Darkfield Microscopy of Lantus and Humalog Shows Self Assembly Hydrogel

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 27, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Image: Self assembly Hydrogel with video capture of self assembled Quantum Dots and Nanorobots Lantus Insulin - same activity as in previous Lantus Solostar and C19 injection documented

In this video, I investigate a vial of Lantus Insulin and a vial of Humalog. This was the Insulin that my colleague Dr. Joseph Sansone sent to me.

The findings are summarized in this video.

Darkfield Microscopy of Lantus and Humalog Shows Self Assembly Hydrogel

Humalog Images - Filament development

Here are my previous investigations:

Darkfield Microscopy of Lantus Insulin Shows Self Assembly Hydrogel And Same Nanorobotic Features As In C19 Bioweapon
Hydrogel In Injectable Medications - Dexamethasone, Insulin, Benadryl, Lidocaine

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FreedomFighter - Jul 27, 2023


The last 3 years have presented us with many hard to believe situations. As if injecting people with
bioweapons wasn't hard enough to comprehend and believe, we are now confronted with the knowledge that drugs meant to keep us alive and healthy are tainted and killing us or seriously injuring us. The smart advice is to not accept any injectable "medicines" and to stay away from medical pills and liquids, unless you are dying, in which case it doesn't much matter. If you are not safe with medicine, likely you're not safe with what you are eating, drinking and breathing. The servants of the devil inflicting this catastrophe on mankind must be identified and eliminated. Thank you Dr. Mihalcea for putting yourself at risk for the benefit of us all.

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Michelle - Jul 27, 2023


It’s been difficult for me to keep up with all of the research coming out because of other complications in life, but I was wondering if you have any thoughts on whether epidurals for laboring mothers may be compromised, as well.
I can only assume they are, but worry for expectant mothers whom I know, and especially my daughter-in-law, who is due in a few months.

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