Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 13, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Image: Lantus Insulin mixed with Methylene Blue left overnight
After seeing how well Methylene Blue works to prevent the rubbery clot formation, I wanted to test it with the different medications in which I have previously found the hydrogel. I used expired Methylene Blue 1 drop and a drop of Lantus Insulin for this testing.
I had shown before that Lantus has extensive Quantum Dots and hydrogels in it. You can review the Microscopy here:
Darkfield Microscopy of Lantus and Humalog Shows Self Assembly Hydrogel
I looked at Lantus Insulin first without Methylene Blue. Classic hydrogel background and filament construction was seen.
When I left the slides overnight, the Lantus had created chip like structures, similar to what we have seen in the dental anestetics:
These are the previous tests I did on Methylene Blue:
Also please see the recent effects on the rubbery clots when taking it orally:
Methylene Blue Prevents Rubbery Clot Formation, Essential Oils Help Too - Experiment Documentation
Then I mixed a drop of Lantus Insulin with Methylene Blue and this is what it looked like, similar to before with Budesonide:
After a couple hours these blue streaks had formed under the cover slip
Some microneedle crystals developed.
I left the slides overnight. The hydrogel had migrated around the Methylene Blue under the cover slip, as if it was magnetically attracting it.
Here is a 400x magnification:
After my last post on Methylene Blue, world renown cardiologist Dr Thomas Levy, who I am honored to say reads my substack, sent me his brilliant article on Methylene Blue. If you have not heard of Dr Levy, he wrote Stop America's Number One Killer and Curing the Incurable. These books show that Atherosclerosis are vascular scurvy, that statins are harmful and the entire premise of cholesterol as a sole cause of Atherosclerosis is false. He is one of my all time Doctor hero’s and had a huge impact on me when I was still Medical Director of a Geriatric Center of Excellence in the allopathic healthcare system several years ago. I read all of his books that completely turned by understanding around. For my doctor colleagues who follow my substack, please read his books. For anyone who is taking a statin drug, read his book and be reeducated!
I have quoted him also extensively in my book in the chapter on Atherosclerosis reversal: Light Medicine - A New Paradigm - The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity .
This is Dr Levy’s article:
Resolving Colds to Advanced COVID with Methylene Blue
Here is my previous summary article:
Methylene Blue is amazing. It looks like a vacuum cleaner for all hydrogels - this is what the literature tells us, but it is fascinating to see the effects under the microscope. It has extensive anti aging benefits and anti cancer properties, so it might help prevent the exploding turbo cancers via multiple mechanisms. It helps reverse brain fog, improves cellular oxygen delivery, bypasses mitochondrial dysfunction. Do not take if you use anti depressants as it may cause Serotonin syndrome. Methylene Blue is a precursor to tricyclic antidepressants, to it lifts mood, decreases pain and more.
Lantus Insulin builds chip like structures similar to dental anestetics. When mixed with Methylene Blue, no chips developed. People ask me all the time if I know of a safe dental anestetic. I do not. But from what I know at this time, I would use EDTA and Methylene Blue prevention and treatment. More testing needs to be done…. but it all looks like good news so far!
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S.M. Carson - Dec 13, 2023
Beneath the Surface with S.M. C…
Great work. I am unjabbed, but dealing with "long Covid" symptoms after a freak encounter with it in isolated rural Montana in 2022. I've been using 10mg of Methylene Blue BID (20 drops BID) along with red light photobiomodulation, Ubiquinol, R-ALA, LDN, Nicotinamide Riboside, and a number of herbal therapies (I'm a licensed acupuncturist and doctor of traditional Chinese medicine), and I've noticed very positive results with the Methylene Blue. You certainly have the most cutting edge info on MB and I appreciate your posts on it!
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Keith Bass - Dec 13, 2023
Thank you for this report! I am unvaccinated, but a Type-1 diabetic and use Lantus and Humalog daily and would like to more about using Methylene Blue and what the benefits would be. I recently read where a Dr. who is diabetic and also uses Lantus had a vial tested by a local lab and they found MRNA crap in it. It's so crazy that they are trying to kill us from every angle. If anyone can provide any additional information on the Methylene Blue and how to use it, I would certainly appreciate it! Thanks in advance!
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