Great work. I am unjabbed, but dealing with "long Covid" symptoms after a freak encounter with it in isolated rural Montana in 2022. I've been using 10mg of Methylene Blue BID (20 drops BID) along with red light photobiomodulation, Ubiquinol, R-ALA, LDN, Nicotinamide Riboside, and a number of herbal therapies (I'm a licensed acupuncturist and doctor of traditional Chinese medicine), and I've noticed very positive results with the Methylene Blue. You certainly have the most cutting edge info on MB and I appreciate your posts on it!
You take that horrid-tasting Methylene Blue twice per day at a dose of 10 mg BID every day? What do you do to cut the taste and stimulation/consistency affecting the back of the throat?
Would seriously like answers.
I use 4-6 drops 2-4x/day in my cold herbal tea with honey & sometimes a bit of lemon & never taste it at all. U can also put it in pineapple/apple juice/sauce. No linger taking 13 prescriptions & never get sick anymore. Namaste.
Lemon and or ascorbic acid is supposed to dilute the blue to a more pale blue color, so it won’t stain. Probably drinking it in orange juice would help dilute it too I suppose.
The ascorbic acid tastes yuk but I always use lemon in tea. I find that taking 4-5 drops per glass sev times a day works4me or putting it in applesauce.
Found this below when reading the 'Comments'. Thanks for responding. Really needed an answer. May God Bless you and yours through this Holiday Season and always.
Using Deionized Water with Pharmaceutical Grade Powdered MB. Will take the same dose tomorrow with Tomato Juice and will get to the store to get some O.J., Pink Grapefruit Juice or V-8. THANKS...Have a Holiday Season.
Blaze, I've been using Biopharm's 1% USP grade 50ml bottle which I got on eBay for about $28.00. Make sure to get USP (pharmaceutical) grade and not the stuff for fish tanks. I've never bought anything off Amazon.
To alleviate the blue color I put 4 drops MB in 8oz RO water and add about a tsp (teaspoon) of ascorbic acid crystals. After a few minutes of mixing the color will go nearly clear. This way it won't turn your tongue blue or stain your teeth. Also seems to taste ok.
You may also notice a color change in your urine which is ok. Perhaps a slight tint to the green.
I too have been a fan of Dr. Levy for years. He recently put out an article via OMNS (Orthomolecular News Service), on treating PSP (persistent spike protein syndrome) and another on treating cardiomyopathy which mentions MB. They are long articles and a bit technical but well worth the reads. Respective links below:
Hope this helps.
It’s easy! I do 30 drops a day, twice a day. Just don’t spill any on the kitchen counter! 1 gram of powder from CTZL ( or CZTL?) mixed with 100 ml of water. Start w 10 drops, twice a day then work your way up. Just mix it in a cup w maybe 2 tablespoons of water. Down the hatch. Add water to the empty (but very stained) cup and swish around. More water and swish again. Easy. Just don’t spill.
Was considering it tomorrow. Seems as though juices high in Vit. C
help with the dying aspect of this substance. Was thinking about
Tomato Juice as am out of Orange at this time, tonight.
We've purchased several from different places....And, son is experimenting to ascertain which is best for our purposes. Not difficult to find these Online...Or, even in Amazon.
Our trajectory is March 1st as the end of the 6 mth. range son established for our research. At that time, we'll all undergo blood testing, bring the Vet back to test the animals and try to trap a few wild critters as we have muskrat and beavers...Among other animals here. THAT WILL TELL US WHAT WE NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE MACHINES WE'VE BEGUN TO EXPERIMENT WITH. Until then, there is no concrete answer or stats to create any kind of judgment.
Hi Sean- I have some similar stuff with Long Covid- but mostly attacking my thyroid-
I am using MB and Red light too! I am also experimenting with making my own Chelation cream that is affordable.
I also am doing NAET allergy treatments (Do you know anyone that could help with that) It seems like it it's going to take a wide variety of things to keep this sh** at bay.
Tesla Scalar Wave Generator to neutralize the radiation from 5G Towers in your area would be a benefit. We've now placed them throughout all the Farm Buildings for the animals and of course, the house. I swear...Disabling the 5G Radiation removes the stimulus activating the technology which allows it to be broken down to be eliminated. Can see a difference in the animals, birds, our kids, Grandkids, students...Can feel it.
MB has been a 'finishing touch' with an issue involving Vertigo I've had for almost 4 years. Even so, I was considering not taking it as it's utterly distasteful. Will continue tomorrow with Tomato Juice.
The Resolution for the Vertigo problem nobody's had an answer for began with sleeping in an area disabling Frequencies with Scalar Generators which did help greatly. Even so, the dizziness wasn't gone until the last three days with MB.
This is the first step taken to ascertain the veracity of its function before purchasing...It's a simple hand-made type which is definitely a positive addition to the bedroom as you sleep. It was far simpler to build than I expected...As I have little mechanical skills.
After a few nights, we felt the difference and the pets and Grandkids looked as though this technology was effective. My son then volunteered to research and find the Generators appropriate to purchase.
There are many on the market and we're using several he's experimenting with to determine the best investment. They are a bit expensive; so be cautious in what you choose to purchase.
Advise you to build this to begin...To ascertain the effectiveness for your purposes. Give it a few nights and be certain it's within about 8 feet of your bed.
After this...It's not difficult to find any number of the Professional Products Online. They're expensive...Be cautious with what you choose.
I already had a blue glass so 10 drops in orange juice at least once a day,tastesgreat.SoI giggled Tesla scaler wave generator,
I also take red pine needle oil combined with fulvic acid in grapejuice,one NAC early morning on a empty stomach.The pine oil is stated to dissolve plastic.
It was the Eastern white pine that was stated to inhibit mRNA replication because of suramin which you could get from pine needle tea but that was around2020.Nowit's what mRNA?
Really...Pine Oil dissolves plastic...Didn't know that. Perhaps, my little cocktail will have to expand to accomadate removal of all the poisons they're putting into our world.
Hi Haden- I don't think I "caught" Long Covid- But I have had it three times and each time has been difficult with residual side effects. Fortunately, the symptoms have been mild afterwards- (unlike a few of my friends with major long running symptoms) but real. My biggest issue has been constant ringing in the ears and then the thyroid attack- I went from normal thyroid labs to severe Hyperthyroidism in three weeks - So my body has been recovering from that for about 9 months. I am suspect now of the nasal swabs I used the last time of causing some of these issues.
Hi Gretel, many thanks for your detailed reply. I would agree that the nasal swabs have caused some issues and my opinion is that they work with The 5G Radar Weapon System but obviously it's no where near as bad as the injections, infact it's quite mild in comparison. My view on Long Covid is vaccine injury. May I ask how old you are? Are your friends that have suffered more, vaccinated or are they around vaccinated people? Sorry for all the questions.
Obviously, SARS-CoV-2.
The freak encounter is that I was holed up in a very very isolated part of rural Western Montana, a 40 minute drive from a small town in a pristine wilderness. Zero EMF or microwave radiation, pure spring water, no chemtrails.
We had a man come out to work on some of the log cabin insulation on January 7th 2022. The man showed up sick with a fever and later we found out he had a positive PCR test (yes not all PCR tests are valid but likewise not all PCR tests are invalid. Coupled with being uniquely symptomatic = positive).
This person spent 4 hours with our ranch manager. We all played board games together (the 5 of us living there) and our ranch manager came down with a bad fever that night. He was previously extremely healthy, robust, and had been living a clean yogic lifestyle for years. The night after that the rest of us came down with fevers, and I had pre-treated myself with Ivermectin and iodine nasal rinses.
After that I had the worst acute illness of my life. It's worth noting that in the previous ten years, I had treated 24,000 patients, many of them sick in the wintertime, and I only had gotten sick once in 2013. I don't get sick. SO, what happened in Montana was bizarre and the symptoms matched the bizarre symptoms of SARS-CoV2 which I had never experienced in my life previously: total loss of taste and smell for weeks; crushing fatigue; lung issues (something I've never had in my life); night fevers. It lasted for MONTHS. And I have never fully recovered. It seems to have also altered my gut microbiome in a negative way so that I am experiencing SIBO symptoms. SO, that's my "freak encounter." Absolutely bizarre experience in a pristine wilderness in the middle of nowhere all because some idiot showed up with a fever.....
Thank you for this report! I am unvaccinated, but a Type-1 diabetic and use Lantus and Humalog daily and would like to more about using Methylene Blue and what the benefits would be. I recently read where a Dr. who is diabetic and also uses Lantus had a vial tested by a local lab and they found MRNA crap in it. It's so crazy that they are trying to kill us from every angle. If anyone can provide any additional information on the Methylene Blue and how to use it, I would certainly appreciate it! Thanks in advance!
Mark Sloan wrote an Xcellent book abt MB (I think his website isEndAllDisease.comor u can run his name) - Best, most consice info I've found. Off of all meds now as commented earlier! Yes they're trying2kill us on Many levels - read food labels & stay away from foods listing the bad chemicals (not allowed in Europe!) & Bioengineered Ingredients in all the food now!
There is a book by Mark Sloan you can get; and there is a link above in this article where Dr Thomas Levy explains what MB is and how it's been used for 100 years.
I have a family member that was using Lantus and switched to Tresiba because Lantus has a pH that is a 4, very acidic, and Tresiba is 7 pH like our body. This nanotech works in low pH. Everything that counteracts it has a higher pH, hence, EDTA, is a form of sodium, vitamin C is not but both are alkaline/ash forming in the blood. ALSO, if you read the package inserts Lantus talks about these crystals forming but Tresiba works differently. Hopefully you can switch and this will help I hope and pray for you.
If you go to zzz media, latest: Dr. David Nixon & Karl C,... scroll to 1 hour and 33 minutes, you will hear Karl talk about how the swabs are at a ph of 10. you will see complex squares in the close up of the swab, along with ambient moving bubbles.
There is so much not totally known. Swabs might be different than a body. I have the actual Lantus insulin and insert but have never had actual swabs. Lantus is Sanofi and Sanofi helped produce COVID vaccines, so for that reason right there, I would switch if possible. Also Dr. Mihalcea has talked about the crystals in this article which I was aware of last year but did not know they could be harming my family member. Switching from Lantus to a different company and different acting insulin is going to be better in general because of the higher pH for the body and the Dr. likes it better. So if the opportunity to switch is afforded, given these facts, who would not switch? My family members blood looked clean under darkfield microscopy and the family member has been on many natural things for an autoimmune condition that I am speculating are helping keep the blood clean. I am sure there are so many scientific factors unknown. So many different scenarios when testing things. This, for us, is where faith comes in. Obviously, nobody can control everything or figure everything out themselves or at all. We do our best to stand, ( doing everything we can in our control) and then we stand in faith and live.
My grandson is also type one diabetic and taking Humalog and Lantis daily. Where do you buy methylene blue? I wonder if it’s something you can put inside capsules? I buy veggie caps and put other medication’s like black cumin seed oil in because I don’t like the taste.
You can find M.B. online at Amazon. Mix a teaspoon of sodium ascorbate in an inch of water and then drop the M.B. into the glass to remove the blue color. Then the drink will not stain the tongue and teeth.
My dentist tested the dental anesthetics himself and found the nanotech in all he tested. He recommended methylene blue and I am new to this so your information is very helpful, thank you.
hi your dentist sounds like the one I would like! how did he recommend to take it ? topically ? I have to go soon...massive toothache...and the whole going to the dentist thing now is not reassuring!
I am with you on this - the number of drops and method for deactivation of nano in insulin is unknown. But for general use and detoxification, Mark Sloan suggests starting orally with 10 drops, 2x a day, totaling 10mg in week 1, and graduating to 30 drops, 2x a day, totaling 30mg in week 3. These are all oral doses, in water.
Personally, I found that initial amount too much, so I began with a single drop and moved up to 5 drops, 1x a day in week 1. I had no negative reaction to 10 drops in the morning later on, but I avoided evening doses, as I've heard that it can cause insomnia. P.S. I am also an insulin user (Novolog).
Was on 13 prescriptions - docs said I'd haf2take 'em4the rest of my life. Always felt miserable &depressed. Took a deep dive n2 natural health/remedies & Slowly began titrating down then replacing rxs. Been using MB, ACV w/mother & all Natural vitamins, enzymes, minerals, etc with No fillers. Use only distilled water & natural sugars (date syrup, agave, sucanat). Also read all food labels & Dumped processed foods & Everything listing Bioengineered Ingredients🤬 Feeling Better Than I Ever Have. God gave us Everything We Need2Heal Ourselves we just haf2Leave theMatrix & do our own research👊 Love Your Articles, Insights & Dedication❣️⭐️
I too am also a long term admirer of Dr. Thomas E. Levy. I'm overjoyed to find I am in such good company! I remember being curled up with his book "Rapid Virus Recovery" during covid. I just finished watching the two methylene blue interviews he did.
Dr. M. My theory is that these substances have been in place in many, many 'medicinal substances' for years...It took the shutdown for someone as talented as yourself to continue to pursue the contaminants. After willingly submitting to 'Botox' injections for about 5 years, and then having debilitating tummy was not too difficult to connect the dots...with the substances used...figured it took time to work its way into the digestive tract....I do recall that snake venom was also something used in the 'botox' style serums Dr.'s were injecting to willing vain, and ignorant subjects like myself. Thank you for your continued research and sharing your findings FREE OF CHARGE...much appreciated.
I take MB most days- just 2-3 drops in the back of my mouth- a wash it down fast. About once a week I try 5-10 drops- I do feel light headed for about 5 minutes about 2 hours after- but otherwise no side effects. I also take a break from it one to two days a week. It has helped my brain fog and fatigue for sure- It helped my husband's breathing after three days of just taking a few drops.
Also, despite the darkness hanging over this world- most days my mood is pretty good- I think that partially has to be from the MB and red light tx. I have been taking MB with red light for 4 months now - no real negative side effects and I am pretty sensitive to most anything.
Dear Dr Ana, is there are MB supplements available from different companies and they are not the same... i wonder if you may have a favorite MB brand ? dosage how to take it ? I would rather not have blue teeth... how does one get MB in powder ? thank you
Mark Sloan wrote an Xcellent book on MB that outlines everything very well. (EndAllDisease.comI believe is his website). I drink sev drops in my cold herbal tea daily - as commented above - & never have probs with blue teeth or eyes, just a blue tinge 2my urine - But No More prescription drugs or health issues!
I just looked up Methylene Blue and it does have warnings and side effects. I'll just stick to my regular supplements and besides Im not jabbed and avoid jabbed people.
Margie the only way to avoid this weapon is to not breathe, not drink water and not eat food. I have not seen clean blood among the non vaxed for many months now. Even my own!
Does that mean you've also never had any dental work? Or a steroid (joint) injection? If you have, you've been "mRNA" injected. Or have you ever eaten pork or gone outside? Etc. Everyone needs to do what they feel is right for their situation; but having accurate information, from reliable sources, when you make that decision is paramount.
Well, it appears so, for now, esp local grass-fed, organically-raised meats; although "they're" saying "they" want to start injecting cattle with mRNA generation therapy injections. (Ironically, "they" want to get rid of ALL meat for their fake climate agenda, so maybe this is how they'll destroy any renaining farms.)
Many cattle farmers said they will reject this practice of injecting mRNA into their herds; but, who knows. With the psychopaths running this clown show we find ourselves in, it may be best to get to know a local farmer and buy your meat from someone who raises grass-fed animals organically. Given that they've been injecting pork since 2018 (without our knowledge), trust is definitely an issue.
Begging the favor of a reply - A friend is about to submit to a surgery. With all the clear and present danger of tainted anesthetics, is there:
1) An anesthetic she can request that is 'clean'?
2) IS Methylene Blue (or Chlorine Dioxide) sufficient to clean the blood - after the fact?
Asking for a good friend..
Check out Mark Sloans Xcellent book on MB on his I'm 70 & Dumped my doc + 13 awful prescriptions & 4the 1st time in my life am healthy! Namaste.
Are you open to sharing details? Would love to help my mom get off all the drugs big pharma has her on. The doc just says it’s keeping you alive so that scares her into just staying the course. She thinks it was the jabs that did it but hard to know as heart disease runs in the family 🤔🤷🏼♀️
It is a highly individual process based on her history, symptoms, diagnostics & needs. One must be cognizant of side-effects & contraindications even with vitamins, minerals, enzymes, herbs, natural remedies, etc). I began my search by finding out specifically what the prescribed rx was to address & then searched "alternative treatments-remedies" on many sites including the National Inst. Of Health+Library, books on specific health issues, homeopathic/herbal/vitamin/nutrititional sites, etc. I watched specific vids & went2 sites like GreenMed, Cures, EarthClinic, etc. 4instance I was dx'd w/atherosclerosis & after researching found that GrapeSeed Extract capsules, krill oil & garlic were a good fit 4me. 4hypothyroid issues I found that SeaMoss would work well4me along w/cpl iodine drops daily. Garlic pills reduced my hypertension; & I always carry cayenne pepper xtract should i have another heart attack or stroke. I found that unprocessed salt & foods were more healthy, vitamins without fillers & distilled water with a pinch of sea salt to remineralize it eliminated Fluoride which was a Huge plus healthwise. Our foods have many toxic ingredients that truly contribute 2our health issues - eliminating those can make a big difference. Our "meds" v often have serious side-effects creating worsening conditions & one must wonder if they're designed 2make us dependent upon even more "meds".(!) There r Many "taboo" natural remedies worth looking n2 that are incredibly viable 4many health probs, e.g. 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide, MB, DMSO, colloidal silver, pine needle tea & apple cider vinegar with Mother is an amazing cure. What I found is that theMedical Industrial Complex actually killed off Natural Practioners (many died even recently mysteriously) years ago bc they effected CURES. I also discovered that s/times it's as simple as adding Vitamin D³, a particular nutrient or digestive enzyme, etc & noting that the RDA is often 2low/nebulous. It isn't One thing usually that returns us 2good health but a combination. Also stay away from processed sugar - use date syrup, agave, sucanat or even cane sugar if u must & I no longer consume cokes since they now have graphiteNthem☹️. Bioengineered Ingredients r now Rampant so reading labels is impt. Did u know that a lot of our white rice includes plastics. Did u know microwaving food completely destroys any nutrients? Take 3plants - water one with microwaved water, one with tap (fluoride🤬) & one with distilled water & watch what happens. Between our bad foods/additives (which are most often banned in other countries) & "meds" it is no wonder we are getting sicker. SooooMuch more2say but this is a start. Namaste.
And, also!! It's impt 2understand that as we age there r Many compounds, vitamins, minerals, etc that our bodies need2function well but we r no longer able 2produce. Those deficiencies can have profound effects (look up effects of not enuf B-complex, Magnesium, D³, etc, s/times a simple mineral can cure an ailment!
Also! It is always good2consult a Natural Healer whenever possible & try2work with current doc if they're willing (most aren't) 2Carefully & Slowly titrate down with any med & not stop taking suddenly. Read, Search & Research!
Hi Nicole, If your Mom has cardiomyopathy you may be interested to read Dr. Levy's article titled "Heart Failure or Therapy Failure?
Toxins Cause Cardiomyopathy"
It's a bit technical and long. Part of the length are the 258 refs at the end. Dr. Levy is associated with the Riordan Clinic in Kansas. If you wish to investigate them here's one link:
Another heart Doc is Dr. Jack Wolfson aka the natural heart doctor. He's an advocate for helping folks to reduce or completely get off their big pharma meds. This should be done via a qualified Doc's care as you shouldn't just abrubtly stop some of the meds.
I first became interested in him as I was researching A-Fib as my Mom had it. If your Mom is on blood thinners care must be taken as some foods and nutrients can affect the meds effects.
Search FLCCC Methylene Blue and get lots of hits! Here are some notes I took from Dr. Ana's posts: The following DO NOT work against the clot: glutathione, and ALA. These DO work against the clot: methylene blue chelation, EDTA chelation, Vitamin C (probably chelation). Most likely "chelation" means the intravenous administration. I don't see where she has mentioned Chlorine Dioxide.
I think Chlorine dioxide is ban by Fda, like Hcq and Ivy, no doctors were allowed to use it. Only the former is still ban and there must be something in it that helps detoxing the jab
I agree, when innocent people are in jail for giving it out for free then it is obviously doing harm to the big pharma psychopaths!. I take it every other day and its fantastic!. Got rid of my eczema, cleans my smoker's lungs (herbal) and I haven't been ill for years! All the best in your pursuit of full health .
I use it all the time; cured myself of Chronic Fatigue, lumps disappeared from my body, cured my dog of Lyme Disease, and am doing a cleanse right now with CD. It's truly a remarkable element.
I use it nearly everyday. Lots of groups in Telegram explaining how to make it using just the two drops activated or gassing it off to make CDS. It cleaned my body of jab toxins.
"DISA releases new electromagnetic spectrum capability to enhance modern warfighting" ■ By the Office of Strategic Communications and Public Affairs
December 7, 2023
The Defense Information Systems Agency announced the release of the initial features for Electromagnetic Battle Management – Joint, or EMBM-J, Dec. 6, which improves the U.S. military’s situational awareness of the electromagnetic spectrum, or EMS, considered a modern-day battle space that spans the air, land, sea, space and cyberspace domains.
EMBM-J Situational Awareness is a minimum viable capability release, or the first iteration of the tool. The cloud-based platform, which aligns with Combined Joint All Domain Command and Control, integrates a range of electromagnetic spectrum capabilities and functions into one system that seamlessly gathers and arranges data into a single visual display.
EMBM-J implements a common data layer, allowing it to be interoperable with service-specific EMS systems like the Army’s Electromagnetic Warfare Planning & Management Tool, the Marine Corps’ Spectrum Services Framework, and the Navy’s Real Time Spectrum Operations.
“Effective use of the electromagnetic spectrum is essential for successful military operations,” said U.S. Air Force Brig. Gen. Ann-Marie Anthony, Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operation Center director. “This system is crucial for the full integration and visualization of spectrum operations.”
DISA, through its Program Executive Office – Spectrum, partnered closely with U.S. Strategic Command to develop EMBM-J. The two will continue developing the capability to enhance its analytical features and ability to identify and address any EMS issues that could affect a commander's decision-making.
I have followed you with interest. Here are critical ideas:1) there are rumors that these bots or whatever they are can be destroyed with magnetic (neodymium or electromagnetic) or other electrical pulses from outside the body. They say that the same tech would inactivate a cellphone. My electrical engineer friends have no idea about killing a cellphone, much less this. 2) Kalcker says chlorine dioxide (CD) inactivates them or somehow compromises them. I have no confirmation of this from other sources. This is a strong lead. See my post for general background about CD:
Excellent information, as always. Thank you for your tireless work and focus on solutions; AND for your open-mindedness for exploring therapeutic agents against these demonic "agents" being used against humanity. Your contribution and commitment to the pursuit of real health, as defined by the Hippocratic Oath, are truly priceless. Thank you, also, for the link to the Levy article, which provided some good insight into the uses and potential dosing of MB, as well as a clear explanation of MB's (vs Vit C IV) therapeutic properties. You truly are a bright, shining star of hope in these days of darkness. May you be richly blessed for your endeavors.
S.M. Carson - Dec 13, 2023 - Edited
Beneath the Surface with S.M. C…
Great work. I am unjabbed, but dealing with "long Covid" symptoms after a freak encounter with it in isolated rural Montana in 2022. I've been using 10mg of Methylene Blue BID (20 drops BID) along with red light photobiomodulation, Ubiquinol, R-ALA, LDN, Nicotinamide Riboside, and a number of herbal therapies (I'm a licensed acupuncturist and doctor of traditional Chinese medicine), and I've noticed very positive results with the Methylene Blue. You certainly have the most cutting edge info on MB and I appreciate your posts on it!
BlazeCloude3 - Dec 13, 2023 - Edited
You take that horrid-tasting Methylene Blue twice per day at a dose of 10 mg BID every day? What do you do to cut the taste and stimulation/consistency affecting the back of the throat?
Would seriously like answers.
MarshaGail - Dec 13, 2023
I use 4-6 drops 2-4x/day in my cold herbal tea with honey & sometimes a bit of lemon & never taste it at all. U can also put it in pineapple/apple juice/sauce. No linger taking 13 prescriptions & never get sick anymore. Namaste.
NJ Election Advisor - Dec 13, 2023
NJ Election Advisor
Where do you source quality MB?
Hidee - Dec 14, 2023
Lemon and or ascorbic acid is supposed to dilute the blue to a more pale blue color, so it won’t stain. Probably drinking it in orange juice would help dilute it too I suppose.
MarshaGail - Dec 15, 2023
The ascorbic acid tastes yuk but I always use lemon in tea. I find that taking 4-5 drops per glass sev times a day works4me or putting it in applesauce.
Smurf - Dec 14, 2023
Wow you still taking meds?
MarshaGail - Dec 14, 2023
No - never anything from bigPharma
Smurf - Dec 14, 2023
Kathy M. - Dec 13, 2023
Kathy M.
al jenkins - Dec 13, 2023
al jenkins
TOP SHELF VIDs EVERYONE - - many thanks for the links Kathy , blessings
BlazeCloude3 - Dec 13, 2023
Found this below when reading the 'Comments'. Thanks for responding. Really needed an answer. May God Bless you and yours through this Holiday Season and always.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Dec 13, 2023 - Edited
Patti’s Substack
Are you diluting it in a glass of water? Makes a big difference. Filter the water first.
BlazeCloude3 - Dec 13, 2023 - Edited
Using Deionized Water with Pharmaceutical Grade Powdered MB. Will take the same dose tomorrow with Tomato Juice and will get to the store to get some O.J., Pink Grapefruit Juice or V-8. THANKS...Have a Holiday Season.
Fayanne - Dec 13, 2023 - Edited
Where are you buying it please Blazecloud3
BlazeCloude3 - Dec 13, 2023 - Edited
For this batch...From Amazon.
Looking for other Retail as despise Amazon.
Do you have another suggestion for an alternative Outlet?
Sam - Dec 13, 2023 - Edited
Blaze, I've been using Biopharm's 1% USP grade 50ml bottle which I got on eBay for about $28.00. Make sure to get USP (pharmaceutical) grade and not the stuff for fish tanks. I've never bought anything off Amazon.
To alleviate the blue color I put 4 drops MB in 8oz RO water and add about a tsp (teaspoon) of ascorbic acid crystals. After a few minutes of mixing the color will go nearly clear. This way it won't turn your tongue blue or stain your teeth. Also seems to taste ok.
You may also notice a color change in your urine which is ok. Perhaps a slight tint to the green.
I too have been a fan of Dr. Levy for years. He recently put out an article via OMNS (Orthomolecular News Service), on treating PSP (persistent spike protein syndrome) and another on treating cardiomyopathy which mentions MB. They are long articles and a bit technical but well worth the reads. Respective links below:
Hope this helps.
John Vargo - Dec 14, 2023
John Vargo
S.M. Carson - Dec 14, 2023
Beneath the Surface with S.M. C…
You can get it fromBotany.Bio
BludWurm - Dec 18, 2023 - Edited
I buy mine from Sacred Purity. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post links. Just add dot com and take out the space.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Dec 17, 2023
Patti’s Substack
I use distilled water for my daily dosing. I distilled it myself.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Dec 17, 2023
Patti’s Substack
There is a company in USA that makes Methylene Blue crystals and liquid Pharmaceutical Grade MB. I can't remember if it's BHP or BPH Chemicals.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Dec 17, 2023
Patti’s Substack
Its already diluted in distilled water. My PharmD makes it up for me. I just use a dropper to measure my dosing.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Dec 18, 2023
Patti’s Substack
Yes I'm diluting in a glass of distilled water that I distill myself.
Jerms 9654 - Dec 13, 2023
Jerms 9654
I add lemon
BlazeCloude3 - Dec 13, 2023
So, you add lemon twice? 🤔😉
Steve C - Dec 13, 2023
Steve C
It’s easy! I do 30 drops a day, twice a day. Just don’t spill any on the kitchen counter! 1 gram of powder from CTZL ( or CZTL?) mixed with 100 ml of water. Start w 10 drops, twice a day then work your way up. Just mix it in a cup w maybe 2 tablespoons of water. Down the hatch. Add water to the empty (but very stained) cup and swish around. More water and swish again. Easy. Just don’t spill.
Freedom Bay - Dec 13, 2023
I take mine in orange juice every morning with using a straw
BlazeCloude3 - Dec 13, 2023
Was considering it tomorrow. Seems as though juices high in Vit. C
help with the dying aspect of this substance. Was thinking about
Tomato Juice as am out of Orange at this time, tonight.
Jerms 9654 - Dec 13, 2023
Jerms 9654
I add lemon
Smurf - Dec 14, 2023
Joe - Dec 14, 2023
Joe’s Substack
Where did u buy it
S.M. Carson - Dec 14, 2023
Beneath the Surface with S.M. C…
BlazeCloude3 - Dec 14, 2023
We've purchased several from different places....And, son is experimenting to ascertain which is best for our purposes. Not difficult to find these Online...Or, even in Amazon.
Joe - Dec 14, 2023
Joe’s Substack
I get it but just trying to find a pure clean one
BlazeCloude3 - Dec 14, 2023
Our trajectory is March 1st as the end of the 6 mth. range son established for our research. At that time, we'll all undergo blood testing, bring the Vet back to test the animals and try to trap a few wild critters as we have muskrat and beavers...Among other animals here. THAT WILL TELL US WHAT WE NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE MACHINES WE'VE BEGUN TO EXPERIMENT WITH. Until then, there is no concrete answer or stats to create any kind of judgment.
gertieA - Dec 13, 2023 - Edited
Hi Sean- I have some similar stuff with Long Covid- but mostly attacking my thyroid-
I am using MB and Red light too! I am also experimenting with making my own Chelation cream that is affordable.
I also am doing NAET allergy treatments (Do you know anyone that could help with that) It seems like it it's going to take a wide variety of things to keep this sh** at bay.
BlazeCloude3 - Dec 13, 2023 - Edited
Tesla Scalar Wave Generator to neutralize the radiation from 5G Towers in your area would be a benefit. We've now placed them throughout all the Farm Buildings for the animals and of course, the house. I swear...Disabling the 5G Radiation removes the stimulus activating the technology which allows it to be broken down to be eliminated. Can see a difference in the animals, birds, our kids, Grandkids, students...Can feel it.
MB has been a 'finishing touch' with an issue involving Vertigo I've had for almost 4 years. Even so, I was considering not taking it as it's utterly distasteful. Will continue tomorrow with Tomato Juice.
The Resolution for the Vertigo problem nobody's had an answer for began with sleeping in an area disabling Frequencies with Scalar Generators which did help greatly. Even so, the dizziness wasn't gone until the last three days with MB.
DenverDad - Dec 13, 2023 - Edited
Ramblings of a Lake Dog
Please share resources on scalar wave generators. I’m being bombarded not only by a TMobile cell tower, but neighbors’ wi-fi. Thanks.
BlazeCloude3 - Dec 14, 2023 - Edited
This is the first step taken to ascertain the veracity of its function before purchasing...It's a simple hand-made type which is definitely a positive addition to the bedroom as you sleep. It was far simpler to build than I expected...As I have little mechanical skills.
After a few nights, we felt the difference and the pets and Grandkids looked as though this technology was effective. My son then volunteered to research and find the Generators appropriate to purchase.
There are many on the market and we're using several he's experimenting with to determine the best investment. They are a bit expensive; so be cautious in what you choose to purchase.
Unagnu - Dec 13, 2023
Seconded. Would like to know. Bought a chembuster on etsy but that's NOT the same thing?
BlazeCloude3 - Dec 14, 2023
Advise you to build this to begin...To ascertain the effectiveness for your purposes. Give it a few nights and be certain it's within about 8 feet of your bed.
After this...It's not difficult to find any number of the Professional Products Online. They're expensive...Be cautious with what you choose.
JustANobody - Dec 13, 2023
Where did you purchase please?
John Vargo - Dec 14, 2023
John Vargo
I already had a blue glass so 10 drops in orange juice at least once a day,tastesgreat.SoI giggled Tesla scaler wave generator,
John Vargo - Dec 14, 2023
John Vargo
I also take red pine needle oil combined with fulvic acid in grapejuice,one NAC early morning on a empty stomach.The pine oil is stated to dissolve plastic.
Hidee - Dec 14, 2023
John Vargo
I started taking Therapeutic grade pine oil as well. Scot Pine. About 10 drops in some juice.
John Vargo - Dec 14, 2023
John Vargo
It was the Eastern white pine that was stated to inhibit mRNA replication because of suramin which you could get from pine needle tea but that was around2020.Nowit's what mRNA?
BlazeCloude3 - Dec 14, 2023
Really...Pine Oil dissolves plastic...Didn't know that. Perhaps, my little cocktail will have to expand to accomadate removal of all the poisons they're putting into our world.
MarshaGail - Dec 13, 2023
I'm using SeaMoss 4hypothyroidism (+MB) - got me off all meds & doing great!
gertieA - Dec 13, 2023
Oh!! good to know! I am looking at some different things- thank you!
MarshaGail - Dec 13, 2023
EarthClinic.comis a good resource!
Haden - Dec 13, 2023
Can you advise how you caught this so called long COVID? Thanks
gertieA - Dec 13, 2023
Hi Haden- I don't think I "caught" Long Covid- But I have had it three times and each time has been difficult with residual side effects. Fortunately, the symptoms have been mild afterwards- (unlike a few of my friends with major long running symptoms) but real. My biggest issue has been constant ringing in the ears and then the thyroid attack- I went from normal thyroid labs to severe Hyperthyroidism in three weeks - So my body has been recovering from that for about 9 months. I am suspect now of the nasal swabs I used the last time of causing some of these issues.
Haden - Dec 14, 2023
Hi Gretel, many thanks for your detailed reply. I would agree that the nasal swabs have caused some issues and my opinion is that they work with The 5G Radar Weapon System but obviously it's no where near as bad as the injections, infact it's quite mild in comparison. My view on Long Covid is vaccine injury. May I ask how old you are? Are your friends that have suffered more, vaccinated or are they around vaccinated people? Sorry for all the questions.
Sam - Dec 13, 2023
Beneath the Surface with S.M. C…
Sean, Dr. Levy put out a couple of articles recently on treating PSP (persistent spike protein syndrome)/long haul covid and one on cardiomyopathy dealing with toxins and mitochondrial energy which mentions MB. You may find them useful.
S.M. Carson - Dec 14, 2023
Beneath the Surface with S.M. C…
Thanks Sam!!
Smurf - Dec 13, 2023
Smurf - Dec 13, 2023
Patti’s Substack
Sean how do you determine the dosage? Is 10mg 1 drop? How much water?
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Dec 13, 2023
Patti’s Substack
Read the book...The Ultimate Book on Methylene Blue by Mark Sloan. Answers are there.
Diana G - Dec 14, 2023
Diana G
I just ordered this on Thriftbooks. Thanks!
Fayanne - Dec 13, 2023
That book is also available on AUDIBLE
S.M. Carson - Dec 13, 2023
Beneath the Surface with S.M. C…
Usually .5/mg per drop. I do 20 drops BID. I use about 6 oz of water but that's just me.
Smurf - Dec 13, 2023
Beneath the Surface with S.M. C…
How often?
S.M. Carson - Dec 14, 2023
Beneath the Surface with S.M. C…
twice daily
John Vargo - Dec 13, 2023
John Vargo
Comment removed.
John Vargo - Dec 14, 2023
John Vargo
I went with,
S.M. Carson - Dec 14, 2023
Beneath the Surface with S.M. C…
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Dec 13, 2023
Patti’s Substack
No generally depending on dropper size 1 drop equals one half milligram.
Smurf - Dec 13, 2023
S.M. Carson - Dec 14, 2023
Beneath the Surface with S.M. C…
1 drop = .5mg
Haden - Dec 13, 2023
Hi Sean, can you explain this freak encounter in 2022? Thanks
Haden - Dec 13, 2023
A freak encounter with what???
S.M. Carson - Dec 14, 2023
Beneath the Surface with S.M. C…
Obviously, SARS-CoV-2.
The freak encounter is that I was holed up in a very very isolated part of rural Western Montana, a 40 minute drive from a small town in a pristine wilderness. Zero EMF or microwave radiation, pure spring water, no chemtrails.
We had a man come out to work on some of the log cabin insulation on January 7th 2022. The man showed up sick with a fever and later we found out he had a positive PCR test (yes not all PCR tests are valid but likewise not all PCR tests are invalid. Coupled with being uniquely symptomatic = positive).
This person spent 4 hours with our ranch manager. We all played board games together (the 5 of us living there) and our ranch manager came down with a bad fever that night. He was previously extremely healthy, robust, and had been living a clean yogic lifestyle for years. The night after that the rest of us came down with fevers, and I had pre-treated myself with Ivermectin and iodine nasal rinses.
After that I had the worst acute illness of my life. It's worth noting that in the previous ten years, I had treated 24,000 patients, many of them sick in the wintertime, and I only had gotten sick once in 2013. I don't get sick. SO, what happened in Montana was bizarre and the symptoms matched the bizarre symptoms of SARS-CoV2 which I had never experienced in my life previously: total loss of taste and smell for weeks; crushing fatigue; lung issues (something I've never had in my life); night fevers. It lasted for MONTHS. And I have never fully recovered. It seems to have also altered my gut microbiome in a negative way so that I am experiencing SIBO symptoms. SO, that's my "freak encounter." Absolutely bizarre experience in a pristine wilderness in the middle of nowhere all because some idiot showed up with a fever.....
Haden - Dec 14, 2023
Hi Sean, many thanks for the detailed explanation.
Smurf - Dec 14, 2023
Susan - Dec 13, 2023
Beneath the Surface with S.M. C…
Where do you get Methylene Blue?
S.M. Carson - Dec 14, 2023
Beneath the Surface with S.M. C…
Susan - Dec 14, 2023
Thank you. 😊
Keith Bass - Dec 13, 2023
Thank you for this report! I am unvaccinated, but a Type-1 diabetic and use Lantus and Humalog daily and would like to more about using Methylene Blue and what the benefits would be. I recently read where a Dr. who is diabetic and also uses Lantus had a vial tested by a local lab and they found MRNA crap in it. It's so crazy that they are trying to kill us from every angle. If anyone can provide any additional information on the Methylene Blue and how to use it, I would certainly appreciate it! Thanks in advance!
MarshaGail - Dec 13, 2023
Mark Sloan wrote an Xcellent book abt MB (I think his website isEndAllDisease.comor u can run his name) - Best, most consice info I've found. Off of all meds now as commented earlier! Yes they're trying2kill us on Many levels - read food labels & stay away from foods listing the bad chemicals (not allowed in Europe!) & Bioengineered Ingredients in all the food now!
Keith Bass - Dec 13, 2023
Thank you very much for the information!
Liberty Liz - Dec 13, 2023
Liberty Liz
There is a book by Mark Sloan you can get; and there is a link above in this article where Dr Thomas Levy explains what MB is and how it's been used for 100 years.
concerned about humanity - Dec 13, 2023
I have a family member that was using Lantus and switched to Tresiba because Lantus has a pH that is a 4, very acidic, and Tresiba is 7 pH like our body. This nanotech works in low pH. Everything that counteracts it has a higher pH, hence, EDTA, is a form of sodium, vitamin C is not but both are alkaline/ash forming in the blood. ALSO, if you read the package inserts Lantus talks about these crystals forming but Tresiba works differently. Hopefully you can switch and this will help I hope and pray for you.
Andy Emeramide - Dec 15, 2023
If you go to zzz media, latest: Dr. David Nixon & Karl C,... scroll to 1 hour and 33 minutes, you will hear Karl talk about how the swabs are at a ph of 10. you will see complex squares in the close up of the swab, along with ambient moving bubbles.
concerned about humanity - Dec 15, 2023
There is so much not totally known. Swabs might be different than a body. I have the actual Lantus insulin and insert but have never had actual swabs. Lantus is Sanofi and Sanofi helped produce COVID vaccines, so for that reason right there, I would switch if possible. Also Dr. Mihalcea has talked about the crystals in this article which I was aware of last year but did not know they could be harming my family member. Switching from Lantus to a different company and different acting insulin is going to be better in general because of the higher pH for the body and the Dr. likes it better. So if the opportunity to switch is afforded, given these facts, who would not switch? My family members blood looked clean under darkfield microscopy and the family member has been on many natural things for an autoimmune condition that I am speculating are helping keep the blood clean. I am sure there are so many scientific factors unknown. So many different scenarios when testing things. This, for us, is where faith comes in. Obviously, nobody can control everything or figure everything out themselves or at all. We do our best to stand, ( doing everything we can in our control) and then we stand in faith and live.
Heidi - Dec 14, 2023
paskalka’s Substack
My grandson is also type one diabetic and taking Humalog and Lantis daily. Where do you buy methylene blue? I wonder if it’s something you can put inside capsules? I buy veggie caps and put other medication’s like black cumin seed oil in because I don’t like the taste.
AudioSK - Dec 15, 2023
paskalka’s Substack
You can find M.B. online at Amazon. Mix a teaspoon of sodium ascorbate in an inch of water and then drop the M.B. into the glass to remove the blue color. Then the drink will not stain the tongue and teeth.
concerned about humanity - Dec 15, 2023
paskalka’s Substack
My dentist tested the dental anesthetics himself and found the nanotech in all he tested. He recommended methylene blue and I am new to this so your information is very helpful, thank you.
paskalka - Dec 20, 2023
paskalka’s Substack
hi your dentist sounds like the one I would like! how did he recommend to take it ? topically ? I have to go soon...massive toothache...and the whole going to the dentist thing now is not reassuring!
Caroline Dent - Dec 28, 2023
I also take lantus and would like to know how to take the methylene blue
Caroline Dent - Dec 28, 2023
How many drops ?
AudioSK - Dec 28, 2023
I am with you on this - the number of drops and method for deactivation of nano in insulin is unknown. But for general use and detoxification, Mark Sloan suggests starting orally with 10 drops, 2x a day, totaling 10mg in week 1, and graduating to 30 drops, 2x a day, totaling 30mg in week 3. These are all oral doses, in water.
Personally, I found that initial amount too much, so I began with a single drop and moved up to 5 drops, 1x a day in week 1. I had no negative reaction to 10 drops in the morning later on, but I avoided evening doses, as I've heard that it can cause insomnia. P.S. I am also an insulin user (Novolog).
Dubbie - Feb 11, 2024
thanks i have some was wondering how much to take. do you know how long you need to take it for? thanks
Caroline Dent - Dec 28, 2023
Thanks for the info. I’m going to try and switch from Lantus to Triseba after reading this
MarshaGail - Dec 13, 2023
Was on 13 prescriptions - docs said I'd haf2take 'em4the rest of my life. Always felt miserable &depressed. Took a deep dive n2 natural health/remedies & Slowly began titrating down then replacing rxs. Been using MB, ACV w/mother & all Natural vitamins, enzymes, minerals, etc with No fillers. Use only distilled water & natural sugars (date syrup, agave, sucanat). Also read all food labels & Dumped processed foods & Everything listing Bioengineered Ingredients🤬 Feeling Better Than I Ever Have. God gave us Everything We Need2Heal Ourselves we just haf2Leave theMatrix & do our own research👊 Love Your Articles, Insights & Dedication❣️⭐️
Kathy M. - Dec 13, 2023
Kathy M.
I too am also a long term admirer of Dr. Thomas E. Levy. I'm overjoyed to find I am in such good company! I remember being curled up with his book "Rapid Virus Recovery" during covid. I just finished watching the two methylene blue interviews he did.
Vinnie - Dec 13, 2023
Dr. M. My theory is that these substances have been in place in many, many 'medicinal substances' for years...It took the shutdown for someone as talented as yourself to continue to pursue the contaminants. After willingly submitting to 'Botox' injections for about 5 years, and then having debilitating tummy was not too difficult to connect the dots...with the substances used...figured it took time to work its way into the digestive tract....I do recall that snake venom was also something used in the 'botox' style serums Dr.'s were injecting to willing vain, and ignorant subjects like myself. Thank you for your continued research and sharing your findings FREE OF CHARGE...much appreciated.
Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - Dec 13, 2023
Thymus Cures Newsletter
Eternally grateful for your work Dr. Mihalcea.
Thank you.
gertieA - Dec 13, 2023
I take MB most days- just 2-3 drops in the back of my mouth- a wash it down fast. About once a week I try 5-10 drops- I do feel light headed for about 5 minutes about 2 hours after- but otherwise no side effects. I also take a break from it one to two days a week. It has helped my brain fog and fatigue for sure- It helped my husband's breathing after three days of just taking a few drops.
gertieA - Dec 13, 2023
Also, despite the darkness hanging over this world- most days my mood is pretty good- I think that partially has to be from the MB and red light tx. I have been taking MB with red light for 4 months now - no real negative side effects and I am pretty sensitive to most anything.
OD - Dec 13, 2023 - Edited
Dear Dr Ana, is there are MB supplements available from different companies and they are not the same... i wonder if you may have a favorite MB brand ? dosage how to take it ? I would rather not have blue teeth... how does one get MB in powder ? thank you
Sam - Dec 13, 2023 - Edited
I use 4 drops Biopharm USP grade 1% soln in 8oz RO water. Got it off eBay. It's about $28.00/60ml bottle. To alleviate the color, I add about a tsp of Vit C crystals and stir till nearly clear.
Biopharm Methylene Blue 1% - USP Grade for Humans
Ultra-Pure USP Grade Formaldehyde Free Methylene Blue
1 Drop contains 0.5 mg Methylene Blue
3rd Party Analytical Laboratory Verified Levels of Arsenic (As), Cadmium (Cd), Copper (Cu), Mercury (Hg), Lead (Pb), Selenium (Se), Tin (Sn), Zinc (Zn)
See Photos for Certificates of Analyses
BPA-Free High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) plastic bottle with dropper top for easy dispensing
Another link to different product with interesting info and scientific refs:
MarshaGail - Dec 13, 2023
Mark Sloan wrote an Xcellent book on MB that outlines everything very well. (EndAllDisease.comI believe is his website). I drink sev drops in my cold herbal tea daily - as commented above - & never have probs with blue teeth or eyes, just a blue tinge 2my urine - But No More prescription drugs or health issues!
Lisa - Dec 13, 2023
There are companies that make suppositories. MitoZen.
MarshaGail - Dec 13, 2023
Not4me! I like things quick, simple & tested!
Kathy M. - Dec 13, 2023
Kathy M.
In this video Dr. Marik will explain what powder to get.
There is some discussion of the "blue dye in the mouth" issue in these videos:
Hannahlehigh - Dec 13, 2023 - Edited
I just looked up Methylene Blue and it does have warnings and side effects. I'll just stick to my regular supplements and besides Im not jabbed and avoid jabbed people.
Stan Mrak - Dec 13, 2023 - Edited
The nanotechnology in the jabs sheds between everyone, vaxxd or unvaxxd. Look up Dr. Ana's other articles on this. We are all being infected.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Dec 13, 2023
Patti’s Substack
Margie the only way to avoid this weapon is to not breathe, not drink water and not eat food. I have not seen clean blood among the non vaxed for many months now. Even my own!
Liberty Liz - Dec 13, 2023
Liberty Liz
Does that mean you've also never had any dental work? Or a steroid (joint) injection? If you have, you've been "mRNA" injected. Or have you ever eaten pork or gone outside? Etc. Everyone needs to do what they feel is right for their situation; but having accurate information, from reliable sources, when you make that decision is paramount.
Piotr Bein - Dec 13, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Non-pork meat is ok then?
Liberty Liz - Dec 13, 2023
Liberty Liz
Well, it appears so, for now, esp local grass-fed, organically-raised meats; although "they're" saying "they" want to start injecting cattle with mRNA generation therapy injections. (Ironically, "they" want to get rid of ALL meat for their fake climate agenda, so maybe this is how they'll destroy any renaining farms.)
Many cattle farmers said they will reject this practice of injecting mRNA into their herds; but, who knows. With the psychopaths running this clown show we find ourselves in, it may be best to get to know a local farmer and buy your meat from someone who raises grass-fed animals organically. Given that they've been injecting pork since 2018 (without our knowledge), trust is definitely an issue.
John Vargo - Dec 14, 2023
John Vargo
Even then you still get thechemtrails.Organicto me means no glyphosate.
Leslie Benjamini #🟦 - Dec 13, 2023
Leslie Benjamini #🟦
That’s kind of the way I look at it. I feel quite well & am unjabbed.
Alan Tan - Dec 13, 2023
Alan’s Substack
Do you but yr supplements off the counter or from reputable distributors?
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Dec 13, 2023
Patti’s Substack
It's been safely used by millions in the past.
Kimberly Williams - Dec 13, 2023
Did you see Karl C is having success with sodium citrate?
VJCBingham - Dec 13, 2023
Begging the favor of a reply - A friend is about to submit to a surgery. With all the clear and present danger of tainted anesthetics, is there:
1) An anesthetic she can request that is 'clean'?
2) IS Methylene Blue (or Chlorine Dioxide) sufficient to clean the blood - after the fact?
Asking for a good friend..
MarshaGail - Dec 13, 2023
Check out Mark Sloans Xcellent book on MB on his I'm 70 & Dumped my doc + 13 awful prescriptions & 4the 1st time in my life am healthy! Namaste.
VJCBingham - Dec 13, 2023
Nicole - Dec 13, 2023
Are you open to sharing details? Would love to help my mom get off all the drugs big pharma has her on. The doc just says it’s keeping you alive so that scares her into just staying the course. She thinks it was the jabs that did it but hard to know as heart disease runs in the family 🤔🤷🏼♀️
MarshaGail - Dec 14, 2023
It is a highly individual process based on her history, symptoms, diagnostics & needs. One must be cognizant of side-effects & contraindications even with vitamins, minerals, enzymes, herbs, natural remedies, etc). I began my search by finding out specifically what the prescribed rx was to address & then searched "alternative treatments-remedies" on many sites including the National Inst. Of Health+Library, books on specific health issues, homeopathic/herbal/vitamin/nutrititional sites, etc. I watched specific vids & went2 sites like GreenMed, Cures, EarthClinic, etc. 4instance I was dx'd w/atherosclerosis & after researching found that GrapeSeed Extract capsules, krill oil & garlic were a good fit 4me. 4hypothyroid issues I found that SeaMoss would work well4me along w/cpl iodine drops daily. Garlic pills reduced my hypertension; & I always carry cayenne pepper xtract should i have another heart attack or stroke. I found that unprocessed salt & foods were more healthy, vitamins without fillers & distilled water with a pinch of sea salt to remineralize it eliminated Fluoride which was a Huge plus healthwise. Our foods have many toxic ingredients that truly contribute 2our health issues - eliminating those can make a big difference. Our "meds" v often have serious side-effects creating worsening conditions & one must wonder if they're designed 2make us dependent upon even more "meds".(!) There r Many "taboo" natural remedies worth looking n2 that are incredibly viable 4many health probs, e.g. 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide, MB, DMSO, colloidal silver, pine needle tea & apple cider vinegar with Mother is an amazing cure. What I found is that theMedical Industrial Complex actually killed off Natural Practioners (many died even recently mysteriously) years ago bc they effected CURES. I also discovered that s/times it's as simple as adding Vitamin D³, a particular nutrient or digestive enzyme, etc & noting that the RDA is often 2low/nebulous. It isn't One thing usually that returns us 2good health but a combination. Also stay away from processed sugar - use date syrup, agave, sucanat or even cane sugar if u must & I no longer consume cokes since they now have graphiteNthem☹️. Bioengineered Ingredients r now Rampant so reading labels is impt. Did u know that a lot of our white rice includes plastics. Did u know microwaving food completely destroys any nutrients? Take 3plants - water one with microwaved water, one with tap (fluoride🤬) & one with distilled water & watch what happens. Between our bad foods/additives (which are most often banned in other countries) & "meds" it is no wonder we are getting sicker. SooooMuch more2say but this is a start. Namaste.
MarshaGail - Dec 14, 2023
And, also!! It's impt 2understand that as we age there r Many compounds, vitamins, minerals, etc that our bodies need2function well but we r no longer able 2produce. Those deficiencies can have profound effects (look up effects of not enuf B-complex, Magnesium, D³, etc, s/times a simple mineral can cure an ailment!
Nicole - Dec 18, 2023
Thank you this is awesome!! 💕🙏🏻
MarshaGail - Dec 14, 2023
Also! It is always good2consult a Natural Healer whenever possible & try2work with current doc if they're willing (most aren't) 2Carefully & Slowly titrate down with any med & not stop taking suddenly. Read, Search & Research!
Sam - Dec 14, 2023
Hi Nicole, If your Mom has cardiomyopathy you may be interested to read Dr. Levy's article titled "Heart Failure or Therapy Failure?
Toxins Cause Cardiomyopathy"
It's a bit technical and long. Part of the length are the 258 refs at the end. Dr. Levy is associated with the Riordan Clinic in Kansas. If you wish to investigate them here's one link:
Another heart Doc is Dr. Jack Wolfson aka the natural heart doctor. He's an advocate for helping folks to reduce or completely get off their big pharma meds. This should be done via a qualified Doc's care as you shouldn't just abrubtly stop some of the meds.
I first became interested in him as I was researching A-Fib as my Mom had it. If your Mom is on blood thinners care must be taken as some foods and nutrients can affect the meds effects.
Nicole - Dec 18, 2023
Thank you so much! Will check out the links 🙏🏻
Kathy M. - Dec 13, 2023
Kathy M.
Search FLCCC Methylene Blue and get lots of hits! Here are some notes I took from Dr. Ana's posts: The following DO NOT work against the clot: glutathione, and ALA. These DO work against the clot: methylene blue chelation, EDTA chelation, Vitamin C (probably chelation). Most likely "chelation" means the intravenous administration. I don't see where she has mentioned Chlorine Dioxide.
Alan Tan - Dec 13, 2023
Alan’s Substack
I think Chlorine dioxide is ban by Fda, like Hcq and Ivy, no doctors were allowed to use it. Only the former is still ban and there must be something in it that helps detoxing the jab
Barney “-” Rubble - Dec 13, 2023
I agree, when innocent people are in jail for giving it out for free then it is obviously doing harm to the big pharma psychopaths!. I take it every other day and its fantastic!. Got rid of my eczema, cleans my smoker's lungs (herbal) and I haven't been ill for years! All the best in your pursuit of full health .
John Vargo - Dec 14, 2023
John Vargo
Wouldn't be without it
VJCBingham - Dec 13, 2023
I use it all the time; cured myself of Chronic Fatigue, lumps disappeared from my body, cured my dog of Lyme Disease, and am doing a cleanse right now with CD. It's truly a remarkable element.
Kathy M. - Dec 13, 2023
Kathy M.
Thank you. I need to go back to square one on Chlorine dioxide!
Evelyn - Dec 13, 2023
Kathy M.
I use it nearly everyday. Lots of groups in Telegram explaining how to make it using just the two drops activated or gassing it off to make CDS. It cleaned my body of jab toxins.
Kathy M. - Dec 13, 2023
Kathy M.
That's great. Thanks.
Margie Chism - Dec 13, 2023
Margie Chism
"DISA releases new electromagnetic spectrum capability to enhance modern warfighting" ■ By the Office of Strategic Communications and Public Affairs
December 7, 2023
The Defense Information Systems Agency announced the release of the initial features for Electromagnetic Battle Management – Joint, or EMBM-J, Dec. 6, which improves the U.S. military’s situational awareness of the electromagnetic spectrum, or EMS, considered a modern-day battle space that spans the air, land, sea, space and cyberspace domains.
EMBM-J Situational Awareness is a minimum viable capability release, or the first iteration of the tool. The cloud-based platform, which aligns with Combined Joint All Domain Command and Control, integrates a range of electromagnetic spectrum capabilities and functions into one system that seamlessly gathers and arranges data into a single visual display.
EMBM-J implements a common data layer, allowing it to be interoperable with service-specific EMS systems like the Army’s Electromagnetic Warfare Planning & Management Tool, the Marine Corps’ Spectrum Services Framework, and the Navy’s Real Time Spectrum Operations.
“Effective use of the electromagnetic spectrum is essential for successful military operations,” said U.S. Air Force Brig. Gen. Ann-Marie Anthony, Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operation Center director. “This system is crucial for the full integration and visualization of spectrum operations.”
DISA, through its Program Executive Office – Spectrum, partnered closely with U.S. Strategic Command to develop EMBM-J. The two will continue developing the capability to enhance its analytical features and ability to identify and address any EMS issues that could affect a commander's decision-making.
Chief Wolf - Dec 13, 2023
Chief’s Substack
John Vargo - Dec 14, 2023
John Vargo
Robert Yoho, MD - Dec 13, 2023
Surviving Healthcare
I have followed you with interest. Here are critical ideas:1) there are rumors that these bots or whatever they are can be destroyed with magnetic (neodymium or electromagnetic) or other electrical pulses from outside the body. They say that the same tech would inactivate a cellphone. My electrical engineer friends have no idea about killing a cellphone, much less this. 2) Kalcker says chlorine dioxide (CD) inactivates them or somehow compromises them. I have no confirmation of this from other sources. This is a strong lead. See my post for general background about CD:
Das Raciss - Dec 13, 2023
Dr. Ana, have you ever watched any videos from this lady, Sabrina Wallace?
Liberty Liz - Dec 13, 2023
Liberty Liz
Excellent information, as always. Thank you for your tireless work and focus on solutions; AND for your open-mindedness for exploring therapeutic agents against these demonic "agents" being used against humanity. Your contribution and commitment to the pursuit of real health, as defined by the Hippocratic Oath, are truly priceless. Thank you, also, for the link to the Levy article, which provided some good insight into the uses and potential dosing of MB, as well as a clear explanation of MB's (vs Vit C IV) therapeutic properties. You truly are a bright, shining star of hope in these days of darkness. May you be richly blessed for your endeavors.
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