Massive Nano and Microrobot Activity In Pfizer BioN Tech COVID19 injection After 5 Weeks At Room Temperature - Fluorescent Aggregates Found - Darkfield Microscopy

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 15, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Image: Pfizer BioN Tech COVID19 injection filament with microchips and microrobots 5 weeks on slide with cover. Magnification 2000x. AM Medical

It was on September 9th that I did the testing and microscopy on the Pfizer BioN Tech COVID19 injection.

Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 Injection 6 Days Left On Slide At Room Temperature - Comparison To COVID19 Unvaccinated Live Blood Affected by Shedding - Darkfield Microscopy

Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 Solution Builds Mesogen Microchips When Left At Room Temperature. Exactly What We See In COVID Unvaccinated Blood From Shedding. Two Week Follow Up

Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 Bioweapon: Self Assembled Liposomes After 2 Weeks At Room Temperature. Correlations To COVID19 Vaccinated Embalmed Blood And Unvaccinated Live Blood - Its All The Same!

Breaking News: Calcium Disodium EDTA +Vitamin C Deactivates Nano/Microrobots And Dissolves All Microchips In Pfizer COVID19 "Vaccine"- Darkfield Microscopy

Today, almost 5 weeks later, I looked at the slide that had the COVID solution on it - as I wanted to follow what has self assembled over time and determine the activity of nano and microrobots. In the video below you see the tiny robots swarming and building hydrogel solid materials on the side of a micellar structure.


Video: Pfizer BioN Tech COVID19 injection nano and microbots have created hydrogel islands. 5 weeks on slide with cover. Magnification 2000x. AM Medical

The activity was so small, it required 4000x magnification with Oil Objective. On that magnification the massive ongoing activity is seen.


Video: Pfizer BioN Tech COVID19 injection nano and microbots. 5 weeks on slide with cover. Magnification 4000x. AM Medical

Here is another video of the movement on this microscopic scale. It illustrates how the nano and micro scale can cause movement and assembly of structures thousands of times larger than the original builders.


Video: Pfizer BioN Tech COVID19 injection nano and microbots. 5 weeks on slide with cover. Magnification 4000x. AM Medical

In this video you can see how these tiny nano/microrobots can move large conglomerates of materials. In other studies with Lantus Insulin I showed how large hydrogel Islands, possibly contributing to the rubbery clot formation are being self assembled.

Darkfield Microscopy of Lantus Insulin Shows Self Assembly Hydrogel And Same Nanorobotic Features As In C19 Bioweapon


The other very interesting thing that was seen at 4000x magnification are many blue fluorescent aggregates that have an orange rim - these could not be found with smaller magnification. The reason this is of huge interest is that COVID injected people and those exposed to shedding have fluorescent blue filaments come out of their skin and orange spots on their face.

Further Darkfield Microscopy On Fluorescent Filaments Coming Out Of C19 Unvaccinated Individuals And The Orange Glowing Facial Spots - Its All Self Assembly Nanotechnology

Image: left upper COVID19 unvaccinated individual exposed to shedding has orange glowing spots and blue filaments coming out of their skin seen under UV light. Left lower and right: Pfizer Bio N Tech COVID19 injection 5 weeks Magnification 4000x.

Image: Left and right: Pfizer Bio N Tech COVID19 injection 5 weeks Magnification 4000x.

Many microchips were still found - it seemed like some disassembly had occured over the 5 weeks but I could still find many of the previously assembled microchips.

Image: Left and right: Pfizer Bio N Tech COVID19 injection 5 weeks Microchips Magnification 2000x.

Image: Pfizer Bio N Tech COVID19 injection 5 weeks Microchips Magnification 4000x.

Image: Pfizer Bio N Tech COVID19 injection 5 weeks Microchips Magnification 4000x.

Other wire like structures had assembled that I did not see previously like this, connecting different microchips.

Image: Pfizer Bio N Tech COVID19 injection 5 weeks Microchips and nano/microwires Magnification 2000x.

Other areas had microchip mesogens and high micellar density with some chip like structures.

Image: Pfizer Bio N Tech COVID19 injection 5 weeks left mesogen Magnification 2000x. Right micelles and microchip structures with microrobots. Magnification 400x

Filament construction out of the micelles was noted.

Image: Pfizer Bio N Tech COVID19 injection 5 weeks. left filament assembled. Magnification 4000x. Right assembly in process out of micellar microbots. Magnification 2000x.


Nano and microrobots can sustain at room temperature under a slide cover with no external energy source and continue to self assemble structures. The slides were stored in a locked storage space with no light, electricity, Wifi exposure. With 4000x magnification multiple aggregates of fluorescent blue structures with orange rims are seen which have not previously been observed. This happens to be the colors of the blue filaments coming from people’s body and the orange facial glow seen under UV light.

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juan - Oct 15

We must pray and ask God for help from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob so that we can face this problem of nanorobots,
Matthew 7:8 PDT
For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks at the door it will be opened.

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Leslie Beau - Oct 16

Amazing research and video clips. Terrifying.

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