first component is a titanium-coated ABF that enables precise 3D navigation within fluids when subjected to rotating magnetic fields. The second component is an outer temperature-sensitive liposome that controls the release of the drug based on temperature regulation. This innovative approach shows potential for enhancing targeted drug delivery in pharmaceutical applications [ 7 , 23 ]. Electric field propulsion is also a widely used method in micro/nanorobotics, offering precise control and versatile applications in drug delivery and other fields [ 7 ].
Another significant illustration of exogenous power-driven micro/nanorobots is found in the Janus colloidal system. This system utilized a combination of electric and magnetic energy to facilitate independent movement and cargo retrieval [ 24 ]. It consists of metal-dielectric Janus colloids that respond to a high-frequency electric field (0.5–2.5 MHz). These colloids are characterized by a hemisphere coated with nickel, allowing them the ability to be guided in a specific direction by a magnetic field. This capability facilitates precise cargo delivery by predefining the path that the micro/nanorobot will follow. Rahman et al., 2017 introduced a rotational nanomotor structure using carbon nanotubes , which exhibited rapid responsiveness and ultra-high-speed movement when exposed to an electric field [ 25 ]. This motion was driven by the alignment of water dipoles induced by the electric field, demonstrating exceptional performance in water. However, its behavior in simulating more complex human systems or body fluids remained unexplored. Incorporating multiple energy sources, nanoparticles can achieve directional movement .
Light energy can also be used, and I have shown extensively that the microrobots have optical properties and emit light similarly to Quantum Dots:
Guo et al., 2018 also presented an approach for regulating the movement of catalytic nanomotors through the application of electric fields in conjunction with light energy [ 18 ]. In brief, electric field propulsion in micro/nanorobotics offers exciting possibilities for precise and programmable movement. The Janus colloidal system, with its dual responsiveness to electric and magnetic fields, exemplifies the potential for autonomous cargo delivery [ 26 ]. Carbon nanotube-based nanomotors exhibit rapid movement under electric fields, although their performance in complex biological environments requires further investigation. Finally, the combination of electric fields and light energy provides a controllable means to steer catalytic nanomotors [ 7 , 26 ]. These advancements hold great promise for applications in drug delivery and other fields where precise, directed movement at the micro/nanoscale is essential.
Because light is very potent in controlling robots, and my own experiments showing they inhance in function - I would not use light directly on the blood. Transdermal application would simply store the photons in melanin in the skin, but would not directly affect nano or micro robots in the blood.
Light energy serves as another frequently employed method in micro/nanorobotics, offering high controllability and programmability, typically used in a supplementary role. Wang et al., 2018 studied that it enables directional movement of nanorobots through the modulation of light parameters such as frequency, polarization, intensity, and propagation direction [ 19 ]. A notable example is the work of Zhan et al., 2019 who harnessed the linear dichroism property of Sb 2 Se 3 nanowires to create an artificial swimmer. This swimmer incorporated two cross-aligned dichroic nanomotors, and its movement was guided by adjusting the polarization direction of incident light [ 27 ]. This approach showcases the potential for precise control of nanorobot movement using light energy, making it a valuable tool in micro/nanorobotic applications. Light energy not only serves as a direct driving force for micro/nanorobots but can also catalyze redox reactions within them, leading to propulsion through the generation of chemical gradients or bubbles .
I have shown extensive “bubble” formation - I just saw this in my office this week - please watch in full screen for best visuals:
Video: C19 unvaccinated blood with micro and nano robots self assembling the polymer. 2000x magnification.
For instance, Wang et al., 2019 developed a Cu 2 O@N-doped carbon nanotube (Cu 2 O@N-CNT) micromotor powered by glucose and activated by visible-light photocatalysis [ 30 ]. This micromotor exhibited several advantages, including non-toxicity, high biocompatibility, and environmental friendliness. It showcased impressive movement and 3D motion control within a biological environment. However, challenges persist when transitioning to in-vivo applications, mainly due to the limited ability of visible light to penetrate tissues [ 7 , 30 ]. Utilizing an external power source, ultrasound power-driven micro/nanorobots show great potential in the field of advanced targeted drug delivery. Their outstanding biocompatibility and dependability make them a promising option, and they rely on external power-driven technology for their functionality. Commonly, nanowires, typically composed of gold, serve as the primary carriers for these ultrasonically driven nanorobots [ 20 ]. The template electrodeposition method plays a pivotal role in the design of ultrasound-propelled micro/nanomotors. This method involves creating a concave cavity at one end of the nanomotor through the deposition of a sacrificial copper layer. When subjected to ultrasound waves directed at the concave end, the nanomotor is propelled forward by the resulting pressure gradient [ 31 ]. Furthermore, ultrasound is frequently integrated with magnetic fields to enable precise control. For example, Victor and his team devised a magnetically guided three-segment nanowire motor with Au–Ni–Au segments, harnessing ultrasound for propulsion [ 32 ]. Changing the magnetic field's orientation enables ultrasound-propelled particles to move in all directions. The feasibility of precise drug delivery has been confirmed by introducing a polymeric section containing pH-sensitive drugs into the nanomotor. In acidic conditions, these drugs can be released, improving the selectivity of drug delivery. Additionally, Garcia-Gradilla et al., 2014 have developed an ultrasound-propelled nanorobot featuring four segments, including Au-Ni-Au and Au wire components [ 33 ].
Here is further information on the topic:
Review Article: Artificial Intelligence Enhanced Biomedical Micro/Nanorobots In Microfluidics
Nano and microrobots can use versatile energy sources. Therapeutic considerations should look at the specifics of the effects on the nano and microrobots, for they build the polymers. I continue to find them versatile and complex, meaning there seem to be many different kinds of nano and microrobots, with different propulsion systems and multiple different sizes. Regardless of their size and motility, they coordinate and collaborate to create large polymer structures and biosensing mesogens technologies.
Thanks to Outraged Human for finding this article and Clifford Carnicom for his ongoing research in identifying the polymers and the CDB/ Morgellons/ advanced nanomaterials.
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Max Headroom - May 8
I’ve have begun a Keytruda trial for my third bout with squamous cell carcinoma. I don’t wish to miss the magic hour for catching and caging this bully. We are in the ring at just the right time. Please, help if you can and prayers go a long, long way. I’m grateful for everyone reading, praying, even just doing the dishes. I look forward to hearing from all of you!
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Roman S Shapoval - May 8
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Blue light is the most pernicious EMF many have forgotten about, and can cause Parkinson's and neurodegeneration:
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