"Multifaceted Applications of…

May 8, 2024

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Multifaceted applications of micro/nanorobots in pharmaceutical drug delivery systems: a comprehensive review


Max Headroom - May 8 - Edited

Aminata Diouf

I’ve have begun a Keytruda trial for my third bout with squamous cell carcinoma. I don’t wish to miss the magic hour for catching and caging this bully. We are in the ring at just the right time. Please, help if you can and prayers go a long, long way. I’m grateful for everyone reading, praying, even just doing the dishes. I look forward to hearing from all of you!


Jeb - May 8

Aminata Diouf

Ivermectin, and Fenbendazole will help you! Do some research and good luck!


Aminata Diouf - May 10

Aminata Diouf

Did this helps against nanotechnology?


ESDubbs - May 8

Can you please provide a source to get started on the research you encourage. Thank you.


Michael Wachocki - May 8

Michael Wachocki



Carol Guajardo - May 8

Carol Guajardo

There is a cream called Curaderm. It's not for melanoma. It has been suppressed from us. No chemo is in it. It's made from purple eggplant. It only kills the bad cancer cells, not your good cells. It works over a course of time as it searches for the bad cells. I have been reading about it and watched one video of a woman who used it. The MOHS surgery is not for everyone especially on the face. They also have a radiation therapy called IG SRT 100 that uses ultrasound and only is used at the area needed. It's low dose over a course of treatments.
Since all this information has come out about the drugs people take and these Nanobots in the picture now, it's scary. It's bad when we can't trust the healthcare system. FDA approved means nothing. Anything not approved seems to be the better route. A more natural way. Like what medicine used to be before Rockefeller took hold of our medical schools, giving grants as long as they taught his curriculum.


mothman777 - May 9

mothman777’s Newsletter

I have successfuly used neat essential thuja oil dabbed onto a cancerous mole to make it dry up and die in just a couple of days, after a couple of weeks, a tiny one millimetre spot of it started to pop up again, and I dabbed more thuja oul on it and it dried up and died and vanished for good many months ago, leaving no scar at all, where before, there was a horrible one centimeter rapidly spreading muticoloured irregular cancerous mole developing. It does not appear to remove normal moles, but certainly acts with extreme rapidity on at least the type of malignant mole that I had, though there may be different types that thuja might not work on, but please do not put thuja oil near the eyes I was told by the Indian lady who sold it to me, some essential oils could blind you if they get in the eyes, especually hot oils like tea tree, and thuja is neurotoxic and can also cause epilepsy, so please don't splash this stuff on liberally over large areas, keep the area worked on very small, and avoid riding a bicycle or driving a car or using power tools for a couple of weeks after using it, just so there is no risk of delayed side-effects cropping up during such times.


Maria Galu, MD - May 8

Saying a Rosary for you tonight, Max.
God bless you!


Carol Watkins - May 8 - Edited

Carol Guajardo

The Joe Tippen protocol , read his blog and order from Amazon. I have some on hand and have some to a neighbor fully Vaxed whose cancer came back.🙏


Carol Guajardo - May 8 - Edited

Carol Guajardo

Fenbendazole seems to be the better route vs Ivermectin. They are finding Ivermectin to be dangerous now unless used properly. There is also a chemo free natural eggplant cream called Curaderm. It's been suppressed from us.
One man was on chemo and radiation for small cell lung cancer. He decided to go on a clinical trial and didn't tell his oncologist. He did use Fenbendazole too. The cancer had spread throughout his body. But now he is cancer free. Amazing story. His website ismycancerstory.rocks
I believe this is the same man you are referring to.


mothman777 - May 9

mothman777’s Newsletter

I am wondering what research you are referring to that says says ivermectin is dangerous. Just asking. I know they say it can limit fertility, but it has been used safely for over 40 years already on many of millions of people in Africa and South America to massive benefit. Worms will take many years off your life otherwise and massively reduce quality of life.
I know that if poorly-researched people use large amounts of ivermectin every single day for many months on end they can develop lesions in their brain and eyes, but such cases are extremely rare and something bad is very likely to happen unless one uses a little caution. Some say Vit D3 is rat poison therefore will kill humans too, but how many people have actually died from using Vitamin D3 in normally accepted amounts?
I have used ivermectin successfully several times whenever COVID comes on, and it deals with it, so that I can avoid massively harmful standard medical protocols.
I use a full tube of the small tubes divided into five doses over five days, or from the larger tubes 1.1 grams of 1.87% strength horse paste a day for 5 days combined witjh 200 mg triple zinc chelate and a few vitamins like Vit C and D3/K2 and high dose Vit B spectrum, NAC, quercetin, and a few other things.


Bee Gee - May 8 - Edited

Bee Gee

At the risk of sounding like everyone else, both Chlorine Dioxide and EDTA can help fight cancer. If I received such a diagnosis, I would be taking large amounts of oral EDTA while fasting and then taking a week off the EDTA and drinking chlorine dioxide water for the other week while only eating meat and animal products.
As far as oral EDTA, I myself have taken around 7000mg in a day. Three Arizona and one Medfive, every 8 hours for 3-5 days straight with no major issues.
I myself have also drank 10 drops part A and Part B mixed in a half cup of Zerowater every half hour for 8 or more hours, for several days straight. Thats around 250ppm. Its not great, and those last few hours are a little hard on my stomach but if I had a cancer diagnosis, thats exactly what I would do.
Jim Humbles book has a lot of good info on Chlorine dioxide, its dated but still relevant... and here is an article talking about EDTA and cancer.
Also they both help at least somewhat with the shedding we all have now, although chlorine dioxide alone will not cure it... I know, I tried.
I am not giving you medical advice and everyones health situation is unique, I am just telling you what I myself have taken as an anecdotal reference. And I'm still here.
Good luck to you in any case.


Ethan Taub - May 8

FLCCCA.orgis doing an observational study on cancer treatments
In any case, my understanding is Ivermectin for most things. Fenbendazole for brain issues because it crosses the blood/brain barrier
Oregano Oil is anti-cancer + it disrupts biofilms which can help the immune system + help other treatments work better
Someone named Scott Bennett seemed to get help with black salve. I bookmarked his website and here it is


Susan Hojdik - May 8

Susan Hojdik



Roman S Shapoval - May 8

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Blue light is the most pernicious EMF many have forgotten about, and can cause Parkinson's and neurodegeneration:


Roman S Shapoval - May 8

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Comment removed.


Roman S Shapoval - May 8

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Thanks for sharing that - wow. What kind of meter are you using?


AJR - May 8


I have one very concerning, unknown / unanswered question. 1.Are / Can these “micro / Nano self-assembling structures / machines, now confirmed to be circulating throughout the human body and identified through dark-field microscopy, be triggered remotely and are the cause of the ever growing number of people who have “Died Suddenly” events? Or from some unknown illness?
The most recent reason given for the death of the second Boeing airline whistleblower states he died from “An Unknown Illness”.
IMO, I believe these structures have been created for military purposes. For the battlefield. Although they can be used nefariously as well, say
“Too silent a whistleblower”? Or eradicate a large number of people, as a warning, so others “Do As They’re Told ”!
Maybe I’m out in left field with my thought process, maybe I’m not. But if these structures have the ability to self-assemble within the human body then I believe there must be so kind of compliance / surveillance plan.
Humanity has now been infected with these structures, my thought process doesn’t seem so far fetched, now does it?
Any input is appreciated.


Domcrin - May 8

Triumph Over Absurdity

They can pick off anyone they please without the nanobots


Vickie Davis - May 8

However, the Nanobots and xenobots are in the air we breathe, the land that grows our food and the water!
We people/humans, along with all living things.. the trees the bunny rabbits, squirrels including the blades of grass we walk on ( even if you practice grounding to protect your biofield/Aura have it IN us. The jabiru was merely a jump start for the poor souls who fell prey.
Find a synergist to work with. Detox your skin, remove heavy metals from your meat suit to keep the true soul here to finish whatever purpose God put us here to accomplish.
The creator of God will assist you. 🥰🙏


AJR - May 8


That’s true Domcrin, very true, but what about an entire group?
Say 100 people all at once in say a mall or an entire section of congested city?
This is what I’m asking, there’s another reason why Klaus Schwab’s chief Strategist Yuval Noah Harari said, “we now have the ability to hack the human body”.
He said this I believe in July of 2021.
There’s more to this than simply taking out any “ONE” individual.
This is what I’m trying to understand.
Thank you for your insight Domcrin.


Vickie Davis - May 8


USA uses Maven Isreal Lavendr (sp?). They can Target individuals, groups, even ethnicities!


AJR - May 8


Thank you Vickie, thank you very much!


Vickie Davis - May 10


Details (with receipts) can be found at nonvaxer 420 Rumble and Psinergy channel Odyssey 👍


AJR - May 11


Thank you Vickie.


Martin Young - May 8

Powered through acoustics? I’ve seen a video where someone has pulled apart the audio tracks for the Netflix film Leave the World Behind.https://t.me/LauraAbolichannel/52070would this have any effect on the nanotechnology?


Kim - May 8


After reading this, I am wondering about using supplements that contain things like iron, gold, and even systemic/digestive enzymes. Are these things contributing to the propagation of this technology and should they be avoided?


Max Headroom - May 8

I have a question. In a topical scenario, which is the proper way to paste up for covering two tumors that have traveled to o my jawline? Fenbendazole or Ivermectin or both?


Carol Watkins - May 8

You can order Fenbendazole in powder form and it comes with a tiny scoop. You could make a paste with that and mix with water or yogurt. Hit it from inside & out!


Lynette Devries - May 8

Look it up onBrighteon.comwhich is found onwww.NaturalNews.com, I saw a very interesting video on it with 3 men saying the dewormer cured their stage 4 cancers even blood cancer. On YouTube the other day I saw a guy using the dewormer after being told he had cancer of the lungs and the doctor gave him 6 months if he did not get chemo treatment to live. The guy did not get the chemo and had the cancer grow a bit more but then after getting the dewormer the cancers started to shrink the doctor said 6 months later. Every 6 months they got smaller then went poof 0%. Sorry I can't make a link to the video. Your comment sounds like you want to place it on your face as a paste. Maybe the website I put down may not help you either. I'd swallow the dewormer a while and see what happens. Good luck.


Ellen Scott - May 8

You should follow Dr. Makis on Substack. He is reviewing many natural supplements (with documentation) that may prevent and/or cure cancer.


mothman777 - May 9

mothman777’s Newsletter

This technological bioweaponry was obviously designed to have the ability to be able to propagate disease as required and not be able to become susceptible to any potential re-release of the original Rife-type technology that totally destroyed all forms of even the most severe cancers in no more than just three treatments lasting just 3 minutes each using modulated radiowaves delivered in certain ways at certain amplitudes and in certain waveforms after the mortal oscillatory rate of any disease had been found.
Even viral forms found to be associated with cancer as well as other diseases were destroyed by these Rife radiowave treatments, and when whatever actually caused the disease was hit by these Rife frequencies, not only any associated pathogenic forms but all disease symptoms simultaneously vanished whether or not any supposed pathogen had indeed actually been the initiating factor.
The original Rife technology removed 100% of all types of cancer wtih a maximum of just 3 spaced treatments of just 3 minutes each, and any pathogen-related disease could be totally cured in a single 3 minute treatment after finding the mortal oscillatory rate required, though the vibrational frequencies employed and their specific waveforms and amplitudes and means of delivery in destroying any supposed related pathogen were not necessarily destroying the disease by destroying any alleged pathogen, but certainly the Rife frequencies and the original and actually proven technology now held secret and suppressed by the anti-human Rockefellers et al may have been doing something else that could be seen to simultaneously break up pathogenic forms that were not actually the causative agents behind any disease but perhaps the secondary associated phenomena relating to disease conditions after their formation by some other cause that conventional medical science has not yet addressed.
With relation to this, according to his research, the auric subtle body shows specific signs of deterioration known to indicate imminent cancer four years before any actually physical manifestation in the gross physcial body according to Professor Konstantin Korotkov, the Buddhist bioenergy researcher who is now the personal physician to President Vladimir Putin.
A standard British NHS GP is held to be able to provide a 50% correct diagnostic result (I find that official figure extremelyy exagerrated, and a Harley Street doctor is held to be able to provide a 70% correct diagnostic rate, whereas the diagnostic methodology of Professor Korotkov has been demonstrated to provide a 96% accuracy rate, and of course, if one gets a heads up 4 years even before the development of any physical disease, that provides one with the opportunity to address things before physical disease actually manifests so that one can even prevent imminent physical disease before it actually manifests, or be able to prepare much better to keep any symptoms in check as effectively as may be possible if physical disease of some type does manifest.
The evil genius of those criminal terrorist usurpers now trying the rob this entire planet for themselves alone to live on who are behind the nanotechnology and microrobotic bioweaponry now being used in this actual military attack against humanity are clearly operating on the level of master chess strategists in that this diabolical technology is designed to even be able not only to bypass the one type of technology that had it been re-released in its original working form would have been guaranteed to be able to stop any actual pathogen-associated disease, but also even to actually profit from any attempted curative use of Rife type-frequencies to cause its own disease-causing capacity to grow even more rapidly and even more strongly within the human body.


Patty googe - May 9



Anita Söderman - May 8

Anita’s Substack

thanks, good to know....


Max Headroom - May 8

I am blown away at the way all here chime in and appear to be concerned with what has been nothing less than murder and attempted murder ; just to get started.


David Knowles - May 8

I remember 30 plus years ago. When Maurice strong stated that the meat supply would cease to exist and people were going to become total vegetarian.
When I used to tell people that. Of course, they would just laugh. Just like when you try to tell these people about this. Horrific engineering of earring of synthetic life, synthetic life in our bodies. When 911 was meticulously investigated. And you tried to tell people that the plane didn't hit the pentagon defy the laws of physics you get that glare in their eyes, their minds go to a blank, it's a psychosis. The conspiracy Movie is overwith. Get it out of your minds. Time to get your groups together and push this satanic. Cosmic feces back where they belong In the Casket.with this technology, that's where they're trying to put all of you. Didn't all your churches teach you? What evil is? Didn't your churches tell you how to recognize it? You better wake it up fast.


Claudia - May 8


Dr. Mihalcea, I was wondering if you have examined the blood of any children who did not receive the mRNA shot, both those who live with injected parents and those who live with those unjabbed. Doing so might help assess the shedding level due to shots. Of course, children could be around other adults now and then who are jabbed, but the connection would likely not be as physically close. Doing such an analysis might still provide some interesting info.


dyr - May 9

I have the "gift" through symptoms of identifying "carriers" of such toxicity, propagated electromagnetically, and have commented on such on this 'stack and elsewhere. Uninjected children definitely have the ability to become secondary carriers, as I have experienced directly myself from some children. Thus one should expect similar blood toxicities. Transmission occurs over the air and by touch. I believe the secondary carrier must have had sufficient toxic exposures to be able to communicate the toxicity over the air, otherwise possible through touch. If signal is weak enough due to distance from carrier over the air or from within carriers by touch, enough time spent does eventually transfer noticeable symptoms, as experienced by myself. Secondary "carrying" is effected I presume from own experience by breathing in same air exhaled by injectees, and other ways. I am still uncertain as to what degree presence of such toxicities within myself enables my "gift", and/or it is just how I react regardless. Edta (mentioned in this post) application (cream) and certain food items (eg esp hawthorn and brown seaweed) has worked to attenuate symptoms and secondary "carrying". I do not know how edta is used on children, perhaps our host will address this.


Nona 104 - May 8

So would red light therapy be ok to use?


Nona 104 - May 8

Or would the light still penetrate and enter the bloodstream?


Ellen Scott - May 8

I notice all these articles are in reference to the unvaxed. What about the blood of the vaxed? It seems like you want the unvaxed to be more afraid than the vaxed. Fear is disabling. Where are the solutions?


ESDubbs - May 8

Really there is no fear mongering here. Manage your own fear. Ask for strength and courage from your creator. The blood of the vaxxed and unvaxxed are very similar at this point, with vaxxed being a little worse. The answer is EDTA, Vitamin C, and Malic acid. It's in the Moderna patent as antidote/detox.


Ellen Scott - May 8

Yes, I have read that. So, the vaxed are only slightly worse than the unvaxed? I find that hard to believe. How easy is it to find an EDTA doc and what does it cost per round? What is the average frequency of EDTA needed? Thank you.


ESDubbs - May 8

pass it on and share what you learn with other open minded individuals. let's help as many people as possible.


ESDubbs - May 8

believe what you wish. contamination comes from chemtrails, food and water supply as well.acam.orgfor chelation practitioners in your area. even just 2 chelations can make a huge difference. most clinics will want you to have more of course. this is all in ana's research. dig into it.


Carol Watkins - May 8

Im UnVaxed , how do you know if this is happening to you . Also, how can you detox from this.
Carol from MS


ESDubbs - May 8

You would need a live blood analysis to confirm, but it is in fact in all of us, vaxxed or not.


ESDubbs - May 8

It's happening to all of us through shedding, chemtrails, food and water supply. In the Moderna patent, the antidote to self assembling nano tech is EDTA, Vitamin C, and Malic Acid. Dive deeper into Dr Ana's other previous reports. It's all in there.


Carol - May 8

How do you tell the difference between these and normal biological chylomicrons?



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